Magic Dance Song

Chapter 11 New Clothes--

That night, Meggie finally didn't go to Liselle. After sending the wind away in the evening, he was called by the roses again. Because he was about to leave in the middle of the night, few people could really sleep. They simply had a party, and some knights who had not yet left were also captured by them to dance together and have fun. Although the atmosphere looks lively, the depression hidden in the depths still makes Meiji feel uncomfortable.

Although everyone is strong and cheerful, Meiji knows that everyone will have some uneasiness in their hearts. In the days before the Dark Prince broke through the royal city, they always accompanied Sophia and often appeared in dangerous places, and there were many dead companions. After following General Leot to White Sand Castle, many girls also lost contact with their relatives, and now they do not know whether they are alive or dead.

Although we always encourage and cheer each other, after all, they are all teenagers in their teens and twenties. How can they really look so open? However, war is such a thing. When it appears, it is like a mudslide, in which personal will appears insignificant.

Meggie couldn't stand the pretentious joy anymore, so she came out and wanted to take a breath. As a result, she found that a girl came out before him and was sitting quietly in the shadows, looking very nervous. So Meggie went to chat with her. Of course, he had known this girl for a long time, but she was not impressed. In the past, she always looked more introverted. However, this time, she said a lot. She told Meji what kind of people her parents were, told him many things about when she was a child, and said that she had a dream the night before that they had escaped from the royal city safely. She believed that the dream was true.

In a word, she talked a lot, and Meiji just sat quietly beside her and listened.

At the end of the party, when she began to gather, she kissed Meggie's face and ran away.

After many years, although Meji gradually couldn't remember her appearance or even her name, he still remembered the kiss.

He never saw her again...


After Miss Rose set out, the castle immediately became quiet, as if even the sleeping people did not dare to dream. An old priest found Meiji and invited him to have a drink with him. Meiji agreed without thinking about it. The two drank until dawn, until their whole head was dizzy, and Meiji had to take the initiative to admit defeat. Only when he admitted defeat did he find that the old priest had already drunk, and he was unaware of it.

Although I also want to get drunk and sleep in **, there are still a lot of things to do. He had to ask a doctor for some antidote and washed his face happily. He would leave with Leot around noon, and then he remembered that he had not yet asked for an amnesty for Liselle. Without an amnesty, Liselle can't go on the road with him.

He had to find Sophia, but Sophia was not in her room. Finally, he waited for her at the door of the combat conference room for more than an hour.

Suffia quickly wrote an amnesty to him.

"Is that the girl from last time?" She still remembers the sand thief girl who was taken out of the battlefield by Meiji.

Meggie nodded and wanted to explain a few more words to her. However, Sophia stretched out her only hand and gently stroked his face: "Her skills are very good. I will be relieved when she is with you."

Meggie smiled reluctantly.

"Be careful..." The princess whispered, "Promise me."

" too."

"And this," Princess Sophia took out a black necklace from her arms. "Erma asked me to give this to you. She will be with me, and she said that this necklace is more useful to you..."

Meggie silently put this black pearl necklace that can summon the demon statue into the dimensional bag. As a magician, he is not as good as Emma, who can use necromancer but also has the ability to fight in close combat. Once he is approached by the enemy, his magic may not have time to be cast, so a magic item that can summon a demon to block in front of him at any time is really useful for him.

Emma obviously thinks so too.

Because of the tight time, they couldn't be alone for too long. Soon, Sophia left in a hurry.

After standing quietly for a while, Meggie began to walk to the fort entrance.

It wasn't long before he went outside the castle and came to the tenant's house where Liselle lived and found her.

Liselle obviously didn't sleep well and was a little haggard. In fact, Meggie himself was the same. Thinking that he had promised to accompany her, but finally forgot, Meiji couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

He reached out and hugged Liselle.

Liselle didn't say anything and looked very quiet.

"We will leave at noon..." Meiji said.


"Do you really want to go with me?"


Meggie pressed her against the wall and kept kissing her. He put his hand into the girl's clothes. The girl did not refuse, but her body was a little stiff.

Meggie slid down and began to kiss her neck and*.

However, when he began to untie the girl's trousers, she grabbed the trousers and refused to take them off.

Mage looked up at her in astonishment.

The girl bit her lips tightly and shook her head vigorously. Although she doesn't resist Megee's cares, which girl doesn't want her first time to be dedicated in a better and more romantic atmosphere? But what is it now? She waited for him all night, but was he so hasty and hasty messed up?

Mage stood up, held her chin in her hand, and stared into the girl's eyes. The girl's eyes showed panic. She was worried that her refusal would make Meiji dissatisfied, and she was even more afraid that he would leave her angrily.

Meggie just smiled: "Your eyes are so beautiful!"

Lisel opened her eyes wide and was overwhelmed by his smile for a moment.

"Let's go." Meiji led her out.

"Where to go?" Liselle was dragged by him and didn't understand why he suddenly became so happy.

"Go and buy you new clothes." Meiji shouted, "There is still some time. Let's go to the market to buy new clothes for you..."



Although the market has become deserted, there are still some shops open. Meiji took Liselle into a clothing store, took out three gold coins and put them in front of the boss's wife, and immediately made her attentive.

Now it's too late to make it, so I can only buy ready-made ones. The boss's wife put out almost all the beautiful dresses and let Liselle pick them out. However, these colorful lady skirts blinded Liselle's eyes, but none of them were suitable.

"How can you fight with others in these clothes?" She asked Megji in a low voice.

Meggie thought about it and had to admit that these clothes were really inappropriate. They are about to go to the battlefield, instead of going for a walk by the river, tree shade and other places. These clothes are beautiful, but they are obviously not practical for Liselle. In case she breaks the exit as soon as she fights, revealing her * or * or something, won't she be feasted by the enemy before she is beaten?

"Is there anything that is not so fancy, but the fabric is better, more sophisticated and more comfortable?" Meiji turned over the three gold coins and planned to take them back as soon as the boss's wife didn't say it.

The boss's wife quickly understood what he meant, turned around and called a person's name, and then a girl about the same age as Lisail poked her head out.

"Take off your new clothes." The boss's wife told her daughter directly.

When he walked on the street again, Liselle had changed his dress. This is a relatively simple dress with a ribbon around her waist and loose skirt folds on her lower body, which will not affect her riding on the horse. The only place that doesn't fit is her chest. Her chest is much fuller than that of the boss's daughter, which makes her * a little squeezed and produces a seductive effect of half-exposed breasts, which makes her feel ashamed.

However, Meiji said that this made her more beautiful, which made her feel sweet at the same time.

"But I paid too much." Liselle whispered. This suit is not worth three gold coins.

"It doesn't matter," Meiji shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows if the money will be used next time."

Liselle was silent. Indeed, no one knows what will happen on the battlefield.

At this time, she regretted rejecting Meiji's request just now. Although she hoped to give her body to him in a better mood, as he said... Who knows if there is a next time?

"Liselle, what's wrong with you?" Meiji felt that she had become silent again.

Liselle shook his head.

sighed, and Megji hugged her: "Lisel... You always think too much! Have you been like this since you were a child?

Liselle calmed down and nodded.

"No wonder your eyes are beautiful, but there are too many melancholy." Meiji whispered in her ear, "Listen, Liselle, I will survive, and so will you. I won't let any of us have anything to do. You are mine, I don't want to lose you, and I won't let you lose me..."

"Hmm..." The girl lay on his chest and felt so warm and safe in his arms for the first time.

At noon that day, Meggie and Liselle left the White Sand Castle with the soldiers led by General Leot. Along with them, there are other wizards and priests recruited. Liselle rode a horse, and Meggie sat behind her and put her arms around her waist. Behind them, the simple and majestic White Sand Castle slowly walked away...
