Magic Dance Song

Chapter 2 Collapsed World?

The moonlight under the full moon over the fog girl forest is still soft and cold, but the window of the cabin is covered with the reflection of the eaves.

Alina lay in **. Although her high fever had subsided, she never woke up from a coma. Occasionally made a sound and just read Meggie's name like a dream.

Anna stayed by her side, and her heart ached like a knife. She hoped that her eldest brother Meji could be here at this time, but he was far away in Baisha Castle. Zia's father has sent someone to Dilu County to inform Meggie, but it is obviously impossible for him to come back in a day or two.

When Alina woke up, what should she say to her about her child?

Anna Su's fingers held her thigh tightly, as if it could relieve the pain in her heart. She felt that she was useless. If she could do more, and if her goddess magic could be stronger, maybe Alina could save her child.

Anna closed her eyes, but couldn't stop tears from pouring out.

She hates herself for not being able to do anything.

At this time, Qi Ya and Xue Qiner, who couldn't stand it anymore, finally went to sleep next door, and Zhi Na took her big sickle and looked around. Like Anna, Zhina has been feeling guilty. She feels that the reason why Alice will get hurt is because she is too playful. If she had accompanied Alina at that time, she would have been able to protect Alina.

In order to make up for her mistake, and also worried that the female magician would appear again to attack Qi Ya and others, so she kept walking on the grass and turning around with her sickle.

Although she has the corpus of a vampire, Anna is worried that if it goes on like this, Zhina's spirit will collapse sooner or later.

But she couldn't let Zhina relax.

She can't do anything...

The light and shadow beside her shook a little. Anna wiped the tears on her face and turned her head to look.

Abis is slowly coming in and looking at her with a worried face.

Anna lowered her head.

"Don't worry," Albeth advised her, "Alina will wake up soon. You'd better go and have a rest. If even you fall ill, her children will be even more sad.

"Abis," Anna looked at the elf priest with tears on her face, "Is there no way to help Alina? She really wants to have a child.

"Unless there is a miracle." Albis shook her head.

"Mine?" Anna's eyes lit up and suddenly stood up, "I'm going to ask Liads..."

"No, she can't do it either." Abis told her, "Delias is just a god of nature, and she can't even be regarded as a real god. And even if it is a real god, few can give Alina a new fetus. Only Luna, the goddess of light who made the law of life, and Shastine, the dark god..."

Anna's eyes darken again. Although she can use the magic of the goddess of light with blue planetary fragments, she has tried it, and she can't completely cure Alice's injury. After all, she is not a god and can't make miracles.

However, Abbas looked at her seriously: "Maybe you can do it..."

Anna looked at her nervously: "What should I do?"

"Do you really want to know that if you do that, your sacrifice will be very great." Abbas said, "You can make Alina fully recover, you can also let her get her lost child again, and you can even help those who have suffered in the war. However, after that, there is likely to be no such person as Anna Sue in the world. You will never see your brother Meiji, and he can't find you anywhere in the world... Is that okay?

Anna is quiet. She will never see her brother Meiji again, and such a choice is too painful for her. But...but...

"Hmm." She nodded heavily. However, she wants to help Alina, and she wants to help her brother Megji.

She wants to do more...



* swept out of the arc in the sky and stopped on a low slope.

Sofia turned her head with a smile and jumped down after seeing Meggie slowly helping Liselle down.

In fact, Liselle is just pregnant, and she has been learning horse riding and other combat skills since she was a child. It is not so easy to feel tired. Moreover, although * she is flying in the air and riding on its back, it is actually more stable than riding a Mercedes-Benz horse.

Despite this, Meiji is inevitably more concerned. After all, she has her own flesh and blood in her stomach.

After helping Liselle down, Meji didn't forget to find a piece of grass for her to do it, and then walked to Sophia.

Although *flying in the sky is very fast, after all, the White Sand Castle and the Fog Girl Forest are far away, separated by the North Chur Winds Mountain in the middle. In addition, Lisail is not suitable for a long ride now*. Naturally, it cannot be reached in a day or two, and it is inevitable to rest halfway.

At this time, the sunset hangs between the cracks of the mountains, flowing out a beautiful halo.

Meggie took out the food from the dimensional bag and ate it separately with Sophia and Liselle. Because it was his first ride*, Lisail was a little nervous during the flight. Now he relaxed and quickly fell asleep on the grass. Fearing that she would catch a cold, Meiji drew a simple magic array around her to shield herself from cold and moisture.

Then, he sat next to Princess Sophia and watched the last wisp of twilight with her.

Although it was not explicitly stated, both of them knew that it would be difficult for them to meet again for a long time. Sophia took time out of her busy schedule to send them away this time, and once Dilu County is ready to participate in the war, it will be difficult for her to find free time. And Meggie also intends to stay with Alina until she and Liselle give birth safely.

They leaned side by side until the night became dark.

After dawn, they set off again, * flew into the air, and again carried them to the fog forest.

It took more than a day, and they finally saw the black fog over the fog girl forest. * Fly in, and the sun disappears like a dream, turning into a quiet and soft moonlight. The beasts in the forest felt the terrible deterrence of * and began to roar uneasily.

Fall the way to the grass next to the Kyle village, Megid took Princess Sophia and Liselle down* and walked to the wooden house where Alice and the others lived.

A petite figure appeared in front of them, which was Zhina. At this time, the vampire girl was holding the long sickle. Every time I see her holding this sickle far beyond her head, Meggie will find it very interesting.

"Zhi Na, I'm back." Meiji waved happily to the vampire girl.

The vampire girl threw down the sickle and threw it into his arms.

"What, do you miss me?" Meiji touched her hair with a smile. However, Zhina just trembled in his arms, and he could even feel that his clothes had been wet with her tears.

"Child, what's wrong?" Meiji pushed her away and looked at her tearful face. "Tell me, what happened? Did anyone bully you?"

The childish opening wanted to speak... but he couldn't make a sound.

There is no cry.

Although she didn't know what had happened, Meiji's heart had begun to become cold. Zhina had also lost his voice before, when he was in the Golden Temple. Later in New Asia, Meiji inadvertently cured her muteness.

"Child...speak!" He looked at the vampire girl sadly.

But the vampire girl still couldn't make a sound. She wanted to tell him something important, but she couldn't say anything. She just kept crying.

Sfia and Lihan looked at each other in astonishment and didn't know what had happened.

At this time, Meji heard footsteps in the distance.

He saw Zia and Xue Qiner running towards him together.


When Meji hurried to the wooden house and pushed the door in, Alina was awake.

Meggie went to the bedside and grabbed Alice's outstretched hands and let her touch her face.

"Mage," Alina cried, "Child...Child..."

"I know, I know," Meiji tried to prevent her tears from flowing out in front of her. "I know..."

"And Anna and Abis..." Alice sat up forcibly despite the pain of the wound.

Mage hurriedly hugged her and made Alice lie on his chest and cry.

At this time, his heart was as sharp as if it had been cut by a sharp knife. The child is gone, he and Alicena's child are gone, the child who both want to be the girl's fetus, the child who wants to name her Meng... is gone...

And Anna, Anna is also missing!

Sofia stood at the door and looked sadly at his trembling back. She didn't expect such a thing to happen here. If she had known it would have happened, she would not have come here to take Meggie away anyway.

It wasn't long before Orangos also came.

After Alice cried and fell asleep again, Meggie covered her with a quilt and came out. He looked at the others who wanted to talk, but didn't know what to say. For the first time, he really knew the pain when he couldn't make a sound because of sadness.

"The murderer who hurt Alina has been found!" Orangeos told Meggie.

Meggie nodded. He really wanted to know who the man was and why he did such a cruel thing to Alina.

He left Liselle, Zhina and others here, and he and Sophia followed Orangeos to a room outside the village. There lay two bodies covered with white cloth, which looked like women.

Olangos lifted the cloth on one of the bodies and let Meji identify: "When we found her, she was dead, her limbs were broken on the edge, and her chest was dug open, as if something had been taken away. I have let Xueqin'er see her, and Xueqin'er said that she is the woman who uses endobombing to Alice.

Meggie and Sophia both stayed there.

They recognized the dead female magician.

She is the daughter of Kental, an old warlock.

Since the death of the dark prince Parn, the cicada has also disappeared, and the old man Kendall also left them in order to find his daughter.

They never thought that the cicada would appear here... and killed the child in Alice's belly.

Mage held the wall and wanted to vomit. The cicada appeared here, of course, to find revenge on him. The woman had undoubtedly lost her mind because of Panqi's death. In fact, if it hadn't been for Meiji's deliberate intervention at that time, Panqi would not have died with Tinuvir.

I implicated Alina...

He thought painfully.

"One more thing, I haven't told those girls yet, and even Ziya didn't say anything!" Orangos pointed to the body on the side, "I think you have to be mentally prepared."

Meji and Sophia were stunned, especially Meji. His eyes were wide and his body was stiff because of tension. Zia and Xueqiner told him that a few days after Alice's accident, Anna disappeared. Could this body be...?

Olangos slowly opened the white cloth on the body.

It's not Anna!

It's Albis!

Meggie and Sophia are completely stunned.

Unlike the cicada, there were no obvious scars on Abis's body, but her eyes were wide open, as if she didn't believe what she saw until she died. It was a pair of dead eyes, with separate lips and pupils spreading, as if they were trying to question someone.

Orangeos told Meggie that they had not found Anna's body, but this did not reassure Meggie. Abis and Anna disappeared together, and there are many signs that they left by themselves, but now, Abis died in the fog forest. How can Meggie not worry about Anna's safety?

"We wanted to ask the forest goddess we sacrificed about this matter," Olangos told them, "but Deliad did not respond to us. We could only feel that she seemed to have gone to a distant place through divine power, but could not contact her. We have exhausted our manpower and can't find out who the two women died at the hands.

Mage was silent.

Deliades is the god of nature in this land, and she has no reason not to know what happened on her land. But she did not appear and did not give anything to the Druis who served her, which made people doubt that she had something to do with this matter.

In addition, why can the cicada find it here? Even if she wants to revenge on Meji, how does she know that several women related to Meji live in such a place?

Hancicada's chest was dug out, but her internal organs did not lack anything. Meiji believed that what she was taken away should be the "right pupil of the dragon" she originally held. The right pupil of the dragon is one of the five stones of the world, which has some mysterious uses, and her crystal ball is also missing.

Does the person who killed her just want to take away her "Dragon's Right Pupil" and "Water Pattern Forbidden"?

Or is there any other reason?

Meggie can't figure it out...

Over the next day, he fell into an anxious and lost mood. He will not forgive the person who hurt Alice, but the cicada is dead.

He wanted to find Anna Sue, but he couldn't know what happened to Anna. Was she captured, or was she dead, just buried in a corner that no one could find?

Although he didn't want to think much about it, the possibility that Anna had been killed deeply tortured him.

His atrophy depression made Liselle and others deeply uneasy, but it could not cheer him up. The sad atmosphere permeated around them, tightly shackling everyone's heart.

For Sophia, although this situation made her heartbroken, she had to leave. She has left Dilu County for several days. Although she really wants to be with Meiji at this time, she has more things to do in White Sand Castle.

Meggie didn't say much, and of course he understood Sophia's helplessness. So, he tried to smile at Sophia to tell her that he had recovered from the initial blow.

Nevertheless, when he watched Sophia ride away from the night sky of the fog forest, an uncontrollable decadence and sadness still surged in his heart. The wind left without saying a word. Anna's life and death are unknown. Alina almost survived, and the child in her belly is gone. Now, even Sophia has left...

He feels that his own world is already collapsing, and from now on, he will slowly become nothing...