Magic Dance Song

Chapter 20 Impossible Mission!

Although she wanted to adapt to the pain, the strong tear still made Anna bite her lips blood.

Although he knew that it should be softer, Meiji himself could not control his strength. All his attention was focused on the transfer of the fragments of the blue planet. The blue and mysterious energy like the sea spiraled into his body along the connection between the two, and then transferred to Xiaoxue through the magic channel.

Until Anna collapsed to the ground and the wings on her back disappeared, Meiji let go of her without even pity and changed to enter Su Li's body, which had been waiting next to her. The dark power after activation began to be swept into the magic vortex in his body, killing, hatred, torture... all kinds of negative emotions tried to control his heart. Although he tried his best to protect himself from these negative emotions, it was not easy. He crazily destroyed Su Li and listened to her painful moans contentedly.

The dark power symbolizing death wants to enter Xiaoxue's body along the magic channel, but she cut it off first. So, this domineering force stirred Meiji's body and tore his flesh and blood.

Su Li also fell to the ground. Meiji took two steps back and held the wall. The feeling of swelling and cracking in his blood vessels made him want to tear his body.

What to do now? He roared silently.

Follow me! Xiaoxue replied.

A space entrance appeared at his feet, and he fell into the magic maze. This magic maze is not the one he made himself. It is like a girl's boudoir, with lovely beds and various beautiful decorations.

"I just got this. Is it good-looking?" Xiaoxue appeared in front of him.

Her delicate body is still nearly naked, but only covered a few leaves in the key place. And this kind of dress makes her more charming. Meiji has been burned with fire. He pushed Xiaoxue down on **, tore off the leaves, and desperately put it in. Xiaoxue's body twitched in severe pain and subconsciously moved back, but Meiji held her tightly and did not give her room to escape.

The frantic dark power leaked along the tight part.

No, he shouted in pain. There are already blue planetary fragments in Xiaoxue's body, and coupled with the power of the dark god that he can't control, these two divine forces will undoubtedly fuse and show the initial power in her new body.

Xiao Xue will die because of his loss of control.

"Don't worry." Xiaoxue's voice was transmitted into his mind through consciousness. At the same time, the magic channel between them opened again, and the soul fragments of the goddess came back along this channel.

Meggie let go of her body and mind, put all her thoughts to experience the wonderful feeling brought to him by Xiaoxue's body, and completely let her control the flow of these two divine power. Gradually, he was surprised by Xiaoxue's method of controlling the divine power. The two opposite divine powers kept flowing between them, but they were completely isolated. The body destroyed by the dark force was quickly healed by the blue planetary debris. They cycled endlessly and formed a wonderful circle through the close connection between the body and spirit of the two.

Gradually, the two divine forces began to silence and separated from each other's attraction and struggle. The blue planet fragments returned to Xiaoxue's body again, and the soothed dark power also remained in Meiji's body.

Xiao Xue closed her eyes and enjoyed Meggie's delivery at ease.

Until Meji's life energy exploded in her warm area.

Mage hugged her tightly and kept gasping.

"We're done." Xiao Xue said happily.

"I didn't expect to do this. You should have told me earlier, which made me nervous for a long time."

"Tell you that I will lie in ** and let you invade?" Xiaoxue pulled his nose and said, "Although you may never treat Frie as a woman, I am also a girl. How can I say such a thing?"

"Anyway, you haven't seen many things I've done with other women before..."

"Looking at others doing it is different from doing it myself," Xiaoxue's eyelashes moved, her legs slightly tightening, pressing the little things that Meiji still remained in her body. "I didn't expect it to be so painful at the beginning that I almost forgot what I should have done."

Meggie also knows the danger, a control error. They are now not lying together **, but into pieces.

"Now let's see what we can do." Xiao Xue stretched out a finger.

Meji mixed the power of the witch in his body with the dark magic power according to the method passed to Xiaoxue's mind, and then he also stretched out a finger and activated a small part of the dark magic power.

The two touched each other gently.

A spark flashed between their fingertips.

Two people shocked at the same time. Meiji's face was shocked, and Xiao Xue couldn't stop the ecstasy.

"It turns out that Xiaoxue whispered, "the original power of the universe turned out to be like this."

Although it has only restored the rare initial power, the core of the whole universe has unfolded in the depths of their hearts. Their magic broke through the shackles of the world with the help of the initial power and saw an unprecedented landscape.

The vast starry sky, the lost past, everything is closely related to them, but they are independent of each other. They even saw the gods of other worlds, each of which is different. If the source of the world is to connect the spirit of everything, the initial power of the universe is to produce unrestrained free will from the same source. Each free will is unique. They represent ice and fire, light and darkness, and endless possibilities.

The universe has been diverging, and it is this differentiation that makes it colorful and charming.

Their fingers touched gently again, and the flashing initial force once again opened the window to the mystery of the universe. They let their consciousness swim in it and moved them.

They pulled back their consciousness and checked the position and distance between the astral world and the earth. They galloped like an invisible wind in the nothingness that no one could touch, and crossed the space through their thoughts into the earth. This time, they were stunned.

Their consciousness flew across the earth, but what they saw was only endless desolation. All the villages had been destroyed and burned corpses piled up like mountains. They also saw the rotten undead procession walking neatly, with nothing in their empty eyes.

They recovered from the shock and looked at each other.

Obviously, Bayer and his undead army have invaded the continent they left, and they are not even sure whether Sophia and Alina are still alive.

"We must go back immediately," Meiji took a deep breath. "Immediately..."



Group European Fortress.

Sofia walked into the conference room.

Following her, Leot, Clapole, and Will.

The people in the conference room did not make too much etiquette because of her appearance. At this time, all the tedious etiquette seems to be delayed and unnecessary. Li * sat coldly at the round table, and Joshua stood behind him. In addition, next to Joshua stood a tall woman in dark gold armor. Her expression was as cold as ice, and her right chest was flat and flat, which had obviously been cut off.

And mercenary Wang Asius was sitting opposite Li*, with a casual posture, and his right leg even stepped on the chair. Next to him was a man in a white robe and his face tightly covered by a hood. That should be the military division of the mercenary king.

As the mercenary king expected, Grunt, the king of the dwarf clan, did not attend the meeting, but this had nothing to do with Gruent's famous stubbornness. A group of necromancers are attacking the Moschibelle Mountains. Although the dwarves locked themselves in a labyrinth-like stone castle, they could not stop the hell sandworms brought by Bayer from the secluded blood pool. Those hard stones were chiseled by hell sandworms, and the dwarves's' biggest barrier became the biggest barrier to trap him. In their own cells, Grunt tried to kill Moschibelle with his people, but failed again and again, and the situation was close to death.

In addition, Wu Chen is not here, but no one cares about it. Although Wu Chen is the manipulator of the Shadow Blood Dragon, she is Joshua's wife, and Joshua can speak for her.

Although the number of people in this room is not large, they undoubtedly represent the most powerful figures in the Fair Kingdom, the New Asia Business Association and the three parties, and are also the main force against Bayer.

"Your Highness," said the mercenary king sarcastically, "although this is your territory, you shouldn't let us wait too long."

"Sorry," Sophia said lightly, "I went to greet some guests. Orangos from the Fog Girl Forest came to join my army with Drui priests and soldiers among the Kyles, and I had to meet them.

"Olangos? The warrior known as the Oak Wise?" The mercenary king was silent for a moment, "This is good news. Now, any power is very important to us, not to mention Drui, who can use magic."

Due to the sudden disappearance of many "god gods" such as Noswell or the god of commerce, the most difficult thing for everyone here is the lack of priests who can use magic in their respective armies. Drui sacrifices the god of nature. Although he does not have the ability to purify the dead like traditional priests, some of their unique magic can still play a key role in dealing with the dead, which is undoubtedly a great help for Sophia.

Suffia sat down at the round table and looked at Asius. This meeting was suggested by the mercenary king Assus, and he also mentioned a "gambling plan", so Sophia was waiting for him to speak.

"Well, let's introduce the people around us first," the mercenary Wang casually pointed to the side. "This is my military dance. I believe you have heard of his name."

Sofia nodded. Wind Dance is the most mysterious figure around Asius. He has been wrapping himself very tightly. No one has ever known what he looks like, but everyone knows that every decision of Asius was planned by this mysterious figure, including the complete overthrow or even blood-washed New Asia's merchant council and let Asius master. The Corps fully accepts the political and military power of New Asia.

"Well, this should be the magic sword Joshua." The mercenary king looked at Joshua with admiration. Now, everyone knows that it was Joshua who assassinated Sarai in red and participated in the battle between Meji and Molly and others to eliminate the ghost blood dragon on Pingxia Island. After the shadow blood dragon was destroyed, he quietly entered the fog girl forest with Wu Chen, subdued the remaining blood dragon, and became the most beside General Dreton. Important warrior.

"This is..." The mercenary king looked at the man whose breast was cut off. The woman in the room.

"My name is A Luo," the woman's tone was as cold as her expression, "from Amazong."

Mercenary Wang put two fingers on his forehead to show his respect. There is no doubt that this woman named Arro is the new patriarch of Ama and the strongest warrior now.

Aseus looked at Sophia.

Without waiting for him to ask, Sophia had already said herself, "The three people behind me are Leot, the paladin Krapol, and Will."

Of course, the names of Leot and Krabol are well known, but Will, an apparently thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, was also brought here by Sophia, which made others a little confused. Mercenary Wang Assus raised his eyebrows and waited for Sophia's explanation.

"You said that you want to let my strongest warriors or magicians attend this meeting," Sophia said lightly, "Will is."

This undoubtedly surprised the mercenary king and others. A Luo stared at the boy who might have just reached her waist and was obviously questioning it.

Joshua was also looking at Will, and then suddenly realized that he had fought with Will on Pingxia Island, but at that time, Will was just an intern priest who could use the god of war. Although Will's "light of the god of war" played an important role in blocking the shadow blood dragon, if he only used it once to rest Several days of "God of War Light" are obviously not enough to make Will known as the "strongest warrior".

Moreover, he clearly remembered that Will was dead at that time.

"Princess," the mercenary king knocked a heavy voice on the table with his fingers. "I originally thought that in terms of personal combat effectiveness, the strongest of your subordinates should be Krapol, or Meji, the magician who once killed dozens of Amage female warriors with one magic."

Aro's face showed anger, but he didn't say anything.

Clapore said faintly behind Sophia, "Will is stronger than me."

"I don't know where Meggie is now," Sophia said. "And he is not stronger than Will."

Mercenary Wang wanted to say something more, but his military commander Fengwu suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Her Royal Highness is right," a feminine voice came from the hood of the white-robed soldier. "This little boy is a voter of the god of war Gulevi, and his strength is the strongest in the seat."

Asius turned his head and stared at his military division, obviously not believing it, but in the end, he accepted Sophia's statement.

"Please forgive my recklessness," he looked back at Sophia and apologized in that mocking tone. "It's just that the plan I'm going to propose is related to the future of everyone here, so I have to be cautious. This plan requires not only Shadow Blood Dragon and *, but also outstanding warriors to participate together. Personally, I think that's our only chance to defeat those dead spirits.

Everyone is listening to him. In fact, after these days of fighting, no one has any hope of victory. Indeed, Sophia won an important victory in the desert, but such a victory only temporarily slowed down Bayer's conquest of the mainland. From the beginning, it was a doomed war. Because every dead person may be transformed into a dead spirit by Bayer's ubiquitous power, their enemies will be more and more, while their own comrades-in-arms will become fewer and fewer with each battle.

Most of the new Asia has been controlled by Bayer's Necromancer, and it is only when Bayer focuses his attack on the Moschibelle Mountains that they can breathe. Once Moschibelle is also conquered by Bayer, even those strong dwarves will become part of Bayer's undead army.

How can such a war make people see hope?

"My plan is," Asius calmed down and then said slowly, "Find Bayer and kill him directly."

Everyone looked at each other in silence. If Bayer can be killed, it will naturally be the most straightforward thing. But since Bayer is called "undead", is it so easy to kill? Moreover, it is not easy to find out his exact location.

The mercenary king took out a map and laid it on the table. This is a detailed map of the continent, on which even the positions of Sophia and Li*'s respective armies are marked. While admiring the fineness hidden by Asius's thick appearance, Sophia is also secretly wary that such a map can never be done in a day or two. There is no doubt that Asius is not satisfied with controlling New Asia, and he has greater ambitions.

She can see that Li * can naturally see it.

The mercenary king just glanced at them and said lightly, "No matter what I want to do, I need to defeat Bayer first, right?"

This is indeed the truth. Anyway, Bayer is the enemy of everyone at present. If Bayer cannot be eliminated, any ambition will be meaningless. From this perspective, the ambition of the mercenary king is not bad for others, which at least means that he will not be willing to be controlled by Bayer and become a dead man who can only obey orders.

"First of all," the mercenary king pointed to the map, "we have determined the general location of Bayer. Bayer has the ability to transform a dead person directly into a skeleton warrior, and according to my observation, this ability is radiating from a certain central position. The farther away from him, the weaker the power, and the closer it is to him, the stronger the power will be.

Li* nodded: "When we escape from Sri, everyone around us will quickly become a dead spirit, and as we withdraw to the far north of the desert, this phenomenon still exists, but it is much weaker."

Sofia also nodded. In the battle in the desert, she could calmly burn the bodies of the dead soldiers and then withdraw them, which shows that Bayer's invisible power did weaken with distance. There is no doubt that Bayer is either staying in Sita or going to Moschibelle.

The mercenary king drew a circle on the map with a quill pen, which was in the middle of Si Er: "This is what we calculated, the approximate position of Bayer."

Sofia frowned: "This range is still too large. Even if we dive in, there may not be enough time and enough people to search for him."

"Yes," said the mercenary king, "but we can use prophecy. After determining a general range, prophecy can play a decisive role. What's more, we have another way..."

"There are very few people who can predict," Sophia cut off his words. "Moreover, prophecy is ineffective for the dead..."

The white-robed military master Fengwu beside the mercenary king suddenly interrupted: "Bayer is not a dead spirit. Although he is called the immortal, and although he can unconditionally manipulate the negative energy in any undead, he is a real human... just like you.

Is Bayer actually a human? The news undoubtedly surprised Sophia and others. Although they don't know much about Bayer, they at least know that Bayer once did something to challenge the gods a hundred years before the darkness. A guy who has lived for nearly a thousand years is still a "human"?

"Also," the wind dance slowly lifted his hood, "I can predict!"

The appearance of the wind dance was revealed in front of everyone. At this time, others noticed that she was actually a woman and a female elf. She has a beautiful appearance and long ears, and her hair is leaf-like cyan. Although this hair color is special, it is not ugly.

At the same time, Sophia and Li* also subconsciously took a deep breath. Krapol, Arro and others stepped forward to protect them and stared at the wind dance.

Although the wind dance has the natural beauty of the elves, she also has other things that do not belong to the elves. Her skin is covered with faint fluorescence, and there is blood hidden in her pupils. Between her slightly open lips, she can even see two pointed sharp teeth.

She is still a vampire!

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. Due to Bayer's invisible power, any undead with negative energy in his body will be controlled by him, even vampires. In these days, the vampires who have always been hiding in unknown corners also rushed out one by one and killed crazily.

"Don't worry," the wind dance wrapped her white robe. "I've been resisting Bayer's influence. Fortunately, I did it."

Li* looked at her: "This should not be easy."

"Well," the voice of the wind dance was very feminine. "Few vampires can refuse Bayer's orders, but my faith has helped me. I am a follower of Luna, the goddess of light. Even if I become a blood sucker, I will never violate my faith.

She stretched out her right hand from her sleeve and hung a necklace made of mithril on her finger. The chain pendant is engraved with a child with wings, which is the emblem of the goddess Luna, who is the symbol of the elves of light.

Suffia said lightly, "The goddess Luna has passed away..."

"Yes," Fengwu nodded calmly. "If the goddess is still alive, I can't even touch this emblem now, because the power of the goddess will hurt any dead spirit. Nevertheless, no matter what my body looks like, I am still a believer of the goddess Luna and an elf, at least I know it myself.

Although she didn't say more, everyone knows how difficult it is to suppress Bayer's powerful power just by relying on her so-called faith, not to mention that the goddess she believes in has even ceased to exist.

Sfia asked, "Can you find out where Bayer is hiding?"

"Well, I can find out," Fengwu replied, "but I want to remind everyone that even if Bayer is found, it is not easy to destroy him. That's something that even the dark evil god Shastine couldn't do."

"But," Sophia was silent for a moment, "that's the only thing we can do..."
