Magic Dance Song

Chapter 9 See Su Li again! The intersection of light and darkness--

It turns out that Lori's sixth sense is sometimes really effective.

Anna took Molly and others to a completely different place from the rest of this relic with her "feeling".

This is a beautiful place.

The overhead is no longer a dark black fog, but a sea-like blue. The ground is covered with colorful wild flowers, and there are little people covered with light spots flying among the wild flowers. These are the flower elves that have disappeared from the world for a long time.

Just stay here, and their fatigue along the way began to slowly disappear. In fact, since leaving the place full of magic traps, they have encountered many troubles and dangers. However, this place has a magical power that gradually penetrates into their bodies, healing their wounds and restoring their physical strength.

A trace of moisture is ethereal in the distance, making this place mysterious and dreamy. The darkness and charm they saw along the way seemed to suddenly become extremely far away. The light and shadow are fantastic and picturesque, making people feel the charm and beauty of the heavenly garden.

The only regret is that they didn't come here to play.

"Where are the blue planet fragments?" Molly looked around. Compared with those dark places occupied by monsters and poisonous snakes, the blue planet fragments are more likely to be here.

"It's around here, I can feel it." Anna slowly stretched out her hands, as if moved by something, and walked forward intoxicatedly.

Molly watched the little girl walk forward more than a dozen steps doubtfully, and then suddenly disappeared as if she had penetrated an invisible door. Molly was shocked and rushed over, but there was nothing where the girl disappeared.

It's like a crack in the space suddenly opened, and after swallowing the girl into it, it automatically closed.

Will and Greenless also followed, looking at each other...


Anna Sue doesn't know what happened either.

At the beginning, I just felt a mysterious voice calling me, and the tenderness and kindness in the voice gently touched her soul.

She seemed to have been called up in some way and walked forward involuntarily.

Then, the scene suddenly changed.

The misalignment of light and shadow outlines a dreamlike space beside her. A pillar of strong light fell from the sky, like a divine power in front of her. And countless shadows wrapped around this dazzling beam of light, eroding, broken, intertwined and chaotic, and then suddenly dispersed together, creating a solemn temple from nothingness.

Anna timidly approached the temple, and the virtual and real changes made her feel like she was in a dream.

The gorgeous and beautiful temple, but the entrance is like the blood mouth of a poisonous snake. The breath of death and the coldness that invades the bone marrow make Anna feel frozen. She wanted to escape in fear, but a strong suction pulled her, like a spider web entangling a bug, which made her unable to escape and have to fall into it.

As soon as she was pulled into the temple, a roaring thunder shook her eardrums.

The darkness is deep and vast, and only lightning is staggering down from nothingness, winding, angrily, and twisting immeasurably. The girl is like a duckweed thrown into the sea. She only knows that she has been moving, but she doesn't know where she will stay.

It seemed that a sword light tore the darkness, and the strange scene came to the girl's visual impact. The dark forest, the cry before death, and the bloody pain immersed in the air. The girl saw countless shadows shaking in front of her. They were fighting and biting, staining the sunset night singing with blood-colored sadness.

The smell of death lingers in every corner of the world, and there are corpses everywhere. Desperate calls, dying tears, and blood condensed together, as if the whole earth was stained with black spots.

The girl bent down and felt a pain in her heart like a knife. This is a real battlefield, as real as the history engraved on a stone tablet. She saw that all the creatures fell into despair, and she couldn't help crying when she saw the silent earth.

Just as the girl wanted to cry for this endless killing, a blue planet rose and glowed in the sky. All the living creatures gave up fighting. They were kind and evil, and they all stared at the blue planet. This is the most peaceful moment ever, and this is the only hope in the deepest darkness.

The girl shed tears.

Her heart clearly knew that this was the last moment in the dark century. The goddess Luna transformed her soul into a blue planet and washed away the blood pool of the demon realm.

The goddess also died at that moment!

The scene retreated, and she returned to the temple. The fog around pulled away slightly, revealing a standing goddess statue. Kindness, mercy, the expression of the goddess seems to be sad for the pain of the world. A crystal-like blue stone rotated in front of the statue, emitting a dreamy soft light.

Anna looked at the statue of the goddess Luna and couldn't help kneeling down. The spinning blue planet fragments flew in front of her, and she stretched out her hands and gently held them.

She seemed to smile on the face of the statue.

At this moment, a wisp of black silk came and wrapped around her, getting bigger and bigger. A dark surging face outlined between the black silk, cold and dark, strange and inexplicable. It stared at the girl as if it were going to devour her.

"Who are you?" A gloomy voice came from the inside of the dark mass, with infinite coldness and majesty.

The girl held the blue planet fragments and trembled all over her body. Her heart was frightened, and the momentum from her dark face suppressed her, making her want to bow her head and worship it desperately.

"Who are you?" It asked again.

"I, I'm Anna...Su..." The girl replied tremblingly.

"Anna Sue?" The black face seemed to frown, "How did you get here?"

"I, I don't know... I just feel that someone is calling me..."

"Someone summoned you?" The dark face sneered, "This is impossible. Luna has been killed by me. For mortals, this place is nothing.

It said it killed the goddess? The girl opened her eyes wide.

Goddess Luna has been dead for a long time, and it was...

However, this is impossible. Luna, the goddess of light, forced the dark god Shastine to leave the world with her sacrifice. This is the blood oath of the gods. Even the dark evil god can't break this oath and appears here.

The black face looked at her carefully, was silent as if thinking, and suddenly said coldly, "So it's not that Luna is calling you... but someone mixed another small piece of Luna's soul into your blood. Two soul fragments resonated and activated the blue planet fragments in this temple.

The girl didn't quite understand what he meant, but she couldn't help shivering.

In its tone, there is clearly a cold murderous intention.

"Kill her!" The dark face turned around, as if talking to someone, and then quickly faded away.

At the same time, the top of the hall suddenly cracked and someone jumped down. It was a female knight riding a black horse with a long black gun. She doesn't look old. Her strong body is wrapped in dark light armor with a cold expression. Her eyes were like black gems. Although they were shining, they were not angry at all.

With a long shot, the statue of the goddess was torn apart. The girl in black armor faced Anna Sue expressionlessly and raised a black long gun. Her eyes are so dim that it is impossible to be sure whether they really exist.

Anna looked at him in fear and slowly retreated. The female knight approached her and raised her long gun. At this time, a light shot from the fragments of the soul of the goddess in her arms, which shocked the dark horse of the female knight to take a few steps back. Anna turned around and ran faster and faster.

She ran out of the temple and stepped into nothingness. At this time, a light door cracked in the vast fantasy. Unable, she jumped to the light door and let everything around her be twisted layer by layer. Then, she felt that she stepped on a soft grass, and someone grabbed her so that she did not fall to the ground due to inertia.

She turned her head in fear and saw Greenless.

"Anna, what happened?" Greenless looked at her worriedly.

And Molly and Will looked at the light door that suddenly appeared from the air with a surprised face.

After Anna disappeared, the three of them looked around but couldn't find her, so they had to come back here and wait patiently. Anna herself didn't feel that she had been away for a long time, but for Molly and the others, she waited for more than ten hours.

Until this time, a light door suddenly opened where Anna disappeared, and then the little girl fell out.

Greenrace held the little girl, looked at the frightened look on her face, and frowned slightly. Suddenly, he heard Molly shouting "Be careful" and also noticed a cold wind rushing towards him.

consciously, he hugged Anna and rolled on the ground.

A dark horse jumped out of the door after following the little girl, and the girl's long gun hit and stabbed an empty space.

Anna didn't expect that the black armored female knight could come here from the temple, hugged the blue planet fragments brought out by her, and shrank her body.

The female knight turned the horse around, as if she was scanning the environment with her strange eyes, and then rushed to the horse and stabbed the little girl with a long gun.

Although I don't understand what happened, the reaction is also extremely fast for the adventurous Molly and Greenless. Greenless put his arms around Anna's waist and quickly swept back, while Molly also held a sword and hit the girl on the horse.

Only the little boy Will reacted a little slower and didn't figure out the situation.

However, the black armor girl's shooting skills were extremely sharp and strange. She twisted her wrist and obviously turned to Molly like lightning with Anna's long gun. The wonderful trajectory was simply contrary to the common sense of the world. Molly was shocked and blocked with a big sword.

"Hang!" With a sound, Molly's heavy sword was broken by a blow, and her whole body also fell out with this irresistible force.

Molly was so simply repelled that Greenless, who knew her strength, couldn't help but be shocked. He quickly pushed the little girl away, pulled out the dagger, and slid like the wind to the girl riding a dark horse. Halfway, he shook his body and disappeared.

Greenless is the best assassin, and his ability to stealth and back stab is almost unmatched among the wanderers in the whole kingdom.

However, the girl just calmed down, as if listening, and then the long gun swept back casually.

Greenless, who had been hidden behind her, was immediately swept by a black long gun and staggered back.

The girl didn't even look back, but just faced Anna Sue, speeding up the horse, and the sword hit like lightning. Molly and Greenless could no longer rescue, and Will ran to the little girl at a loss. Anna couldn't avoid the attack of the female knight and could only lift the blue planet fragments in panic. Black* is on the blue planet fragments, but it can't be smashed.

Anna only felt that her hands were about to break, and the girl's gun tip was just stagnant, and she slid along the edge of the blue planet debris and pierced the little girl's right shoulder.

"Anna..." Will was anxious to see the little girl in danger. There was a flame in his eyes, his hands were raised, and he shouted "war"!

Two glowing hammers appeared in the boy's hand, and there was a layer of red light shining on his body.

The light of the God of War.

The boy roared, jumped up, and the spirit hammer knocked on the girl on the black horse. The girl pulled back the long gun from Anna's body and turned back to the horizontal gear.

The spirit hammer intersects with the black long gun, and the strong wind blows down and the dust flies. The boy possessed by the power of the God of War attacked the girl like crazy, and each hammer made a thunderous sound. With the strength of the girl, he was also hit by him to take several steps back and reluctantly stabilized his position.

The Light of the God of War is an ultimate magic that is temporarily possessed by the God of War at the cost of life energy. Although Will's own physique and combat ability are limited, under the role of the Light of the God of War, he will automatically have the strongest body and the best combat skills.

The girl was caught off guard and was attacked by him so that she could only dance the long gun out of a barrier. And Will's spirit hammer drew gorgeous glory, hammering one hammer after another, trying to break the girl's defense.

"Bear Anna away." The boy who ran away even became sounded like a barbarian from the cold wind and hills.