Magic Dance Song

Chapter 4 Wangcheng Crisis, the last moment of the two old people!

Sofia was rescued from the wall in a daze. She was hit on the head by a piece of gravel, making her almost faint.

The city wall was broken. There is no doubt that in the days of continuous fighting, Panqi sent people to dig a tunnel from the dark to reach the bottom of the wall and use a whole bucket of lard mixed into the crystal as explosive to blow up the wall just dozens of meters away from her.

The soldiers of both sides fought a bloody battle around the destroyed wall.

Suffia was escorted away from the battlefield by the Knights of the Roses. In a daze, she saw Cardinal Shirley, with his Knights Templar and a group of clergy, heading towards the side door to the west of the city.

She shook her head vigorously to wake herself up. Then he rode a horse and caught up quickly.

"Your Excellency, where are you going?" She asked in horror.

"They have attacked," Shirley's body trembled violently. "King City can't hold it anymore. We have to leave through the side door. Wangcheng has fallen."

No, it hasn't fallen yet! Sophia shouted in her heart.

The wall is only opened for a gap. If you stick to it, there is still a chance to repel the enemy. But if he leaves, it will be all over. All nobles will begin to flee, and civilians will be caused by extreme fear*. The army that has lost the divine support will also be gradually eaten by the other party's magicians until it is completely defeated.

She wants to tell the cardinal that they must stay. However, before she could speak, Sheli left her in panic. She had a pain in her chest and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

A knight girl held her.

She turned around and looked at the rose knights. The sleepiness and haggardness crawled over everyone's faces, and the dirty clothes and skirts made them lose their former richness. They are all girls from noble families, but they are unconditionally loyal to her and accompany her to face death on the battlefield.

Suffia looked at the knight girl beside her, who was one of her direct subordinates who had established privately.

"Take them to General Leot," Sophia ordered weakly, "let him take you away."

"What about you?"

"You go first, and I will catch up with you soon."

"No." The girl refused to carry out her orders, which was unprecedented. "We won't leave you at this time, none of us."

"This is an order!" Sophia looked at her and said almost in a pleading voice, "Don't let them all die here, okay?"

The girl hesitated for a moment and nodded: "I will take them to find General Leot. Then, I will wait at the side door in the west of the city. Unless I see His Highness leave safely, I will never step out of the royal city.

sighed, and Sophia knew that this was the bottom line of the concession the rose knight was willing to make.


After leaving the Knights of the Roses, Princess Sophia galloped towards the royal palace. There was a mess everywhere. In order to escape from the royal city as soon as possible, some nobles even used private guards to drive away the people who blocked their way, causing greater chaos.

All the way to the door of the palace, she saw her second brother Cangqiong coming out with a team of royal guards in a hurry. His body was stained with blood and his face was full of anger. Seeing Sophia, he stopped and his eyes flashed: "Sofia, why are you still here? Get away with me."

Leave, leave... Do they really think they can survive by giving up the royal city?

"Where's your father? And big brother and Louis!" She suppressed the contempt at the bottom of her heart.

"They have left." The sky stretched out its hand to her, "Come with me. We can go to Sykesshire to reconvene the army and order all the vassals in the name of the royal family to help us drive away Parnqi and his untouchees. Soon, we will be able to return to the royal city.

Shux County?

Sufia suddenly wanted to laugh. Indeed, the lord of Sykes County is the father-in-law of the sky, and he thought he would be fine as long as he escaped there. However, Shukes County, together with Lehalan County, secretly blocked the border and covered Panqi's army and infiltrate into the royal city.

He didn't figure out the situation at all. In the name of the royal family? Will the royal family really exist after giving up the royal city? Even if it exists, it will only become a puppet of other people.

The royal family is over, and the rest is just a dying struggle.

Without wanting to talk more nonsense, Sophia rushed straight into the palace gate.

Not long after entering the palace gate, she stopped. There were several bodies lying on the ground, and the ground was covered with blood, one of which was her eldest brother, Prince Fengyan.

Her body kept shaking and only felt that she wanted to spit it out.

Even at this time, the sky has to leave after removing its rival to the throne.



At the same time, in a gorgeous room deep in the palace, King Feifu III lay **, gasping heavily.

He had the ambition to revitalize the royal family. He wanted the royal family to cease to be a vassal of the church and to correct the corruption of the kingdom. However, for the past ten years, he can only lie down and can't do anything.

He is in his last years, and his only wish is that he will not see the collapse of the kingdom at least until his death. Unfortunately, this wish seems to be unattainable.

There was no one else in the room except him. He looked at the ceiling and recalled his life.

Regret... In addition to regret, it's still a pity!

The footsteps slowly approached, and he turned his head with difficulty, and then saw the former palace magician... an old man with a wrinkled face.

"Your Majesty, I'm here to accompany you." Urenos went to the bedside and found a stool to sit down.

"Do you want to laugh at me?" The king wanted to see the old man's expression, but it was not easy.

"You are too out of the way." The old man smiled and said, "I'm your friend."

"This makes me so happy!" The king held his bed and wanted to sit up. The old man Urenos helped him. He sighed, "I thought I had no friends anymore. Especially after I kicked you away."

"Some friends, you can't get rid of them."

The king coughed heavily and spit out a mouthful, but his face looked much better.

"Oh, my old friend, can you tell me why people always have to see their previous mistakes at this time?" The king sighed, "When I was alone just now, many of the past events were swaying around in front of my eyes, stupid and ridiculous. I'm thinking that if I hadn't listened to the rumors and driven you away because of jealousy, Diana wouldn't have been killed, and I wouldn't have been killed like this by the snake-haired female demon. In that case, I can still do a lot of things and maybe save the current disaster. I would really believe that Sophia was Diana and your illegitimate daughter. I think I was crazy at that time, and God blinded my eyes with jealousy.

"Maybe this is fate."

"Don't tell me about fate," the king said angrily. "You know I never believe it."

"You are so wise!" The old man smiled and said, "Actually, I never believe it."

"Do you mean I'm as wise as you?"

"No, you are a little wiser than me."

" bastard!" The king laughed.

At this time, they heard the rapid sound of horses' hoofs outside.

"Who will it be?" The king asked doubtfully.

"I think," the former court magician said slowly, "there is only one child who will come here at this time."


Soon, they saw the dusty Sophia rushing in.

"Father...teacher?" Her Royal Highness did not expect that the old Urenos would also appear here.

"Child." The king slowly stretched out his hand to her, "Come here."

Suffia came to the bedside and grabbed her father's hand: "Father, Wangcheng can't hold it anymore. You have to leave quickly. And Louis, where's Louis?"

"Don't worry," the old man Urenos told her, "I have handed over Prince Louis to the right person before coming here."

Sofia looked at the old man and quickly understood that he was talking about Leot.

"Mr. Uno, you have to leave, and there is still time..."

"No, no," the old man shook his head calmly. "I'm old, and I don't need an old man like me in this era. I have to stay here with your father - my majesty, my friends, my respected comrades-in-arms and my resentful rivals. And I know that he won't leave either. Right? Your Majesty."

"That's right, my old friend." Feifu III coughed for a while before saying, "I have asked the bodyguard to pile up firewood in this room and sprinkle it with kerosene. Now it is only one flame away. I can't run anymore. Why do they have to send me to the guillow? I have to make my death at least look dignified, child.

"Father!" Sophia burst into tears.

Fifu III groped out a long sword with diamonds from his side with a trembling hand and gave it to Sophia: "Take it away. I'm glad that I have you, a child who never let me down. It's a pity that you wish you were a boy..."

"She is much better than those men." The former palace magician intervened.

"It's true," the king sighed heavily, "I didn't notice this earlier, which was my biggest mistake. Child, go quickly. My life is over, although I always feel that it hasn't started yet..."

"Don't say that, Your Majesty," the old man Urenos comforted him, "you have also done a lot of glorious things. You have repelled the invasion of the orcs in the cold wind hills, and you have personally led the army to chase the sand thieves into the distant desert. You have put down many rebellions so that there has been no more war in the country in more than ten years.

"Oh, why do I think those are all things in my previous life?"

"That's because you have been sick** for too long."

"Well, Sophia, you can leave. And you, my friend, tell me about my glory when I was young, so that I may have hallucinations at the moment of swallowing my breath and think of myself as the ancestor who started the cause, not a *.

"No problem, Your Majesty, I'm glad to do that. In fact, Your Majesty, I think you really have nothing to regret. Not everyone can become a king, and not everyone can marry the two most beautiful women in the kingdom one after another. You also have four smart children... Well, maybe two of them are not so smart..."

"My old friend, are you sure you're really not here to laugh at me?"

"Oh, Your Majesty, of course not. You are so rude..."
