Magic Dance Song

Chapter 5 Sacrifice and Remote Transmission Magic Array!

"Escape quickly." Meiji instantly cut the rope tied to Liselle, grabbed her and ran away.

The Black Annes has also found his disguise and pointed to him and shouted harshly, "He is a spy."

The others quickly reacted and chased him together.

Meggie quickly cast the spell, and a flash sent out, dazzling the eyes of those people. However, the Black Annes was completely unaffected, and countless shadows appeared, blocking them circle after circle. Her laughter was strange and inexplicable, like a crow.

Meji cast a spell to break her illusion and make the shadows disappear. However, just such a delay, the knight has caught up with him and pulled out his sword and rowed straight to Meiji.

Liselle jumped up, jumped on the horse's back and hugged the knight, and fell off the horse with him.

"Let's go!" She pestered the knight to prevent him from getting up, and shouted at Meggie.

Meggie wanted to help her, but the others had chased her, so he had to turn around and run away.

Black Annes sneered and pointed to his back with strange notes in her mouth. At this time, a bat suddenly fell in the sky. The bat turned into a girl with a sickle and stabbed at her.

Black Anne's body moved more than ten meters away like a phantom.

The girl's purpose is obviously only to interrupt the witchcraft that Black Annes wants to use. The sickle in her hand disappeared inexplicably, and the whole person turned into a bat again and flew into the night sky.

At this time, the knight had pulled away Liselle with the help of his companions and trampled her under his feet.

A demon statue appeared in front of Meiji. Meiji recognized that it was the "Caramon" summoned by Emma with a black necklace, and he quickly jumped on the back of the demon statue. The statue left quickly behind his back. He turned around and the night was hazy. He seemed to see the despair on Liselle's face... and the strange smile.


Meji escaped the pursuit of those people with the help of Emma's demon statue and Zhina.

He hid in a bush until he was sure that he was safe now.

The childish bat fell from the air and showed the appearance of a little girl, and then Emma also came out of the dark.

Meggie still has a lingering heart. If they hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid it would be really difficult for him to escape.

They began to discuss what to do next.

Of course, if you consider it from your own safety standpoint, the best way is obviously to leave immediately. It is impossible to know how many enemies there are in the Cram, but it is obviously no less than one or two hundred people, including magicians and Black Annes, who is born to use witchcraft.

"Anyway, Liselle is not my person. I have saved her twice, and there is no need to worry about her anymore. Right? Meiji looked at Emma.

Emma nodded: "That's right."

"Moreover, I should rush to the White Sand Castle immediately and tell Sofia about this place. Although I don't know what General Dreiden wants to do, I must be unintentioned. I must inform Sophia as soon as possible, right?

Emma looked at him lightly: "Well, this is very important."

Mage began to turn her back to Shajiao Mountain and walked far away. After a few steps, he turned around and said, "Well, before leaving, I seemed to see Liselle happy... What was she happy about? I mean, she has been caught."

"Who knows," Emma still looked at him indifferently. "Maybe she is stupid. In my opinion, she is a stupid girl!"

Meggie turned around and took a few more steps. Then he stopped and was quiet for a long time.

Finally, he sighed slowly.

"I always feel that there is something wrong with leaving like this." He said depressedly.

"For example?"

"For example," Meiji raised his hand and stroked his chest. "It seems that it's hard here..."

Emma also sighed, gently moved in front of him, and stroked his face: "Fool."

"I think," Meggie looked at her. "At that time, the silly girl would be happy... because she saw that I could leave safely, right?"

"Maybe," Emma asked, "So, what are you going to do?"

"I think... I have to go back to find her!" Meiji looked at the vampire girl, "You and Zhina go back to the White Sand Castle first and tell Sophia about this place. I'll see if I can save her..."

Emma sighed gently, and a faint blue light flashed in her eyes: "Meggie, did you hesitate for a long time when you decided to go to the Golden Temple to find me?"

Meggie was silent for a moment and nodded. He wanted to be more firm and fearless, but he couldn't do it. He knew that he couldn't deceive Emma.

"What a fool." Emma just smiled and said, "Let's go. Zhina and I will go back with you to save her."


"Meggie," Emma kissed him and whispered in his ear, "You've never been as bad as you think..."


Since he decided to go back to save Liselle, Meggie began to plan. The little fairy also appeared and discussed with them.

After thinking for a while, he decided to sneak in to find Liselle in the state of an invisible spirit, while Zhina and Emma hid in the air and the periphery of the ring mountain respectively.

"There are still more than three hours before dawn," Emma told him, "you must take her out before dawn, otherwise Zhi and I can't help you."

Meggie nodded. Emma's real body and childishness can't appear in the sun. Once it's dawn, only Emma can appear as a split made with powers, and the ability of the split is much smaller.

After some thought, Meiji and Emma approached Shajiao Mountain again. It took him half an hour to arrange a magic matrix mainly composed of stone collapse spells at the foot of a sand mountain under the guidance of the little fairy. Then, he began to use the "invisible spirit" and entered the mountain again.

The stealth effect created by the "invisible spirit body" is to allow the caster to temporarily enter the subdimensional space that overlaps with the real plane. Even the creature that is born to see through the invisible cannot see him, and the ordinary invisible magic is also invalid for him. Unfortunately, this magic can only be used on the caster himself, and if you want to cast magic on the enemy, you must first remove your spiritual state, and its use is limited.

Because he is walking in sub-dimensional space, he doesn't have to worry that stepping on the sand will make a sound because of the "sand" this time.

After the riots just now, those people's defenses have obviously become tighter. Meiji saw several El buried under the sandstone, as well as some unknown creatures.

"Meggie," the little fairy suddenly said to him through the transmission of consciousness, "I can't go in with you. Be careful."

"What's wrong?"

"There are a few little witches in front of me. I am the same as their sub-dimensional space. If I go in again, I will be found by them."

The little witch, like the little fairy, is an unnatural creature born for magic. The difference is that their wings are as thin as dragonflies, while the little fairies are more like butterflies. In addition, the little witch was originally created by the dark god Shading, so the magic they are good at is darker and cruel. However, like the little fairy, the little witch is also the guardian of the law of life and has their own order and survival rules.

The little witch, like Free, can hide in subdimensional space. Although they are as thin as the little fairies and can't use lethal magic, if they are only used for reconnaissance, no one can really find them. After all, there are very few people or creatures like Prince Lu Ruishi who can see through the sub-dimensional space in this world.

Fortunately, the sub-dimensional space that Meji now enters is different from that of the little fairies. Although he can't see them, they can't find him.

Meggie continues to walk in.

Even the little witch can be caught as a scout. Who is General Dreiden?

Such a while, Meiji entered the crater again. He didn't know where Liselle was locked up, so he had to go down the huge pit and enter the huge building.

As soon as he entered it, Meiji was shocked. The complex internal structure and the direct smell of blood gave him a gloomy feeling. He passed through several passages until he came to the empty space in the center. Dozens of magicians were singing constantly, carving ditch marks on the ground, forming some kind of strange large magic array. In addition, six blood pools are placed on the six equal corners of the magic array, in which there is a corpse.

Women's...children's...and all kinds of other creatures...

Blood water flowed along the ditch marks on the ground into the center of the magic array, and black fog churled endlessly.

Meji walked to a blood pool and watched several stone giants keep stirring blood. There is a pile of clothes next to it, which are obviously peeled off from those people thrown in the blood pool.

Meggie saw the Black Annes and a warrior in mithril armor coming. He waited nervously until the Black Annes passed him and didn't look at him.

"When will it be finished?" The soldier asked.

"Just these days," Black Annes replied in her unpleasant hoarse voice, "the sacrifices the day before yesterday were delivered in time, otherwise it would have to be delayed for a few days. The news from the other two places is almost complete.

"It's better not to have any accident," the soldier pondered. "In case the spy who just escaped informs Phil and sends someone to destroy this place, the general's plan will not be completed."

"Don't worry," the short and fat witch closed her huge eyes and opened them again. "Even if the princess of the White Sand Castle sends troops now, it's too late."

The warrior nodded.

"Have you figured out where the girl you caught came from?"

"It's the same as these sacrifices," the soldier looked at the bodies of the women and children in the blood. "She escaped in Yadanlin and followed us all the time."

"The courage is not small," the witch giggled and bit the dark blue hand in her mouth. "Such a courageous girl must be very delicious to stew."

The warrior doesn't say anything.

Meggie is not going to listen any more. He looked at the huge magic array in front of him, imprinted it deeply in his mind, and passed it on to the little fairy: "What the hell is this?"

The little fairy thought for a long time before telling him, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be a transmission array."

"Transmission array?"

"Different from the small magic array used by ordinary magicians," the little fairy replied, "this magic array can open a space channel in the abyss controlled by demons and connect with another transmission array in the far away. Even thousands of troops can be transmitted directly. And those corpses are sacrifices to the devil.

Meji's heart is cold. In this way, the General Dreiden really intends to directly conquer the Kingdom of Fair, and judging from the situation, the first one is undoubtedly the Guai Rao and the White Sand Castle...

And Liselle's clan may have been thrown into the blood pool as a sacrifice for the devil.

Of course, this building cannot be completed in just one or two months.

He continued to wander around, stopping to listen to some people's conversations from time to time, trying to find out where Liselle was locked up. He found some clues in some words, so he crossed a passage and reached the other end of the building. Fortunately, without waiting for him to look closely, he saw several people pushing the girl towards a stone house. The girl wants to struggle, but it doesn't work at all.

Her hands were tied from behind by a rope.

The night is still very dark, with torches lit everywhere.

Meggie quickly followed them.

"Big Pig," a man shouted in the stone house, "We brought this girl here."

The barbarian Peig opened the door, and his thick upper body was **. He didn't know whether he had not woken up or had just woken up. He looked a little confused.

"Okay, Peugeot, I like it." He grabbed Liselle's hair and pulled her straight in. The girl gritted her teeth and struggled desperately.

Meggie quickly flashed in before the door closed.