Magic Dance Song

Chapter 6 Luouborg

Luouburg was originally a fortress built during the war and guarded the strategic town. With the advent of peace, the first lords of Clovis's family opened the southern ports and surrounded the manors around Luupburg with walls, building churches and streets. The periphery of the city wall was a prosperous trading place and a new defense agency. Today, the name Luwburg is no longer just used to refer to the military fortress, but to the whole city centered on the old castle and bounded by new walls. And the old castle also became the place for the lord to handle affairs and judge crimes.

With the expansion of the power of the religious court, the ports in the south were closed, and the commercial activities of the whole mainland were suppressed. Outside the walls of Luwubao, the originally prosperous market withered and unconsciously divided into slums, decadent streets and places for military training.

In the morning of this day, before the gate was opened, an exhausted horse ran to the city. The guard recognized the young man on horseback and hurriedly opened the gate. Therefore, the heir of the lord of Xern County hugged the unconscious girl in his arms and galloped in quickly so that the horse, which had begun to foam, could not have room to rest.

Through the large park and the drip mouth stone statues surrounding the clock tower, they went straight to the wisteria-filled manor behind the old castle. The horse that could no longer persist fell to the ground and pushed the people straight forward. The unprepared servants gathered around and cared about the safety of the young master.

Two hours later.

At the door of the room next to the private chapel, Kendall buried his head in his hands and sat quietly on the bench. The sun was isolated by the wisteria leaves wrapped between the roof, which could not shine on him or dispel the self-reproach and sadness in his heart.

The door was opened, and a graceful old woman came out. The traces of the years were engraved on her face, stable and kind. Kendall looked up at her, with a wet face and palm.

"It's okay, Kendall," the old woman touched his head comfortingly. "She's still alive. People always associate witches with black cats, because their lives are the same tenacious.

"It's my fault," the viscount took his grandmother's hand and looked for comfort like a child. "I left her, broke my responsibility and vow, and let her face the enemy alone. I almost died because of my timidity and carelessness.

The old woman smiled with a wrinkled face: "People always make mistakes. Don't make yourself unable to do more because of self-blame. Go to your father. He should have a lot to ask you.

Kendall nodded quietly.

When he left, the old woman suddenly said, "Kendall, can you go to the abandoned church before you go to see your father? Some events must be decided by yourself.

Abandoned church? The viscount looked at his grandmother in astonishment.

The abandoned church is located in the southeast corner of Louburg, which was the last goddess church on the continent. When the lord of Kessern was Kendal's grandfather, although the court and His Majesty repeatedly suppressed him, the old count still refused to ban the belief of the goddess in his territory. It is believed that this is because his wife is also a goddess apostle.

However, 20 years ago, a shock changed the attitude of the old count. Although the truth of the matter is forbidden to spread, people still hear some clues. It is said that some people use the sacred place of the goddess church to carry out evil magic research, and even sacrifice their body and mind to the devil. After the matter was exposed, the old count sent someone into the church to find out whether it was true. However, the evil woman launched a terrible curse, but for a moment, the life in the whole church was lost and could no longer be found. That day is also known as "Goddess' Disaster Day".

Until now, this quiet church still exudes a strange atmosphere, making everyone who approaches unconsciously weaken their legs. Although no one knows why it was not demolished in the end, it has become a chilling existence in the minds of the whole city.

When he came to the door of the abandoned church, the horse walked uneasily. Kendall got off his horse and looked at the cold and dark church. The relief of the spirit of light is stained with years of blood, and the thick walls are like pits like being eaten by monsters.

The door suddenly creaked open, and a man hurried out and looked at the viscount in astonishment.

That's the knight Avagley. He held a stack of documents in his hand with a sleepy look. After bowing to Kendal, he asked with some surprise, "Your Excellency, why did you come here?"

Kendall couldn't answer for a moment, so he had to ask, "Why are you here?"

" As you can see, I'm investigating something."

"What Wei Ye asked you to investigate?"

"That's true." The knight lowered his head cautiously.

After a moment of silence, Kendal slowly entered the church, and Avagley quietly followed him. In the main hall, the colored inlaid glass penetrated the mysterious halo, and the inverted image reflected on the ground was smiling deviously. The goddess still looks so loving and compassionate, but this love and compassion has become a lonely and divided existence in this church, so that even her smile looks so weak.

After hesitating for a moment, Kendall turned his head and looked at Awagley: "Knight, I hope you can tell me what Viye asked you to investigate."

"However, you should know that I have sworn and broken my oath..."

"Yes, I know," Kendal whispered, "please attribute the disgrace to me that forced you to break the oath, and I will bear the guilt and guilt caused by it. I need to know these things. I have a feeling that there is some truth behind all these disasters that I don't know, and these truths have nothing to do with me.

"You must have been worried. What the witch asked me to investigate was 20 years ago, and you were not born at that time," the knight hesitated, "...although not all people have nothing to do with you."

"Tell me, knight, tell me everything you know."

"If you really want to know." The knight replied seriously, "Then I'll say it. You don't have to bear my disgrace for me, because this is my own choice."

After saying that, he handed a document in his hand to the viscount.

Kendall took over the document and looked at it doubtfully. It was a piece of paper full of names. Then, his face changed slightly, and a name that made him uneasy was clearly written on the list.

The Purple Knight Luciah Hoffman!

The man who killed Spence, brought destruction to the whole Shelley village, and almost killed Wei Ye was originally a Templar knight of the Norsewell Church? The Dark Knight's name ranks second on the list, and the top name is... "Goddess Sacrifice Ruth".

"This is the list of people who disappeared on 'Goddess' Disaster Day' 20 years ago." Awagley whispered, "There were not only the clergy who belonged here, but also the knights and soldiers who broke in to arrest Ruth at that time."

"Why did you capture the main sacrifice of the goddess?"

Someone snitched that the woman abandoned her chastity, gave her body to the devil, and was pregnant with the devil's child. The informer was a goddess official with an aristocratic surname, and her testimony made the previous count unbelievable. Awagli looked at the viscount and said lightly, "I believe you are familiar with the name of the priest. She is the only person in this church who escaped from bad luck because of her presence. Twenty years ago, her name was Alia Fuweimei, and later changed her name to Alia Fuweimei Clovis..."

Kendall's hand trembled and the file slipped from his fingers. Avagley slowly bent down and picked up the documents from the ground without observing the viscount's face.

Kendall's heart was stirred up. He never knew that his mother used to be the priest of the goddess Luna, let alone that she was related to the incident that led to the complete prohibition of the goddess's belief 20 years ago.

"Please come with me, Viscount." Awagli led him through the main hall and into the back garden. Walking through a long corridor, they came to a room.

"This is the place where the goddess lived." The knight led the viscount in. On the ground, a shocking five-pointed star array is painted, and there is a bed next to it, and the quilt is stained with dark black blood. The five-pointed array, which was originally a pattern symbolizing the devil, actually appeared in a room of the main sacrifice serving the gods, which is strange.

"In addition to your mother's testimony, there are also some things in this room that are not suitable for that woman's identity, which proves that she has indeed died to the devil." Awagley said, "On the day of the accident, it was said that she wanted to give birth to her demon child. After receiving the news, your grandfather asked someone to join the Templars sent by the church to try to stop her sin. No one can make it clear what happened after that. All they know is that the woman launched an evil spell and swept everyone around her into the darkness.

Avalig pulled out a document and handed it to Kendal: "This is a reply from the witch that your grandfather sent someone to the night forest afterwards."

Kendall took it and saw that the letter was written in dark green handwriting:

20 years later, she will appear again and bring destruction to the world. No one can stop her, because the evil god from darkness will walk with her, and the weapons found in the world are only hypocritical lies.

——The Witch Schweini."

"No one can stop her, because the evil god from darkness will accompany her." Kendal played with this sentence and only felt a chill in his heart. He looked out of the window silently. Outside the window, there were withered wisteria, which seemed to symbolize that everything in the world would be reduced to death like it...

Leaving the abandoned church, Kendaltsema went to the old castle in the center of the city. What he learned in the abandoned church did not solve his doubts. Although it is known that behind this series of disasters is the evil woman, why did it take 20 years for that woman to appear again? Why did the Templar, who was going to destroy her, become an undead who threw himself into darkness?

He still can't know the exact answer.

Led by soldiers, he climbed to the second floor of the old castle and came to the office of his father, Count Kessern. After the soldier's notification, he walked in and greeted his father politely and slightly estrangedly as in the past.

Count Xane is more than 40 years old, and his curly wig is not enough to cover up the wrinkles on his forehead, and his gloomy face has not changed at all because of the return of his son. He wrote too quickly with a quill pen on the bookcase. It was not until all the documents in front of him were processed that he raised his head and looked blankly at the only son sitting quietly in the corner.

"I'm back, father." Kendall said with some restraint.

"Yes, you're back," the count nodded and said coldly. "So, what did you bring back? You went against my order to seek the help of the witch, and even made a marriage contract with the little witch who inherited the night forest without asking for any advice from me as your father. And what you did did not solve the slightest problem. Shelley Village was still destroyed, and the Templars sent by the church and the soldiers you brought with you were all dead.

"I'm sorry, father."

"Sorry, it's useless," the count said in disgust. "Since you have the blood of the Clovis family, you must tie yourself up for this and don't mess yourself up like a fool. You must terminate the marriage contract with the witch. Before everything is over, I will send you to the Att continent, where you can get a better education until..."

"No," Kendall whispered, completely ignoring the anger in his father's eyes. "I will never leave Wei Ye again, because I believe that if this evil is not stopped, it is not just everything in Kesan County that will be destroyed."

After a moment of silence, the count looked at him with cold eyes: "Well, tell me what happened to you these days, and I will judge whether you should be left."

The viscount slowly took a breath and began to say everything after he entered the night forest. After quietly listening to what he said, a cold light flashed in the count's eyes: "Valley of May? Luciah Hoffman mentioned this place before his death?

"Yes," Kendall whispered, "I'm not sure why the Dark Knight let me go there, but I think the woman who caused this series of disasters is planning everything there."

"Which woman?"

"The goddess who disappeared 20 years ago, the sacrifice of Ruth." The viscount said softly, but did not notice that his father's face had turned a little pale. "I suspect that the current disaster is related to the change in the abandoned church 20 years ago. Luciah Hoffman is one of the temple knights who disappeared in the change, and the dead witch Schweini also predicted the woman's Come back."

"Do you doubt it? No, my son, you don't know anything. Leave your witch, and I will arrange someone to send you to the Yat continent tomorrow..."

"I can't do it, father."

"I'm not asking for your opinion," the count said coldly. "What do you think you are? Is it the elect of the Lord or the savior of the world? Do you think that the witch can make you a hero, or do you think that no one can be without you?

"No, I didn't think..."

"You haven't thought about it? So tell me, what have you thought? What do you think your ignorance and childishness can bring to everyone?

Kendal replied in a low voice: "I just want... to make you proud of my efforts. Father."

The count calmed down and said nothing more. He just looked at Kendal quietly. After a while, he scolded coldly, "Go out."


"Get out."

In silence, the viscount stood up straight, bowed stiffly, and slowly retreated. It was not until his figure completely disappeared that the count recovered from the stone-like silence and slowly loosened his clenched hand. Somehow, the quill pen had broken in his hand...



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Time Travel:

This is a story of a modern Go youth who traveled to ancient times in order to find his sister, and can only go home with five female immortals as apprentices.