Magic Dance Song

Chapter 12 Angel Forest--

A meteor fell from the sky and hit the angel forest. With a loud noise, a blazing fire soared into the sky.

Meggie looked at the falling position of the meteor in the distance and thought about whether to go there or not. There is no doubt that someone is using magic there, but he is not sure who it is.

Just as he was still hesitating, someone was calling him in a low voice. He turned his head and looked, and then saw the pretty water elf leaning out from behind a tree, waved to him playfully, and then sank into the darkness.

He quickly chased after him.

Soon, he entered the center of the angel forest, where there was an empty mine temple with two rows of statues erected in front of the temple gate. These statues are all winged ** girls, but they have different expressions and different appearances. Some half of their bodies seem to be listening to something, and some lean forward, with their hands back, as if they want to flap their wings.

He walked between the statues, and as his eyes moved, the elf woman appeared again between the two statues.

"Meggie," the elf woman winked at him, "Are you coming for me?"

Meji looked at the wind, and an anger surged up in her heart.

"Are you angry with me? Why?" The wind looked at him with a smile, as if the anger on his face was just because of the small discord between the love world.

Mage looked at her coldly: "You killed me and Alina's children and captured Anna."

"Is there such a thing?" The beautiful water elf touched her own cheek with her fingers, as if recalling, "You must have made a mistake. How could I hurt your child? If I really do that, you will be angry."

There was resentment in her tone, as if complaining about Meiji's injustice to her.

"It's the cicada that used implosion to Alina," Meiji stared at her unmoved. "The cicada is dead. We summoned her ghost with Tongyou. She said that you let her hurt Alina. And Abbas, she was also killed by you.

"Tongyoushu?" The water elf opened his eyes wide, "Can you communicate withyou shu?"

"It's not me, it's for Emma..."

"That vampire?" The water elf wanted to cry without tears, "You would rather believe in a vampire than believe me?" Since the ghost was summoned by her, she wants Hanchan and Abbas to say whatever she wants. She has always hated me. How can you believe her?

Meggie wanted to refute, but suddenly felt that her defense was reasonable. In fact, except what the cicada and the ghosts of Abis said, he really don't have more evidence to prove that the wind killed them. Although the ghosts can't deceive the necromancer who presided over the surrender ceremony, it doesn't mean that they can't deceive others. Since the sepulative ceremony was presided over by Emma, it should not be difficult for her to do anything to force the cicada and the ghost of Abis to lie.

The wind and Emma have a close relationship with him. If he can't believe the wind, how can he be sure that he can believe Emma?

"And Deliades..." Before Megji finished speaking, his voice weakened first. If he can't even believe the wind and Emma, what Liads said is even less valuable. Since Deliad can let the cicada kill the fetus in Alice's belly, what reason does Meggie have to believe that she will not weave other lies?

The wind slowly approached him and leaned his forehead gently on his chest: "Mage, believe me, I won't hurt you..."

"What about Anna?" He asked, "Anna is always taken away by you, right?"

"Well, Anna is indeed with me all the time," said Wei Feng, "but I didn't force her. She voluntarily sacrificed herself in exchange for the resurrection of Luna, because only in this way can she save more lives. I took Anna away and asked Abice to return to Alice. Because Alice's injury had not recovered, it would be helpful for Alice to leave her there, but I didn't expect her to be killed.

Meggie's head hurt when he heard this. He found that since he knew that Alina had a miscarriage, his thoughts had indeed been in chaos. He never calmed down to sort out all the clues, so that now he could not judge whether what Yu Feng said was true or not.

He was silent for a moment, and then said, "Delia told me that you are not the real wind, but the mother of Sully and Karin... Mary Sullen Evir!"

The water elf calmed down, then looked up at him and sighed faintly, "This is true. I am... or used to be the woman named Mary..."

Meggie was stunned.

He thought he would not admit it, after all, it is more difficult to find strong evidence for this kind of thing. Although Delias let him see the ghost who claimed to be the wind, if Deliades was really cheating him, it was not impossible to find a similar ghost.

But the wind simply admitted it.

In the distance, the roaring sound was still ringing, and lightning rushed down from the air from time to time. The fire light brighted the night sky and also shone the angel statues around them.

"Meggie, do you believe that there are gods in this world?" The wind looked at him, with a sad fog in his eyes, "Do you believe that there are many unknown worlds in this universe?"

Of course, there are gods in this world. As for other worlds, although Meji has never seen them, he also believes that they do exist.

"Actually, I'm not from this world," Feng said lonelyly. "I come from a completely different world. Although that world also has magic, not many people believe in its existence. Although that world also has gods, few people really know them. They only believe in themselves, and only what has been scientifically demonstrated will be considered to exist. It is an alternative civilization, with dense high-rise buildings and machinery that can make people fly in the sky. People live between coagulated water and steel, work meaninglessly, or indulge in illusory games..."

Meggie can't imagine such a world.

A world that does not believe in magic and does not respect gods? What kind of world is that?" What is the "illusory game"?

"In that world, I'm just a female student," Xi Feng continued, "I hate my parents, I'm estranged from my classmates, and I don't understand the meaning of living. But one day, when I woke up, I suddenly found that I had traveled through. I came to this completely different world and became a girl named Mary. At the same time, a guy who claimed to be the god of creation came to me and wanted me to learn the power that others could not touch at all. At that moment, I began to believe in the gods and began to believe that this was a world around me. If the world is just a fantasy novel, then I am the only protagonist in the novel..."

Meggie imagined her mood and found that it was not difficult to understand. Even in this world, some people are dissatisfied with their environment and dream of suddenly becoming powerful one day. It is precisely because of this mentality that bards make up stories about knights or adventurers to save the world. Life is too helpless. Only these stories that they know are deceptive can It can temporarily fill the empty mind.

Although those stories can't actually change anything, you can only have a beautiful dream at night and wake up the next day.

But the life of the wind has been changed. No matter who she is, at least at that moment, her dream has come true.

Meggie felt that if it were him, he would begin to believe that he had become the protagonist of the world stage.

"But I was wrong," Yu Feng whispered, "I thought that since the world was calling me, I could naturally do whatever I wanted, but later I realized that no matter what kind of world it was, it would not revolve around just one person. I did what the protagonists of those fantasy novels used to do, but I was regarded as a fool by everyone. I can't understand in my original world, and nothing can change in this world. A novel full of dreams can be finished in a few days, but I have to continue to bear the same emptiness and the same helplessness as before... I even have to make a fake smile at the people around me exactly the same as before..."

Mage is silent.

Yu Feng continued: "This is like an online game. At the beginning, it surprised me and even felt that the online game was developed for me alone. But after a long time, I began to get tired of it, but at this time, I found myself trapped in it. I had to continue to stay in it and play the role that made me sick. There was nothing to do but fight monsters. What's worse, there were no other players around except NPCs, or I don't want to contact other players..."

She saw that Meiji was scratching her head, so she explained: "Online games are a popular multiplayer online game in my world that can be played on the computer. Well, the computer can just be plugged in... Forget it, you don't understand!"

...I really don't understand.

Although she doesn't understand, Meggie at least knows that the wind is indeed the kind of "traveler" mentioned by the black phantom, and according to it, it is not only the wind, but also Bayer, who is an immortal king.

"That is to say, are you really Mary?" Meiji looked at her, "And Sully and Karin are your daughters..."

"Yes, at least for them, I used to be their mother, but to me, they are just irrelevant people." Yufeng looked at him and said, "For me, whether it is Mary in the past or now, it is just a false character. The world is just a large online game. I was forced to play two fictional game characters, that's it... just that..."


"Meggie, aren't you also disguised as that little girl named Meng?" Yu Feng asked, "So, are you Meiji or Meng now?"

Mage was stunned. Indeed, he also "played" the shade lemon, and more than once. When he became a little girl, he even felt that his thoughts and temperament had unconsciously become a girl, but deep in his heart, of course, he knew that he was not a real shade lemon. No matter how many times he pretended, he was still just himself. ...A magician named Meji!

"I now believe more and more that this is just an illusory game. I have played the vicious woman who abandoned her husband and daughter, and I also play the role of this water elf who not only likes to laugh but sometimes pretends to be a man." She is a high school girl who lives an ordinary life in an ordinary school. I'm tired of this game. I want to go back to the past. I want to go back to my parents. No matter how much they complain that I can't read, I really want to see them again. I want to see those classmates and the boy who writes love letters to me but always giggles.

She lay on Meji's chest, and her slender body kept trembling: "Meggie... I'm homesick!"

The cry of the water elf made Meiji feel distressed, and he stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly. He doesn't know who he should think of this woman now, Mary? Wind? Or the "high school girl" from another world?

But no matter who she is, at least for now, she is just a nosy girl, and she is just a crying woman lying on his chest.

"Meggie," the water elf raised his head and looked at him with tears on his face: "Kiss me!"

Meggie kissed him gently. They began to hug and fell to the ground and kept rolling.

Everything else is no longer important. At this moment, he just wants to comfort this weak woman. He took off the clothes of the beautiful elf, pulled out her legs and broke in roughly. The elf responded to him crazily, as if to fill her empty heart by the collision of this man.

The fire in the distance was still spreading, and the inexplicable lightning tore the night sky above their heads.

The angel statues silently opened their eyes, as if they were looking at the truth of the world.

Mage grabbed the elf's two ankles and pressed them tightly on her shoulders. His body kept hitting the slightly upturned snow-white buttocks until the torrent filled the warm paradise.

"Meggie..." The beautiful elf called his name in a low voice, and the touching voice was full of charming **.

"Hmm?" Meiji's body began to twitch, but her heart suddenly sank.

"Don't blame me!" On the face of the water elf, it was no longer the sad and painful expression, but an indifferent mockery that made him suddenly feel tingling.

He wanted to get rid of the woman who suddenly changed her face, but it was too late. The essence of life still leaked out under uncontrollable pleasure, and at the same time, some unknown airflow entered his body along the same channel. He only felt as if there was a vortex in his body, which was quickly sucking the mysterious energy in the wind. The dark force mixed with negative emotions wrapped every inch of his blood vessels, making him feel that his whole heart was about to burst.

The voice of the little fairy appeared in his mind: "Meggie, what happened?"

"I don't know!" He responded in a hurry. Obviously, the wind has done something in his body, and it is likely that it has been done a long time ago. Now, it began to attack and pulled the dark energy in the wind's body into his body.

He doesn't know what the wind wants to do, but there is no doubt that he was cheated by her again.

"This is the dark magic power!" The little fairy was connected to his spirit and soon understood what was injected into his body. That is part of the divine power left by the dark evil god in this world, and it is also the first power obtained by Mary Sulen Avil.

Meggie has begun to regret. Knowing that there was something wrong with this woman, she was still deceived by her words and tears. This deep humiliation and self-blame almost made him collapse. And through his self-resentment, the power of darkness unscrupulously deprived him of his will with rage and anger.

"Meggie, calm down." The little fairy called anxiously.

But he can't calm down.

"I don't want to do this to you, but there's nothing I can do." The water elf touched his face with a delicate smile, "Go to the temple. There are people waiting for you. It's the person you like. I'm very kind to you."

Although she wanted to tear the woman under her into pieces, Meggie couldn't do it. The wind's words rushed into the depths of his will like a needle, forcing him to listen. He stood up and stumbled into the door of the temple bare. This is the temple of the goddess of light. The goddess still looks as loving and compassionate as ever, which makes him want to laugh.

There is a ** girl lying under the statue. Her hands are tied back and there is a pair of white wings on her back.

The girl called him weakly: "Brother Meji..."


Meggie looked at the weak girl with her bloody eyes and only felt that her mouth was dry. Her ** body deeply attracted him, and the black vortex in his body stirred up the deep desire of his heart.

The girl had found something wrong with him and looked at him in horror: "Brother Meiji, what's wrong with you?"

But her eldest brother Meiji did not answer, but came over indifferently and grabbed her hair to drag her up. Meiji pushed her to the ground and rushed up without pity, trying to break into her green garden.

"Meggie, stop, you will kill her!" The little fairy emerged from above his head, and she had been following him all the time.

But Meji can't take care of so much. His body is extremely hot, and the girl's unreclaimed garden is like a sweet spring, deeply attracting him. The black vortex is still spinning in his body, with a deep desire to vent at any time.

He can't wait to tear Anna's last defense.

"Calm down!" The little fairy suddenly broke into his body and tried to use the spiritual connection between them to control his body. At the same time, he also realized that he could never continue. Although he didn't know what the wind wanted to do, he had understood that the black vortex in his body was waiting for his invasion of Anna to enter the girl's body.

There are blue planetary fragments hidden in the girl's body. If this dark power is added, something beyond his control is likely to happen, which is exactly what the wind expects.

"Meggie, get out and I'll control your body." The little fairy said.

Meggie also knows that this is the only way. After all, he is a man, and it is difficult to hold this growing desire. Therefore, with the help of the little fairy, his soul struggled to escape from the body and floated high.

He completely calmed down as soon as he left the body that was almost swallowed by desire. At this time, he saw the situation around him. Just like the mysterious feeling that appeared in the fog girl forest, the source of the world opened up in his eyes, and everything was "melted" into one... No, not all!

He clearly saw that there was a sacred energy as blue as water flowing in Anna Sue's delicate body, but there was a terrible whirlpool hidden in his own body. And Anna**'s body seems to have a fatal attraction to the whirlpool, making it hit the man's unique point like a wave, trying to force the owner of the body to break into Anna's mystery.

"Brother Meiji..." The girl closed her eyes shyly. Although she is also afraid and nervous, after all, it is the man she has been deeply in love with who wants to do such a thing to her, which makes her overwhelmed and deeply expectant.

Not to mention that the wind has tamped with him. Anna's lovely appearance alone is enough to destroy his self-control. Fortunately, it is the little fairy in his body now.

The wind appeared at the door of the hall, and his face was still a playful smile, but at this moment, this smile was indescribably cold and ruthless.

"Meggie, what are you waiting for? Don't you also want her to really be your woman?" There was magical magic in her words. Although Meggie had got out of her body, she almost**ed again.

But unexpectedly, "Meggie" not only did not continue his aggression against Anna, but slowly stood up and turned to look at her. The wind was secretly shocked, but there was still a hypocritical smile on his face.

Meggie walked towards her, and her shining eyes seemed to be mocking something.

The wind began to feel uneasy. Of course, she knew what she had put in Meji's body. According to her plan, Meggie should have raped Anna irrationally at this time, but Meggie was obviously out of her control. She looked at the approaching ** teenager, frowned and stretched out her hand: "Law Order · Deterrence!"

However, the teenager of ** did not stop at all and even sneered at her: "Your spell is useless to me!"

The wind's face changed, but the little fairy took advantage of her distraction and drew a wonderful arc with her hands and struck a magic like lightning.

The wind flashed and floated out of the hall, and the little fairy chased after him.

Meji's soul fell in front of Anna, reached out and immediately released the rope tied to her hands. Then he also floated outside, and the soul without a body as a container could not use powerful magic. Therefore, he can't help the little fairy at all now, so he can only watch from the side.

He saw the little fairies occupying his body standing face to face with the wind, and the angel statues were still standing on both sides. The flames in the distance are burning more and more, and the black smoke is rolling in, and there is a tendency to turn the whole angel forest into ashes.