Magic Dance Song

Chapter 8 Emma!

There is no light in the whole tunnel.

Yin Meng got a small photosphere and led the way ahead.

This channel turned seven times and turned eight times. Later, I couldn't know which direction I was going. Occasionally, one or two skeleton guards came out, but they were easily solved by the shade. Although rationally, she should wait until the reinforcements arrive, or at least come in with the little fairy, she can't wait at the thought that Emma might kill Anna in anger when she escapes.

Unconsciously, she entered an open space in the mine. Four round stone pillars support the top, and the ground is covered with smooth marble. An expensive gold blanket hangs on the wall, and there are several bonsai next to it.

Anna was tied with a rope and thrown into the corner, while Emma stood in the middle of the marble.

Or, a person very similar to Emma stands in the middle of the marble.

The same tall figure, the same bone whip, and even the same sneer... But the feeling for the lemon is a little different.

Theemon looked at Emma in front of her and only felt that something was missing on her body.

Emma was also staring at her, and her face did not change at all, but her tone of voice was commensurate with the anger on her face: "Yinmon Mikina, you really dare to die!"

Yinemon replied coldly, "Didn't you kill me once a long time ago?" Since I'm still alive, you may die."

"Do you want to avenge your father?" Emma's face has not changed.

"No, I want to avenge Su Li." The lemon stared at her. Meng didn't have much idea about the murder of the members of the Miqina family, but in addition, Emma Burid was still the murderer behind Su Li, which made Meng never want to let her go like this.

"Suli?" Emma was obviously surprised by Meng's answer, "Suli Fit?"

"Yes, Sully Fit." Meng whispered, "I know you sent the headless knight who killed her."

"How dare you know Su Li Feit?" Emma's eyes did not change at all, but her tone was clearly surprised, "You don't avenge your father, but you want to avenge Sully Fit... What the hell are you doing?"

The lemon is not going to answer.

"Yes, this must be the reputation made by Sophia's bitch behind her back," Emma's tone sounded extremely impatient. "There must be some trap behind this, otherwise how could she suddenly surround this place? She asked you and Anna Sue to lead me out, grabbed the evidence of my skeleton army, and then attacked here directly. It's not wrong. It must be like this... It's all made by that bitch."

"Sofia? Princess?" Only then did Meng know that it was not Leis who appeared at the foot of the mountain with the army, but Princess Sophia. Speaking of which, Su Li also had a letter to pass on to the princess, which has been with the little fairy.

"Don't tell me you don't know." Emma roared at her... although the expression on her face was still "sneer".

"Only ghosts will know such a complicated thing." The lemon roared back.

"Whh whether you know it or not, anyway, go to hell." Emma raised a bone whip.

"You should have been so straightforward." Meng threw a few magic missiles at random.

Emma sneered and did not dodge. The magic missile hit her body, but only a few wisps of smoke disappeared, causing no damage. Meng was shocked and put a few ice arrows and stone bullets, which were still useless. Emma came to her step by step, and the sneer on her face looked inexplicably strange.

What's going on? Meng retreated and continued to use magic, but it had no effect on Emma, and even auxiliary magic such as sleep cobwebs was no exception. Emma whipped her. She had to stop casting the spell and dodge desperately, but she still received a few whips. Although she had not caused any damage, the stone skin on her body had been basically broken.

"What happened?" The little fairy asked urgently in the lime's mind.

"Magic is ineffective for her." The lemon replied.

At this time, Emma's bone whip hit her body again, bringing her a hot pain. She wanted to protect herself with another layer of stone skin, but Emma was so close that she didn't give her a chance to cast spell again.

"Hung, I'm coming soon."

"I can't... hold on..." Meng's neck hurt, and Emma's bone whip had wrapped around her throat. She grabbed the bone whip and gradually became out of breath. At the same time, she felt a strange suction pulling her "consciousness" as if to tear her soul to pieces.

"Get out of that body." The little fairy sensed her crisis, "She is a necromancer and will kill your soul together."

"But, but it's temporary..."

"That end-of-life agreement is a lie to you. There is no such thing at all." The little fairy said urgently, "I'll call your soul back now."

I can't believe... lied to me...

Another force pulls the soul of the yin lemon from the other direction. Because of the strong magic contract between her and the little fairy, the power to call her back is far stronger than Emma's. Finally, Meiji's soul instantly broke away from the lemon's body and flew out.

Emma's bone whip loosened, looked at the girl unconsciously falling to the ground, and sneered, "This ability dares to oppose me. It's really looking for death."

"Lemon..." Anna, who was tied to the corner, looked at the body of the lemon and shouted sadly.


Meggie's soul continued to fly until his own body appeared in front of him, and then he saw the little fairy fly out... the little fairy with wings like a butterfly.

"Go in quickly." The little fairy waved the magic wand in her hand and sent his soul into her body. "I'll see what's going on with that Emma."

Meggie didn't have time to persuade her to be careful. Because he had been away from his body for too long, he couldn't adapt for a while. He only felt that his whole body was sore and his head was in a mess. He opened his eyes and found that he was also in the tunnel, but a little far from the hall where Emma and Anna were. He sat on the ground and gradually regained the feeling of "Meggie". Then he stood up and made a light ball for himself to illuminate.

The photosphere was successfully created, which reassured him a little. Before becoming a "yin lemon", he could not even use the most basic magic missile, which made him a little worried at first, afraid that he would not be able to use magic well when he returned to this body.

Suddenly, the whole tunnel shook, as if it were an earthquake. Then there was a series of explosions, coupled with continuous empty sound.

"What happened?" He quickly contacted the little fairy in his mind.

"I borrowed this girl's body to fight with Emma." The little fairy replied.

She entered the body of "mon"? Megsy doesn't understand. The little fairy can borrow her body because she has tampering in the magic contract signed with her, but she should not be able to enter other people's bodies except herself. After all, Free is not a demon, and even a demon can't easily break into the human body.

But on the other hand, because she has lived in the body of the shade lemon for a period of time, to some extent, the body is also "own", and the little fairy may have taken advantage of this to borrow the body of the already dead shade lemon like borrowing her own body.

I don't know what Emma Burid's expression would be when she saw that the lemon she killed stood up again.

"Don't hurt Anna." He reminded the little fairy worriedly.

The little fairy's answer was a tragic hum, and it seemed that she was in a bad situation.

"What's wrong?"

"She is also immune to my magic." The little fairy said.

"How is this possible?" Meiji was stunned. If his magic can't pose a threat to Emma, it can also be explained that his level is not enough, but the powerful magic of the little fairy borrowed from the human body has long been experienced by him.

"This is not her real body." The little fairy said.

"What do you mean?" Meiji asked. Did Emma change her body just like herself?

"This is meat. The body puppet is a kind of necromancer. She created a body that was immune to magic, and then temporarily attached her consciousness to it. Her own body must be hidden somewhere. Go and look for it.

"Where can I find it?"

"With the star compass," the little fairy replied, "I'm here to hold her back."

Meggie quickly took out the star compass.

At this time, Emma's bone whip waved faster and faster in that hall. The little fairy guessed that Emma was indeed attached to a meat that she had made with a lot of effort. On the body puppet.

Emma originally believed that she could defeat any magician with this puppet, but the girl in front of her made her extremely impatient. Last time, she clearly witnessed the death of Meng, but suddenly got the news that Meng returned to Longenbao alive. And this time, she killed the girl of Miqi's family with a bone whip, even with the blood stains on her neck.

But this strange girl actually stood up again, and her magic level advanced by leaps and bounds. Although she is not afraid of any magic for the time being, there is a time limit for the possession of the physical puppet. Although the girl in front of her was whipped by herself, with extreme terrible concentration, she was not forced to interrupt the magic she was exerting and fought back the opportunity to add magic for herself. Up to now, although Emma is still not afraid of the attack of the other party, the other party is also continuously blessing a series of defensive magic such as "stone skin", "mirror shadow" and "flame blessing", which has become a situation that no one can do anything about.

The other party can wait until Princess Sofia's army arrives, but Emma can't delay. The fact that happened tonight is a little strange, giving her a faint feeling of being betrayed. Naturally, she didn't know that the reason why Meng took Anna to search here was that someone had secretly followed Bryant. For her, whether it was the appearance of the shade lemon or Sophia's sudden siege of the mine with the army, it looked like a bureau.

No matter who planned the game behind her, she must leave as soon as possible. In the Kingdom of Fair, learning necromancer is a felony to be burned to death, not to mention that she tried to build a skeleton army. She will hurry back as soon as possible and inform her father to escape. We also want to take Anna Su away together.

According to the information Emma got earlier, this Anna Su has some value for both Sophia and "those people". As long as you take her away, whether you are really betrayed by those people or not, at least you always have one more card in your hand.

However, the damn little bitch in front of her is really too pestering. The endless and precise magic makes it difficult for her to break through her defense. Is this person really the in-the-no-no-no-do lemon Mickey in the data? Or is there actually another person hidden in her little girl's body?


On the other side, Meji took out the star compass on his body and studied it carefully. The star compass can clearly indicate the location of the user and the terrain around it.

He looked at it for a while and found that it was not just a tunnel leading directly to the hall, and there were hidden doors in some places. Under the guidance of the star compass, he came to a secret door. This secret door is mixed with the surrounding stone wall. If it is not careful, it can't be seen at all. He looked for the mechanism to open the secret door on the stone wall, but he couldn't find it, so he had to try to open the door.

The dark door is open.

Under the illumination of the light ball, he entered the secret door and began to grope forward. After a long walk, he found himself coming to a place lined with many rooms, and he could also see some people packing in a hurry, as if preparing to escape. Those people were obviously shocked when they saw him. Several people wanted to rush to him and were easily solved by him with cobweb and coma.

He grabbed a screaming maid and asked, "Where is Emma?"

"Little, Miss, just went back to her own room and room..." The maid looked scared and almost fainted immediately.

"Where is her room?"

"In, in the innermost part." The maid said in a trembling voice.

"Very good, run away now." After saying that, Meggie touched her chest by the way.

Then she fainted.

Meggie didn't have time to pay attention to her and continued to walk forward. Soon, he came to the door of a room. This room looks bigger than other rooms. He stood at the door, too lazy to try to push the door, and put another door opening.

The door was opened, but at the same time, seven or eight short arrows flew from the dark, scaring him to lie directly to the ground. The short arrow hit the empty place and made a series of tinkers. He couldn't help but be glad that he didn't push the door with his hand. Otherwise, he would have had a few more blood holes on his body this time.

In order to prevent other traps, he simply put a wind mass in and rolled the room. Sure enough, some organs have been triggered. It was not until he was sure that there should be no other danger that he stepped in carefully.

This is indeed a girl's room, and it is even "girly" to surprise him. He thought that Emma should be a cruel person who doesn't pay attention to details. However, in this room, whether it is a cute doll swept to the ground by the wind or all kinds of beautiful decorations, its owner looks like a little girl who has not grown up yet.

He walked to the bed, lifted the mosquito net, and found that Emma was really lying motionless.

"I found her." He notified the little fairy.

"Bind her up," the little fairy replied, "I will find a way to consume her mental strength and force her to leave this puppet."

"I killed her directly here?" Meiji asked.

"It doesn't matter." The little fairy said.

Meggie climbed to ** and found something to tie Emma. Emma looked like she was asleep with a smile on her face. As soon as she saw her smile, Meiji remembered that Su Li had been killed by her. Hatred surged in his heart, and he began to take off her clothes. Emma wore a female rider's uniform, which was a little troublesome to take off, but Meiji didn't care about so many places that he couldn't untie, so he simply found a scissors in the room to cut.

Soon, Emma's whole body was bare. Meiji turned her over and tied her hand back with her cut trousers. Because of her uneasedness, she put a debilitating spell on her body.

After tying her up, Meggie turned her back and looked at Emma's body. Emma's body is very slender and slender. Although she looks a little too slim, she still has a very soft curve. He touched her breasts and felt very elastic.

Well, my body seems to have some fever. When a girl has been a long time, she almost forgets that she is actually a man.

Meggie smiled. Think about it, some element in this body should have been suppressed for a long time, right? Although the little fairy is magical, she is not a man after all. She doesn't know the importance of releasing this component to the male body. Even if she knows it, I don't think she can do it... No...

Meji suddenly thought that the little fairy attached to this body has been sleeping with Zi Ya these days... She should not eat Qi Ya, will she?

Ziya is Joshua's!

should, should not.

Meggie patted her head and threw away this terrible idea. He took off his clothes, lay on Emma, and sucked her peak with his mouth. Although the girl's consciousness was attached to the puppet, her body still responded truthfully to Meiji's behavior. After a while, the voice of the little fairy came to his mind: "Meggie, are you ready? She can't stand it anymore."

"I'm ready." Meiji grabbed Emma's legs and raised them, while sticking her waist to her.

It wasn't long before I saw Emma's body move and her eyes opened. After waking up, the girl immediately found that something was wrong. She was not only bare, but also about to be violated.

"Why are you here? What do you want to do?" Anger flashed in Emma's eyes, but the effect of the tied hand and weakness prevented her from struggling.

Meggie ignored her and went straight into her body. This unexpected encounter and the tearing pain made Emma couldn't help shouting. Bastard, I'm going to kill you." She shouted angrily.

"Come and kill." Meiji sneered.

The girl, who had always been stubborn, was forced to endure physical humiliation and just felt that she couldn't wait to die. She turned her head and burst into tears with her eyes wide open because of resentment. Although she didn't want this teenager to see her vulnerability, her body was so inexplicably ruined. How could she suppress her tears?

Meji stopped for a moment. Somehow, the girl's tears made him a little uneasy. This strong and tough necromancer girl seems to be more fragile than he thought.

"Do you want to pretend to be pitiful? It's not that easy. Well, both Meng and Su Li were killed by you. He hardened his heart and gave the girl another fixed body. Then, he turned over the girl's body, changed her to kneeling on **, and put his hand around her waist from behind, ready to invade her again.

"I didn't kill the lemon. She is still alive. I killed her twice, but she is still alive..." The girl suddenly shouted.

That's because you didn't know that the real yinemon died the first time you killed her. Meiji is not going to pity her: "What about Suli? Didn't you send the headless knight who killed Su Li?

"That headless knight is none of my business," Emma shouted angrily. "It was lent to me by someone else. If I summon a headless knight, will it be so easy for you to escape tonight?

Meggie was stunned.

Indeed, although there are a large number of dead spirits besieging themselves tonight, they are basically relatively low-level skeleton warriors, and there is no headless knight. He witnessed the ability of the headless knight who died with Su Li. Although Emma is already a relatively powerful necromancer, that high-level necromancer does not seem to be summoned by her.

"Who lent it to you?"

"It's my master."

"Who is your master?"

"I don't know. He never told me who he is, and I've only seen him a few times." Emma endured the tears in her eyes. She should be stronger. Even if she endures this shame, she should not admit defeat like this... But she can't do it. Her inner weakness was more humiliated than the humiliation of her body. She seemed to hear the guy behind her secretly laughing at her in her heart. It turns out that I am so useless...

The girl's compromise made Megji hesitate a little. He looked at the things in the room and felt that the girl might not be as annoying as he thought at the beginning. Whether it is the dolls on the ground or those beautifully made wreaths, they are all like the things in the shade lemon room where he lives in Longenburg, with the girl's childishness and dreams. It's simple and cute.

But let her go like this? That won't work. The flame of desire has been ignited. If it is not released, it will only make you uncomfortable. Meiji hugged the girl's waist and let herself melt into the warmth again until the heat wave in her body surged out.

"I'll kill you sooner or later." Emma fell into **, with a deep hatred in her tone.

Meggie began to dress as you like.

Suddenly, the whole room was shaking, and cracks appeared on the wall.

"Meggie, get out of here." The voice of the little fairy sounded in his mind.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Maybe someone opened the mechanism when he escaped, and this place is going to collapse."

"Where's Anna?" Meiji asked urgently.

"It's still here," the little fairy replied, "I can't stay on the lemon for too long. It's already out. Anna guarded the body of the lemon and refused to leave.

"I'll go there now." Meiji jumped out of bed, ran out of the door, and took a few steps. Looking back, Emma was still lying in **. Her heart softened and walked over to untie her rope.

"The effect of fixation will soon disappear. Run away by yourself." After saying that, he ran away.