Magic Dance Song

Chapter 1 White Sand Castle!

Sufia, Meji and Emma returned to White Sand Castle.

About half a month later, Borre took the main force of the Wind Knights from the three counties in the north, and Liselle also came back with them.

Leot, the lone wolf general, still remains in Hoxhouton County with some troops. After all, the half-animal people have just been driven away. He needs to reintegrate the private armed forces and militias that were originally scattered into a plate in the three northern counties and appoint and rebuild them in the name of the princess. Fortunately, due to the removal of the looted orcs, Princess Sophia is now very prestigious in the three northern counties and has been supported by civilians for the rest of her life.

However, Borretra also brought back a piece of news that surprised Sophia and Meggie.

The wind and the elf priests she brought have left.

The day after Sophia and Meji took * to Mogriel, they all left without saying goodbye and didn't even leave a letter. No one knows where they have gone, and even Leot can't guess their intentions.

These elf priests came from Crescent Island to help. They have brought a lot of help to Sophia and her army. Even if they leave now, no one can blame them. But it is strange to say that you will leave without warning, and even the wind will leave with you.

Meggie thought of countless reasons and couldn't figure out why they did this, but Sophia was just silent, as if this matter was somewhat expected by her.

After reporting to Sophia about the death wind and the elf priests, the head of the Wind Knights kindly patted Meggie on the shoulder: "Also, the girl named Liselle, you'd better go to see her earlier."

"What's wrong with her?" Meiji's heart tightened. Although Liselle also came back with the Knights of the Wind, he hasn't gone to find her because he has been with Sofia and has a lot to do.

"It's not a bad thing," Borui smiled. "When she was on the road, she was a little uncomfortable. I asked the military doctor to take a look at it for her, and found that... Forget it, you'd better ask her yourself."

After saying that, Boruicu went out and chilled Megji there in consterred.

Meji looked at Sophia and saw that Sophia was also full of doubts. In desperation, Meggie had to tell her, left there and ran to Liselle's room.

He was too lazy to knock on the door and opened the door with a knock. Liselle in the room was shocked and calmed down after seeing him.

Meggie entered the room, closed the door, and looked at Liselle.

Liselle was sitting by the bed in a loose pajamas, blushing at him. Meiji looked at it for a while and didn't see that she was sick or uncomfortable. If there was anything different about her, it was at most this obviously brand-new pajama on her.

After all, Liselle was born in the desert and has no habit of wearing pajamas. Even if he goes to bed, he wears underwear at most. In addition, she is used to riding with people who are sand thieves, and her clothes are often tight, but this pajamas look too loose and collapses down her towering and full chest, showing a femininity that surprised Meggie.

Mage sat next to her, reached out and touched the soft hill on her chest.

I'm not wearing a bra!

"I heard that you are sick on the way?" Meiji asked with concern, "What did the doctor say?"

Lisel lowered his head shyly and subconsciously stroked his stomach: "It's not sick, he said I... I..."

Meji first waited for her to continue to talk, but she saw that her pretty face became more and more blushing, and her heart suddenly woke up. After all, he has had this kind of thing.

"Pregnant?" He stared nervously at Liselle.

Liselle nodded shyly.

Meji was surprised and happy at the moment. Speaking of which, although Liselle has been following him for a while, Meggie really did that kind of thing for her only one or two nights in Hoshton County.

No wonder every time I wanted to eat her before that, there would be an accident. She dared to be the kind of woman who would be "bid" by herself twice.

Mage reached out and hugged the girl and let Liselle snuggle in his arms with a happy face. To be honest, among the women around her, Meji feels that the most sorry for her is Liselle, perhaps because Liselle is too obedient and easy to be satisfied. In addition, there is no other place to go but stay by his side, which makes Meji often ignores her.

However, Liselle just waited for him in the lonely corner without complaint. Even if she waited for an inadvertent smile, she was satisfied.

That night, Meiji stayed with Liselle and told her sweet words that he had never said to her before. Even so, he still felt that he could not compensate the girl's love for him.

"This will be a boy." He gently touched Liselle's stomach and said excitedly.

Liselle doesn't understand why he is so sure.

"Because Alina will give birth to a daughter for me," Meggie told her proudly, "so this must be a boy. In this way, I have a son and a daughter.

He leaned slightly on Liselle's belly, as if teaching the fetus in her belly: "After you are born, you should get along well with your sister Meng. She must be a very obedient girl, so you are not allowed to be naughty, let alone bully her. You have to protect her well, so that your sister Meng will also like you... Well, but be sure to remember that you are just sister and brother. You are not allowed to think about your sister, let alone take off her clothes. I don't want my children to have sibling love, do you know?"

Lisel laughed and said, "There won't be a sister-brother relationship..."

Meji quickly told Princess Sophia and Emma about Liselle's pregnancy.

In addition to being happy for him, Sophia certainly can't help thinking about Liselle. After all, White Sand Castle is not a good place to raise a baby now, and she is ready to join the civil war with the aim of unifying the Feer Kingdom as soon as possible. In this situation, the White Sand Castle is no longer safe.

"Take Liselle back to the Forest of Fog Girl." Princess Sophia told Meji, "Although I really want you to stay, in fact, even if you stay with me, it can't help. It's better to accompany Alina and Liselle so that they can give birth to the child at ease. As soon as Krabor arrives, I will take time to send you back together.

That's what he said, but Meggie still saw the lost look in Sophia's eyes.

Although he really wants to stay with Sophia, Meiji also knows that he really can't help much with the war now, and in contrast, Alina and Liselle obviously need his care more.

"Suffia..." Meiji took the princess's hand guiltily and wanted to say something.

At this moment, someone suddenly broke in.

Sofia frowned and was very dissatisfied with the guy who rushed in without even knocking on the door. However, this dissatisfaction soon turned into doubt.

It was Molly who broke in. At this time, she was bending down and panting, with a look of panic and fear, as if she was being chased by something terrible.

Sufia and Meji looked at each other and didn't know what scared her like this.

Molly is now the captain of the Rose Knight detachment. Since the Rose Knight's main task is to protect the princess, Meggie can still meet her occasionally. At the beginning, among the people who went to the ruins of the heavenly garden together, Greenless went to Xinya, and Anna stayed in the Fog Girl Forest. Now only the two of them still have a chance to meet.

Although Molly sometimes acts recklessly and even unreasonable, it's all for others, and naturally it won't be like this in front of Sophia. Therefore, seeing Molly like this, Sophia can't help but be puzzled.

"Your Highness... Ah, Meggie, you are also here..." Molly held the wall and looked at them with a dull face, "I see a ghost!"

Sofia and Meiji looked at each other in astonishment.

"Really," Molly's face was frighteningly white. "I just saw Will outside, but Will died. I thought I was dazzled, but he still smiled at me. Is it a bad omen that ghosts can be seen in broad daylight?

So that's how it is...

"Well, that," Meggie had to scratch his head awkwardly, "I forgot to tell you that Will is still alive..."

Sofia and Molly stayed and watched him.

When Sophia went to the foggy forest to pick up Meji, Will just left first. At that time, everyone's focus was on the child in Alice's belly and the simple wedding, which made Meggie and Anna forget to tell her about Will. After leaving the fog forest, although Meji and Molly had met several times, everyone passed by in a hurry and had no time to chat, and Meji had already forgotten Will and naturally forgot to tell Molly.

At the beginning, Sophia sent them together to the ruins of the heavenly garden to obtain blue planet fragments and dive into Pingxia Island to assassinate Wuchen. The only person who "died" was Will, which also made Molly feel guilty and sad all the time. For Sophia, Will's father had died in the task she arranged, and Will also "died" on Pingxia Island. Of course, she couldn't help sighing and regret.

But now Meggie tells them that Will is still alive!

Half an hour later...

Will, who knelt on one knee in front of Princess Sophia, finally explained to them the reason for his "resurrection".

"It's all you," Molly stared angrily at Meiji. "He didn't tell me earlier, which made me run around scared."

Meggie had to shrug her shoulders innocently. Although it was indeed his fault if he didn't say it earlier, it was really unexpected that Molly would be afraid of ghosts.

Will's arrival is also very helpful to Sophia. Since the god Noswell no longer gave magic to his followers, the priests in the Sophia army had completely become waste, and with the sudden departure of the elf priests, for a while, Will became the only one who could use magic.

Magic is naturally not useful if it is only used in personal duels, but if it is on the battlefield, it can often greatly increase the combat effectiveness of knights and soldiers and minimize casualties. In addition, magic can also play a decisive role in dealing with some undead and other things. At the beginning, it was because of the lack of priests who could use high-level magic that Leot was helpless against the enemy's Carris, forcing Meggie to risk diving into the depths of the enemy's array.

And Meggie also knows that Will is no longer the little boy who has no great use except for the Light of the God of War. After the personal training of the god of war, Will's personal combat ability may have surpassed Emma at night.

"But," Meggie looked at the others, "what happened to the Noswell Church? Well, no one can use any magic anymore.

Will said, "The hypocrites they believe in should have been killed. After all, this kind of pseudo-god who can only rely on certain kinds of artifacts to give magic is different from real gods. They just hide in a corner of the world and do not have their own divine realm, so the chance of being killed is very large.

The divine realm is not only the place where the gods live, but also represents some kind of "rules". A hundred years ago, even a powerful high god did not dare to easily break into the divine realm of a weak god to provoke. It was as if a lion was certainly stronger than a dolphin, but which lion dared to jump into the sea to challenge a dolphin?

But for pseudo-god gods, the power they use does not belong to themselves at all, and naturally they cannot have the divine realm. Therefore, on Hook Island, although the king of the Eye Demon said that the ruins were its "divine realm", Meggie and Will still solved it with less effort.

Of course, Meggie doesn't care whether Norswell is dead or alive, but now that the dead Bayer and his necromancer may appear at any time, the priests in the church have all lost their magic, which is too lucky.

After all, the most useful way to deal with the dead is to use magic.

Of course, Sophia also understands Meji's worries, but there is nothing she can do about this kind of thing about gods. The Fair Kingdom has always regarded Noswell as the only faith for hundreds of years. She can't openly issue orders that the Lord God is dead and let all the priests give up their original faith and convert to the God of War?

"That's right," Meji asked Sophia, "the old man Urenos... Well, hasn't the teacher ever been a palace magician? Is he also a believer of Noswell?

"Since he can become a magician in the Fair Kingdom, he nominally believes in the god Noswell," Sophia replied lightly. "But now that I think about it, I'm afraid that Mr. Uno has never believed in the god Noswell, and he used is by no means Noswell's magic. However, since driving away the snake-haired banshee who sneaked into the palace, he can no longer use any magic. People said that he was injured in the battle with the snake-haired banshee, but Mr. Niaonuo himself never told everyone the real situation.

"Or, he also uses blue planetary fragments?" Meiji guessed, "Didn't he give Anna's original blue planet fragment?"

"No," Sophia was silent for a while, and then said slowly, "Anna's first blue planet fragment is actually from the wind!"

Meggie and Will looked at each other in consternity, while Molly stood there in confusion and didn't understand why they said this.

Not long after Will appeared, Clapole finally took those fallen knights into Dilu County, followed by a batch of knights who came here from other territories. Because of Clapol's reputation and his status as a paladin, he naturally became the leader of these knights from different places, invisibly solving the internal contradictions of these unrestrained knights and saving Sophia a lot of trouble.

She recapitulated the fallen knights in the name of the royal princess, but still retained the name of "God's Heart" and was independent of the original Wind Knights. In addition, she also restored Corotia's Rose Knight status and included her in Molly's knight squad, which made Corotia a little unhappy, because it meant that she would become the Guardian of Her Royal Highness and spend less time with her brother Crabor. But Sophia refused her request to return to the Knights of the Heart of God, and Krapol just kept silent and said nothing more.

Because Princess Sofia happened to appear in Moglier when the King of the Sky was assassinated, coupled with Krapol's escape from prison, the Marquis of Lianting naturally claimed that the king died in the hands of the assassin arranged by Princess Sophia. Of course, Sophia refused to admit that she publicly accused the Marquis of Lientine of framing Clapole and the fact that he held the king under house arrest, and raised "doubts" about the cause of her brother King Sky's death.

In a word, her political talent made Meiji have to look at her with new eyes. Due to her guidance and people's dissatisfaction with the persecution of Krapol by the Marquis of Lianting, all public opinion began to point to the Marquis of Lianting, believing that His Majesty the Sky was unbearable to be king. But he was under house arrest and chose to commit suicide.

And Count Casman Einhuly of Leharren County also took the opportunity to attack Shukes County in the name of revenge for the king, and the internal war in the Kingdom of Fair intensified.

Although Sophia showed her mature side as a politician, only Meiji could see her confused eyes when she woke up from the nightmare...