Magic Dance Song

Chapter 9 Who will be reborn?

The whole channel was collapsing, and Meggie had to use the shadow gate and stone collapse to get to the hall.

Anna knelt on the ground, held the body of the lemon tightly, and refused to leave. The little fairy flew around her head and there was nothing she could do.

"Anna," Meggie rushed over and pulled Anna, "Get out of here."

Anna looked up at him in a daze, recognized him as "Yinmeng's friend" and couldn't help crying, "Mengmeng is dead. She is really dead."

"I know," Meiji quickly comforted her. "I'm also sad, but we have to get out of here as soon as possible."


"We'll take her away too." Meiji picked up the body of Lemon Mikina and was ready to leave. However, a huge stone fell and blocked the whole tunnel.

"Meggie, try this magic." The little fairy said to him.

Meji quickly adjusted the magic in her body according to the instructions of the little fairy, and soon a portal opened in front of them.

"I set up a magic array under the mountain, and I can go down the mountain directly with this." The little fairy said, "Qiya is also waiting for us there."

Meggie nodded, immediately hugged the girl's body, and took Anna into the portal. With the distortion of their eyes, they found themselves in a bamboo forest. It had been bright for a long time, and the black crystal mine had become very quiet. It seemed that the battle was over. Zia sat on the side and saw them jumping up immediately.

Meggie put the girl's body on the ground and didn't feel sad to see Anna still crying. Although it was a matter of time for him to return to Meiji, he also felt that his chest was blocked when he thought of the sadness that the "death" of Meng would bring to Anna and Alina.

He sat next to Anna, gently touched her head, and didn't know what to say. Anna looked up at him with tears on her face and asked in a low voice, "Are you Brother Meggie?" Lemon mentioned you to me."

Meggie nodded and sighed, "I'm sorry..."

Anna thought he was uncomfortable that she failed to save the lemon in time, but she didn't know that he was actually sorry for cheating the kind girl in front of him.

It wasn't long before the people of the Royal Army appeared around and saw them, and then Alice and Lyes also rushed over...


On the other side of the mountain, Emma dragged her heavy body out of the tunnel.

This is the secret path she arranged in advance within the mine, which can be preserved intact even in the case of the mine collapse.

Because she didn't have enough time, she could only wear a long shirt and bare slender feet. There is still the pain caused by Tilei's first twist between her legs. This strong humiliation makes her have a deep hatred for the teenager who** her.

The light changed from dark to bright, which made her feel a little dazzling. She blocked the sun with her hand, but found someone standing in front of her from between her fingers.

"Bryant?" She looked at the middle-aged man in front of her in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"I was informed that something had happened here. I came to have a look," Bryant looked at her. "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay," Emma didn't want to explain to him, "We must go back quickly and inform our father to escape..."

"It's too late."

"What do you mean?" Emma looked at him nervously, "Is it..."

"Sufia and Bishop Sarai have sent people to break into the castle of the Burid family, and all your parents have been arrested. It's no coincidence that the royal army will appear here. Someone told Sophia that you colluded with the dark prince Panqi.

"Paenqi?" Emma sneered, "What is Panqi? I have figured out the thoughts of those people and betrayed me and my father as a cover for other key figures. The royal family and the church have long suspected that someone in the kingdom was plotting to throw out our Burid family, just to divert the attention of Sophia's bitch and Sarai. When Sophia personally led the army to besiege here, I'm afraid she didn't know that Panqi had..."

She can't go any further. In her eyes, Bryant was smiling ferociously and approaching her step by step. At the same time, there were several more people next to him.

" Emma, sometimes you are really smart, but sometimes you are stupid." Bryant grabbed her and pushed her to the ground despite her resistance. "Didn't you think that with your personality, since you know so many things, how can the people above not send someone to monitor you?"

"You betrayed me?" Emma looked at him angrily.

"No one betrays you. You are just stupid." Bryant asked several people to hold her by force and lifted her gown by himself. There was still some mucus between Emma's legs, which made him frown.

"I was taken a step ahead by others." He couldn't help punching the girl in the stomach, "Fuck, I've been waiting for so long, and I got a second-hand product."

"You, you bastard..."

"You should have known that I was a bastard." Bryant sneered and tore open her clothes and squeezed her** hard. Emma's eyes only had sparks of anger. She struggled and resisted, but her already weak body was firmly controlled by the people on her side. They grabbed her hand and pulled her feet, forcing her to accept another humiliation.

"Even if it's second-hand goods, it's better than nothing," Bryant said to others. "I'll give it to you when I'm done. Anyway, I just want her to die. It's better to let her die than with a knife."

Others laughed evilly together.

Emma gritted her teeth, and her angry eyes almost spewed fire. Although he lost his body just now, the teenager is the enemy after all. Since he fell into the hands of the enemy, he can't expect anything. But now this is the person she has always trusted, the feeling of being betrayed and ashamed, which makes her unforgivable. She saw Bryant take off his trousers, but she could only bury extreme hatred and resentment in her heart in vain, as if she were going to become a poisonous dragon.

"Wait a minute." Someone next to him suddenly shouted.

"You have to wait a minute. I'll give it to you when I'm done." Bryant stared at the man with dissatisfaction.

"It's not that, it's someone coming."

Everyone calmed down and found that someone was really approaching. The man's footsteps were very light, but with a strange rhythm, which was an undisguised firmness and persistence, as if he dared to face any enemy.

Just hearing the footsteps, Emma also knew who appeared. This made her more uncomfortable. Anyway, she didn't want this person to see herself like this.

appeared a teenager in black with a huge sword on his back.

"So it's you." Bryant breathed a sigh of relief, "You don't need it here. Emma has been caught by us."

"What are you doing?" The young man in black frowned.

"Do you still need to ask?" Bryant lay on Emma while posing and laughing, "If you also want to try this woman, then line up."

As soon as he finished speaking, he found something wrong. The young man in black has pulled out the huge sword on his back and looked at them with a cold look. The cold chill began to burst out of their hearts, which was an unfounded panic, unreasonable, but lingering.

"Brother Joshua, what are you doing?" Bryant smiled reluctantly.

Joshua did not answer. With a wave of the huge sword, the heads of the two people closest to him immediately fell to the ground. Others were shocked and hurriedly took out their weapons to prepare for the battle. However, the young men in black moved so fast that they fell down one by one before they began to take action.

"How dare you..." Bryant roared at the teenager in black, and then fell down. The teenager's huge sword in black stabbed his heart and slowly pulled back.

Emma was also stunned, and then suddenly pushed away Bryant, who fell on her body, curled up and covered her chest tightly with a long gown.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." Joshua didn't look at her.

"Don't pretend!" Emma shouted at him, but tears flowed out. Why is it this person? Why did he appear here? I would rather die in humiliation than save him.

She sneered: "You also came to kill me, didn't you? If you kill these people, I'm afraid you don't want people to know how I died. Or do you also want my body?"

"The superior did send me to kill you, and at the same time silenced these people," Joshua said coldly. "It's just now that I saw an acquaintance in the distance, but it was delayed a little. I thought it would not be so easy to be cleaned up by these people with your ability.

Emma wiped away her tears and stood up with difficulty. Indeed, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for these people to deal with themselves, but when she was possessed to fight with Yinmeng (actually a little fairy) on the physical puppet, she had consumed all her physical strength. In addition, Megishi's weakness on her had not been completely eliminated, so she could not resist and let them slaughter her.

It's better to die under this man's sword than to die in the hands of those animals.

She closed her eyes, loosened her long gown, and let her proud chest appear in front of the teenager in black. She waited, waiting for the sharp sword to cut on herself.

He won't let himself hurt for too long.

However, she waited for a long time, and the expected death still did not come. She couldn't help opening her eyes, but saw that the young man in black in front of her just stood there and looked at her quietly. His eyes were very calm, neither hot nor the deep coldness of killing people because of a ** girl standing in front of him.

Yes, but it is as calm as an ancient well.

"Do you want revenge?" He asked.

"Revenge? To whom?"

"To those who betray you." Joshua pointed up.

"You mean..." Emma's face showed surprise.

"For those people, you and I are just tools that can be abandoned at any time," Joshua said lightly. "If they find out one day, the tool will bite them back. Guess what their expression will be?"

"Are you going to betray them?" Emma stared at him.

"It's not a betrayal," Joshua said coldly, "but I don't want to be a fool in their eyes. I don't know what's going on."

Yes, a fool like me, Emma sneered. She squatted down, picked up her long gown, and slowly put it on her body. The long shirt has been torn, and it can only barely cover her **.

"Why should I trust you?" She asked.

"Because you have nothing to lose now," the young man in black said slowly. "At most, you think Emma Burid is dead. On this day, you died under the sword of a man named Joshua."

Yes, this is a good idea. The girl whispered to herself.

Emma Burid has died, whether she died under this man's sword or by ** until she died. Anyway, she is dead.

"What should we do now?" She asked. If Emma dies, who will be reborn? She felt her heart burning like a flame, which was a black hole-like anger, and she wanted to double the shame of this day to the people who harmed her.

"I'll take you to meet someone first," the teenager in black turned around and walked out. "A person you can't imagine."
