Magic Dance Song

Chapter 11 Break into Crescent Island!

Crossing the Rein River and going deep into Sykes County, the lightning-fast dark horse carried Sully and Megji to the thorn bush south of Mogliel City.

As soon as she arrived here, Meggie found that something was wrong.

There are corpses of snarly birds everywhere, densely piled up like mountains and covered with thorns.

Meji's heart has sunk, and Su Li didn't say anything. They got off their horses and stepped on the body of the red-billed slug into the thorny land.

"Who?" Someone lay among piles of sbillies and made a weak sound.

"Is that you?" Meiji ran to help the man and made him sit up with difficulty.

That's Neo, a former paladin of the Kingdom of Fer. At this time, an ice arrow had penetrated his body, and the icicle was gradually melting with his blood. His eyes were difficult to focus, and his face was gray.

"What happened?" Meiji asked loudly.

"Mary," Neo looked at him reluctantly, "Mary appeared, I recognized her, and I wanted to stop her from taking Karin away... I failed!"

"Is it really Mary Sulen Eviell?"

"Well, although she changed her appearance and became an elf, she... can't hide it from my eyes!" Neo's voice is getting weaker and weaker.

Su Li quietly stepped forward and knelt beside the paladin Neo: "Uncle Neo..."

Niona's pupil, which had begun to spread, contracted again because of her call. He looked at Su Li, first showing surprise on his face, and then slowly turned into a smile: "Su Li...Su Li Feit... You have... grown so big..."

Meggie only felt that his arm sank, and Neo's life finally left him.

They buried the paladin Neo and made a simple tomb.

Su Li stood in front of the grave, silent and never said anything. Meiji doesn't know how to comfort her. She has been disappointed with her mother for a long time. The only thing she cares about is her sister Karin. She hurried here, not so much to chase her mother, but to see her long-lost sister as soon as possible.

However, now, Karin has been taken away by their mother again.

"Suli!" After carving words on the tombstone with magic, Meiji came to Su Li and said, "Let's go..."

"Meggie," Suli looked at him coldly. "Have you slept with my mother?"

Mary killed the water elf on Crescent Island and pretended to be the wind to deceive the elves, and used her prophecy that no one knows whether it was true or false to approach Sophia, designed to expose Anna to blue planetary debris and other things. Meggie has told Su Li, but he has never said the "close" between him and the wind. .

If the wind was really disguised by Su Li's mother, how could he say it?

Although Meji did not answer, his expression obviously told the truth.

Su Li suddenly raised her hand.

Meggie didn't dodge. He was ready to be slapped in the face. Although he would not have thought that the wind would be pretended by Su Li's mother, after all, this kind of thing has happened, and he can fully understand Su Li's mood.

But Su Li's hand just stopped there and didn't really fall on his face. Her body trembled gently, her mouth squeezed tightly, and there was an angry flame in her eyes. Although it has already made up its mind not to regard that woman as its own mother, how can this kind of thing be cut off by saying so?

Su Li closed her eyes and tried to calm down her undulating chest. The thought that her mother had done that kind of thing with her lover, the shame and anger made her unbearable.

Meggie hugged her guiltily: "I'm sorry...Suli!"

Of course, Suli also knows that Megji is not to blame.

Yu Feng has been an intelligence officer around Sophia for several years, and although Suli is nominally a rose knight subordinate to the temple, in fact, like most of her rose knights, she is only loyal to the princess.

Su Li didn't know the existence of Yufeng before, but there was no reason not to know her.

Su Li "died" at the bronze heart altar in order to carry out the task arranged by Princess Sophia. Of course, she knew it, but she obviously didn't care about it.

Although she understood the reason for Su Li's anger, Meiji couldn't find anything to comfort him. He has been abandoned since he was a child. Although Black Annes, who raised him, is his mother, the cannibal witch does not know how to take care of human children at all, so he does not really understand the so-called family affection.

What really made him realize the meaning of the word "mother" was Alicena. When he disguised as a little girl, it was Alice's thoughtfulness and gentleness that inadvertently filled his understanding of the word "mother". Of course, now that Alice has become his wife, he can't take off his wife and call her mother hard, can he?

Is the wind a bloody Mary?

I don't know why, but he always feels that there is something else hidden in it, so that he can't directly equate the two names.

He hugged Su Li and whispered, "Let's go to Crescent Island to find her."

Once again, the playful face of the water elf appeared in his mind...


The blue sea is endless in front of Meji and Suli.

The south of the Fair Kingdom is still under the control of Sier, and the originally prosperous port has become deserted. There are no people on the beach, and it is difficult to see fishing boats on the sea.

Meji took out the star compass and looked at it. Crescent Island is located between Yas and Aran, and will be closer to New Asia. From Meiji's current location, you must first pass through the blue sea and enter the area known as the existence of water elves.

"In this situation, it is impossible to find someone to take us to sea." He sat behind Su Li and said with a headache.

Su Li just smiled faintly. As soon as she pulled the reins of the horse, the dark horse jumped up, landed directly on the sea, and ran straight forward with the waves.

"Good horse, good horse..." Meiji had to scratch his head. Although he has never heard of a horse that can run on the sea before, think about it, since it can run in subdimensional space, what is running on the sea?

Although the dark horse is incredibly fast, they still spend a lot of time along the way.

Finally, they entered a reef group. Large and small open reefs are scattered around them, and the rapids under the sea are surging.

Suddenly, more than a dozen waves soared and hit them like a water dragon. Su Li kept moving to avoid their attacks.

Two elf girls emerged from the sea and looked at them hostilely.

"Red, blue, blue, it's me!" Meiji quickly called them.

Scarlet and blue are both elves of water, and the sea is no different from their home. Since this place is called the "existence of water elves", it is naturally the activity area of these water elves, so Meggie is not surprised to meet them here. However, the two elf girls attacked him and Su Li as soon as they met, which gave him a bad feeling from the bottom of his heart.

"Of course we know it's you," Youlan shouted angrily at him. "You killed Albis and dared to come here."

"Did I kill Albis?" Meiji smiled bitterly, "Did the wind tell you?"

Is this the main reason why the wind wants to kill Abice? She blamed Abis's death on him, inciting the elves to avenge him and preventing him from catching up with her and Anna.

A dozen water elves are quietly sneaking towards him and Su Li and surrounding them in the center.

Meggie looked at the two girls in front of her, squeezed her mouth tightly, and stared at him fiercely. And Crimson also lowered his head and looked sad. Although he really wants to explain it to them, it is definitely not the right time, and how can he convince these elves that it was not him but the wind that killed Albis?

When Youlan saw that he didn't say anything, she thought he was acquiescence, and his face was even more pale. She stared at Meiji: "Thank you for liking you so much, you are..."

Crimson grabbed her companion's hand tightly to stop her from saying it.

Meggie looked at them with a headache.

"Let's rush over!" Su Li said in a low voice.

Meggie nodded powerlessly: "Don't hurt them!"

Those elves began to exert the water magic they were good at, and the huge waves were mixed with countless sharks. Lightning flashed from the sky and went straight down towards Megji and Suli.

Su Li pulled out her black sword and drew a gorgeous trajectory, and the huge wave was split out of the gap by the invisible force. She passed the horse through the gap and pulled the tip of the sword and twisted the lightning around her into an arc, hitting the sharks.

Youlan gritted his teeth and began to pronounce strange elf spells. An element blocked Meji and Sully and looked like a blue translucent woman. She waved ice-like airflow at the dark horse and sang a whisper like a lover.

This is Windie, a will body that represents the element of water. Her singing was gentle and lingering, and her invisible silk thread wrapped around the dark horse. Meiji was silent, and spells flashed back and forth in his mind and rushed out. The vortex swept over the elves who wanted to continue to use water magic and transmitted them to miles away. Then, he summoned a banshee from the alien world. The banshee howled and interfered with Wendini's singing, and the silk threads wrapped around the dark horse began to disappear.

Taking this opportunity, the dark horse suddenly jumped away, and Su Li's long sword also changed into a black long gun, piercing Windie's body. Her weapon has a strange attribute that even the shadow blood dragon can be killed, and even a non-substantial elemental body like Winnie is difficult not to be hurt.

Won Dinia let out a sad cry and slowly faded away.

The scarlet next to "Blue..." also shouted in panic.

Meggie looked at them.

At this time, the blue had fainted in her crimson arms. Her ability was not enough to summon Wen Dini, but she only burned part of her vitality with the anger in her heart before she forcibly summoned her success. As Windie's injury retreated, she naturally couldn't stand it any longer.

Meji asked Su Li to bring him to the crimson. The water elf girl raised her head, and her sad eyes made Meiji a little sad. He whispered, "I didn't kill Albis. It wasn't me who killed her... Will you believe me?"

Crimson looked at him in a stunned manner, and then nodded slowly.

Meggie observed the blue face and saw that she was just in a coma and her life was not in danger, so she was relieved. He hooked Su Li's waist with one hand, bent down and kissed her crimson cheek: "I'll explain it to you later. Now, I have to find the wind immediately."

He blushed and dared not look at him with his head down.

Meji sat down again and continued to drive forward on a dark horse with Su Li. The two elf girls quickly went away behind him.

The sun gradually disappeared into the sea level, and Crescent Island began to appear in front of their eyes.

It is an island covered with greenery. Even if it is so far away, you can see the vitality given to it by nature.

The dark horse jumped on the beach and paced.

Meggie got off the horse and looked at the forest spreading obliquely in the distance. The remnants of the sunset reflect on the sea, making this land full of ancient trees look quiet.

Although he didn't see a figure, Meji had deeply felt that this elf island was not welcome to him.

He superimposed some protective magic for himself and Su Li, and then the two entered the forest on the island together.

In the dark, many elves have pointed arrows at them. Crescent Island is not only home to water elves, but also many forest elves. These forest elves originally lived in the fog girl forest. In the dark century, the moon goddess Sharna died in the fog girl forest. The fog girl forest that lost sunlight was gradually trapped by monsters and beasts. These forest elves had to leave the fog girl forest in batches and moved to Crescent Island.

Several magics came directly, followed by random arrows. Magic and bows and arrows are the strengths of the elves. Naturally, Meiji did not dare to be careless. Under the protection of Suli, he began to use illusions to confuse the feelings of these elves. For a moment, those elves only felt that there were Meji and Suli everywhere.

Elves who can use magic constantly perform spells such as real vision, trying to crack Meji's illusions. However, those illusions seem to be able to regenerate. As they crack more and more, they are densely filled around them. They have never seen this illusion and can't figure out Meji. Where the hell is Su Li? All the elves looked at the "enemy" in all directions, not knowing where the bow and arrow in their hands or the magic condensed on their fingertips should point.

And Meiji and Suli have already left here.

They also quietly captured an elf woman.

All the way to the empty corner, Su Li threw the elf woman on the ground and looked at Meji strangely: "Why do you want me to catch only women?"

"Well, I'll explain it to you later," Meiji looked at the pale elf woman. "Can you tell me that the wind and the human girl she brought by her are there now?"

Although it fell into the hands of the enemy, the elf woman did not intend to compromise. She opened her mouth to call her companions, but Meiji suddenly reached out and grabbed her chin and poured a bottle of potion into her mouth.

The potion, with an unknown magic, instantly invaded her heart. She opened her eyes in a daze and looked at the hippie teenager in front of her.

"Who am I?" Megy asked her with a smile.

"Master." The elf woman got up stiffly and knelt in front of Meiji.

"Tell me, where is the wind?"

The elf opened her mouth, but there was a voice in her consciousness telling her not to answer. She looked at her "master" doubtfully.

"Aren't you going to tell me?" Meiji's voice turned cold.

The elf woman immediately became frightened. She felt that her hesitation had offended her master. She was ashamed that she did not answer the master's questions immediately. She lay on the ground, kissed the master's feet, and timidly answered the master's questions. She told Meji and Sully that the wind and the girl named Anna were still in the angel forest.

"Angel Forest?" Meiji looked up at the top of the mountain. Although it is also a forest, the area at the top of the mountain seems to exude a sacred atmosphere.

"You answered very well." Meiji touched the elf woman's head like a puppy. "Now, have a good sleep. Don't get up until dawn."

The elf woman felt the "master" touching her and only felt her extraordinary happiness. She obediently found a clean grass and lay down, and soon fell asleep.

Su Li was already dumbfounded. She didn't expect that there would be such a potion in the world. Obviously, this potion only works for women, so Meiji asked her to catch a woman. On the positive side, this potion is undoubtedly very magical, but if you think about it from a bad side, it is really shameless enough.

"Let's get on horse." She shouted to Meiji.

Mage rode to the horse, and she immediately ran to the top of the mountain. The starry sky began to slowly spread over their heads, and the night in the distance penetrated into the light blue clouds.

The dark horse approached the edge of the angel forest.

Su Li did not hesitate at all and jumped straight in with Meiji. There were strange water lines in the air, as if there were invisible mirrors hidden, reflecting the surrounding scenery into it and constantly wrinkled.

"This is an boundary," Suli reminded Meiji, "we should be careful... Meiji?"

She suddenly turned around and found that there was no one behind her.

There is no doubt that this boundary hides some kind of maze-like use, allowing them to be separated the moment they enter it.

She did not quit, but carefully observed the environment around her and continued to walk in. The trees here are obviously different from other places on the island. The branches are tall and straight, but there are not many branches and leaves. They are scattered very neatly, but they don't make people feel deliberate and unnatural.

A shadow door appeared in front of him, and someone jumped out of it and half knelt on the ground and stared at Su Li and giggled.

This is a girl younger than Su Li. Because she was wearing a gray dress of the same color as Meiji's magic robe, coupled with the hazy night, Su Li almost regarded her as Meiji.

She looked at the dirty girl in gray and tried to calm herself down. Some pictures of her childhood came out from the depths of her heart. She looked at the girl in gray, and her heart felt a little sour: "Are you... Karin?"

"Sister, Sister Su Li," the little witch raised her head and looked at Su Li with a smile. "Mom came to me, she found me..."

Su Li jumped off the dark horse and stretched out her hand to her sister: "Carlene...come here..."

"Mom said she would love me," Karin was still giggling. She stood up and slowly stretched out her hand to Su Li. "Mom said that as long as I kill my sister, she will love me..."
