Magic Dance Song

Chapter 3 King City Crisis, the Appearance of the Dark Prince!

Heavy catapults are assembled on the plain outside Wangcheng, and countless catapults and ropes are pushed from a distance.

The enemies are all over the mountains, divided into dozens of squares, and there are flowing knight arrays. Although these knights are various from the appearance and are not unified at all, if you observe carefully, you can still see that they have consistent movements and orders.

On the wall, Princess Sofia looked at the dense rebels outside the city without any expression. The cold wind blew and made her long hair look messy.

Around her, an officer's legs trembled and his face was extremely ugly.

"It's impossible. They can't have so many siege equipment." He nervously wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

You should know that a siege weapon such as a catapult is by no means that it can be transported. A catapult, its balance hammer alone is about 10 tons, and each stone bomb used to launch is more than 100 pounds. Moreover, whether it is disassembly or assembly, it is extremely cumbersome. Parn is impossible to transport dozens of heavy catapults from Pingxia Island.

"And..." The officer looked at the enemy who was still gathering from afar. "They shouldn't have so many people..."

Suffia looked at him indifferently without revealing the contempt in her heart. At present, the number of enemies has reached more than 20,000, far more than the number of rebels gathered by the dark princes they know. Moreover, the reloaded knights with a neat queue of armor can't be trained in a place like Pingxia Island in just four or five years.

Although no mark can be seen from the armor of those knights, Princess Sophia knows where they come from without guessing.

Kasman Einhuly, the lord of Leharon County, promised to send two knight detachments and 5,000 soldiers to participate in the military repression in the three northern counties. However, only 2,000 people, the weak, the sick and disabled, really arrived there.

Sofia believes that those knights and soldiers who should have gone to Hoxhouton County but did not go have now appeared in front of her in a new suit of armor.

She turned around and calmly walked down the city wall along the stone ladder. The dusk light shone on her body, dragging a long shadow. She stepped on a well-blooded white horse led by the soldiers and galloped towards the palace.

Eight rose knights followed her closely, and the light female knight's uniform made them beautiful and vigorous in the Mercedes-Benz.

All the way to the gate of the palace, where the eight rose knights stopped, and Sophia galloped in without stopping. When she arrived at the door of the palace conference room, before the bodyguard came to lead the horse, she jumped down and walked to the conference room.

At the large round table in the conference room, the Prince of Wind and Smoke, the Prince of the Sky, Cardinal Shelley, and some other important figures have arrived. However, her father, Wang Feifu III, is not here, and his physical condition has made it impossible for him to attend such an important meeting. Sophia's brother Louis is still young and not old enough to attend military meetings.

The atmosphere at the scene was very sultry, and everyone's face was not good. A soldier who had just reported an emergency to them retreated.

"What happened?" Sophia glanced faintly over them.

Cardinal Shirley replied in a low voice: "Teacher Danmeishi of St. Louis College was just assassinated on the street."

There was a chill in Sophia's heart.

Although Dan Meishi is only an instructor now, he was originally one of the most famous "double pillars" in the kingdom. He has led battles in the distant desert and suppressed many rebellions. However, because there had been no important war in the past ten years, and his always harshness and ruthlessness prevented the promotion of some tough people in the army. In addition, the "lone wolf general" Leot, who was as famous as him, was sentenced to death for a fundamentally inexplicable crime. He was simply discouraged. He chose to retire and went to St. Louis College as an ordinary instructor.

Before coming here, Sophia had decided to persuade others to choose Dan Meishi as the military commander of the defense of the royal city. With his military ability and prestige in the army, he would have a great chance to defend the royal city. However, what I didn't expect was that Dan Meishi was assassinated first.

Suffia silently glanced at the fear expressions on other people's faces and knew what they were afraid of at this time.

"General Eagle" Dan Meishi's martial arts skills are one of the best in the whole kingdom. If even he will be assassinated on the street, who else will be safe?

The enemies outside the city have not yet begun to attack, and these powerful people have been timid...

Cardinal Shelley coughed and said, "Now, the most important thing is to elect a commander. In view of the critical situation, I propose..."

"I propose that General Weg Blair command all the troops in the royal city!" Sophia's brother, the eldest prince Fengyan, suddenly said. Due to excessive drinking, his face has always been pale, and his fat body can no longer make him sit safely in the chair.

"Why?" The Prince of the Sky snorted, "That guy Blair has never commanded the war at all. Who doesn't know that he climbed up with the network of several noble women he had an affair with. As far as I know, brother, your wife is one of those noble women.

"Nonsense." Prince Fengyan stared at his second brother angrily.

The second prince ignored him and just said lightly, "I think only Zinos Bryant can defend the royal city for us. He made great contributions to the northern rebellion ten years ago..."

"Those credit is Leot's. Bryant just took advantage of Leot's low birth to steal his credit." Prince Fengyan pointed out rudely, "This is something that everyone knows."

The eyes of the two princes collided with each other as if they were going to spark.

At this time, a marquis who attended the meeting raised his question: "I wonder if the Knights Templar of the church and the pastors who provided support are also uniformly assigned to the army?"

"Well," the Lord in red hesitated for a long time before saying, "I think it's better for them to be dispatched by the Holy See alone. After all, only people within the Holy See are more familiar with their combat habits and methods..."

"In this case, will it lead to problems in the distribution of arms?" Another nobleman raised his concerns.

"I don't think so..." Shelley actually knew nothing about war, but instinctively did not want to hand over the combat power under his jurisdiction to others.

Sofia did not listen any more, but turned around and walked directly out of the conference room in the surprised eyes of other nobles.

The enemy has appeared in front of their own door, but these guys still have to fight.

Do they really have the hope of defending the royal city? Even if it is really kept, how long can a country that has been corrupted to such an extent survive?

She rode a horse and galloped out of the palace. The rose knights waiting for her immediately followed her.

In her heart, for the commander's candidate, in addition to the dead Dan Meishi, there is actually another person. That person is naturally the "lone wolf general" who is as famous as "General Eagle". However, for those who are still meeting in the palace, Leot has long been dead. If Sophia brought him up, it would be of no use except to cause more suspicion and disputes.

She is full of despair about the end of this war and the future of the kingdom...

In the middle of the night, the first stone bomb sent by the cataping machine hit the royal city...


One by one, the ladder climbed up the wall and was pushed down again, and the hot asphalt fell down one pot after another, and the screams of despair and pain were endless. Arrows and stone bombs flew densely between the city wall and the enemy, rushing up the enemy, the fallen corpses, the burning smell of the flames and the flying limbs.

This is a stage that makes death smile.

There are two gates in Wangcheng, one is the main gate in the south and the other is the side gate for the carriages of the nobles in the west. The main gate is the main object of the enemy's attempt to break through, and the side gate is not under much pressure.

The siege vehicles rushed up one by one and burned them under the dumping of rockets and asphalt. Another body was thrown into the city by a catapult, and those were nobles captured in various estates around the royal city. The army of the Dark Prince attacked the city day and night, but the reinforcements of the royal city never appeared. The only thing that reassures the soldiers defending the city is that the shadow blood dragon that they fear has never flown.

However, the dark prince somehow got a team of magicians. The burning clouds or chaotic boundary attacked through the magic array often cause immeasurable damage to the kingdom army defending the city. The church clergy who should have provided magic protection to the army are too mobile and dare not be stationed on the front line, causing huge casualties in every magic attack of the other party. Many times they were almost snatched to the wall by the enemy using the tear of the defense point.

In this war that does not know when it will end, a figure often appears in the most dangerous places to inspire the soldiers defending the city. She always makes up for the defense with the Rose Knights loyal to her, and she lets those who desperately protect the royal city know that they have not been abandoned by the royal family.

Her face became haggard, and her clothes became more and more dirty. But she still appeared on the wall again and again, fighting side by side with the soldiers.

Although the heroism of the princess began to circulate among the soldiers, although only then did people know that there was such a woman worthy of their respect.

However, Sophia saw her own weakness.

When she watched the enemies under the city struggled and howled under the hot asphalt, when she saw that the soldiers who had just reported to her were smashed into meat by the boulders without running far away, when she escaped from the burning clouds summoned by an enemy magician, she found that more than 100 lives that had just been around her had become corpses.

She worked so hard that she didn't let herself cry.

She has taken a swordsmanship course since she was a child, but when she cut off the neck of an enemy who climbed up the city wall from the ladder, but was splashed by his blood, she really understood what swordsmanship was.

It's nothing more than killing and being killed!

The night fades and the glow is covered. She stood silently on the wall and looked into the distance. Days and nights of attack and defense made both sides tired. There are corpses under the wall, and the wall is also pitted under the attacks of catapults, and cracks have occurred in some places.

She saw the siege enemy retreat, and a man in black stood on the sentry building with wheels and was pushed out. His gloomy and thin face is unusually handsome, and his completely black clothes are as if rejecting the light. Even so far away, his purple eyes still have some strong suction, as if to suck all those who resist him into the bottomless black hole.

He slowly raised his hand and pointed to Sophia.

All the soldiers behind him shouted in unison.

As if in response to the amazing cry, a wall suddenly collapsed. Dust flew, gravel flew, and even the place where Sophia stood began to sink.

The dark prince waved his hand.

Hundreds of knights rushed to the bombed wall with hordes of soldiers...