Magic Dance Song

Chapter 3 Threat from Sing--

The feeling of water sliding into the mouth is a kind of sweetness that has never been seen before.

It seems that even the nightmare is affected by this sweetness and gradually becomes warm.

Liselle drank greedily until he choked hard because of too much urgency.

In a daze, she seemed to hear someone ask her to drink slowly. She wanted to see who the man was, but she couldn't open her eyes.

Although the body that has become extremely weak due to dehydration and fatigue has been replenished with water, the fatigue in the body still makes her feel uncomfortable.

She fell asleep again.

When she woke up again, she found herself still in the desert.

The sunset is scattered at the end of the desert, mixed with the color of yellow sand.

Beautiful is fascinating!

Perhaps, the beauty is not the scenery in front of you, but the joy of knowing that you are still alive.

"Are you awake?" A teenager's voice came from behind her.

She was shocked and turned around quickly.

The teenager was roasting a desert antelope with fire. When he saw her turning his head, he waved to her.

"Hey, see you again." The teenager in the magic robe showed a strange smile.

"We are really predestined!" He said.

The girl's face turned red.

"You saved me again?" She asked in a low voice. She clearly remembered that she was on the way to track down the people taken away by the enemy, and the horse she rode was lost. After losing her water bag, she finally fainted because of her way and thirst.

"It's just a coincidence." The magician teenager tried to tear a piece of meat from the roasted antelope, but he was so hot that he screamed. He tried to find something from his body that could be used to cut meat. However, he was a magician and naturally did not carry sharp weapons on his body.

I don't know why there is a strange sickle in the distance.

The teenager dragged the sickle over, wiped the blade with a cloth, and clumsily used it to cut meat.

It took him a lot of time to cut it down and handed it to the girl.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

The girl's stomach made a "coo" sound. She shyly took the barbecue and took a few bites.

Tears flowed down again.

This magician is naturally Megji.

After discovering that the "food" picked up by Zhina was actually the sand thief girl he once released, he quickly stopped Emma and Zhina, and almost made Emma angry because she couldn't suck blood.

However, in the end, Emma gave the girl to him for the sake that Meggie was physically and mentally traumatized and almost "**" by her last night.

"What happened?" Meiji went to the girl and sat down, naturally hugged her.

"My people... my people..." The girl wiped her tears, but couldn't stop it from flowing out.

Under the girl's words, Meggie began to understand the experience of the "blood wolf", a sand thief organization that had caused a headache for Count Feline and the solitary general Leot.

And what really surprised him was the powerful force from the girl.

"You mean, someone ruled Sier?" He looked at the girl named Liselle incredulously.

"No one knows the real origin of that man," Liselle whispered. "All we know is that his subordinates call him General Dreton. He began to appear almost ten years ago, with a group of subordinates who subdued Si Er's sphere of influence by force, even El and the Night Elf clan were no exception..."

"That's impossible!" Megsy couldn't believe it.

He has never been to Si, but no one knows how chaotic it is. There are many monsters and incomparable races living there. There are swamps and jungles full of death, and only the most experienced adventurers dare to go there. The evil cannibals, Anpsa, and the ghouls digging graves, these horrible creatures rarely seen elsewhere, gathered in groups.

Of course, there are still some human tribes living there. They are regarded as barbarians. The tough living habits and the combat effectiveness of any enemy who dares to invade their land think twice are the fundamentals for their survival in that chaotic land.

And now, the girl tells him that someone has ruled most of Si's land.

In his opinion, this is simply a fantasy.

It is unimaginable to let El and the Night Elf fight side by side.

"This is true." The girl whispered, "Moreover, their power has entered the distant desert. Many sand thieves have surrendered to them. If they refuse to submit, or they don't like them at all, they will not let go of women and children like us. We were chased by them in Yadanlin in the northwest of the desert. All the soldiers died, and the women and children were all caught by them and didn't know where to go. I secretly followed them here..."

"Wait a minute." Meiji shouted, "Are you sure they are going in this direction?"


"Where are they going?" Meiji asked doubtfully. This is the north of the far desert. If they pass in this direction, they are going far away from the Kingdom of Fer.

They approached the Kingdom of Fair with the captured women and children?

Lisail still wanted to talk, but suddenly blushed. Just now, she couldn't help crying because she was worried about the safety of the people. And he came to comfort herself, which made her feel much more at ease.

The problem is that now she noticed that Meiji held her hand and pressed it on her right breast.

She peeked at Meiji quietly and saw that he was pretending to be lost in thought.

Although he didn't mean it, Liselle was still embarrassed. I want to remind him carefully, but I'm worried about treating other people's kindness as malice. If she doesn't care like this... she feels so ashamed that her whole face is hot.

Of course, she actually guessed one thing wrong... Meiji did it on purpose.

However, there are some things that can't be rushed. Meiji pretended to unconsciously shrink her hand back and put her chin on the back of her hand, making an expression of continuing to think.

It's a little bigger than Emma's - this is the answer he thought.

Seeing his hand shrink back, Liselle was relieved on the one hand, but on the other hand, he couldn't help sighing gently in the bottom of his heart.

Of course, he won't really feel for himself... He already has that princess.

This makes her feel like she wants to cry again!

quickly wiped her tears, and she remembered a more important thing.

"They also have shadow blood dragons..."

"What?" Meiji looked at her in astonishment.

In the eyes of the girl, she began to show deep fear.


Does the Shadow Blood Dragon reappear?

Meggie feels that the world is a little messy.

There were only two shadow blood dragons in the world, and the one on Pingxia Island has been killed. Although Meggie boasted everywhere that he gave the last blow to the Shadow Blood Dragon, of course this was not the case. It is somewhat lucky to be able to kill the Shadow Blood Dragon. His "broken flash" and Joshua's magic sword, coupled with Anna, whose body is integrated with fragments of the goddess soul, can barely hurt the Shadow Blood Dragon.

And what really dealt a fatal blow to Shadow Blood Dragon was the sudden appearance of Sully Fit.

Nevertheless, the little boy Will died on Pingxia Island.

And the remaining shadow blood dragon has been in the fog girl forest. If Liselle really sees the Shadow Blood Dragon, it can only be the one in the fog forest.

Why did it come out?

Suddenly, something seemed to flash in his mind, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

The shadow blood dragon on Pingxia Island is said to have been brought out of the May Valley after Wu Chen followed his brother into the May Valley of the Age continent. Wu Chen can bring out the shadow blood dragon from the Valley of May, so can she also bring out the one in the fog girl forest?

He remembered what Zia said to him in the market of White Sands Castle. Zia said that she had seen Joshua, and Joshua told her that he was going back to the Fog Girl Forest and asked Ziya if she wanted to go back with him.

Joshua is surrounded by Wu Chen...

The night is dark.

Lisail has slept in the earthen house made by Meji's stone collapse. She is really tired. Although she has been supplemented with water and food, it is still difficult to support it for too long.

Meggie sat alone by the bonfire until Emma came from behind him.

Mage asked, "Did you hear what she said?"

Emma nodded.

"You once said that the count in Leharren County, who can only play tricks, is far worse than someone else." Meiji looked at her and said, "You seem to have hinted that Joshua has left Count Ainhuly to follow that man..."

"That's General Dreton!" Emma said, "Actually, Joshua has been working for General Drayton. He should be the spy placed by General Drayton beside Count Ainhuly. In the ruins of the heavenly garden, the wanderer of the night elf clan who was with me was also from Si. I don't know what the relationship is between Joshua and the general, but obviously, the current chaos in the Kingdom of Fair is inseparable from the general's plan.

Mage was silent. What kind of person can make Joshua willing to work for him? What kind of ability does he have to unify?

"What does he want to do?" Meiji asked in a low voice, "I mean, he conquered Si and secretly stirred up trouble in the kingdom of Fair, and now he has infiltrated his power into the distant desert..."

"Isn't this obvious?" Emma sneered, "He wants to rule this continent."

Meggie's eyes widened.

Unify the whole continent? Including the orcs in the cold windy hills and the dwarves in the Moschibelle Mountains?

How is this possible?

"Do you think he can't do it?" Emma said lightly, "But before that, didn't you believe that someone could rule? Compared with the place full of dead and horrible creatures, what is the now chaotic Fair Kingdom and the New Asia commercial complex managed by merchants who can only see gold coins in their eyes?

"However, there are also Orcs and Dwarves..." Meggie whispered. After all, it is too far away from the Kingdom of Fell. If General Drayton wants to unify the continent from Sven, he obviously must start from New Asia or Moschibelle, which is known as the country of dwarves. He can't attack the Fair Kingdom directly across this big desert, can he?

"Don't guess his intentions," Emma said coldly. "Meggie, believe me, if even you could guess his strategic vision, he would have been killed by the enemy countless times."

"..." Meiji was a little unconvinced at first, but finally he was silent. Emma is not wrong. If she throws herself into Si like this, she may not be able to get out of the territory of those barbarians, let alone subdue them.

"Those dwarves' eyes have always been short-sighted," Emma continued. "They only know how to build their own homes into the strongest fortress, distrust no one, and will not covet other people's territory. General Dreighton can finally come to deal with them. As for the cold windy hills... Meggie, don't you think those orcs have been too quiet in recent years?

Meggie was stunned.

Indeed, due to the belligerent nature of the Orcs, in the past, they had to cause trouble at the border of the Kingdom of Fair at most two or three years. However, in the past decade, they have hardly made any action, not even small-scale looting. Of this, of course, it is because they were beaten by the royal army led by the lone wolf general Leot ten years ago, and suffered heavy casualties. But with the ferocious habits of those orcs, it is too far-fetched to say that they have been afraid for more than ten years.

"Why haven't you heard about these things before?"

"Because they believe me," Emma whispered, "Joshea recommended me to join them, and I also participated in some of their actions in the Fair Kingdom and learned a lot about them. However, when I was about to leave them, they did not embarrass me. Between them, there is a strange principle that does not inquire about the past of their companions, and even those of unknown origin do not doubt it. If anyone wants to leave, they don't ask much, or even have no reason to believe that that person will not betray them. At first, I felt that their trust was simply childish and ridiculous, but later, I gradually learned that their rules were not naive, but made them more terrible. And it's even more incredible that the general can make those elites from all over the world abide by such a seemingly childish unwritten agreement.

Meggie understands Emma's feelings. Her family originally served Ainhuly, but the family was destroyed. Hypocritical people like Ainhuly may be able to deceive everyone at the beginning, but after a long time, they will inevitably be seen through his true face. Although General Dreiden's approach seemed to take a lot of risks, it also made each of his men more convinced and even willingly die for him.

Just think about it, Emma, who has not even been there, is in awe of General Dreton in her words, and you can imagine his prestige among his subordinates and the incredible means.

Two people sit side by side.

The bonfire gradually weakened, and Meiji used magic to gather fire elements to revive the flames.

"Liselle begged me to help her save her family!" Meiji whispered.

In the evening, Liselle suddenly knelt down to him and cried and begged Meg for help her. Perhaps in her opinion, Meggie is fully capable of rescuing the captured women and children. After all, Meggie has fought against the Shadow Blood Dragon, and even defeated the vampire army led by demons...

But Meggie knows what she knows. It's one thing to brag, but it's another to really face the enemy. He almost wanted to refuse directly, because he felt that he had no reason to die for those who didn't know him.

However, Liselle's eyes full of hope and tears made him feel ruthless for a moment.

The eyes that clearly reflect the girl's dreams and melancholy are really beautiful.

"Then go." Emma just said lightly.

Meggie looked at her in astonishment.

"Since General Dreiden has ruled most of the area, the next step must be to expand outward," Emma said. "If you look at it in general, the best goal should be New Asia. But is it strange that he first infiltrated his power into the desert?

Meggie calmed down and soon understood.

Emma is worried about Princess Sophia, who stayed in the White Sands Castle.

"He can't attack the Guai Pass directly through the desert, can he?" Megsy felt that she was a little worried. If General Drayton really does this, I'm afraid that his army will lose a lot of combat effectiveness just through the desert, let alone the transportation of strategic materials.

"I said, don't guess him with your own ideas." Emma touched his face, "Moreover, those people are taking prisoners west, which can't be explained. Anyway, we go back to White Sand Castle in the same direction as theirs, and it's not a bad thing to find out their purpose by the way.

Mage nodded. Then, he suddenly thought of something.

"What about Zhina?" Meiji looked at the vampire girl, "Also, are you a real person or a split?"

Up to now, Meji still can't tell the difference between Emma herself and her incarnation. Unless you use "day" to get a piece of sunshine, the one who is afraid of the sun is the real body, and the one who is not afraid of the sun is the split... The premise is that don't make her angry and let yourself get a few whips...

Emma just smiled faintly and did not answer.
