Magic Dance Song

Chapter 14 Liselle, the Call of a Girl--

In the distance, the screams of Karris came. They flew straight over the ancient pass and pounced on the dead magicians. They were originally ghosts turned into resentment. They were only controlled by those necromancers and had to obey their orders. Now that the power that binds them has been released, they immediately come back.

These necromancers soon became mummified, and the unresolved ghost women flew around with their bodies as the center, taking away lives. The chaos in the rear immediately reversed the battle in front of him. Meggie heard the horn of the attack of the Wind Knights, and he also saw the enemies around him turn into a mess under the anger of Carris and kept retreating under the great defeat in front.

However, he was not excited at all.

Although he has entered the subdimensional space, he is constantly bleeding under the threat of being shot by arrows. The blood fell on the ground and did not stain the ground red, but disappeared like bubbles. After all, this is not a real space. Once the blood flows out of the body, it will turn into nothingness.

He walked in the direction of Guai's passed with difficulty.

"Meji," the little fairy far away from the Gull Fortress immediately sensed his weakness, "What's wrong with you?"

Meji covered the wound tightly, and his hands were stained with blood. His consciousness became weaker and weaker: "I can't..."

"No, you must stick to it..." The little fairy quickly figured out his situation and said anxiously.

I also want to...

Meggie fell on his knees and his whole body was shaking. If you die in the subdimensional space like this, I'm afraid that your body can't be found, right? He already feels that his consciousness is beginning to become blurred.

The little fairy was silent for a while, and then slowly said, "Meggie, if you die... I will die too."

No, it won't...

"If the contractor dies abnormally, Fury will also be injured and often has to sleep for decades to recover, as you know." The little fairy told him, "But I'm different. I almost died once. The betrayal of Anlais caused permanent damage to my body. If you do it again... I will die with you..."

I will die with you...I will die together...

Mage coughed vigorously, and the ball of blood gushed out of his throat, making his mouth full of red**.

"If you die, I will die with you!" Who said this sentence? He asked himself in a daze. Anna? Wind? Su Li? Sophia?

or... Liselle?

"Meggie, hold on!"

Hold on... Can you hold on?



Countless torches gathered together to reflect the ancient Ai Pass red. Soldiers and knights circled as much as possible to make the top of their heads brighter. The enemy has retreated, leaving only one body. Liselle stood in the front and looked nervously at the enemies in the distance. Those Carris still flew over the enemy's heads and made shrill calls from time to time.

The fire also lit up in the enemy's camp. They removed everything that could burn and lit it immediately to dispel these indeable ghosts. Obviously, it was a secret weapon brought by them, but it turned out that they had a big head, which made Liselle feel a little funny.

Everyone is waiting for dawn.

However, Meggie hasn't come back yet...

The girl held her heart tightly.

Even if he is proud that the person he likes can change the situation with his ability, even if he sincerely believes that he can come back safely, as long as he doesn't see his figure, Liselle can't be relieved. If he dies, even if he wins a victory, what's the use?

What's the use even if all the enemies opposite die in front of her?

She has lost so much that she is afraid that she will lose even the people she likes.

Am I a disaster? The girl thought painfully.

My father died, and all the people died... Is he going to die?

No, he won't die... he will never die like this...

Suddenly, she felt as if she had caught something, which made her happy and more afraid. She looked around in panic, but she saw nothing except the soldiers with torches around her.

However, there must be something by your side. It will make himself so happy and panic. It can only be him...

But why didn't he come out?

"Meggie?!" She suddenly shouted loudly.

The soldiers looked at her in astonishment, and she just kept calling the man's name. Why is my heart suddenly so uncomfortable? Why is there suddenly this fear that once he is no longer called, he will leave forever?

"Mage, where are you?" She circled blankly, as if looking for some invisible ghost, "Come out..."

The soldiers around her think she is crazy. Of course, many people are going crazy in this place full of corpses. Someone wanted to come forward and hold her, for fear that her shouts would attract those Carys again. However, she took the machete and forced those people back.

"Meggie, come out!" She cried, and the unspeakable pain made her almost lose her mind. She knew he was there, and she knew he was by her side, but why didn't he come out?

What the hell happened to him?

"Don't leave me, never leave me!" She didn't understand what was wrong with her. Why do tears flow out so disobediently? Why is there a tearing pain in my heart? Why is there a kind of pain that he is so far away that he can no longer touch him?

"Do you want to stun her?" A soldier asked worriedly. Others are also hesitating. In their opinion, the girl has obviously had a nervous breakdown.

However, at this moment, they saw a few ripples in the air behind the girl, and a bloody teenager seemed to come out of nothingness and fell on her back.

"Meggie." Liselle turned around and hugged him in panic.

Meji has fallen into a coma. He has already arrived here, but he has been unable to relieve his spiritual state until the girl's shouts reach his ears. An unknown force emerged from the bottom of his heart. He returned to the real space with his last consciousness and then fell down.

Liselle couldn't hold him, so he could only fall to the ground* He hugged him and kept calling him.

"Call a priest quickly." Fortunately, a soldier reacted in time and turned around and shouted.

Several priests arrived quickly and took turns to use healing techniques on Meiji, finally stabilizing his injury and making him no longer bleeding.

General Leot and the head of the Order also arrived in a hurry.

After confirming that Meji had undergone magic treatment and at least his life would not be in danger, Leot hurriedly ordered Meggie and Liselle, who was holding him tightly, to the rear.

It was not until they left that the surroundings became quiet.

"Fortunately, he's fine," Bo Ruiqu whispered. "Without him, I'm afraid we really can't hold on tonight."

If Meji hadn't dived into the enemy's array alone and defeated the other party's necromancer, under the joint attack of these Carris and other enemies, they would certainly not have been able to defend the Gu'ai's entrance, and even be in danger of the destruction of the whole army.

Leot nodded faintly and turned his eyes to the enemies who were still unable to get rid of Caris's intrusion: "How long is it from dawn?"

"No more than two hours at most." The head of the Knights replied.

"Let our knights take time to rest," General Leot said blankly. "As soon as the sun comes out, we will attack immediately."

The head of the Knights was stunned: "They fought all night, and they were all tired..."

"Yes," General Dulang just replied faintly, "However, the enemy is more tired than us..."

At dawn, all Carris dispersed like light smoke in the sunlight. The Knights of the Wind quickly attacked under the order of General Wolver, followed by the infantry.

These enemies rushed to the front of the Guai Pass through the remote transmission array, and then directly entered the battle. There was not enough rest. After fighting in the middle of the night, they were constantly harassed by the ghosts who originally belonged to them, and they were even more sleepy. In addition, they did not expect that the defenders of the Guai Pass would continue at dawn. The battle was unprepared and directly defeated.

After killing many enemies, Boruiqu chased the cavalry for more than ten miles. It was not until he saw the enemy's reinforcements coming that he took the Knights back to Guai'ai's entrance. At this time, the enemy's casualties were far above the defenders at the ancient Ai's passing, but it was a great victory. However, there was not much joy on General Leot's face.

This is just the enemy's leading force. The reason why it will be defeated is largely because the other party thinks that with the Kares summoned by those necromancers and the night knights who are good at night battles can steadily seize the ancient pass. They are too hasty. Unexpectedly, they were sneaked into the enemy's array by Meji and killed those necroaks with one brains. The teacher made them entangled by Kares instead.

It can be said that there are too many lucky elements in this victory.

However, the enemy's army will soon reassem. Will they be so lucky next time?

A sneer slowly appeared on Leot's face. He is not a person who likes to let the victory on the battlefield be determined by luck. The main reason why he almost lost last night was that the presence of Kares exceeded his expectations, and through last night's battle, he has somewhat figured out the enemy's way of fighting.

The next few days will still be difficult.

But it is by no means hopeless...

He walked down the sentry building and shuttled between knights and soldiers. Most of the knights are taking time to rest, and some soldiers are rushing to repair the fortifications. Many of the surrounding arrow towers were knocked down by the siege wood in last night's battle, and some were destroyed by suicide attacks by explosive monsters. These semi-damaged arrow towers must be completely knocked down and flattened to prevent them from being used by the enemy in the next defensive battle.

A soldier came to him: "General, there are some people outside who want to see you... Well, not some people..."

Leot looked at the soldier. Obviously, the soldier's face looked a little strange.

"It's elves... There are nine in total... All of them are elves..." The soldier replied. In the Fair Kingdom, the number of elves is quite rare, and many people have never seen them. For this soldier, the first time he saw the elves was last night, when an enemy night elf was shot by an arrow and died in front of him.

Nine elves?

General Leot was stunned.

"The lead is a woman," the soldier imagined the beauty of the elf woman, "she said that the general, you know her, her name is Xifeng..."

So, Leo nodded. Yufeng has always been a private intelligence officer of the princess, and it's not surprising that the soldier doesn't recognize her.

"Became me!" He said.
