Magic Dance Song

Chapter 15 Alice's Crisis!

on Xiwen Island.

Alina woke up from her sleep.

She lit the candlestick with velvet, put on a coat, and came to the window doubtfully. The moonlight outside the window is very light. At a glance, all kinds of plants are shaking. Although she couldn't see what was wrong, she always felt uneasy for some reason. Then she remembered that it should not have been so quiet here.

She hired a lot of people on this plantation, and some even brought their families here. They raised some poultry around here, and just a while ago, there was a baby crying that made it difficult for her to fall asleep.

But now, the surroundings are surprisingly quiet.

"Silia!" She walked out of the door and gave a soft shout. Shelia is the female supervisor in charge of this plantation. She is already in her fifties. As early as when Alina was young, Shelia was already working for her family.

However, no one responded.

Alina came to the door of the room on the left with a candlestick, knocked on the door and shouted again. However, I don't know if Silia slept too much and no one responded to her.

She pushed the door and found that the door was not locked, so she went in. By candlelight, she was relieved to see that the female supervisor was still lying **.

"Silia, outside seems to..."

The voice stopped, and Alina covered her mouth tightly with her left hand and almost screamed. Shelia is dead. She lies on her back, her face is twisted, her eyes are wide open, and the corners of her mouth are full of blood...

Alina retreated in horror and retreated all the way outside. She ran down the wooden steps and began to shout, but there was terrible tranquility everywhere. She pushed open the door of the cabin, and just a while ago, there was a baby crying. However, now, all the people inside are dead, husbands, wives, newborn babies... Everyone's eyes are wide open, even the baby is no exception. The candlelight reflected on their eyes, reflecting a bleak white.

Everyone's eyes are gone.

The candlestick fell to the ground, and she retreated to the open space and couldn't breathe. The candle lit the cabin, and the fire slowly got bigger and bigger. And Alina looked around blankly, as if to find out if it was just a dream, but it was not a dream. The increasingly dazzling fire stung her eyes, and she had to close her eyes for a while.

When she opened her eyes again, a man stood in front of her.

This is a person she knows, but Alina didn't expect to see him here. The cold and handsome face, the un disorderly dress, and the faint mockery at the corners of his mouth all made this man bring an elusive elegance.

"Why are you here?" Alina doesn't understand.

The inexplicable young man looked at her indifferently, which made Alice a strange stranger. At this time, she thought that although she had known him for a while, it seemed that it was her first eye contact with him.

A cold feeling went straight into Alina's body along Yu Ruo's cold eyes, making her unable to move. She saw Yu Ruohan slowly coming over and stride her neck, as if to match his movements. Alice's body retreated uncontrollably and retreated to the wall. On their side, the burning wooden house has raised black smoke.

"Alina," Yu Ruohan withdrew his eyes, "It's a pity that I really didn't want to do this to you."

As soon as his eyes moved away, Alina found that her body could move. Yu Ruohan let go of her hand and let her bend down and gasp hard.

"What do you want to do?" Alina raised her head and looked at him in panic.

"I want to marry you, that's all."

"But I have already..."

"Yes, you rejected me and made trouble for yourself." Yu Ruo grabbed her hair with a cold smile and forced her to stand up straight.

Although she hasn't figured out what the other party is up to, Alina already knows that she is in danger. Obviously, everyone else on this island has died, and Yu Ruohan may have contacted her and proposed to her for some purpose from the beginning.

"What exactly do you want?"

"As I said," Yu Ruohan stretched out his other hand and tore apart Alina's coat, revealing most of her chest. "I want you to be my wife!"

"I, I don't agree..."

"Don't you agree?" Yu Ruohan stretched out her tongue and licked her collarbone and chest regardless of Alina's will. The unbearable humiliation made Alina endure it and did not cry. She clearly noticed that Yu Ruohan was lifting her skirt. Although she wanted to struggle, it was useless. The other party had pressed her tightly with her body.

Her face flashed with pain and anger: "No matter what you do to me, I won't marry you!"

"No," Yu Ruohan said mockingly, "When I let you realize what a real woman is, you will be reluctant to leave me. Because of the pleasure and pleasure you have never received before, you will beg me to torture you over and over again in the future, even like a bitch, and you can't stand it without my comfort for a day..."


"Is it impossible?" Yu Ruo retreated with a cold smile, put his hand into his pocket and took out a transparent bag.

The bag contains white powder.

Alina looked at it with unprecedented fear in her heart. She finally knew why Yu Ruohan was so sure that she couldn't escape his control.

That's *......

"If I have time, I really want to cultivate a good relationship with you," Yu Ruo said lightly. "Unfortunately, I don't have that time. But you can rest assured that when you become my wife, I will treat you well, and I will let you understand what desire to die is.

Alina struggled to kick her away, but Yu Ruohan's strength made her efforts futile. Yu Ruohan did not give her a direct suck*, but looked at her mockingly. Alicena's eyes once again came into contact with Yu Ruohan's eyes, and her body began to soften inexplicably. Although she resisted desperately in her heart, there was a warm airflow in her body as if she was being seduced out by Yu Ruohan's eyes, making her skin begin to become hot, and there was a void between her feet that she was eager to be violated. Virtual.

She felt Yu Ruohan stroking her thighs, and she couldn't help clamping the other party's hand with her legs and rubbing it vigorously. She has never been treated like this by a man, which makes her feel more humiliated and painful than the physical and mental torture.

Seeing Yu Ruohan's hand under her skirt has easily peeled off her underwear, and the cold wind blows, making her feel desperate but unable to *the waves of tides indulged by *.

At this moment, Yu Ruohan's action suddenly stopped.

Alina heard someone make a cold sound at a distance: "Let go of Alina..."

That's the voice of a little girl.

Yu Ruohan let go of his hand and slowly turned to look at the little girl who suddenly appeared. And Alina gasped hard and tried to calm her body feeling.

"Yingmeng, leave!" Although I don't know why the lemon is here, the worry about her still makes Alina's heart beat rapidly. She grabbed Yu Ruohan's arm in horror: "Let her go, she is just a child..."

"She is not a child," Yu Ruohan looked back at Alicena with sympathy and mockery. "You are so easy to be deceived. Haven't you noticed it yet? She is actually a man!"

Men? Alina was stunned.

Before she could react, Yu Ruohan suddenly took action and wrapped her throat tightly again, but this time, the terrible force seemed to break her neck at any time.

"Why don't you let Alina see who you are?" Yu Ruohan stared at the girl indifferently, but the girl lowered her head and dared not look at him.


Of course, this girl is Meiji disguised as a "mon".

Although he had come desperately, he was still a step late, which made him a little frustrated. Of course, now is not the time to think about other things. At present, the most important thing is Alina's safety. No matter what sacrifices are made, Alina's life is the only important thing.

"Let Alina see your true face," Yu Ruohan's hand holding Alice's neck became tighter and tighter. "Don't you dare?"

Meggie didn't say much. He just stood there, began to take off his dress, and took out the magic robe from the dimensional bag and put it on his body. Then, he slowly cast spells to relieve the constant deformation on his body.

Yu Ruohan let go of her hand and let Alina see it clearly.

Even if he doesn't do this, Alina is already looking at the teenager standing there in disbelievely. Just now, he was still a familiar "mon". Why did he become a different one now? She wanted to see the teenager's face, but the teenager in a magic robe never dared to raise his head to face her.

"Who the hell are you?" Her voice is trembling.

"My name is Meji," Meggie's tone was low and weak. "I'm sorry, Alina..."

Alina leaned her back against the wall and felt cold. He has been with her for the past few days and even slept with her. Is it actually a man? Of course, she knows who Meggie is. He is a liar who even kidnaps a little girl like Anna.

She looked at the two men in front of her and felt that the whole world was collapsing. One not only proposed to her for that unknown conspiracy, but the other did more despicable things although she looked like a teenager...

There were tears of pain in her eyes.

Of course, Meiji can feel Alice's mood, but now, no matter how you explain it, it may be difficult to get her forgiveness, not to mention that now is not the time to explain at all.

Yu Ruo looked at him with a cold smile: "Why don't you look up? Raise your head now, or I will kill her."

Meggie slowly raised his head.

"Don't look into his eyes." Alina shouted in panic. Although she hates this teenager, Alice can't accept Yu Ruohan's life to blackmail him anyway.

But late, she saw that Meggie had looked up and looked over, and then shocked as if she had been hit by something. Her whole eyes became blurred, and her body seemed to be frozen.

Yu Ruohan stared into Meiji's eyes with satisfaction. Obviously, Meiji had been controlled by him. He threw down Alicena and walked to Meggie, with a strange light in his eyes. Although he has also heard of some of the deeds of this magician teenager, he has always been very confident in his magic eye. He believes that there can be no one in the world who can still be safe with him.

He stretched out his hand to Meiji, and one eye appeared on the palm of his hand, emitting a dark blue light that could cut the stone into two pieces.

However, to his surprise, Meiji suddenly moved away. The dark blue ray hit the air, but Meiji put his hand, a blazing light on his face, and the strong light condensed into a beam of light instantly burned his eyes.

He covered his eyes with pain and shouted, and Meiji had disappeared from the same place, moved like a phantom, and had come to Alice when he appeared again. Without waiting for Alina to understand, Meiji had hugged her.

Alina only felt that her body seemed to be distorted, and the scene in front of her became blurred. When she saw it clearly again, she found that she had followed the teenager away from Yu Ruohan.

"Damn it!" Yu Ruohan lost his calmness and roared.

Meggie pulled Alicena behind him and gestured to Yu Ruohan in the distance. After the superimposed fireball flew straight away, but before the fireball flew, he suddenly found that the rain had flown into the air. The fireball exploded, and although the small trees and houses that were touched were lit, they did not even touch the corners of the clothes.

He quickly continued to cast spells, and Yu Ruohan also opened his hand and shot out dark blue light from his eyes again. The light was blocked by the space shield displayed by Meiji.

"It's really in the way." Yu Ruohan suddenly tore off his coat. On him, many eyes began to appear, big and small, strange and inexplicable.

"What kind of monster is he?" Alina looked at the cold rain flying into the night sky and asked in horror.

Meggie smiled bitterly: "No matter what it is, it doesn't look like a human anyway. Alina, stand behind me and don't move... I'll protect you."

Alina was stunned and didn't know what it was like in her heart. Although he can't accept Meggie's deception on her, he is really protecting her now. If he hadn't arrived in time, Alina really couldn't imagine what would happen. Of course, she knew what would happen if she was forced to take psychedelic powder by Yu Ruohan. At that time, she would be forced to do something worse than a bitch because of her addiction.

That's a more terrible future than death.

In mid-air, Yu Ruohan looked at Meiji coldly with a pile of eyes on his body: "How did you avoid my magic eyes?"

"Is it really hypnosis?" Meiji raised his head and smiled brightly, "Haven't you noticed? My eyes can't see at all. Before I appeared, I used blindness on myself.

Yu Ruohan looked doubtfully and noticed that although Meiji's eyes were open, there was never a little brilliance. He thought it was because Meggie was hit by his hypnotic eye, but now he knew that the other party was just invisible. He looked thoughtfully at the eyes on his body. Sure enough, there was an illusion similar to the eyes in some corners, which was obviously the "mage's eye" secretly placed by Meggie.

Blind your eyes and borrow the "eye of the mage" to see things. This is the way that Meiji came up with not to look at Yu Ruohan's eyes. The mage's eye is just a kind of magic, of course, not afraid of hypnosis.

"Pret to be smart!" Yu Ruo smiled coldly, "Do you think I can only hypnotize?"

Those eyes on his body began to shine with different colors. Suddenly, these rays shot at Meiji together.

Meggie kept casting spells, and all the light shining on him seemed to be refracted by an invisible mirror, all deflected from the direction. Everything hit by those strange lights has changed. A camphor tree has been dissociated into ashes, a stone has turned into a rabbit, and the rabbit has been pierced through its head by another beam of light.

Mage and Alina were not hurt at all.

Yu Ruohan also knew that he had just underestimated his opponent, but he was not discouraged, but flew over while emitting those deadly beams. The other party is a pure magician. As long as he approaches him, he can easily kill him.

However, Meiji stood there without hesitation, performing the magic of refracting light while connecting gestures and gestures. A group of epidemic insects flew away against Yu Ruohan, followed by an ice storm falling from the air, forcing Yu Ruohan to dodge.

"Alina," Yu Ruohan's two burned eyes on his face opened again, staring at Alicena as he dodged the icicles. Sure enough, when he called, Alina subconsciously looked up at him. And Yu Ruohan took this opportunity to stare at her with hypnotic magic eyes: "Catch him..."

However, Alice did not obey Yu Ruohan's order, but looked at him angrily.

Why doesn't it work for Alina? Yu Ruohan began to panic.

"You pig!" Meiji said coldly to him, "Since I know you are using hypnosis, will I let Alice be under your control again?"

Only then did Yu Ruohan know that he was accidentally tricked out by Meiji.

At first, Meiji was not sure what mystery was hidden in Yu Ruohan's eyes, so she had to use magic to make herself unable to see anything. Just now, he deliberately asked, "Is it really hypnosis?", and Yu Ruohan unconsciously acquiesced. Knowing that it is a hypnotic effect, Meggie only needs to give Alice a targeted hypnotic magic.

The rain is furious. Seeing that these rays were useless to Meggie, he simply stopped using them. Just as he was about to change his tactics, Megid suddenly stretched out his finger to him: "Caramon..."

There is a black pearl necklace wrapped around Meggie's wrist.

A demon statue immediately appeared on the top of Yu Ruohan's head and fell heavily. Yu Ruohan couldn't escape and was hit to the ground by the statue.

Meji did not stop and threw a series of magic over, and the lightning and flame collapsed. Because it was difficult to locate with the help of the "eye of the mage", he simply used range magic and involved the demon statue he summoned.

It was not until he was sure that Yu Ruohan should die that he stopped, relieved his blindness, and turned to look at Alice.

"Alina..." Meiji looked at Alina staring at him with a numb scalp and didn't know what to say.

Alina slowly raised her hand and fell on his face with a "pop" sound.

He stood there motionless.

Of course, Meji himself doesn't want to see such a situation. For Alina, she can't calm down when she thinks that it's a man who always likes to rub around her chest when she sleep these days.

"Alina, listen to me..." Meggie said sadly.

At this moment, there was a loud noise behind him, and Alina suddenly opened her eyes wide and pushed him away. A red tentacle rolled up Alice's body and made her rise.

Meggie fell to the ground. He looked at it in astonishment and saw that a spherical creature had appeared in the place where the rain had just fallen. It has a large blood basin mouth full of sharp teeth, and above the big mouth is a huge eye. In addition, there are many octopus-like branches, each with an eye.

What rolled up Alina was her tongue sticking out of her blood.

This is an eye demon.