Magic Dance Song

Chapter 7 Fern of Half Man and Half Sheep!

The goat-like man ran so fast that he made a detour in a moment. Megee doesn't remember that there was a branch road there, but now is not the time to pay attention to it.

He followed Emma in, but it was a dead end, and the half-human and half-sheep guy did not know where to hide.

Meggie quickly cast a spell and wanted to continue to force it out with entanglement. Just then, a strange voice came out.

The sound was like a banshee's howling and broke into the depths of his soul. A violent emotion arose from his heart, and his eyes turned red, resisting the inexplicable impulse to kill. Emma's situation looked similar. She bent down and gasped, and then slowly turned to face Meiji.

Meggie took a step back and looked at the fierce light flashing in her red eyes. Both of them are fighting against the voice that hits their spirits. However, the voice is getting louder and louder, making them almost unable to control themselves and desperately want to kill each other and kill everyone except themselves.


Emma waved her bone whip and hit him hard. Such a close distance made him have no time to avoid it.

The bone whip hit his body, bringing a strong pain, and he was pulled back. However, when he reluctantly got up, he found that the pain only came from his skin and there was no wound. Obviously, Emma still controlled her strength.

The pain eased the interference of the strange voice on Meggie to a certain extent. He watched Emma approach him step by step and cast a spell. A dark spell covered it and pulled away the light from the whole passage.

He quietly moved a few steps and listened to Emma's bone whip draw a strong sound of breaking the air where he used to stand. Darkness only makes Emma, who is gradually controlled by the sound, unable to find his position for the time being, and does not prevent the sound from continuing to reach their ears.

Meggie bit her tongue fiercely to keep her spirit from getting lost too quickly. To eliminate external interference as much as possible, he quietly gestured, and a small range of deafness was successfully cast.

The sound that hit his soul suddenly disappeared, calming him down. He groped carefully in the dark to get close to Emma.

He kicked a soft thing. Obviously, it was a body that had been left here. He continued to move until he finally touched Emma's back. Emma turned around and twisted his hand. After judging that it was him, she quickly let her go.

Obviously, the effect of deafness also has an effect on Emma.

He grabbed Emma's hand and scratched her palm...

At this time, the effect of dark art still continues, and the strange sound keeps echoing in the channel. The guy hidden in the stone wall listened carefully, and the two people in the dark temporarily lost their motion, making them a little worried that the spiritual magic they had made would no longer work for them.

However, it soon became relieved again. An arrow flashed, and then there was the girl's muffled hum, followed by the sound of bone whip swinging, and the short "cluck" sound.

It was overjoyed. It sounds that the teenager who can use magic has been confused by the impact of its spiritual magic, shooting a magic arrow at the girl and injuring the girl. While seriously injured, the girl still wrapped a bone whip around his neck and twisted it.

Although the teenager is dead, the girl who lost herself still whipped his body and made a "pop" and "pop" sound in the dark.

Until the darkness caused by magic slowly dispersed, it peeked and saw that the body of the teenager who fell to the ground had been blurred, and the girl became more and more powerless. Her body was constantly bleeding, but she still continued to beat meaninglessly because of mental disorder. Finally, she gasped and slowly fell to the ground, looking close to death.

You should have died under the more beautiful ** and **, but you died so ugly! It thought angrily.

It "drilled" out of the stone wall and walked towards the girl who fell to the ground with a sneer. It would be a pity for such a beauty to die like this. She should taste all the torture and *, and then die in ** and moans, which is in line with the aesthetics of *.

It walked to the girl and kicked her with its goat-like hoof. The girl didn't respond, which made her worry that she would really die like this. It lowered its head to see more clearly.

However, the girl suddenly moved and the bone whip rolled silently towards it. It was shocked, but there was no time to escape and was deeply strangled by the bone whip. At the same time, Meji appeared on the side, pointed to it, and a debilitating technique was released, which made this guy collapse to the ground.

Meggie came forward and looked at the strange creature. Its face is clearly a 40- or 50-year-old human face. Although it looks very obscene, it is still acceptable. However, the short horns on its head and the goat-like body really look strange.

"What the hell are you?" Megy couldn't help kicking it.

"How dare you do this to me!" This guy opened his mouth and roared, with a sharp voice. He was indeed the "person" who had been talking in the dark.

"What do you want us to do to you?" Meiji looked at it with a hippie smile.

"You know, I'm...ah..."

Emma whipped it hard, and it screamed in pain. A blood stain appeared on its face and neck, immediately showing fear in its eyes.

"What the hell are you?" Emma coldly asked Meji's question again.

"My name is Fern, an apprentice of the great magician Chris." This guy was so scared that he quickly answered the question.

If you answered earlier, you wouldn't have to get this whip? It's really flat. Meiji looked at it disdainfully.

"Kris? Is it the red-robed magician who died in that hall? Emma asked faintly.

"It's him, that's him." Fern looked sad, "This space was also created by him to detain the beautiful women he caught from outside. He has been abusing them and forcing them to become his sex slaves. Those women finally couldn't stand his torture and took the opportunity to escape from injury outside and join hands to kill him. But before he died, he summoned a tentacle monster, entangled all his women, and froze them there alive.

"Are you originally a human?" Meiji asked.

"I was also caught by him. He nominally asked me to be his apprentice. In fact, he just wanted to find someone to do chores for him," Fern's sharp voice was full of resentment. "But he was afraid that I would secretly touch his woman and transform me into this with magic."

So it is. Meiji looked at a part of his goat's body, where something was obviously cut off. From a human point of view, this guy is not a man or a woman, and from the perspective of a goat, he is also a father or a woman. No wonder his voice is so shrill.

"How can I get out of here?" Emma didn't bother to talk nonsense and asked directly.

"There is a secret door in the middle of the passage, from which you can reach the center of this magic maze. There is a crystal ball in it. As long as it is broken, the space will collapse," Fern said bitterly. "However, my tutor gave me a hint that I couldn't get close to it. I have been trapped here for more than 30 years."

"How to get there?" Emma dragged him out.