Magic Dance Song

Chapter 7 Genesis--

A day later, Meji came to the bronze heart altar in the distant desert.

He has come here for the third time. The first time was a year ago, he came here with Su Li from Sol Village through the Fog Girl Forest. It was at that time that Su Li died with the headless knight who attacked them.

The second time, he came with Princess Sophia, when they were preparing to enter the fog forest to look for*. He took Sophia a detour just to take a look at Su Li's grave, which had already lost her body.

The wind and sand covered the rocks, and he came to the empty tomb wrapped in a magic robe. In his memory, the pain left by the burial of Su Li's body was still as clear as a knife. It was because he met Su Li that his life began to change. She was the starting point of Meiji's life, and she was also the first woman to ask him what he wanted to do in the future.

He turned around, passed through the arch, entered the dark door and walked down the dark steps. He added night vision to himself. To his surprise, this room is a little different from his original impression. There are countless graffiti on the walls and the ground, and the corners are full of stone debris. Some graffiti can also vaguely judge that they are magic characters, but more can't see anything, as if someone is constantly drawing on it. What, then paint it off, continue to draw, and keep repeating it like this.

Who is doing such a boring thing? He doesn't know and doesn't care.

He went to the center of the dark room and looked silently at the statue of the dark evil god still standing there.

The face of the statue is still so cold and handsome, and the merciless expression seems to swallow up all the hopes in the world.

This is the first god in the world and one of the makers of the law of life. He once spread blood and killing in every corner of the world and became a fuse for all gods to fall one after another.

Meggie took out the glass bottle and sprinkled the blood on the ground.

The red ** seemed to come back to life, flew to the statue, and strangely penetrated in.

A trace of black thread overflowed and condensed into a black figure in front of Meiji, which looked very similar to the statue.

Meji slowly knelt down in front of it. Although he had no intention of believing in any god, he still felt that he should pay tribute to the former evil god.

"Delia asked you to come here?" The voice in the black phantom is low and cold, "She and Gulevia have made ridiculous and ignorant mistakes, but think I should help you to save the human beings who killed Luna?"

Meggie looked up at the black phantom in surprise and didn't understand what it was talking about. Wasn't he himself who killed Luna, the goddess of light? Of course, the phantom in front of him is not the real dark evil god. The real body of the dark god Shastine has already left the world of Mengya.

Just like the blue planet fragments representing the will of Luna after death, the illusion in front of him should be only the shadow left by the dark evil god.

"They don't understand the cause of the dark century at all, but they think they want to resurrect the gods," the shadow of the evil god sneered. "They thought that as long as Luna comes alive, they can help them deal with Bayer, but they don't know that if Luna is really resurrected, all human beings in the world will die!"

This is impossible, and Meggie looked at it in shock. Luna is the creator of human beings. She has been protecting human beings with her mercy and compassion, and even sacrificed herself to protect human beings in the dark century.

If her resurrection will lead to the destruction of human beings, this kind of thing doesn't make any sense.

However, Meggie also knew that the black phantom in front of him did not lie. Although it is just a shadow, it still has the will of the dark god. The dark god Shastine is one of the creation gods of the world. Perhaps, he is indeed as cruel and cold as the legend, but he will never weave lies.

The black phantom obviously saw through his thoughts and said coldly, "Do you know why human beings appear in this world?"

Meggie doesn't know.

"There are many worlds in the universe, and each world has people who guard its order," said the black phantom. "These guardians of order are the gods you know. The flesh and blood of ancient dragons created this world, and Luna and I are the first guardians of this world. In order to pass the long years, Luna divided the state of mind left by the dragon and created all kinds of life, including dwarves, elves, dragons and all kinds of animals. But even so, she still feels bored, because these lives come from the dragon itself. They are one, harmonious and have no fun. The elves only know how to stick to their own homes, the dwarves only want to live in stones, and the dragons only know how to sleep for a lifetime. At that time, life was all immortal. They would not be child, but they would not die. They just lived the life listlessly without desire.

Meggie listened quietly.

"So Luna created human beings with her own spirit," the shadow of the evil god said faintly. "Human beings have been incompatible with other races from the beginning, because they have Luna's unwilling side in their nature, and at the same time, they are difficult to get along with other races of the same origin. The emergence of human beings has disrupted the peace of the world, and even those originally peaceful races have caused trouble under their provocation. The world suddenly became lively and interesting... This makes Luna very happy!"

Meji opened his eyes wide, and it was really difficult to accept such a "creation theory".

Human beings exist only because the goddess Luna is too boring?

"In fact, this kind of thing has happened before," the shadow of the evil god continued. "In another world, there is a guardian of the order named Nuwa, who has also done this kind of thing. She injected her own spirit into a mud doll based on our guardians of order and becomes something else. A race where life is difficult to live in harmony. That world is also regarded as a failed world by other guardians of order. Not only that, the god named Nuwa also died because of her own suffering!"

Meggie was stunned. What the black phantom said is completely beyond his understanding of the world, a god who created human beings just because of boredom? She created such a special species to make the world more "lively"?

"The root of the existence of the human race lies in the 'spirit' of the gods," said the shadow of the evil god. "They will constantly consume the lives of their creators. After all, for the world, gods can only be regarded as outsiders. With the passage of time, human souls will eventually be assimilated by the dreams of ancient dragons. And the self-will of that god will also be swallowed up by the source of the world. Therefore, I persuaded Luna to completely destroy human beings from the beginning, but she had no choice but to force her to formulate the law of life with me to delay the assimilation of her life by the source of the world.

Mage is silent. He has seen the origin of the world under the guidance of the little fairy. The so-called source of the world is actually the "heart" left by the ancient dragon after his death. At that time, he clearly saw that both his own soul and Qi Ya's soul were integrated with nature, just like the blue moonlight grass transformed by the blood of the moonlight goddess, but almost ignored Qi Ya standing on the blue moonlight grass, which showed that the human soul had been "the world" The source of the world is assimilated.

And the goddess Luna has been dead for hundreds of years.

He asked in a low voice, "Is it possible that the dark century will happen..."

"Because I want to get rid of all human beings in the world and avoid Luna's death," the voice of the black phantom was full of sadness. "The speed of human development exceeded my expectations, and Luna trapped me in the blood pool of the demon realm a long time ago because she was worried that I would destroy human beings. Until the first year of the 100 years of darkness, due to some opportunity, I stepped out of the demon realm and began the process of slaughtering human beings, but Luna stopped me crazily..."

"Why did she do this?" Meiji didn't understand, "Don't she know that you are saving her?"

"Have you ever lost a child?"

Meggie's heart ached, and he remembered the fetus in Alina's belly.

"If you can choose," the black phantom asked faintly, "are you willing to use your own life to avoid the death of that child?"

Meggie was quiet for a while. He remembered the tears on Alice's face and the heartache when she first heard the bad news. He covered his heart and whispered, "Of course... because he is my child!"

The black phantom also calmed down, and then said, " Luna... made the same choice!"

Maybe, at the beginning, Luna did create human beings only because of fun. Maybe she just regarded human beings as her own toys. However, with the passage of time, she gradually regarded human beings as her own children and was willing to dedicate her life to protect them.

She just did what she wanted to do as a mother.

The dark god Shastin tried to kill all human beings in order to save Luna. The goddess Luna took people to resist desperately to protect human beings she regarded as children... This is the truth of the dark century!

" Luna couldn't stop me from destroying human beings, so she chose to commit suicide," the voice of the black phantom became lower and lower. "The reason why I want to kill all human beings is to save her. Since she died, I also left the world created by the flesh and blood of the dragon. Nevertheless, I still left my shadow, because I want to see what kind of path the human beings she protects with her life will take.

"But if that's the case," Meji asked, "Deliad and Gulevire intend to resurrect Luna..."

"They don't know anything at all," the shadow of the evil god sneered. "The so-called god of war is just a priesthood, and Deliades is just a mortal who became a god of nature with the help of Luna. They don't understand the essence of the gods at all. The gods can't be resurrected, otherwise, I would have let Luna come alive, and I still need them to do it?"

Meggie doesn't know what to say.

"But in the end, this is indeed my negligence." The shadow of the evil god sighed, "When I left the world, I was disheartened by Luna's death and forgot to block the blood pool that had been opened in the demon realm again, so that Bayer could escape from the demon realm. Deliads and Gulavia knew that they could not deal with Bayer, so they pinned their hopes on Luna's resurrection, but they did not know that Luna's will had died. The blue planet fragments retained only part of her magic power, but through the blue planet fragments, Mary Sulen Evier was able to kill Luna. The devoured 'spirit' was pulled out of the source of the world.

"That is to say..."

"If she succeeds," the shadow of the evil god said indifferently, "she will have the power of gods, and all human beings on the earth will be destroyed by the disappearance of the source of the soul."

Meji was terrified, and he finally understood why the black phantom said that the idea of Deliades to help the elves resurrect Luna was "stupid". Of course, Mary Suren Ewell must have known the truth from the beginning. She not only deceived the elves, but also induced Urenos and Deliades. Due to Luna's death and Shastine's departure, once Mary really gets all the divine powers of Luna, she will undoubtedly dominate the world.

And except for Emma and Zhina, who are vampires, Meggie and all the women he loves will inevitably die.

He looked up and said, "Delia told me that only Sully could deal with her mother!"

"Well," said the black phantom, "that's because Mary Sulen Ewell's initial power originally came from me. Just as Deliades pinned her hopes on Luna's resurrection to deal with Bayer, the reason why I raised Mary was to drive Bayer back to the blood pool of the demon realm for her. But Mary betrayed me. In fact, if it hadn't been for Deliath's sudden visit to me, I would have even thought she was dead like everyone else. Su Li has now mastered what Mary has learned, but this does not mean that Su Li must be able to surpass her mother. After all, no one knows what Mary has learned in the past few years.

"But this is the only opportunity, isn't it?" Meiji slowly stood up and stared at the black phantom in front of him, "So, I hope you can return Su Li to me!"

"I can't do it." The black phantom rejected him directly.

Mage's heart began to feel cold. Indeed, no matter what you think, the other party has no reason to help him. Save humanity? For the dark evil god, it is because of the existence of human beings that Luna died. It did not help Bloody Mary destroy the whole human race. It is already kind. How can she care about the survival of human beings?

It's just that, is it really just like this?

"Actually," he looked at the black figure in front of him, "you also want to help human beings, don't you? Otherwise, why do you have to train Mary to deal with the dead Bayer? And Mary betrayed you because she knew that you would never sacrifice human beings to help her usurp Luna's magical power. If you let human beings be destroyed like this, what is the value of the sacrifice of Luna?

Although the dark god Ssteadin is called an evil god, he is the creator god of the world like the goddess Luna, not the god of destruction. He is one of the makers of the law of life, and he also watches human beings come through this world for thousands of years without emotion. It was only when human existence affected Luna's life that he had to make a choice and sacrifice human beings to protect Luna.

The black phantom is silent without any doubt.

Meji is not going to say anything more. After all, the other party used to be a god. It has enough wisdom and rationality, and Meiji can only stand here and wait for its decision.

"I won't take the initiative to help human beings," the black phantom said slowly, "but I can give you a chance. If you can pass my trial, I will give Su Li to you. And if you fail, I will take away your soul, and you will face more painful torture than death. You'd better think carefully before deciding whether to accept it or not.

"Don't think about it," Meggie said, "I accept it!"