Magic Dance Song

Chapter 21 "I'm back--"

Although there is a specific plan, it is still not easy to implement. As soon as the mercenary king Asius returned to New Asia, he led the army to launch a counterattack against the necromancer army, and the paladin Krapol also took the Knights of the Heart of God to respond to the mercenary king from the side. After a series of battles, although the mercenary king recaptured some areas, the casualties were also quite tragic. Li* took his remnants to the edge of the cold windy hills and attacked the Bayer army besieged Moschibelle. At the same time, Sophia led the main force of the Fair Kingdom to respond to several war zones.

Although humans and dwarves have shown a strong determination to resist, such determination is undoubtedly regarded as a dying struggle by Bayer. After all, the exterminated skeleton warrior can be created again, and one less person will die fighting against Bayer's life.

Sure enough, the counterattack of the mercenary king Asius soon showed a lack of stamina, and although the dwarfs of Moschibelle escaped from their stone castle with the help of Li *, they could only flee to the east in confusion. Finally, under the response of the wolf General Leot, the whole army was not destroyed. The so-called joint counterattack turned into a complete defeat, the Necromancer began to expand their territory, and the Churfengs Mountains became the last barrier for human beings and other races.

Just when the remaining people could no longer see hope, Princess Sophia left her army and sneaked into the shadow dragon and some other people.

Because the target is too obvious when * and Shadow Blood Dragon fly in the sky, they bypass Moschibelle from the glacier north of the cold windy hills to a secret beach. The mercenary king Asius, the elf vampire wind dance, Arro, the female suzerain of the Ama sect, and Will, the vote of the God of War, also rushed here to meet them in their own ways.


The sky is still an annoying cyan cold light, and the cold sea hits the stone beach and then breaks into waves.

Wu Chen sat on a low stone and looked silently at the sea that was no longer blue. Because the color of the sky has changed, even the sea is so blue that it makes people panic.

Other people are taking time to rest, but she can't sleep.

Just two hours ago, she finally couldn't help asking Sophia about her brother Panqi's death. Sophia did not hide it, but told her every detail.

In her heart, she has always felt that her brother's death should be mainly attributed to her betrayal.

If she can stay with her brother all the time, I'm afraid that the ending of the dark prince Panqi, who is supported by the shadow blood dragon, will really change.

However, no one can recover what has happened. Her brother Panqi is dead, and even the name of the Dark Prince, which once frightened everyone, is gradually being forgotten.

Behind her, the teenager with a magic sword is slowly walking towards her.

She wiped the tears on her face and turned around.

"Are you still sad for your brother?" Joshua looked into her eyes.

"No," she whispered, "My brother doesn't need others to feel sorry for him. He died with the person he likes. I... I'm very happy for him..."

said so, but tears flowed out uncontrollably again.

Joshua stretched out his hand and silently wiped away her tears.

"We will also die together, right?" Wu Chen raised his head and tried to smile, "You, you didn't tell us about the person we met, because you know... we won't win."

Joshua continued to be silent.

Indeed, he did not say that he and Wuchen had met Bayer. It was when General Dreton was killed by Bayer. At that time, Bayer just raised his strangely long knife, and the Shadow Blood Dragon fled in horror.

What kind of power does a man who will even be afraid of the shadow blood dragon have?

He doesn't want others to plant the shadow of failure before facing Bayer.

This is their only chance.

If even * and Shadow Blood Dragon, coupled with the strongest warriors on the continent, can't kill Bayer, any resistance will be useless.

Instead of struggling, it is better to put all your hopes in this only opportunity. Even if you are desperate, it is better than slowly waiting to die in the inescapable cobweb.

Will we die together? Wu Chen asked him.

He held the girl tightly in his arms.

It will...


Although the outside world has lost their sky, the fog forest is still shrouded in moonlight.

Liselle was half lying on the wood**, untied her skirt and let the baby in her arms suck her*. * The squeezed made her deeply feel the pride of being a mother, but this place, which has long lost its excitement, is filled with a faint sadness.

The baby took a few sips* and suddenly cried out loudly.

Liselle panicked and wanted to stuff * into the baby's mouth, but the baby kept spitting it out.

Xue Qiner also ran in to help her coax the child, but the child just cried endlessly. Both of them are helpless.

After a long time, Alice came back and changed the baby's diaper, and the baby stopped crying. Alina held the baby and walked while shaking. Gradually, the baby fell asleep.

Liselle took the child over and let him sleep in his arms. She looked at Alice's haggard face and whispered, "Alina, fortunately you are here."

Alina shook her head with a smile.

"Where's Zia?" Liselle asked again, "Will they still refuse to let her out?"

Xueqin also stood aside and looked at Alice nervously.

"Well," Alina sighed, "Don't worry, they won't hurt Zia. Ziya is not very sensible. It's also good for her to suffer...

Although she wanted to calm down Liselle and Xueqin, the sad expression on her face still betrayed her. When I first lived here, it was obviously very lively, but now, there are only three of them and this newborn child left. Abis died, Anna disappeared, and something happened, and even Ziya was locked up by her family.

And Meggie... No one knows where he is now.

"Don't worry too much," Alina helped Liselle lie down. "Pay more attention to rest after giving birth. When Meggie comes back, he will be very happy to see that you and your child are healthy."

She led Xue Qiner and walked out.

"Alina," Liselle whispered, "Don't be too tired..."

Alina turned around and smiled at her: "I can still hold on."

The door was gently closed, and the faint moonlight was also covered outside.

After walking outside, Alina took Xueqiner for a slow walk.

Although she said that she could persist, there have been too many facts that have happened these days, and the heaviness of her heart has made her doubt whether she will collapse tomorrow.

And more importantly, in her heart, she has begun to worry.

Worried that Meggie and Anna will never come back.

If Meggie is still alive, if Meggie is still in this world... How can he be willing to throw her here, throw Lyselle and her child in her arms here, and leave the child in the dark with blood and tears here, so that he doesn't care?

If he was still alive, how could he do such a ruthless thing?

However, at the thought that Meji may have died, the tearing pain in his heart is even more unbearable. If he really dies, his future will be gray, not only she, but also Liselle and her children, Zia, Zhina, Xueqin...

The future of all of them will be left with endless gray.

Just as she was thinking about something, a beast** suddenly came from the distance.

"Alina," Xueqin pointed to the front, "Look there..."

A beam of light is falling from the sky, frightening birds in the distance.

Then, it soon became quiet again.

Alina and Xueqin looked at the direction of the disappearance of the beam of light and didn't understand what it was. But they are not going to delve into it. In the fog forest, except for the scope set by these Kyles, other places are dangerous for them.

After observing for a while and seeing nothing unusual, Alice took Xue Qiner and prepared to go back to the wooden house to rest.

At this moment, a light door appeared in front of them.

Xue Qiner immediately stood in front of Alina, and a spell for attack appeared in her mind. But soon, she opened her eyes wide and looked excitedly at the people who came out of the light door.

It is her teacher who is at the forefront.

Alina also saw Meggie. She covered her mouth tightly for fear that it was just an illusion. She saw several girls behind Meggie, one of whom was Anna Sue, a pair of similar sisters, and a beautiful girl.

They are Sully and Karin, and Snow, who is no longer Freely.

"Alina." Meggie ran happily to Alina and Xueqin.

Alina looked at Megji, who had hardly changed, and her heart was in chaos. These days are like a long torment in her feelings. However, there is still a smile on Meiji's face that ran to her, as if she was just walking around casually outside.

What made her furious more was that in addition to Anna, he also brought back three beautiful girls who were only wearing a few leaves that she had never met before!

What on earth did he do?

Meggie ran to her, but she suddenly raised her hand to slap him in the face.

Meggie didn't dodge. He just looked at Alina, put away his smile and said softly, "Alina... I'm back!"

The raised hand slowly fell down, and Alice finally couldn't help crying silently.

Meggie looked at her haggard and felt a pain in her heart. He stretched out his hand and hugged Alina gently.

After him, Anna also ran over.

Three people hugged together.

When Megie followed Alice into the cabin, Liselle did not fall asleep. She looked at Meggie in surprise. Meggie sat by the bed and held her in her arms. He looked at the baby lying next to Liselle with mixed feelings.

"It's a girl!" Alina said to him.

Xiao Xue, Anna, Su Li and others also gathered around and looked at the child together.

Although there was some premonition in his heart, Meggie still didn't expect that Liselle had really given birth to a child when he came back. When he left here, Liselle was only one or two months pregnant. Unexpectedly, nearly a year had passed.

In that astral world, although it is impossible to judge the time because there is no alternation of the sun and the moon, neither he nor Su Li, Anna and others feel that it has been so long. However, the direction of time between the star world and here is not equal. Even if he comes back and finds that his daughter has become an old woman, it is not too strange.

He wanted to pick up the child, but the baby's unusually soft body made him afraid of hurting her. In the end, Alice helped him.

"Did you give her a name?"

Liselle shook his head: "We want to wait until you come back."

Meggie looked at Alina and then Liselle. The two smiled at each other, so he also understood. Since she is a girl, the name has actually been decided for a long time. To some extent, this is also a comfort for Alina, right?

"What about Ziya and Zhina? Where did they go?" He asked. Alicena was obviously exhausted, and the two guys not only didn't help, but also ran without seeing anyone, which made Megji a little unhappy.

Alina, Liselle and Xueqiner were silent together.

"Zia was locked up by her clan," Alicena finally told him, "She wanted to dig out the child behind her father's back, but she was found..."

"Dig it out? What?" Meiji was shocked, "Why did you dig it out? What did they do with the child?"

Alina told him what had happened.

Meggie was silent. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. Bayer's influence has invaded the fog forest, and even a newborn vampire like Zhina can't escape his control.

He put the baby back in Liselle's arms and stood up: "I'll bring them back!"

"I'll go with you." Xiaoxue said.

Anna also wanted to go, but was stopped by Megji. He asked everyone else to stay here and wait for him and Xiaoxue to come back.

Alina looked at Xiaoxue, Su Li and Karin doubtfully. She has not yet figured out who the three girls brought back by Meiji are. Meiji asked Anna to stay here and slowly told Alina what happened between them and the wind and how she was trapped in the astral world, and she led Xiao Xue out.

The moonlight is still gentle, but Meggie's heart is difficult to calm down. The breeze blew and rolled the weeds like waves.

A figure appeared beside Meji and Xiaoxue.

She is Emma.

"There is something wrong with Zhina." Meiji whispered.

"I know," Emma replied, "Bayer's power is so strong that even I can barely control the negative energy in my body."

They entered the Kyle village together, and in a closed room, there was the sound of Zia kicking and shouting. A forest goblin flew to them and looked at Meji sadly.

"I want to take Ziya away." Meiji looked at Zia's mother.

The forest goblin nodded and let Qi Ya go. Ziya saw Meggie and threw herself into his arms and cried. Meiji kissed her and calmed her down with a gentle voice. Although he only left for a few months, these months were undoubtedly very long for Alice and others, which made him deeply guilty.

Under the lead of Zia, they came to a cemetery outside the village. The two Drui fighters guarding there wanted to stop them, but Meggie didn't say much and just stunned them with magic.

Xiao Xue stood in front of the grave and cast the spell silently. The ground was open, revealing a coffin. Emma jumped in, lifted the coffin directly, and lifted the coffin lid with the nails.

Meji looked sadly at the vampire girl lying in the wooden coffin. Her body was nailed with many wooden nails, her eyes were open all the time, and her face was covered with bloody tears.

Emma was deeply angry by the torture she suffered, and she pulled out the wooden nails one by one without saying a word. Meiji picked up the vampire girl covered with wounds and whispered: "Child..."

The vampire girl wanted to raise her hand, but she couldn't do it. She stared at Meiji and tried to make her face smile: "Brother Meiji..."

She is sober.

Maybe it's because she is too weak to be controlled by Bayer's invisible forces. So, in these days, she was buried under the ground, sleepless, just staring at the darkness.

Emma snorted, and murderous intent flashed in her eyes. Ziya grabbed her in horror and was afraid that Emma would hurt her clan.

"You can't blame them." Meiji whispered to Emma. After all, it was Zhina who lost control and killed Zia's clan that Orangos and those Druis did this to her. They did not pierce her heart with wooden stakes, which has left her alive. Although it is indeed cruel to bury such a little girl in the dark, for those Kyles, they can only do so.

Emma was quiet for a while, and the blood in her eyes gradually dissipated. She took Zhina from Meiji's arms: "We can't stay here anymore, otherwise, Zhina will lose his mind again, and I'm not sure how long I can hold on. You send us back to the star world first, and then bring us back when everything is over.

Meggie nodded, which was really helpless. As long as Bayer still stays on this continent, whether it is Emma or Zhina, he may become their enemy because of the negative energy in his body. Instead, it's better to send them back to the star world first and let Zhina recover from her wounds at ease.

He and Xiaoxue retreated, and their fingers touched slightly, very tacitly exerting the magic mixed with the initial power. A beam of light covered Emma and Zhina and threw them to the astral world.
