Magic Dance Song

Chapter 8 The Trial of the Dark God!

The dark room is unusually quiet.

Meji quietly looked at the black phantom and waited for its trial.

He is not noble and has no interest in saving human beings and the world. If possible, he prefers to lie comfortably on the grass of the fog forest and let others work hard to save him.

But now, if he does nothing, the women he cares about and cherish, including Sophia and Alice, will also die together, as well as Joshua and Will, who are his friends.

He can't care about his life, but he can't help but care about them.

The black phantom slowly covered him, and he only felt that his soul began to pull away.

The sky suddenly lit up, and he found himself on a battlefield, full of soldiers with blades. These soldiers found him and waved their swords to kill him.

A voice told him that this was not just a dream. If he was cut by those swords, he would really die. So, he quickly cast spells and summoned countless meteors to guard his surroundings. The falling meteor from the sky smashed the soldiers into meat sauce, and blood spread to his feet like rain.

However, the enemy did not retreat, and more and more, they were angry because of the death of their companions and rushed to Meiji one after another.

Meggie kept releasing comets, but it was a strong and brave army. His physical strength gradually couldn't support it, and he had to try to break away from these enemies with teleportation magic, but no matter where he fled, the enemies rushed like a tide.

He wanted to open the magic maze and let Emma come out to help him, but Emma was not there at all. He wanted to contact the little fairy, but the little fairy's voice did not appear.

He tried to protect himself with all kinds of magic, but he couldn't get rid of the enemy. He wanted to enter the subdimensional space with an invisible spirit, but he was still found by those soldiers. His magic began to wither, and he could even feel the heat and disorder in his veins. He reluctantly put an Otiluc elastic shield on himself, and then suddenly spit out blood.

He is close to running out of oil, and the enemies are constantly cutting their swords on the shield. After the end of the stretch shield, he will inevitably die.

A voice broke into his mind: "Why did they kill you?"

"How do I know?!" He roared.

The voice continued to ask, "Why have human beings and other races been at constant war for thousands of years?"

"It's none of my business!" He continued to roar.

The voice was silent.

But Meji couldn't help thinking.

Human beings and other races were destined to be unable to get along with each other from the beginning, because the human soul is derived from the spirit of the goddess Luna, and the source of life of other races comes from the dream of ancient dragons. A hundred years after darkness, the source of human soul began to be assimilated by the world with the death of the goddess Luna. However, the inertia of history cannot be eliminated immediately, and the estrangement and vigilance between various races still exist.

But it is undeniable that in the past 500 years, except for the fact that there are still small-scale conflicts between humans and orcs from time to time, there has been basically nothing to do with other races. Although this kind of "harmony" is actually relatively limited, it is undoubtedly much better than the bloody history of human beings.

Is it really because the human soul has begun to "assimilates" with other races and is no longer as difficult to get along with?

Or is it just a temporary illusion?

Why did these people kill me? Meiji asked herself.

Because... I'm different from them!

Because human beings are completely different from the source of life of other races, they can't get along well with each other. Because although elves and dwarves are one in the source of the soul, their appearance and temperament are completely opposite, so they can easily be provoked by human beings and turn against each other.

These people want to kill me because I'm different from them...

The elastic shield is getting weaker and weaker, but Megji calmed down.

At the moment when the shield disappeared, Meggie cast a metamorphosis with only the remaining magic.

He turned himself into an "enemy".

Not only the armor and equipment in his hands, but he even tried to imitate the angry and fanatical expression on their faces. He took advantage of the consternment of these soldiers and searched for the disappeared "enemy" with them.

Of course, they can't find it, because the enemy has disappeared, and there are only their "people" here.

They began to be at a loss.

"What should I do now?" Someone asked.

"Kill, keep killing!" Someone replied, "The enemy will never be killed..."

The scene suddenly changed, and Meggie saw herself rushing under a wall with these soldiers, with stone bullets flying overhead, and corpses everywhere.

With a fierce roar, a giant bird with flames flashed through the sky.

"Yes*, it's Her Majesty!" The people around him began to panic and become lax.

He saw a teenager in a gray magic robe appear on the wall in the distance. The teenager summoned a meteor shower and hit him straight down around him.

"You guys want to hurt my woman!" The teenager smiled proudly, "I'll let you know what magic is now!"

Meggie looked at the teenager and did nothing. The falling stone smashed countless meat mud around him, but he did not dodge. Cometism does not hurt his own people. He clearly knows that the teenager who uses magic is himself.

How could he hurt himself?

*The beautiful woman who fell from the sky and rode on its back looked at him doubtfully, trying to figure out why the person in front of her could be safe under the comet. She wears a golden crown on her head, and her waist skirt is white and beautiful.

"Sofia," he stretched out his hands with a smile, "It's me!"

"Meggie?" Her Majesty was shocked. She turned her head to look at the teenager on the wall and looked back at him. She didn't understand why there were two Meges.

The scene is converted again...

This time, he found himself sitting in a luxurious chair, wearing no longer a magic robe and something on his head.

An old man stood under the steps and said respectfully to him, "Your Majesty, the time has come."

Meggie looked around and realized that the courtier was talking to him. This is the royal palace, and he actually sits on the throne with a crown on his head. He looked at the courtiers under the steps in astonishment: "What happened? Where's Sophia?"

"The former queen colluded with demons, which led to the corruption of the government, and people were resentful. Her Majesty led the people to overthrow her." The court minister replied bluntly, "Your Majesty, please issue an order to kill him immediately."

Meggie was shocked. He jumped down the steps and ran out desperately. The knights on the road knelt down one after another.

He ran to the square, and sure enough, a woman had been tied to the guilloine. Her appearance is haggard and her hair is messy.

A tease shouted "Your Majesty is here" and ordered the onlookers to kneel down. Did those civilians remain silent, and Meiji can even feel the anger of those people against him? A group of soldiers rushed forward and waved their blades to force everyone to kneel down. An old man was pierced in the heart because of his slow reaction.

Suffia turned her head and looked at him indifferently. There was not much resentment in her eyes, but deep sadness and heartache. Meiji looked at her and found that she was no longer beautiful. There were deep fishtails in the corners of her eyes, and her chest began to droop.

Meggie remembered that he had controlled the country through a coup and had become a monarch over 10,000 people.

"Your Majesty," the courtier whispered behind him, "please order her to be executed immediately, otherwise, those knights who refuse to submit to you will soon have an accident in her name."

Death Sophia?

Meggie felt that his head was about to crack. He shook his head palely and kept retreating. He turned around and ran back to the palace, holding the throne and gasping. He heard someone calling him. It was a woman's voice, old and unpleasant. He turned around and looked at the old woman who walked down the steps.

"Meggie!" The old woman looked at him with tears on her wrinkled face.

"Alina..." Meiji looked at this old woman and couldn't believe that her age could wear away a person's beauty so cleanly.

"Can I call your name again before I call you Your Majesty with others?" Alina slowly knelt in front of him, "Mage, please... let Sophia go..."

"No!" He roared. It took him so much effort to become a king, how could he let go so easily?

At this time, he saw several other women also come out. There are Anna, Zia, Liselle and Sheqin. They were all looking at him in silence.

He was glad to see that these women were not as old as Alice. This is also very normal. After all, Alina is much older than them. Anna, in particular, looks more beautiful and mature than before, perhaps because of the blue planet fragments in her body.

"Anna!" He walked over and held Anna in his arms. "Do you want to play with them?"

"Brother Meiji, no, Your Majesty," Anna said sadly, "but I..."

Her hesitation made Meji very angry. Obviously, even his favorite girl would not be on his side this time. Meiji pushed her away, and her heart was full of anger. He strode out.

The courtier came up with a smile: "Your Majesty, look, this is a virgin sent by lords from all over the world."

A group of girls came to him and knelt down. They were not only young, but also beautiful as flowers.

That's what he wants, he thought. Both Alicena and Sophia are old. Even Anna and Xue Qiner, who are not old yet, will grow old one day. However, as long as he becomes the king and becomes the supreme monarch of this country, he can ignore everything. He can change the beauties around him one after another and never worry about them getting old.

"Give my will," he turned around and looked at the courtier coldly. "Immediately put Sophia... everywhere..."

He stopped there.

The court minister is waiting for his answer.

He took a deep breath and suddenly shouted at the sky, "Stop it, it's not funny at all!"

There is no doubt that this is just an illusion. Alice and the others have not aged. Everything he sees is an illusion.

A voice came to his mind: "Do you think this is a game? No, it's true. The women around you can't always be young. They will grow old slowly. But as long as you become a king, you can have countless women, and you no longer have to worry about the women around you becoming old and ugly..."

"But I will lose their love for me!" Meggie turned around and looked at the pain in Alina and other people's eyes. He walked over and said to Anna, "Is there a mirror?"

Anna looked at him puzzledly and ran to the next door to get a mirror. He took the mirror and looked at it, and then smiled with satisfaction.

Sure enough, he is not young in the mirror.

"Their love for you?" The voice sneered, "Does that thing make sense? Besides, do you really know what love is? Didn't you get them in your hands with all kinds of excuses from the beginning because of fun?

"You're right," Meiji replied. "I don't think I really understand love, but at least I know that they care about me, so I will cherish them as well. Yes, they will grow old slowly, but I will. It's enough for me to grow old slowly with them.

The voice was silent.

"And I'm no longer a child." Meiji continued, "What qualifications do people who only know how to accept other people's hearts but don't know how to give have the right to be loved? Liselle is pregnant with my child, and it won't be long before I become a father. If I continue to be so ignorant, I won't even forgive myself.

He stretched out his hand, hugged the old Alina tightly, and then whispered, "Alina, wait for me, I will take Anna back to you soon!"

The scene switched again, and this time, he found that his surroundings were full of darkness. Alina is gone, the palace is gone, and everything is dark.

"Is that also a trial just now?" He said to the void, "It seems very simple."

"Do you really think so?" The voice sounded again, "You will feel simple because you have regarded it as an illusion from the beginning, so your rationality makes you choose the path you think is right. However, when you really arrive at that day, you will understand that taking the right path is not as simple as you think.

Meji opened his mouth to refute, but he felt speechless. He had to admit that the other party's words were not wrong, which was like a person who smoked psychedelic powder without knowing that it would only harm others and himself? But once you are addicted to drugs, you can't take care of any rationality. Although he believes that he will never turn his back on the women who love him, the journey of life is very long, and it is too early to say anything.

"However," the voice seemed full of doubts, "the only thing I don't understand is why you can understand that it's an illusion so quickly? It is a dimensional maze produced by using the 'Dragon Dream' in the Stone of the World. Once you fall into it, no matter who will slowly fall into it and regard everything and the ideas it gives you as a real existence. No matter who it is, it should not be possible to see through its truth so quickly.

"Indeed," Meiji replied, "I admit that I almost fell into it... just a little bit."

"What point?"

"That's because it suddenly occurred to me that I could never be a king," Meiji said lightly, "That's not funny at all..."

The voice was silent again.

Yes, Meggie didn't see through the fantasy... He just recognized himself!