Magic Dance Song

Chapter 13 Caris and the Necromancer!

The sunset has set.

The black cloud began to move slowly.

Meggie and General Leot both looked at the shadow under the dark clouds with the most solemn expressions.

The last sunshine has also passed.

The dark clouds dispersed.

With the sharp cry, dozens of ghosts flew out. These ghosts are all women. Their faces are surging, wearing red clothes, and they flash out. When they appear again, they have caught a soldier or knight. Anyone they touch will automatically flow into their bodies until they become mummified corpses and fall.

"Carris..." Meiji's face turned pale.

"ignite the fire and light all the torches!" Boruiqu shouted in his own team. The torches were lit up, and priests who could use magic kept singing. However, the torch can only temporarily disperse these red-clothed ghosts, and it can't really scare them, and there are no high-ranking priests on their side, let alone paladins who can directly use God's grace to destroy the annihilation.

These low-level priest's magic can only keep Karis close in a local area, and it lasts for a very short time. However, these Kares flew over the battlefield, and every time they fell, soldiers or knights were sucked into mummified corpses. What's worse, they can fly directly into the tower and take the lives of all the archers hiding inside.

At this time, the night elves riding the magic night also rushed straight. The Wind Knights could not fight with them with torches at all, and once they threw away the torches, Carris would immediately jump down. They began to retreat.

Leot continuously issued orders to mend the infantry with torches to cover the cavalry from retreating. They could only use the fortifications to barely block the enemy, and the bodies of the soldiers had fallen piece by piece.

"Is there any way to eliminate them?" Leo asked.

This is the first time that Meggie has seen his face look so ugly.

"Unless you can create sunlight in a large area..." Meiji wiped a cold sweat. Of course, this is impossible. The priests on their side don't have this ability at all. Although Meiji can use "Day", his power alone has no effect at all.

It doesn't matter whether it's El, the night elf riding the devil's night, or even the explosive monster. After all, these enemies will kill them. But how do they kill these flying ghosts?

Leot's eyes became cold. Although he still looked calm, Meggie had noticed that his forehead was sweating as coldly as himself.

As long as they support until dawn, these ghost women will naturally disappear. However, under the continuous impact of the enemy and the continuous defeat of their own side, how can they support until dawn?

Both people are thinking quickly.

"How did these Carris get subdued by Si?" Leo asked.

"They can't be subdued," Meiji shook his head. "They are life and death, and the souls after death become under extreme resentment. They hate anything alive, which is an extremely distorted will and the reason for their existence. It's impossible for anyone to subdue them..."

In the ruins of the heavenly garden, Megsy and Molly have met Caris, who were transformed into souls abandoned by Luna, the goddess of light, a hundred years after darkness. Fortunately, Anna was there at that time, and the blue planet fragments on her body could directly purify these ghosts.

However, Anna is not here now.

"But they won't attack the enemy, they will only attack our people..." Leot said.

"There is only one possibility," Meiji narrowed her eyes slightly. "The other party has a necromancer, and there is no more than one. Only when many necromancers get together can summon them out and control them..."

Just now, Meggie was still thinking, "It's a pity that Anna is not here", and now he is thinking, "It's a pity that Emma is not here."

Emma is not only a necromancer, but also a vampire. Maybe she will have a way to deal with these ghosts...

What about me? Meiji thought.

Anna is not here and Emma is not here. Is there nothing I can do?

"Give me a cavalry," Meiji suddenly said to Leot, "let them take me to rush inside the enemy as much as possible, and I'll do the rest."

Leot looked at him and nodded slowly.


Mage rode behind Liselle and hugged her tightly. More than 30 knights gathered around them.

"When you can't support me, just throw me down and come back quickly." Meiji stuck to the girl's ear from behind and said to her, "Don't be stubborn."

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine." Megsy told her.

The girl hesitated.

"Stupid girl." Meiji sneaked her*, "Don't forget, I once sneaked into the sand corner mountain full of enemies alone. If I just want to hide, no one can find me."

Liselle is a little relieved.

"But you must come back," she whispered, "If you die, I will die with you..."

"Don't worry, I haven't really slept with you yet. How can I die?" Megid kissed her neck, "When this war is over, you have to stay with me. I'm going to play with you enough."

"Hmm!" The girl burst into tears, "As long as you are fine, you can do whatever you want me..."

This girl...

Meggie sighed. Obviously, I grew up in the sand thief group, and my martial arts skills are not bad. It seems that I have killed many people before... But why is it so sentimental? After saying a few words from her, Meiji felt that she was also a little sour and uncomfortable.

The knights around are ready, and the soldiers in front are tenaciously launching the last attack.

"At that time," he said to the girl, "I will tie you up and insert you from behind like the barbarian in Shajiao Mountain wants to do. Well, in fact, that time, you really wanted to be inserted by me, right?

The girl blushed and said "um" in a low voice.

No wonder she cried like tears that time. In fact, she had fallen in love with me at that time, but she thought I didn't like her at all. Meiji is also a little depressed.

Thanks to him for enduring so much that time, it turned out that he was a good person in vain.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the moon has risen. There were shouts and screams everywhere, and red shadows swayed in the sky from time to time. It was the figure of a ghost woman in red flying by.

A Carris flew over, and Meiji pointed to her hand, and the magic that had already condensed between her fingers suddenly flew out. A beam of sunlight covered her and immediately made her ashes disappear.

The knight in front of him shouted fiercely, and everyone began to rush along the temporary road ahead. The wind blew in their ears, and the cold light emitted by the blade attack flashed around them. They rushed straight into a group of barbarians and passed through as soon as they found the gap without stopping. The leading knight is undoubtedly the elite of the Wind Knights. No El or a barbarian with a huge axe can stop him. He is like a sharp arrow. Any enemy that blocks him often falls with just one fight.

However, as they went deeper, the pressure on them became more and more, and other knights around them began to fall one after another.

"It's enough to get here." Meiji shouted.

The knight led by strangled his horse and struggled to make an open space with others. Meiji jumped off her horse and pointed to Liselle and shouted to the knight, "Be sure to take her back."

The knight quickly got rid of the two Els who approached him and nodded.

Meggie cast the spell quickly. It was not until his invisible spirit was completed and his whole body disappeared from the others that the knight rushed back with Liselle, and some people in the party's camp came out to respond.

The sight was quickly blocked, and Meggie was not sure whether they could go back safely. However, this is not what he can care about now. He turned around and ran away. All the enemies he came into contact with were staggered with him like air.

It is not easy to find the enemy's necromancer among these thousands of enemies. He could only go against the flow of people and run to the most heavily defended place in the enemy's temporary fortifications while looking around. He also tried to use the "eye of the mage", but now he is in a subdimensional space that overlaps with the real world. The eye of the mage cannot penetrate the space, and all he can see is darkness.

He can only look around by himself.

Generally speaking, the magician's position is often the center of the army, which is to avoid being raided and quickly approached by the enemy. In addition, although magicians can play a very important role in battle, ordinary warriors still don't like to approach them, especially necromancers. Because necromancers always deal with corpses and are too gloomy and weird, Meggie believes that even El and barbarians will not like to get too close to them, let alone It is said that the dark night elves still belong to the elves.

In the center of the enemy's camp, they will be intentionally or unintentionally alienated by their own...

Meggie looked for a long time and was finally found by him.

The originally dense enemy suddenly became empty somewhere, and then Meggie saw a group of magicians in gray robes. They all stood in a magic circle, holding bone sticks engraved with skulls in their hands, and stared at the front. Moreover, their faces are tired, and it is not easy to summon and control those Kares, not to mention creating black clouds to move them here from Shajiao Mountain or other places during the day, constantly consuming magic, which of course makes them look very weak.

Obviously, they want to use these indeable ghosts to make Guai'ai's gap captured overnight.

They almost succeeded!

It's a pity...

Meggie smiled coldly.

Although this is the center of the enemy, everyone around is concerned about the battle ahead, and no one is really guarding these necromancers. After all, no one would have thought that someone could dive into them so silently.

Meggie moved to a dark corner and first added a stone skin technique to himself before removing the spiritual state. After entering the subdimensional space, many magic protections cannot be used, but lithotomy is still effective.

He began to cast spells silently!

"Who is it?" A necromancer in the magic array suddenly noticed him.

At the same time, a bone arrow shot at him. He took this arrow with the stone skin technique, and a dead cloud technique was sent out. Dead Cloud Art is a range magic that can cause corrosion damage. Although he has learned it for a long time, he has never used it against the enemy. This is because he has always felt that Dead Cloud Art does not throw fireballs, and its lethality to the enemy is not so direct. But now, because it is night, throwing fireballs is too noticeable. In addition, he is not sure whether these people will hold the magic of protective element damage in advance. After all, everyone is a magician. If anyone cherishes life, it is also possible to protect himself at any time.

However, because corrosive damage is not directly fatal, it is not often used when dealing with the enemy, and the magician who will protect himself with corrosion damage will have nothing to imagine in the past.

Meggie doesn't need to kill these magicians directly, he just needs to make them unable to manipulate Caris anymore.

One of the necromancers also reacted quickly. As soon as he raised his hand, a light flashed from a magic ring on his middle finger and hit the dead cloud halfway. However, Meiji's dead cloud technique was superimposed, and one was melted by the man, and two were still smashed.

The dead cloud dispersed and covered all the undead magicians. The magic of these people was almost consumed. Several weak people fainted on the spot. The rest could not cast spells under the pain caused by corrosive damage, but just tried to get out of the scope of the dead cloud.

And Meggie took advantage of this gap and performed a range of sleep surgery. Under the falling dog, some necromancers fell to the ground before they ran out of the dead cloud and waited for death while sleeping.

The task was basically completed, and Meiji was relieved and continued to cast spells, wanting to turn himself into a spiritual state again.

However, at this moment, a sharp arrow shot at his body. Although it was blocked by stone skin, it also shocked him to take a step back and interrupted the casting. He looked quickly and saw a night elf standing in the distance looking at him coldly, and pulled out an arrow again and put it on the bow, and other enemies around him also killed him.

Meji broke out in a cold sweat. Although he added stone skin to himself in advance, he had just been hit by a bone arrow, and now he has been hit by another arrow. I'm afraid that the stone skin on his body is not enough for him to suffer again.

He can only cast spells again. At the end of the casting, the night elf's arrow had pierced his threat.

He only felt a sharp pain from his body.


Once the casting is interrupted again, he will die here immediately. The will to survive forced him to continue casting spells.

A huge axe has been cut to his head...

And he just completed the spell, and the huge axe passed his body without obstruction, which was no different from splitting in the air.