Magic Dance Song

Chapter 12 War!

The defensive buildings at the Guaipath are naturally not equal to the Guou Fortress, but on the whole it is not weak. Because they often have to face the attacks of sand thieves, many arrow towers have been set up around the passed. In addition, the passed is located between the mountains, and there are steep cliffs on both sides. It is generally difficult for the enemy to bypass, which is more conducive to blocking the enemy. Some people also call the mountains south of the Guai Gorge the South Churwinds Mountains and the north of the North Churwinds Mountains. In fact, this name makes no sense. It is purely for convenience.

When Meji arrived with the army, two days later, Si's army began to appear. Although it is mixed with different races, it is mainly human beings. After all, human beings are the largest race in the world, and it is no exception. However, when a group of soul-eating eagles demonstrated in circles over the army of the White Sand Castle, even General Leot inevitably frowned. Soul-eating eagles are not intelligent creatures. Obviously, they are domesticated by orcists in the enemy.

Enemies from the ground can more or less use the terrain to stop them, but air attacks are much more troublesome.

Mage stood high with General Monowolf and the head of the Order of the Wind, Bo Ruiqu, and looked at the enemies in the distance. These were obviously the leading troops among the enemy. Some engineers were building a simple defense system, and even saw several large and amazing sandworms digging trenches under the command of the beast master.

"What are they riding? Desert antelope?" Borre, the head of the Knights, looked at the mounts of a group of cavalry from the enemy. Those mounts look no different from the antelope, but they don't look like them. They all have elephant-like teeth and are larger than ordinary antelopes. However, somehow, these mounts seem to be very energetic and crooked when running, as if they can't see the road ahead.

"No," Meji whispered, "These are magic nights!"

"Magic Night?" The head of the Order obviously had never heard of this term, but frowned, "Are they fighting on this kind of thing?"

Meggie was about to answer, but General Leot said lightly, "The Night is a kind of monster with extremely poor vision during the day. When it's dark, they are extremely ferocious and can see far."

"Moreover, their skin is very hard and not easily damaged." Meiji took Leot's words, "The Kyle people in the fog forest like to domesticate the devil's night as a mount. After all, there is no day there. Moreover, the darker the night, the stronger the fighting power of the magic night. Therefore, if you meet the magic night when there is no moon, you'd better escape first.

Bori was stunned.

"Look at those cavalry." General Leot whispered.

The head of the Knights looked carefully and noticed that although the riders on the back of the magic night looked no different from human beings, they all seemed to be slightly different. Meiji added a farsighted technique to him with magic to make him see more clearly.

"Elf?" The head of the order's face showed surprise. He noticed the sharp ears of those people, and in addition, he noticed that the riders were equipped with long bows. Generally speaking, that long bow is not conducive to use on horseback, because it is not only difficult to control on horseback, but also difficult to aim.

"Night Elf!" Meiji shrugged her shoulders. Night elves and other elves are completely different in their life habits and beliefs. Generally speaking, whether it is forest elves, water elves or other elves, they are essentially kind, because the importance attached to life is part of their blood. However, the night elves are the exception. They advocate darkness and like to silently take the enemy's lives in the night. In the dark century, among all the elf races, only the night elves stood opposite Luna, the goddess of light. After the end of the 100 years of darkness, other elf races left the mainland and moved to Crescent Island or other places overseas, and only the night elves remained.

Just like their names, night elves like to move in the night and are good at using bows and arrows and daggers. In addition, their bodies are light and have the ability to communicate with animals like other elves. It can be imagined that if you suddenly encounter a night elf riding a devil's night in a dark night, I'm afraid that even the enemy's shadow is not seen clearly, and the extremely accurate arrows have been shot over.

Although he is very confident in the combat effectiveness of the Wind Knights he leads, Boruid began to have a headache thinking that sooner or later he would inevitably meet such an enemy at night.

General Lone Wolf just looked away from the night knights and looked elsewhere.

"Meggie, can sandworms also penetrate hard stones?" He looked at the huge sandworms that left ditches on the ground and asked Meiji without looking back.

"Hmm. Although they prefer to live in the sand, in fact, even granite can be holed by them. Meiji answered. His understanding of dark creatures comes not only from his life in the fog girl forest, but also from the black Annes who raised him. Of course, if the little fairy was here, she would know more than him, but it was Frey's nature to hate corpses. She refused to come to the battlefield where hundreds of corpses would appear at any time, so Meji had to let her follow Sophia to the gull fortress.

Meggie asked, "Are you worried that they will dig tunnels and let the enemy get out from under our feet?"

"No," Leot shook his head expressionlessly. "The sand here is too soft to support the tunnel that allows the enemy to pass through. Moreover, the enemies are all in the same direction. As long as they monitor carefully, they can't dig out a secret road that we don't notice.

Meggie thought about it and soon understood what he was worried about. Although the role of sandworms is limited here, if they retreat to the gull fortress, it will be completely different. Think about it, they thought that the defensive building was strong enough, but was dug out by the enemy in just two days to let the enemy sneak inside. Under the combination of the inside and the outside, they are afraid that no matter how strong the castle is, it will not be able to hold for long.

Now, both Meji and Borreki understand General Leot's determination to fight this battle. In this war, they faced completely different enemies, which have never been encountered before by the Fair Kingdom. They are different from windy sand thieves and Orcs who lack strategy despite their strong combat effectiveness. You don't know what kind of ability these enemies have, and what special means are hidden in them to affect the war.

Therefore, it is really necessary for them to fight with the enemy when the enemy is found by us because of the attack plan and has to launch in advance and is not well prepared enough, at least to find out what kind of arms the other party has, and what are the dangers are they. It needs to be prevented in advance.

You can't know that they have the ability to summon sandworms after the enemy has dug several tunnels straight into the fortress, right?

"What is that?" The head of the Knights of the Wind suddenly asked. Megji and General Leot looked at it together.

I saw that a large black cloud was moving away from the distance, and the sight could not penetrate under the black clouds. Those black clouds moved to the rear of the enemy's array, and even those enemies avoided the position where it stayed.

Meggie used far-sighted magic and couldn't figure out what was under the dark clouds. He could only see waves of darkness surging under the dark clouds, as if something wanted to struggle out.

Obviously, this black cloud was made by magicians, and it was by no means more than one or two magicians. Only when more than a dozen middle and high-level magicians cast spells together can such a black cloud be moved from Shajiao Mountain or two other large transport arrays. And it has to constantly consume magic.

The question now is, what is hidden under that black cloud?

"Whatever it is?" Meiji whispered, "It must be something that can't see the sun. Moreover, at that time, Liselle and I came from Shajiao Mountain, and it took more than two days. These magicians moved much slower, and it is also said that they have been on their way these days and continue to maintain these dark clouds during the day..."

"Their magic is estimated to be almost consumed," General Dulang obviously understood the meaning of Meiji's words. At the same time, he couldn't help looking at Meiji and was surprised by his sharp thinking and analysis. "So, the enemy will definitely attack tonight. And those night elves riding the night and things under the black clouds will be their main force.

Mage is silent.

General Leot looked at the enemy again and ordered the head of the Knights of the Wind: "Let our people rest more... We will take the initiative to attack them in the afternoon."

The head of the Wind Knights responded and was ready to leave.

Anyway, it is an unavoidable battle. Instead of waiting for the best time for the enemy, it is better for us to attack first.

"It's better to get everyone around ready for flare and torches," Meiji reminded. "No matter what those things are, since they are afraid of light, they are likely to be afraid of fire."

Leo's characteristic head...

The enemy gathered quickly, and after noon, they had gathered densely in front of the Guai pass.

At about 3 p.m., the commander of Bo Ruiqu personally took hundreds of cavalry and stabbed the enemy like an arrow. The enemy's simple fortifications have not been completed. A group of human cavalry in the enemy tried to stop the Knights of the Wind. However, Borui did not conflict with them head-on, but used the speed side to avoid them and penetrate them while the enemy formations that had just arrived was incomplete.

A corpse was left where they passed, and a team of night elf knights were directly defeated in a haste response. However, the enemy quickly adjusted its formation, and El, a hundred half-animals, rushed out fiercely and attacked the Knights of the Wind from the flank. Other enemies planned to cut off their retreat and drive them into the dark cloud.

Meji stood on the mobile sentry tower with General Leot and saw another cavalry protruding from his side. He quickly took over the cavalry led by the head of the Knights of the Wind, and then quickly withdrew, and the Miss Rose were also among them. The enemy cavalry and El followed and fell under the rain of arrow towers and archers on the ground, and were forced to withdraw.

The first attack on our side obviously angered the enemy. They began to reshape their formation and slowly pushed towards the ancient Ai's gate.

"The enemy knows our strength very well." General Leot said, "They know our intentions. As long as we hold on for a few more days, the main forces in the north can come back in time. So they also want to use the leading troops to repel us as soon as possible, so that their army can directly besiege the European fortresses. Even if they can't do it, they have to consume our strength and let their subsequent troops annihilate us in one fell swoop.

Meggie nodded.

The enemy began to launch an attack, and the soul-eating eagle in the sky constantly interfered with the archers on the arrow tower. The enemy with green shields rushed like a tide and used the siege wood to hit the arrow tower, causing the arrow tower to collapse one by one. Borui led the Knights and constantly attacked the enemy and repelled the enemy's attacks again and again. The priest provided magical support behind them so that their wounds and physical strength could recover quickly.

Compared with the human beings in the enemy camp, El is more difficult to deal with. Their skin is thicker, and they often have to die with a few arrows. They can use their claws to climb up the arrow tower and move flexibly. Therefore, whenever El appeared, the Wind Knights had to attack in advance, intercept them and fight with them. Fortunately, the number of El is relatively small on the mainland, and even in the enemy's army, it is obviously not too much to be used. After leaving the bodies of nearly a hundred of these half-humans and half-beasts, the enemy no longer allowed them to appear on the battlefield.

"After all, the most indispensable thing in this world is human beings." Meiji looked at the turbulent sea of people in the distance and thought to himself. Even if it is claimed to have gathered countless terrible monsters, most of them are human beings, but the people outside call the people living there barbarians.

However, these barbarians are indeed strong in combat effectiveness. They are all walking and often use heavy weapons. Even if they fight against their own cavalry, they are not weak at all in momentum. Fortunately, his side was defending, and the cavalry and arrow towers matched each other with divine support to stubbornly resist those strong enemies.

Of course, although monsters such as El are not in the majority of the enemy, there must be fewer Black Annes like Meggie's in Shajiao Mountain. However, because these non-human creatures often have unpredictable special abilities, they are likely to affect the whole war situation in battle.

The impact and counterattack saw back and forth, and a corpse fell to the ground. After all, the soldiers of Dilu County are on the defensive side, assisted by fortifications and arrow towers, making it difficult for these enemies from Sing to occupy the entrance.

More than 20 green creatures are approaching the ancient pass. Behind them, some barbarians beat them with whips. These creatures had countless pimples on their backs and moved slowly, but as the barbarians kept beating, the originally green bodies began to turn red.

"Explosive Monster!" Meiji took a deep breath.

"S shoot them to death, don't get close to them, shoot them in the distance..." he shouted in panic.

General Leot also realized the seriousness of the matter and quickly ordered to go down.

The order was quickly conveyed to the front, and the knight with bows and arrows rushed forward and shot long arrows at these increasingly red monsters. Several explosive monsters fell down before their bodies turned completely red and could not see anything unusual. And the enemy has begun to retreat and give way to these explosive monsters.

The bodies of the two explosive monsters have become red, and they roar. The originally slow bodies become extremely fast, rushing forward and then suddenly explode. The surrounding area of dozens of meters was bombarded into scorched earth, and the arrow tower that affected it fell directly, and the knights who could not escape were even blown to pieces of people and horses.

Bo Ruiqu, the head of the Knights of the Wind, soon understood that the remaining explosive monsters could no longer be approached. He immediately mobilized all the cavalry with bows and arrows around him, scattered into several teams to come forward in turn, shot an arrow and immediately retreated. However, even so, there were still three explosive monsters rushed up after their bodies turned red. Fortunately, the Wind Knights dispersed first, with relatively few casualties, but two arrow towers still collapsed.

Before the remaining explosive monsters rushed up, they fell down like hedgehogs with dense arrows.

However, the retreating enemy rushed up again.

And it's getting dark!