Magic Dance Song

Chapter 14 Bloody Rainy Night and Megid's Mistakes!

After leaving Xueqin, Meji found another place to become a little girl again, and tied the magic robe into a ball and threw it into the dimensional bag. To be honest, he is now a little tired of pretending to be a little girl, and the vampire named Lonos has seen through her identity, and there is no need to continue to disguise herself. However, if the "mon" disappears inexplicably, Alina will be very worried when she comes back.

In any case, she can't let Alice know that "Yinemon" is "Meggie" such a thing.

With a helpless sigh, she crossed a few blocks and came to an alley. This alley will be much more lively and interesting at night than during the day.

She casually wandered around until a thin man appeared in front of her, looked at her indifferently and walked away. She didn't say anything, just quietly followed the thin man.

Through some crowds and several alleys, they came to a pub with nothing special on the surface. The thin man opened the door to the basement, and the lemon went straight down.

The stairs are narrow and dark. Even if no one tells her, Yin Meng knows that there must be countless deadly organs hidden here. If she is the enemy, as long as someone secretly gives an order, I'm afraid she will directly become a honeycomb.

She went through the stairs to a dark room, and then she saw Greenless.

Greenless was frowning at a map, and it was rare for him to see such an expression on his face. Generally speaking, Greenrace's face is always calm and indifferent, and even if there are any emotions, it is difficult to reflect them.

"What are you looking for?" Meng also looked at the map and found that this was just an ordinary map of the distribution of new Asian cities.

"Find a place that doesn't exist." Greenless replied lightly. He put away the map and looked at the lemon, "You haven't told Anna that you are Megji yet?"

"She has found it." The shade lemon spread out its hands. Then she told Griegs about the bag*. That's not real *, but a potion that can't know the exact purpose. She also mentioned the two traces of black smoke that ran out of the eyes of the dead. Of course, this belongs to the category of magic. Since she couldn't figure it out, Greenless would naturally not understand.

"What did you find out?" She asked.

"We found the base of the Blood Moon Guild." A sharp light flashed in Greenless's eyes.

"Where is it?"

"It's in the basement of Senator Guido Montt's house," Greenless sneered. "I have to admit that their hiding place was indeed beyond our expectation. Before that, we never thought that a congressman's residence would be the secret base of the Blood Moon Association. If you hadn't overheard that paragraph during the hot deer collection, let us know that the Blood Moon Association had a plan against Alicena and began to investigate Yu Ruohan and Guido Montt along the clues. I'm afraid that we are still digging now. The hiding place of the non-bleed moon guild.

"What did you find out about that Yu Ruohan?" The shade lemon asked.

"If you guess correctly, he should be the president of the Blood Moon Association." Greenless said, "Guido Montt is not really his adoptive father, but a chess piece controlled by him. A few years ago, he found some stalks of Senator Montt and forced him to join the Blood Moon Association. In addition, in addition to those vampires, many priests of Okin, the god of commerce, secretly helped him. It's just that I haven't figured out why the priests of vampires and commercial gods unite and obey Yu Ruohan's orders.

"So what are their intentions for Alice?" The more I listened to the lemon, the more frightened I became. Although she knew that there must be something wrong with Yu Ruohan, she still didn't expect him to be the president of the Blood Moon Association. Why did such a big man approach Alice so hard and even propose to Alice?

"I'm afraid I want to take advantage of some commercial channels of Miyuan Commercial Bank." Green Rice analyzed, "Although the profits of those stores under the name of Miyuan Commercial Bank are not low, they should not be targeted by the Blood Moon Association. It has been a few years since the Blood Moon Association entered the underground market in Katiya City, and it is not yet time to bleach, and the Miyuan Commercial Bank, which is currently not well managed, even has difficulties in the operation of funds. So I'm afraid that the only thing that Alice's name will really be valued by them is the plantation on Curtain Island.

Curtain Island? There was a thumping sound in the heart of the lemon.

"But," she said uneasily, "the plantation on Lianbu Island has been mortgaged to the Maupassant family..."

"This is the key to the problem," Greenless said. "The Maupassant family has always had a high influence in New Asia, and MP Maupassant has no good impression of either the Shadow Guild or the Blood Moon Guild. If the plantation is taken away by the Maupassant family, no matter what the Blood Moon Association wants to use it for, it is impossible to buy Maupassant. Therefore, the best way is for Alina to become a member of the Monte family, so that Senator Monte can help Alina repay the loan, and the Blood Moon Association can control the plantation. As long as Alina and Yu Ruohan get married according to the legal procedure, she has no other relatives..."

"Can Yu Ruohan let her die without scruples and inherit that plantation?" Meng's face turned pale.

"She doesn't have to die," Greenless said. "After all, Alina is a relatively traditional person. After getting married, it will naturally be natural to hand over the Miyuan Commercial Bank to her husband to take care of it.

"But what on earth is worth paying attention to on that plantation?"

"Well, I'm afraid I'm going to ask himself." Greenless looked at the lemon faintly. "One more thing, while monitoring the Blood Moon Guild, we found that several people from Si had entered the city of Katisya."

Finally, the lemon thought calmly. Some things will be faced sooner or later. No matter who the other party is, it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible. Most of the night elves who fought with Greenless in the ruins of the heavenly garden are the executors who assassinated Anna, and the vampire Lonos will certainly not let Zhina go.

Escape can't solve any problems.

"Bear by the way, what are you looking for on the map just now?" She asked.

"Find a place called Hook Island." Greenless said, "We overheard the conversation of several important figures of the Blood Moon Association last night and learned that Yu Ruohan had left the city of Katisya early this morning and went to Hook Island. From their dialogue, we guess that Hook Island is the manufacturing base that can kill people. But I can't find this place from the map.

"I have a way." The shade lemon took out the star compass from the dimensional bag. "No matter where it is, as long as there is a name, it can be displayed. You see, there is a hook island..."

In the position close to Xibu Island...

It is a reef island. It is estimated that it has not been marked by the map in Greenless's hand because it has been below sea level for a long time.

"You just said that Yu Ruohan left Kattia this morning... and went to Hook Island?" It is difficult to see the extreme on Meng's face.

"Well," Greenless stared at her. "What's wrong?"

"Alina also left early this morning... She went to Curtain Island..."

Greenless's face also changed: "Why did you let her leave alone at this time?"

The shade lemon is speechless.

The main reason why she asked Alina to leave is that she was worried that she would be involved. Sooner or later, the assassination of Anna will begin, and the vampire will definitely appear again. So she felt that it was not a bad thing for Alina to leave for a few days. But now it seems that Alina will be in greater danger because of this. She has refused Yu Ruohan's proposal. Maybe Yu Ruohan will be angry and use extreme measures against her. After all, Alice is just a weak woman. If Yu Ruohan really wants to do something to her...

She walked back and forth in this room, feeling anxious.

"You'd better catch up right away." Greenrace has a solemn face.

"But Anna..."

"Anna's safety can be given to me." Greenless said, "And I said before that someone has been secretly protecting her, and you can trust that person. From here to Lianbu Island, you have to go through Baolai Bay, where I also have my men. I will ask someone to take you to sea.

The lemon stood there quietly. Do you want to catch up with Alice or stay to protect Anna? She didn't expect to encounter such a problem. If she had known, even if she had stunned her against Alice's wishes, the lemon would never have let her leave her side.

"I'm leaving now." She sighed bitterly. Anyway, Anna can be protected by Greenless and that mysterious guy. She is not an ordinary little girl, but Alina is alone...

The evolution of the matter unconsciously exceeded Yin Meng's expectation. She had to leave a letter to Anna according to Greenless's advice and set off immediately for Baolai Bay. In order to help her arrive as soon as possible and save physical strength on the journey, Greenless arranged for a woman to take her on a fast horse. That woman was the one she saw when she was looking for the skinny Locke at the Cape Bar. Because she was several hours later than Alicena, she had no hope that she could stop her at the seaside.

At the same time, she also cared about Yu Ruohan's eyes. At yesterday's funeral, Yu Ruohan made her unable to move with just one look. How on earth did he do it? Magic? Or some kind of power?

Yin Meng recalled the vortex-like suction she felt when she looked at him. Yesterday, because there were other people present, Yu Ruohan just gave her a small lesson, or wanted her to retreat from the difficulties and took the initiative to get out of Alice.

Of course she won't get out, but if she can't find a way to deal with Yu Ruohan's eyes, I'm afraid it's better to get out as soon as possible.

Of course, the best way is to stop looking into his eyes, but if you always dare not look at the enemy in battle, you are not only tied up, but also lowered in momentum. Therefore, this is by no means a good solution.

She must figure out a way before boarding the curtain island.

When she arrived at Baolai Bay, it was already dark. After helping Mengyan investigate, the woman got the news that Alina had gone to sea. In desperation, Meng had to let her get a boat for herself.

The ship departs from the port of Baolai Bay. Because this is a common channel for smugglers, it is very strictly controlled. It was an old fisherman who sent the lemon to sea, which was an old but still strong fishing boat.

The blue sea reflects the moonlight, and the calm sea breeze ripples gently. Yingmeng stretched out her hand and touched her fingers to the cold sea, and her heart was also a little nervous. Has Alina encountered the cold rain? Can Anna and Zhina, who stayed in Katisya, escape the enemy's assassination safely?

When the most important people around her were in danger, she didn't accompany them...


Although the sea was calm, it rained for the next day in the city of Katia.

The hazy rainy night is accompanied by cold wind, and the air is soaked with cold murderous intent. The street is so quiet that there is a cemetery that has been forgotten for thousands of years, and the street lamps made of Yaojing powder are so dim that you can only see a halo or two.

Anna and Zhina stayed in the room, waiting nervously. The maids in the house have been displaced by Greenless, hiding some strangers they don't know in the dark, holding silver-plated daggers or crossbows in their hands.

Although she doesn't like it, Anna can't stop the fate of turning Alina's home into a battlefield. Next to her, Zhi held a huge sickle and leaned against her tightly.

It is Greenless's arrangement to keep Zhina and Anna together all the time. Although Anna rarely participates in battles, her light magic is useful for dead after all, and vampires are also one of the dead. In case the vampire Lanox breaks in, let the two little girls fight with him, which may have an unexpected effect.

While the two little girls waited uneasily in the room, Greenless stood alone in the open space in the backyard. He half squatted quietly, holding a dagger in his hand without any expression on his face. The rain wet his black clothes, but he remained motion.

As time went by, the midnight bell came from the distance.

A figure slipped from the wall and dived into Greenless like a black cat. It was a night elf with a dagger in his hands and agile movements.

Greenless turned his head faintly, and his eyes collided with sparks in the dark.

"Meet again." The night elf assassin's tone was gentle and relaxed, as smooth and calm as his heartbeat.

Greenless did not feel puzzled by the other party's task of assassinating Anna and meeting him first. As early as the battle with the heavenly garden ruins, he had sensed the opponent's competitive spirit from the fierce offensive of the night elf. He knew that as long as he waited here, the other party would take the initiative to appear in front of him.

Instead of letting such a terrible stalking into the house, it is better to stay outside the house to deal with him.

In other corners, several figures have climbed over the wall and dived into the house. The sound of breaking the crossbow and the contact of the short weapon sounded inaudible, as well as the turbid sound of the human body falling to the ground.

Greenless ignored the enemies who broke into the house and just stared at the night elf. A cold wind swept over the rain, and both of them disappeared in place, leaving only cold light flashing and hitting in the dark, drawing gorgeous curves.

This is a contest between two strong hands, attacking, dodging, swinging, stabbing, and every action is light and fast to incredible speed. This is the second confrontation between them, but it is far more sinister than the one in the ruins of the heavenly garden.

And the number of enemies who broke into the house also began to increase. Although both sides adhered to the rules from the dark and did not make much noise, the fleeting murder and accidental splashed blood flowers were enough to alarm the death of the harvest of life.

With the crisp sound of the blade impact, Greenless suddenly separated from the figure of the night elf. A trace of blood fell on the ground and was soon washed clean by the rain.

"You lost." Greenless looked at each other indifferently.

There is an additional blood hole in the left arm of the night elf. Not yet," the night elf's eyes were angry, "I still have one hand."

Greenless looked at him lightly. The opponent uses a double dagger, the right hand is mainly used for attack, and the dagger of the left hand is used for defense. Now his left hand is injured, which means that the opponent's defense will inevitably have loopholes. Therefore, in the next hit, the opponent will make a desperate attack.

The night elf moved slowly, and the blood on his arms was still flowing. Suddenly, he moved sideways like lightning and attacked Greenless at a wistful angle.

Greenless did not retreat at all. He raised the dagger horizontally with a sneer, ready to take the other party's blow.

However, at this moment, a cold wind hit his back and broke into his bone marrow. Although he realized that someone was secretly attacking, he could not completely avoid it and could only barely move his body. The sharp pain pierced his back, and the dagger in the right hand of the night elf assassin also came straight.

Hang! The night elf's dagger was picked up by him with difficulty.

The sneak attacker behind him has retreated, and the night elf assassin suddenly flashed aside. Greenless knelt to the ground, and the blood from his back overflowed under his feet, and even the rain could not be washed clean. He looked back with great pain, and then saw a girl standing on the wall behind him.

It's a girl in black tight clothes, not very old, and may even be only two or three years older than Anna. The refreshing short hair and clothes attached to her body because of the rain made her body outline perfectly. Her eyes are full of cat-like green light, and the dagger in her hand is still dripping blood beads.

"Sidce," the night elf assassin was also staring at the girl with anger in his eyes, "I said long ago that I wouldn't let others interfere..."

The girl just looked at Greenless coldly and didn't say anything. She just flew over their heads like a wildcat and entered through the broken window on the second floor of the house. The members of the Shadow Guild who guarded there wanted to attack her, but their throats were cut off by her.

Not only her, but also the vampire Ronoth flew over from a distance and fell directly from the roof. The cracking sound of the tiles broke the false tranquility.

Greenless tried to stand up, but the injury on his body had made him too weak to move. Just by relying on those slight sounds, he knew that the members of the shadow guild in the room had been eliminated one by one, and the enemy was approaching the two girls Anna and Zhina.

"You'd better not move." The night elf assassin slowly retreated. He didn't want to take this opportunity to kill Greenless. Although Greenless is now more seriously injured, the night elf clearly understands that he is the one who lost. Greenless still took his desperate blow when he was attacked behind his back.

"All we want to kill is Anna Sue, and what Lawrence wants is the vampire girl." The night elf said faintly, "So, you'd better not move. I don't want to kill you in this disgraceful battle.

"Do you think you have won?" Greenless looked at him coldly.

"Obviously," the night elf listened to the movement in the room. "Your men are all dead, leaving only the two little girls. That vampire girl is by no means the opponent of Ronoth. Anna Sue is not good at fighting. Sid will kill her easily... No, no..."

A blazing light suddenly shined, and the whole room was illuminated.

"Battle!" A teenager's voice sounded from the house, followed by a bang. The vampire Lawnos's body flew out and hit the wall heavily, and Sids also jumped out of a broken window, looking a little panicked.

"Who else is inside?" The night elf looked at Greenless incredulously.
