Magic Dance Song

Chapter 5 is the most favorite. Huan. Alicena

"Is the shade lemon a magician?" Emma Buride's face showed surprise. She stood straight there, unconsciously tapping the bone whip hidden in her thigh with her right index finger.

"Yes," Bryant replied in a low voice, although from her skills, she is just a low-cost magician who has just stepped into the field of magic. But behind her, there was another much smarter person, who defeated everyone I brought with just a simple lightning technique.

Emma meditated: "The last time I attacked that little girl, a man used a wide range of magic on the mountain..."

"I guess that's the one who secretly helped Meng Miqina," Bryant said. "I'm afraid it was also the one who taught her magic."

Emma walked back and forth annoyingly before saying coldly, "You should wait for me to come back, instead of acting by yourself."

"I'm worried about missing the opportunity," Bryant lowered his head. "I thought I would never miss it. After all, they are just two little girls."

Two little girls! Yes, two, one is Lemon Mikina, and the other is Anna Sue," Emma sneered, "that's the point. Bryant, you should be glad that you failed. In fact, you almost made an irreparable mistake.

Bryant looked at her again and didn't understand what she meant.

"There is a new order from above," Emma said lightly. "They asked me to stop caring about Meng Miqi, because now it's useless to kill her. She has officially become the hostess of Longenburg."

"It's impossible," Bryant was stunned. "This is not common sense. She is not 16 years old yet."

"But this is a fact," a trace of resentment flashed on Emma's face. "The bitch of Sophia didn't know what means she used to let Bishop Sarai sign a document with her. It was that that confirmed that Lemon Mikina had officially became the new owner of Longenburg."

"I didn't expect that Sophia was more difficult to deal with than she thought," Bryant sighed, and then looked at Emma doubtfully. "Even so, it's just that the life and death of Meng Mikina temporarily became irrelevant..."

"The irreparable mistake I made refers not to the girl Yin Meng, but the other girl beside her," Emma said. "The girl named Anna Sue found in the investigation that she was actually a student of Urenos, the saint of light."

"Urenos, who was a palace theologian?" Bryant's face changed slightly, and then sneered, "So what? Urenos had lost his magic before he was kicked out of the court. At most, he is just a bad old man with nowhere to live.

"That's what I think," Emma was also a little puzzled. "But the superior ordered us not to hurt Anna Su anyway."

"They didn't say why?"

"They didn't say," Emma sneered, "but I'm not a fuel-efficient lamp, and naturally I also have my sources. It's just that things seem strange. My informant told me that Sophia had been secretly monitoring her because she was worried that they would destroy their arrangement in the royal city, but instead, they found out an action that she and Urenos were planning, and Anna Su was a key figure in their operation. What puzzled me was that the superiors seemed to be very interested in their actions and decided to help them secretly.

"Do you know what the action is?" Bryant couldn't help but be a little curious.

"Ghosts know." Emma said angrily. She is not a person who likes to think, and she has been tired of these messy clues for a long time.

"However, if you can't get the part of the mountain mine belonging to Longenburg, won't you worry that the whole plan will be affected?" Bryant asked.

After a pause, Emma slowly replied, "At the beginning, I also wanted to ask this question. But now, I have figured it out that... they are treating me and my father as fools.

Briant looked at her in astonishment.

"The plan they revealed to us is probably not true," Emma sneered. "They must have another plan in which my father and I are just a trivial pawn. This also explains why they didn't stop Sophia from helping Meng inherit Longenburg, because for them, my father and I can complete the part they arranged. Even if they fail, it doesn't have much impact on them, even... even..."

"Even, they have been using the Burid family as an abandoned son from the beginning?" Bryant said what Emma was worried about.

Emma didn't say anything. Whether she guessed wrong or not, she and her father could no longer get off the boat.


Outside Longenbao, more than a dozen soldiers held wooden sticks and used the cooperation of the array to chase and intercept Yin Lemon, but Yin Lemon used various magic such as shadow doors and slowness to pull away and attack, constantly changing positions while using the gap to make these soldiers unconscious or fix them one by one.

Leis looked aside and couldn't help nodding: "Her progress is indeed great. At the beginning, it still feels like a headless fly, but after these days of special training, her understanding and application of tactics have become more and more perfect. It's as if someone has been guiding her."

Alina listened with a smile. She didn't know much about magic, but when she saw that the lemon could make these dozen soldiers dizzy, she still couldn't help but be proud of the child.

After trapping the last two soldiers with cobwebs, Yang Meng clapped her hands and jumped out of the center of the fallen soldiers, in high spirit.

Lius came to her and said, "Let me compare with you."

"Are you alone?" The lemon is full of confidence now.

"I'm a red star knight," Lyce smiled. "Don't underestimate any knight."

"Then come on." The shade lemon was moved to the open space.

Lyce stood opposite her with a sword and looked refreshed. Meng felt that he didn't take himself too seriously and felt a little annoyed. But she still added a few protections to herself first. Although Leis may not hurt her, adding a layer of stone skin surgery is not a bad thing, and mirror shadow has to be added. Then, she suddenly opened a shadow door, jumped in directly, and quietly jumped out from behind Lyce. This move is always very effective, because she can cast spells silently. As long as she hides outside the other party's perspective, she can often fly away before the other party pays attention to her.

But this time it didn't work. As soon as she jumped out of the Shadow Gate, she found that Lyce had already turned around and still faced her directly. She tried several more times, but no matter which direction she jumped, Leis could always stand one step in advance, leaving her not even a chance to attack.

"What's going on?" Meng couldn't help asking from the bottom of her heart.

The little fairy answered her through conscious transmission somewhere: "Basically, every knight has learned the course to deal with the magician. Although the shadow door is silent, it will still cause a slight air vibration at the moment you jump out, and he finds your position in an instant with this."

Then you don't need the shadow door. Yin Meng first added an illusion to herself, let a residual shadow stay in place, and she hid and moved quietly. However, Leis was not deceived by her illusion at all. Wherever she moved, his eyes followed, until the effect of the illusion began to disappear. When she came out, Lyce was still looking at her with a smile.

I can only fight with him face to face, Meng Meng thought.

"No," the little fairy said urgently. "It's the stupidest thing to face a knight directly."

The yin lemon is too lazy to pay attention to her. She doesn't want to consume it slowly. With a gesture, she brushed the ground and threw a fireball over. However, Leis suddenly rushed to her and rolled on the ground on the way. He not only avoided the flame caused by the bursting of the fireball, but also accelerated the speed with the impact. Ying Meng was shocked, turned around and jumped, and gestured anxiously, barely got a shadow door and jumped in before Lyce caught up with her.

This time, she jumped out as far as she could. As soon as she stepped on the ground, she immediately cast a spell and threw a black fog before Lyes approached her again. Seeing that Lyis was covered in the black fog, she quickly threw another greasy technique in, and then made a shadow door to change her position. After jumping out of the shadow door, she saw that Leis still had not escaped from the black fog, so she was relieved. She threw a fireball in one after another, and then threw a stone collapse, seven rainbow light, wind wheel chopping... As long as she could think of the range magic, she would throw it over.

It's a little fierce, but I'll see how you can escape!

"Idiot." The little fairy commented in her mind.

"Well, he's a little idiot."

"I'm talking about you." The little fairy sneered.

Why me? Lemon shade wants to ask.

But there is no need to ask. Someone patted her on the shoulder behind her, and she subconsciously turned around and saw the Red Star Knight standing straight in front of her.

As a magician, if you are close to the other party and raise your hands, you can give yourself a hug. What else should you hit? What's more, she just threw attack magic and didn't notice that the stone skin and mirror shadow on her body had been invalid for a long time.

"It's a little fierce," Leix crossed the head of the shade and looked at the empty land that became miserable after the black fog dispersed. He smiled and shook his head, "But it's still a little less experience."

"How did he do it?" Meng asked secretly in her heart.

"You cover him with darkness, but forget that the black fog also blocks your sight. As long as he runs in the opposite direction, finds a place to hide, and then he can watch you play monkey tricks." The little fairy replied.

"..." Meng felt that she really failed.

"What he said is not wrong. You are too short of practical experience now." The little fairy said, "It's not a big deal that you can defeat the soldiers just now. Those soldiers have neither magicians nor priests, nor have the knowledge of fighting against magicians. They can't effectively counter your magic. But you can't only encounter such enemies. How to deal with enemies who can avoid or even counter your magic is also a skill you should master as soon as possible.

There's nothing we can do.

"That..." Meng lowered her head in front of Lyce and tried to learn from Anna's little blush and shyly around her fingers. "Lord Leis, can you give me more advice and practice with me in the future?"

Pretting to be cute to a man... It's disgusting.

"I'd be happy to help you." Leis took a step back, gracefully knelt down on one knee and took her little hand and kissed her.

"Thank you." Meng withdrew her hand with a red face and made a lovely curtsey to him.

It's getting more and more disgusting...


That night, when the sky turned dark outside, the castle was already quiet. Yin Meng hugged the sleeping pillow and walked into Alina's room.

Alina's room is always filled with a faint fragrance of flowers. She is half lying at the head of the bed, looking at the book in her hand by the candlelight by the bed. The yellow curtains have been pulled up, and together with the milky white wall, it emits a soft breath under the reflection of candlelight. There is a bookshelf next to the curtains. The books on the bookshelf are neat and clean, and no dust can be found.

Inmon sat on the edge of the bed with a sleeping pillow in her arms, trying to see what book Alice was holding in her hand, but it blocked the candlelight and could not see a word.

"Can't you sleep?" Alina put down the book and touched her head.

The lemon nodded.

Alina leaned in and let the lemon lie with her **.

"Anna is asleep?" Alice asked.

Yinemon hummed.

Alina hugged her with one hand and let her half lean on herself. The girl was quiet for a long time, making Alice think that she had gradually fallen asleep. However, when she looked down, she saw that Meng was still open and looked up at her side face.

"Alina..." Theemon called her gently.

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you so kind to me?"

"Stupid child." Alina rubbed the girl's hair with a smile, "What's the reason for liking a good child?"

"Isn't it necessary?"

"No need."

If you knew that I was not actually a lemon, would you still be so kind to me? The girl didn't ask. Since the death of Black Annes, she (he) began to forget the feeling of home. However, in these days in Longburg, especially when she was with Alicena, she recalled the smell of her mother.

Maybe that Black Annes really doesn't know how to take care of children. But as long as she is by her side, Meggie will always feel at ease, which is a feeling of being cared for. Even if that way of caring often scares him, in fear, Meggie will still have a sense of peace of mind protected.

Alina is also protecting herself, although she doesn't know that she is just a stranger who borrowed the girl's body; although she doesn't have much power, the feeling of being cared for and taken care of still makes Megji feel warm.

However, she can't make lemons all the time. One day, she will have to make Meji again. At that time, how sad will it be to lose her? Can you really bear to leave her like this?

Yin Meng's heart was faintly painful.

After the conflict in the forest, those who wanted to put the lemon to death never appeared again. On that day, Ziya and the little fairy secretly followed the middle-aged man and watched him disappear into a mountain inexplicably. They stayed around the mountain for a long time, and then felt that the mountain was a little suspicious. From time to time, some unknown people suddenly appeared on the mountain and suddenly disappeared. According to the position said by the little fairy, she compared the map of Longenbao and found that the mountain was a black crystal mine adjacent to the territory of Mickey.

There are several black crystal mines around there, some belonging to the Buride family and some belonging to the Mickey family.

Black crystal is an ore that does not have universal use and can usually only be used in black magic. The mining of black crystals is prohibited in the Kingdom of Fair, and the New Asia Consortium also explicitly includes black crystals as a commercial prohibited item, which makes black crystals, although rare, it basically has no commercial value in the Kingdom of Fair. After all, in this church-controlled country, smugglers are often sent to the gallows without any trial.

But Meng felt that perhaps these black crystal mines were the main reason why the Burid family tried to annex Longenburg.

She buried her head in Alina's chest and couldn't help rubbing on the plump breasts.

She has decided to join the little fairy and Qi Ya as soon as possible to find out the secrets hidden in the mine. The little fairy can only stay in her original body for the first half of the year, which means that if she can't defeat Emma Burid and return to that body during this period, the body is likely to face "death", so that she can no longer return to Meggie.

It doesn't seem to be a bad thing to be a girl and stay with Alina all the time... But what about when you grow up? She doesn't want Anna Sue, who has been imprisoned by her, to be eaten by other men. Moreover, does she have to marry a man?

This kind of thing is disgusting when you think about it.

Well, although I do use a girl's body now, but in my bones... Well, I seem to think of myself as a girl...

No, it's not...

The emon stared wide.

"Yin Lemon, what are you thinking about?" Alice asked.

"Ah, no, nothing..." Why did even his tone start to look a little like little Anna?

She moved her body and half lay on Alicena. Gradually, she was also a little sleepy and confused. She seemed to hear Alina calling her gently.

"The ha ha ha ha. Huan. Alicena." She felt as if she had a dream and then fell asleep.