Magic Dance Song

Chapter 4 Liselle's Mind! Dive into Shajiao Mountain--

The next day, when Liselle woke up and walked out of the dirt house, he accidentally found a horse parked there.

That was her lost horse, and even the machete and water bag hanging on it were still there.

Mage told her that he didn't sleep all night and searched everywhere with magic before finding the horse. What made her more happy was that Meiji actually promised to accompany her to track down the people who had taken her away.

"Originally, I had more important things to do," Meiji told her with a solemn face. "But I'm worried if I throw you down like this."

Liselle was very moved.

Of course, he can't run to the desert for no reason, so there must be something important. And listening to his tone, the matter is very unfinished.

But he put down his own business for me!

Although she is still worried about the safety of the clan, Liselle can't help but feel a sense of sweetness in her heart.

If there is a horse, it will be much better. However, Meiji told Liselle that she couldn't ride a horse, so the girl could only ride in front of him.

After they packed up their things, they set off immediately. Meiji hugged Liselle's waist from behind and let the girl ride the horse. Because it is already on the edge of the desert, and further north is the cold wind hills, so although it is daytime, the temperature is not too high, and the plants along the way are slowly increasing.

Sometimes, they will see several bodies on the road, and the girl recognizes them.

This made her very sad.

Sometimes, they can't find the traces of Liselle's people passing by from the ground, and they are not sure of the direction they want to chase. At this time, Meji will disar, point out the sky solemnly, mutter to herself, and then point in a certain direction and let Liselle chase him over there.

Meggie said it was a prophetic magic.

And afterwards, he can always prove that the direction he refers to is correct.

Liselle thinks his magic is amazing.

Of course, Liselle didn't know that Emma and Zhina had been following those people in front, and the little fairy was also with them.

Meggie's "murmur" is just talking to the little fairy with consciousness. As for the extra action of "extinginging to the sky", it is purely for Liselle.

After chasing for two days and two nights, those people began to change their direction. Megie noticed through the star compass that if they kept following like this, they were likely to reach a place called Shajiao Mountain.

In this way, I followed them for many days, and both of them were a little tired. Fortunately, because this place is on the edge of the desert and the role of the star compass, Meiji can always find water, so that she can't be replenished in time after the water bag is used up.

Nevertheless, Megji already feels that he can't support it anymore. On the contrary, Liselle, after all, is used to the life of sand thieves and is much better than him.

It was dawn when they arrived near Shajiao Mountain.

Although it is called Shajiao Mountain, it is actually an undulating circular hill formed by many small sand mountains. Due to the transition zone between the Churwinds Mountains and the desert, the vegetation here is distributed in a mess, and often after walking through a period of grassless sand, you can encounter a small lake.

Meji learned that those who escorted Liselle had entered Shajiao Mountain through contact with the little fairy. And in all the passages into the interior of the Utran, there are people watching.

"Let's hide here first and wait until dark before diving in." Megie said to Liselle.

Liselle nodded quietly.

They hid behind a hill that was not easily noticed, where there were many low shrubs. Meiji handed a piece of air-dried roasted antelope meat to Liselle. The girl cried silently while eating.

"Don't worry, your family will be fine." Meiji comforted her.

Liselle didn't say anything.

Meggie sighed: "Why did you become a sand thief? I mean, you don't look like a desert thief at all..."

"My father is the head of the blood wolf..." The girl whispered.

Meggie calmed down and said nothing more. Obviously, all her clan members are sand thieves, which is a big family that lives on looting. She was born there, so there is no choice. He felt that he had asked superfluous words. In fact, he had no bad feelings for sand thieves. What is robbery? One of his lovers is still a vampire.

Seeing that the girl didn't want to talk, he yawned and felt that he was really tired, so he fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Liselle lowered her head and thought Meggie would ask anything more, but Meggie never said anything. She quietly raised her head and saw that he had fallen to the ground and closed his eyes, as if pretending to be asleep.

He looks down on me! The girl's heart aches faintly.

She felt that she was just one of the gang of robbers who made a living by killing and robbing people. He only came with her out of pity and sympathy. Now, he knows more clearly that her father is still the leader of robbers.

He doesn't want to talk to me anymore!

The girl shed tears silently.

Crystal tears drip on the air-dried meat, and then bite into the mouth... It's bitter.

If possible, she really hopes that she will have some dignity and leave him and enter Shajiao Mountain alone. However, the lonely memory of being lost in the desert made her tremble, and she was afraid of the feeling of being alone.

Without the pain from the bottom of her heart, she forced herself to swallow the meat one by one, and then lay down with her back to Meiji.

Although it was a morning on the edge of the desert, she felt so cold.

She held the machete and curled up tightly... she couldn't fall asleep.


A day passed like this, and the sky began to slowly darken.

Meggie and Liselle left the horse outside and began to dive into the interior of the mountain.

Although I think the girl's appearance seems to be a little strange, as if she suddenly becomes more depressed, Meiji is not thinking too much for the time being. He added stone skin to himself, and then hid himself and Riselle's body with invisible magic.

They tried to cross between two small sand mountains.

The temperature began to drop, and the moonlight spread over the sand layer, and a halo appeared.

Although his body was hidden, the strange sound made by his feet on the sand grains could not be erased. This sound is very pleasant, as if it has stepped on the strings of the bard, and even if it is creaked, it can't but let it out.

This phenomenon, also known as Mingsha, only appears in some special sand mountains.

Meggie and Liselle can only be as careful as possible.

When I was about to cross the sand mountain, several dark shadows suddenly came out.

Meggie stopped, hoping that they didn't see through the invisibility of herself and Liselle. However, one of the shadows shook the staff and sang dullly. A faint light flashed, directly breaking their invisibility.

Two sharp breaking sounds sounded. Meiji also quickly cast spells, and a space shield stood in front of him and the girl. The space shield appeared a little slower, and a sharp arrow dodged him. Fortunately, it only made his stone skin lighter and did not cause any damage. The other arrow was blocked by the space shield.

A Elle came out of the sand and jumped straight to Meiji.

Liselle pulled out his machete and flashed past Megee like a cheetah, gracefully and accurately cutting off the throat of the half-human and half-beast monster. Meggie had seen her skills. At that time, in the ambush, she was surrounded by several rose knights, but she was still able to break out quickly and almost killed Sophia by her.

While Liselle blocked the gap of other enemies, Meggie quickly cast spells, and a long gun made of a space crack stabbed directly at the magician with a staff. At the same time, the magician also completed a spell, a chain of lightning, but failed to break through the space shield.

The "broken flash" instantly pierced the magician's body.

"The Qiang", Liselle's machete also intersects with another El's sharp claws. She turned her wrist lightly and flexibly flashed a gorgeous trajectory along the monster's arm, slightly breaking El's throat.

The remaining two enemies are obviously human beings. They threw down their long bows and tried to quickly approach Meiji with strange weapons. But their movements were obviously slower than Elle's, and they were blocked by the space shield. Soon they were fixed by Meg's superimposed fixed magic, and then pierced their hearts by the girl's machete.

It's very good, and Meiji praised it in his heart. Although Liselle sometimes doesn't look like a sand thief who is used to licking blood with a knife, her clean killing skills are obviously much more powerful than ordinary sand pirates.

Lisell turned around and saw that Meji was looking at her, and somehow began to panic again.

He must be compared with the princess he likes, the girl thought. The princess must be very dignified and elegant, unlike herself...

She felt that something had splashed on her face and subconsciously reached out and touched her hand. The thick red ** touched her hand.

This is the enemy's blood!

She quickly turned her face and felt that she must be ugly and disgusting now!

Meggie didn't think too much. In fact, she didn't have time to think so much. The fight just now obviously shocked the enemy, and there was a noise in the distance, mixed with the sound of horses' hoofs. If you escape now, it must be too late. If you continue to use stealth words, the effect is really limited in this place that will make a "sand cry".

Some people are approaching them quickly in the distance.

The girl also knew that the situation was dangerous. She turned her back to Meiji and whispered, "You run away first. I'll stop them."

Lew her alone to escape? Meiji is a little moved.

However, this practice is really shameful.

This is, he looked at several bodies lying on the ground and his heart moved.

"Give me your knife!" He whispered. The girl looked at him in astonishment.

"Give it to me." Meiji stretched out his hand to her.

The girl handed over the machete in a stunned manner.

After taking the machete, Meji quickly cast a spell and turned himself into that person with "self-deformation" at the body of one of the human enemies killed by Lisail. Then, Meji picked up the man's weapon and hid the body with illusion.

As soon as Liselle saw that Meggie had become an enemy, he immediately understood his idea.

Meggie grabbed the girl's hair from behind and deliberately put the knife on her neck.

At this time, several enemies on horseback had rushed over and surrounded them with more than 20 guys of different races.

"This girl killed our people," Meiji made her voice lower and hoarse. "I caught her."

A human knight led by looked at Liselle and the body on the ground. Two Elben were cut off their necks by machetes, and a human was pierced through the heart by a girl's machete after being fixed. And the enemy with the magic wand died under the "broken blitz", which is not much different from being killed by a sharp weapon.

"Is there anyone else?" The knight asked.

Meggie didn't dare to say too much, so she had to shake her head.

So the knight began to order some El to scatter around to check if there were any other abnormalities. Several more people were arranged to carry the body back.

"Cond her in." The knight ordered Megji.

Someone came forward and tied Liselle with a rope. Megie pushed the girl and was surrounded by those people to walk inside the mountain.

At this time, his heart began to regret. When he came up with this method, he was proud that his head was really easy to use. In fact, this method could only be delayed for a while. Moreover, if they were just in the tiger's mouth, now it is equivalent to sending themselves and Liselle to the tiger's stomach.

They passed several sand mountains until a huge circular building appeared in front of Meggie and Liselle. The circular building is made of adobe and boulders and is located in a huge pit. Obviously, the whole interior of thecycla has been occupied by this large warehouse-like building, and many people are constantly carrying something unknown.

What exactly do they want to do? Meiji is puzzled.

At this time, a tall barbarian came over with animal skin on his waist and two big axes on his back. What's the matter? He asked rudely and spewed out a mouth full of wine.

" Sergeant Pig." Someone replied, "This girl wanted to break in and was caught by us."

"It's pretty good, Peugeot." The barbarian stretched out a rough hand and wanted to touch Liselle's face. Liselle subconsciously dodged.

"I like it." The barbarian Pig** smiled and said, "Don't forget to send it to my room."

The human knight looked at him coldly: "We still have to interrogate her to find out how she came here."

"It doesn't matter," Pig swaggered to the distance and waved his hand vigorously. "By the way, ask me if she is a virgin. Yes, just send her to my room. I like it."

The human knight looked at the back of the barbarian and frowned: "How much wine did this bastard drink?"

"Two cups." Several guys who had followed the savage replied.

"Why does the wine smell so strong?"

"The second cup was knocked over by him and poured on himself," the man snickered. "As a result, he insisted that he had drunk it."

"That's good," the knight smiled mockingly. "He can still walk after a drink. He has grown drunk."

Others also began to laugh.

Before they finished laughing, a shadow door opened beside them and a low old woman came out.

"What are you arguing about?" The old woman's voice was hoarse.

At the same time, Meggie knew that she was finished.

In the moonlight, although this old woman looks like a human, she is not at all. Her skin is blue, her limbs are dry, and she has only one eye... a horrible eye across half of her face.

She is a black Annes... just like Meggie's mother.

Black Annes is a born witch.

Mage's metamorphosis can make him hide it from others, but it is impossible to hide it from a Black Annes.