Magic Dance Song

Chapter 5 The Crisis of the Royal City, the Beautiful Princess in the Fire!

When she went out, Sophia's heart was an unspeakable pain.

The indifference of the two old people to life and death did not comfort her. The tearing and screams were getting closer and closer. Obviously, the army of the Dark Prince broke through the gap and entered the royal city. Even the main gate may have fallen into the hands of the enemy.

The sky is full of dark clouds, and the sun has been covered.

She seems to have seen the blood everywhere in the royal city.

Suddenly, a green shadow appeared in the corners of her eyes. She looked at it stunned and then saw a lonely woman.


The young queen slowly came to her, and the green skirt dragged on the ground, graceful. Sophia looked silently at her childhood friend and now stepmother, and the emotions in her heart were intertwined. Resentment? Sympathy? Or is it the indifference of strangers?

In private, many people have many speculations about the relationship between the young queen and Parnqi. Although these speculations cannot be confirmed, Sophia knows that at least there is some kind of relationship between them.

Tinuville walked in front of her and stood quietly.

"Paenqi is about to enter the city," Sophia herself couldn't figure out whether there was sarcasm in her tone. "You can see him soon."

Tinuville's eyes were gray, and she asked faintly, "Are many people dead?"

Sofia did not answer. In fact, she doesn't need to answer either. In the distance, there was a loud noise and black smoke rising. Obviously, the enemy's magician was using the range magic of fire attributes.

"I know how to stop Panqi," Tinuville looked at her, slowly stretched out his hand and pressed it on his heart. "As long as you kill me, Panqi will die."

Sofia first looked at the young queen doubtfully, but soon she knew that Tinuvir had not lied to her. The eyes full of sadness and despair, the pain that make countless people feel guilty about their own death, the sadness of wanting to touch happiness but not seeing hope... Living is already a kind of torture for her.

Thoughts turned like lightning in Sophia's heart. Everyone knows that Parnqi can't be killed, and she once sent assassins to assassinate the dark prince, but the dark prince seems to be really the embodiment of the devil, and no sword or magic can hurt him.

In order to find out the reason why Parn was unharmed, Sophia even sent Sully to the bronze heart altar to contact the magician from the Solinta, but it led to Sully's death. Of course, she still figured out Panqi's mystery of immortality in other ways.

Pahnqi had removed the heart from his body through some mysterious witchcraft. Only by piercing his heart can he die. However, where his heart is hidden can never be found.

Now she finally understands.

Paenqi's heart is in Tinuvir's body.

No one thought that Panqi would give his life to a delicate woman. Moreover, even if someone doubts, who dares to kill a queen easily?

"I can't do it myself, because I can't kill him with my own hands," Tinwell said softly. "So, Sophia... kill me!"

Holding the long sword left by her by her father tightly, Sophia stood still, and no one knew what she was thinking. After a long time, she walked over slowly, stretched out her hand and gently hugged Tinwell.

"Take care of yourself!"

After saying that, she opened her mouth, turned around and quickly walked to the horse, jumped on the horse and ran straight out of the palace, leaving the young queen standing there alone, silently crying.

What can be changed by killing Tinuvir? This kingdom has long been corrupt and hopelessly. Even if the dark prince dies, its collapse cannot be restored.

In the past few days, she has deeply understood how unbearable those nobles and church elites are.

Let all the dead branches and leaves be burned by the flames together with the rotten tree trunk.

Maybe...including myself...


The battle in the royal city continues, and the people who escaped from the west gate are also unable to be safe. Although the army of the Dark Prince deliberately opened the side door to the west of the city, when Cardinal Shirley fled to the western suburbs with his Knights Templar, an ambush rushed down from the mountain and hit the Knights hard.

Long guns and bows and arrows, as well as long-digged traps, were obviously aimed at the Knights Templar from the beginning. What's more incredible is that when the clergy immediately following the Knights Templar tried to provide magical support, a group of people who also used Norswell's magic to counter them.

Shallley's face was pale and trembling. When he noticed that the bishop who had given him advice from the beginning and urged him to abandon the king city and escape had disappeared, he finally understood how stupid he was.

Obviously, he is not the only one who wants to become the Pope!

At the same time, the fleeing crowds are still pouring out of the west gate. Panqi's hatred of the nobles has long been known to everyone, and no nobleman dares to stay in the royal city. However, in this tide of crowd, a teenager tried to enter the royal city. From time to time, he used magic such as floating and shadow gates until he fully entered the city.

He teleported himself to the roof and looked around. The flames in the distance and there were cries nearby. He even saw the wind and smoke prince who asked the royal bodyguards to kill anyone who prevented him from moving forward. However, he did not find the person he wanted.

At this time, he saw a knight girl wearing a rose badge seriously guarding the gate, so he borrowed a shadow door to pass himself to her.

"Where is Your Highness?" He shouted at the rose knight.

The knight girl first looked at him doubtfully, then seemed to recognize who he was and replied faintly, "I'm also waiting for the princess."

So Sophia is still in the royal city? The teenager became nervous.

At this time, he also found that the rose knight in front of him seemed to be very familiar. Then, he remembered that in the mission to save the missing girl, in order to catch up with the enemy's leader, he jumped down from the third floor with Molly and pressed on a girl... Obviously, it was her.

Her breasts are soft!



The long gun was placed diagonally in front of him, with his feet, and gathered densely to face the rushing cavalry. For a moment, blood splashed, and the blood of people and horses dyed the ground red. The long gun penetrated the horse's belly and pierced the knight's body, and the horse hissed.

At the same time, many soldiers were knocked away and crushed...

The archer shot batches of sharp arrows from the rear of the spearman, causing the enemy to fall down. However, there were too many enemies, and the corner of the street was soon lost, leaving only piles of corpses.

"Your Highness," an officer looked at the incoming enemy, "it can't be defended here. Please leave quickly."

"No," Princess Sophia calmly pulled out her sword next to him. "After defeating this group of enemies, I will take you away with you."

After leaving the palace, she soon encountered a war situation. Her own army had collapsed, and she had to stand on the front line, reconvening every group of soldiers she met, and took them to resist tenaciously. If the royal city falls too quickly, the side door to the west of the city will also be lost, and Panqi will immediately use cavalry to chase those who escaped from the royal city. At that time, everyone will be able to escape.

The enemy was soon in front of her. She held her sword high, encouraged the soldiers loudly, and then took the lead in killing them. If death is inevitable, killing and being killed are just a throbbing and short process. Splashing blood flowers, falling bodies, and the sickle of death keep harvesting fragile souls. Her bravery infected other soldiers, and everyone moved forward desperately.

Until this group of enemies were finally defeated, she rode on her horse and gasped vigorously. There were pieces of corpses in front of her, but she was lucky to be alive.

Should she be happy?

A soldier handed her a handkerchief and looked at her worriedly. Only then did she feel the hot pain on her face. She gently wiped her face with a handkerchief, blood, full of blood on her hands...

A sword mark was scratched vertically along her ear close to the corner of her mouth.

Everyone is looking at her silently, but she just wants to laugh. Yes, she is no longer beautiful, but what does it matter? Does she still have a chance to go to the dance again? Does she still have a chance to look in the mirror again?

- Instead of following the elephant herd slowly dying in the desert that has lost its water, it is better to set a fire and then regenerate in blood and fire, just like *.

Another group of enemies are approaching them.

"I'm your princess. Would you like to die with me?" She shouted loudly.

Everyone raised their weapons and shouted with her...

The battle started again, and waves of people gathered and fell on the streets. The courage to see death will always make death begin to hesitate. The dark clouds quietly disperse, and the cold light flashes on the blade until it is endless red...

Suddenly, the enemy began to retreat quickly.

The blood on her face was soaked through Sophia's dress, and many soldiers surrounded her and guarded her. At the intersection ahead, the enemy's heavy helmet cavalry are neatly arranged. A man riding a black horse came out. With his appearance, the sky seemed to be covered with dark clouds again, and the battlefield was covered with a gray shadow.

Dark Prince Panchi!

Paenqi's eyes were as cold as water. He slowly raised his hand and waved it. The cavalry made way to both sides, and dozens of magicians in witch robes appeared. They began to sing and dance neatly, and the magic energy gathered on their heads into a strong wind ball.

Oh no.

Sofia looked back quickly and estimated how far she needed to exit before she could escape from the threat of magic. However, she was afraid that she could not withstand a simple retreat. When the other side's heavy helmet cavalry took advantage of their own retreat, the rest was just slaughter and slaughter.

Anyway, it's all dead...

"Go up!" Sophia took a look at the reins, and the white horse was startled.

She took the lead in rushing towards Panqi and the magician behind him, followed by the other soldiers. Sprint, then sprint...

A team of crossbowmen came diagonally and blocked them, shooting arrows that had already been on good strings. The people around Sophia kept falling down, and a crossbow pierced the abdomen of the white horse. The white horse fell to the ground with a hiss and put her straight to the ground.

She struggled to get up, and her head became confused by the impact.

"Your Highness."

She heard a horse rushing straight in, and the man jumped in front of her to help her on horseback. However, with the sound of another round of arrows breaking the air, the man's body shook and collapsed on Sophia's body. Sophia recognized her, and she was the rose knight who refused to leave her. Several cross arrows pierced her back.

The wind rolled and the fire glowed.

Sofia looked up, and the wind mass on the heads of the magicians had turned into hot fireballs and pressed straight at her.

The hot flames scorched her, and she could even smell the burning smell of her skin.

She is going to least that's what she thinks.

However, suddenly a shadow door opened beside her, and someone hugged her and put something on her finger. The flames suddenly dissipated and just surrounded them in vain. A teenager appeared in front of her and looked at her in horror.

"Mage..." She called out his name weakly and then fell down.