Magic Dance Song

Chapter 8 Elemental Protective Ring and Black Necklace!

They opened the dark door and approached the room where the crystal ball was placed.

Emma has been dragging Fern, and the closer she is to the center of the magic maze, the more frightened Fern becomes. The hint given to him by Chris, the original owner of the maze, was so powerful that he even cried like a child.

Emma ignored him and dragged him into the room. This room is not big. In the center, there is a round table made of some wood, which is very strong. There is a crystal ball on the round table. There are also some bookshelves next to it. Meiji looked around, looking for something valuable.

He found an exquisite magic book, which is very well preserved and is obviously treasured by its original owner. Magic books of practical value are often very useful for magicians. They can increase the number of magic you know and take fewer detours.

Some profound or original magic is often only recorded in the magic books used by the person who invented it, and has not spread. Generally speaking, the basic language used in magic is only divided into dragon language and elf language, so high-level magic books are written only in these two languages. And what is written in the lingua franca is basically only for those magic apprentices who have just started.

Meggie opened the book and looked at it carefully. The symbol in the page that is distorted like a child's graffiti is obviously a dragon language. Elf language is not as old as dragon language, but it needs to be more beautiful. Generally speaking, the magic displayed using elf language is more accurate and ingenious, while the magic using dragon language directly points directly to the root of everything, which is more powerful but more difficult to control.

The magic taught by the little fairy to Meji is essentially belong to the elf language family. However, due to the mysterious thinking transmission of the little fairy (this ability is not available to all forest fairies), Meji can omit the "spell" link, and only need to pay attention to the regulation of magic and the accuracy of physical movements. . In terms of difficulty, this is undoubtedly of great benefit, at least you don't have to learn the annoying dragon language or elf language.

Of course, this also raises a problem, that is... as long as it is not a magic book written in lingua, he can't understand it. Unfortunately, all magic books written in the franca are basically worth taking time to read.

So... he can't understand this book either.

Generally speaking, the term magician also means "knowledgeable" and "weird personality". They often lock themselves in their rooms and study books that no one can understand day and night.

For Meji, although he is also a magician, "knowledgeable" is definitely not good. "Strange personality"... This is not easy to say.

Forget it, let's put this book away first. At least the little fairy should understand that Frey is a natural magic fanatic and must be very happy to get a collector's version of the magic book.

Then, he found a delicate small box. He first checked it with a spell to detect magic traces and made sure that there was no danger before carefully opening it. There are three things in the small box: a ring, a small bag, and a necklace...

"emma, look at this." He picked up the necklace.

This necklace is made of many small black pearls, and the chain pendant is a leaf made of black jade, which is dazzling and exquisite, as if it has taken off the stars in the sky and stringed them together with the skillful hands of elves.

Emma shook her hand, and the bone whip loosened Fern, allowing him to flee out in horror. She walked to Meiji indifferently and took a look, and her eyes immediately lit up.

Love beauty is the nature of a girl, and even she will not be an exception.

"I'll put it on for you!" Meiji circled behind her and hung the elegant necklace around her neck.

Emma's body is a little stiff. Although she has temporarily lost the idea of killing Megsy, making her wear a necklace like a lover still makes her extremely uncomfortable. However, this black necklace is so exquisite that no matter how stubborn a woman is, she can't resist someone hanging it around her neck.

Meggie circled back again and admired Emma's appearance. Her skin is smooth, white and tender, and against the background of black pearls, it exudes more and more soft luster. Her clothes were a little broken because they had been attacked by tentacles. The black jade leaf hung on her half-covered chest, just like a new moon reflected on the mysterious lake, so that people who saw it could not withdraw their eyes.

Although Meji should have been the person Emma resented, his eyes fascinated by his beauty still made Emma's heart more awkward shyness. She didn't know what to do, so she had to stare at the guy fiercely, and her face was faintly hot.

"This should be a magic item, right?" Emma touched the black jade leaves.

"Maybe," Meggie thought, "but whether it's really magical or not, as long as you like it."

"Hmm..." Emma answered gently, but suddenly felt that her tone was really like a little girl who had just been confessed by her lover. In desperation, she had to stare at Meiji again.

Meggie was stared at by her inexplicably.

He picked up the small bag again and looked at it doubtfully. This small bag looks ordinary, and I don't know why it is so solemnly placed here.

"This is a dimensional bag." Emma recognized it, "Although it looks small, there is a dimensional space in it that can store a lot of things. In the New Asia Federation, some capable magicians often take one with them as an item box that they can carry with them.

This is a good thing! Meiji tried to put the magic book in it. Although the mouth of the bag looked much smaller than the book, the magic book was easily put in. He also put his hand into the bag, and the space inside was obviously really large.

How to take out the things thrown in? He is a little confused. For example, the magic book...

When he thought of the magic book, he felt that there was suddenly something in his hand in his bag. He took it out and saw that it was indeed the magic book.

"This bag is probably made by the magician named Chris," Emma looked up around. "Since he can make such a big magic maze, it should be very simple to make a dimensional bag by himself."

Mage nodded and felt a little sorry. Unfortunately, this magic maze can't be carried around like this dimensional bag. Otherwise, in case you have a chance to meet a bunch of beauties and build a harem in the future, throw them in one by one and take them out when you want to use them...

The last thing left is the ring. The shape of the ring looks a little old, and although it is not ugly, it is much worse than that necklace. The gold-plated ring is inlaid with three small prism crystals, which emit red, green and blue respectively to form a triangle. Meiji tried and found that these three tempered crystals can be rotated, and there is a small bump on the ring. As long as you rotate the triangle, there will be a prism crystal overlapping with the bump.

"What is this?" Meiji asked curiously.

"Let me see." Emma took it over and looked carefully at some characters inside the ring.

"Do you understand the dragon language?" Meiji asked.

Emma nodded lightly and said, "There are only three words written here... wind, fire, water..."

"Wind and fire?"

"That's right." Emma frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly walked to the wooden table. First, she twisted the green prism crystal to the position of the bump, and then put the ring on the wooden table. She half squatted down and blew hard on the ring.

The ring did not move at all and was not blown away at all.

She turned the ring to the red crystal and found a box of saltpeter matches in the room. She clicked one and slowly moved the flame towards the ring. Before the flame approached the ring, it went out without warning.

"Elemental protective ring?" Meggie is not so ignorant. There are not many magic items that can protect against elemental damage, and generally speaking, they can only protect one of water, fire, wind and earth. The three rim crystals set in this ring seem to represent that it can protect at least three elemental magic.

"Spin to the red crystal can automatically be immune to the fire element damage," Emma muttered, "and so on, to the blue crystal can protect the water element, and to the green crystal is the wind element."

Meji listened to her, and there seemed to be a flash of lightning in her mind.

Can automatically be immune to fire element damage...

He remembered Sophia, who was burned by the flames in the illusion.

He carefully retrieved the elemental protection ring and put it in the dimensional bag. Next time you see Sophia, you must let her wear it every day and always spin to the position of the red crystal.

"That's right," he took out the magic book and gave it to Emma. "Let's see if this book is useful for you. It's written in dragon language. I can't understand it."

Emma took over, first turned over a few pages, looked at them, and then her eyes widened and her cheeks turned red. She turned over a few more pages and read a few more sentences as if she were escaping. She not only blushed, but also trembled with anger.

"What's wrong?" Megid asked carefully.

Emma almost stared at him with angry eyes and threw away the magic book: "The worthless thing is just the most basic magic."

Obviously, she is lying.

However, now is not the time to expose her. Meiji coughed dryly and diverted the topic: "It's almost time to leave here."

Emma nodded and began to stare at the crystal ball in the center of the wooden table. While she was not paying attention, Meiji quietly moved over, picked up the magic book again and threw it into the dimension bag.

Emma took a deep breath and waved the bone whip. The crystal ball was hit by the bone whip, making a crisp sound and split. At the same time, all the surrounding scenery began to twist and deform, as if a black hole was sucking them all into it...