Magic Dance Song

Chapter 10 Dragon Breath!

That night, they did not leave immediately, but snuggled up to each other and said a lot.

Meji slowly told Su Li what he had experienced in the past year, and Su Li just listened quietly. This atmosphere made Meiji feel at ease, as if it were a dream. Although they had physical close contact more than a year ago, Meiji has never been sure what kind of existence he is in Su Li's heart. In fact, they haven't really been together for a long time, only through the fog from Sol Village. The short days of the women's forest.

However, judging from Su Li's smile, he felt that more things seemed to have happened between them, but he didn't remember at all.

He told Su Li about meeting Karin, which was undoubtedly the most important thing for Su Li.

"I want to go to Mogliel first," he said to Sully. "Nio has always thought that you and Karin's mother are still alive, and now it seems that his suspicion is correct. He also thinks that your mother will return there to find Karin sooner or later, so I think we might as well go there to have a look before we go to Crescent Island. Maybe we can find some clues.

In addition, he really wants Su Li and her sister to meet earlier.

Su Li was silent.

He looked at the girl: "What are you thinking?"

"I'm just thinking that you have really changed a lot," Su Li stroked his face. "When I first saw you, you were just a hippie little scoundrel. You didn't have any ability and didn't know what you wanted to do in the future. But now, you seem to be a completely different person. You are not only an excellent magician, but also have people who want to protect.

"You are also different." Meiji hugged her. Although Su Li was a rose knight at that time, in fact, her heart was not firm enough. Now Su Li gives him the feeling of a female warrior who survived countless battlefields. He doesn't know what happened to her, but there is no doubt that they are more mature than a year ago.

In these days, too many things have happened, enough to change a person.

They fell asleep together against the wall until the light came in from the outside, holding hands and preparing to leave.

When he walked to the door, Meiji patted the stone crumbs on his body and asked puzzled, "Which fool came here to scribble?" I'm really full."

Su Li laughed, and the sun reflected on her face, which was particularly bright and touching.

Meggie looked at her smile as if she had realized something.

"Fool." The girl looked at him and laughed in a low voice.

They walked out of the arch together and came to the periphery of the Stonehenge. Meiji looked at the land covered with yellow sand and was quite embarrassed. If he walked to Mogril like this, it would obviously take too much time, but if he used magic, he would never leave a teleportation array there.

Su Li obviously saw what he was thinking, so she let go of his hand: "Leave it to me."

She stood there as if she were looking at something.

As if responding to the deep call of her heart, Meggie saw a dark horse galloping from the other end of the sand dunes. The horse quickly stopped in front of them, and Su Li jumped on the horse and stretched out her hand to him.

So he also got on the horse and put his arms around Su Li's waist from behind. If there is a horse, it will undoubtedly save some time, but he still feels that the speed of riding is too slow. If the wind really intends to use Anna to get the divine power of Luna, they may not have time to stop it at all.

"Hold it." Su Li reminded loudly, and then left.

The dark horse is slow and fast, and Meiji only feels that the scenery around him is real and virtual, and everything is as fast as a fantasy. They crossed the sand dunes, jumped over the low mountains, and kept moving forward like a strong wind. Anything that blocked them would be directly penetrated by the dark horse.

Meggie's heart became more and more surprised, and then she gradually reacted.

This horse actually ran in subdimensional space with them!

They didn't know that the day after they left, an old man came to the bronze heart altar. His clothes were worn out and his skin was lifeless gray.

The old man entered the dark room. The erratic movement was not so much walking as drifting. From beginning to end, his feet never touched the ground.

He floated to the statue and looked at it a little.

He made no sound, but the statue suddenly exploded.

A glowing thing slowly floats from the broken stone, and colorful patterns flash in its center and spread out in a wonderful rhythm.

The old man stretched out his hand and held it without any expression on his face.

A light arc suddenly appeared, opening an unknown space door.

If Meji was here, he would definitely be shocked by the way the old man used magic. He did not chant spells, no gestures, and even the casting time used to coordinate magic did not exist. It was just an idea to complete the magic he wanted to use.

He floated into the portal with the luminous body.

The portal flashed away...


On a low hill on the banks of the Rein River, Borui, the head of the Knights of the Wind, is staring at the battlefield below that is like a torrent collision.

Although he and his Knights of the Wind are high, the number of enemies attacking them far outpered them, making it very difficult for them to defend. The enemy is Monxtor of Leharn and his army, who is an important general of Count Casman Einhuly.

Princess Sofia invaded Shukes County in the name of revenge for her second brother King Sky. Count Einhuly tried to form an alliance with Princess Sofia to deal with the Marquis of Lientine. However, to everyone's surprise, Princess Sofia not only refused Count Ainhuly's request for alliance, but even publicly revealed that he had assisted him. The betrayal of the dark prince Panqi's attack on the royal city. In anger, Count Ainhuly gave up his hostility with Sykes County and attacked the flank of the County army with the nobles around him.

Not everyone agrees with Princess Sophia's fighter choice, and even Borui feels that even if he wants to deal with the old fox Ainhuly sooner or later, there is no need to openly break up with him at this time. Although due to Clapole's loyalty and the increasing number of knights who came to follow him, the strength of Dilu County grew rapidly, once Ainhuly and the Marquis of Lianting united, coupled with the high-ranking nobles they were winced by them, it was equivalent to Princess Sophia challenging the other counties of the kingdom with the power of Dilu County, although not It must be defeated, but it is too risky.

However, it was not only Her Royal Highness who made this decision. Obviously, even General Leot and Clapole agreed with her desperate approach. Therefore, although Borre did not understand the reason for choosing this strategy, he still obeyed the order without regret. .

The enemy's attack became more and more fierce, and the defense of the Wind Knights had to begin to contract. This is not the main battlefield. Crapol is taking the Knights of the Heart and the main force deep into Shukes County, which is the center of the war. However, if this place is lost, Monkstore will take his army across the Rein River and threaten the rear of Krapol.

And Princess Sofia is taking advantage of * leading General Leot to go south to consolidate the three counties in the north, responding to Krapol and the Knights of the Heart from Glusidia. Since this force has just been reorganized and can only really play a role with the cooperation of *, it is difficult for Princess Sophia to support here immediately.

Bo Ruiqu pulled out his sword and stared fiercely at the enemy under the low hill. Although this is not the main battlefield, it is related to the whole war. To some extent, he also understands that he and his knights are just an abandoned son, and it is impossible to defeat the enemy. As long as Clapole wins in Sykes County, even if the whole Wind Knights are destroyed, he has completed the task.

Before he came here, he had the consciousness of death in battle.

He was silent and considered whether to lead the team to attack for a while and force the enemy to retreat.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and he felt someone calling him. He turned around in consteration, but saw no one appear. Not only him, but also other people around him looked around in surprise.

The gust of wind blew back, and a dark horse jumped out of the virtual space inexplicably. The horse was riding a girl in black light armor, and behind the girl sat a young magician.

"Can I help you?" The teenager tilted his head and shouted at Borui.

The head of the Knights of the Wind looked at the guy with wide eyes and didn't understand how he came here.

Of course, this teenager is Meji. He just happened to pass by here with Su Li, but found that the fighting party was actually his acquaintance, and he was still at a disadvantage. He simply ran out to say hello and see if he could help.

He and the Knights of the Wind have not fought side by side once or twice, from the Guai's passing to the Gull Fortress, and then to Horhewton County, several of which were even born and died together.

Bo Ruiqu looked at him and hummed angrily. Although one more force is more sure of victory, the battlefield is after all. Unless there is a whole dozen, it is difficult for a magician to play a decisive role. If it is just let Meji die here with him, it is meaningless.

"It seems to be helpful." Meiji jumped off her horse, stood beside the head of the Wind Knights, and began to cast spells.

"Hey, be careful." Borui was shocked. Is it really useful to carry out a magic attack on the enemy from so far away? Moreover, they have fought into a group under the slope, and it is difficult to distinguish between enemies and friends. Don't even kill your own people.

Meggie ignored him and continued to cast spells.

A dragon's head suddenly appeared in the sky. Because it was too big, it shocked everyone on the battlefield for a while. It opened its mouth and suddenly spew out flames, covering a radius of nearly 1,000 meters.

Bori's face was black and his whole body was trembling. Meiji's magic is indeed powerful than he expected, but such an indivisive attack is simply joking about their own lives. Even if a group of enemies are killed, I'm afraid that those wind knights will be killed and injured.

The flame kept rolling and then began to dissipate.

At this time, the head of the Knights of the Wind suddenly found that not all the people covered by magic had been damaged by the flames.

All who were burned and blown away were enemies, but their own people just stood there in confusion, and no one was injured.

Su Li rode a dark horse and said lightly to Borui, "Don't you attack yet?"

Bo Ruiqu then realized and quickly rode a war horse and rushed down the low hill, taking all the knights to attack. The dragon's head is still spraying flames above their heads, destroying the enemy who tried to resist with a powerful dragon breath.

The knights shouted excitedly, and the enemies dispersed one after another. Although everyone knows that magic has incredible power, such a terrible and magical spell still shocks the hearts of everyone on the battlefield. Such magic is not only unheard of for them, but also unimaginable before. With the disappearance of the dragon's head, a fallen stone fell straight down from the sky and fell to the place where the number of enemies was most concentrated.

In this battle, General Monxter of Leharon was killed, and the army he led was completely destroyed. The Wind Knights preserved most of their strength and, under the leadership of Borre, took the opportunity to cut into Shukes County and became a strange soldier in response to the Knights of Clapole and the Heart of God.
