Magic Dance Song

Chapter 7 Valley of May

That night, Kendall couldn't sleep. Wei Ye was still sleeping, Lu Uburg's night was silent, and the whole manor was like a mime*. All the actors only stayed in the designated circle, alone staged a tragedy that no one could understand.

Sitting by Weiye's bedside, somehow, Kendal felt that perhaps only the sleeping witch in front of him could clear her heart and understand her sadness and frustration. Her eyes are always sharp to see through nightmares, and the helplessness and sadness that come from it. Sometimes, he felt that he seemed to have touched Weiye's heart. She was always so uneasy, but she was resisting something unknown. She was free, but at the same time she hated her freedom. Her heart was full of contradictions, and even made people feel the pain brought by this contradiction. He could feel Something is holding the hearts of the two, but this relationship makes both sides a little uneasy...

Although both of them want to hide this uneasiness in their hearts.

The sky gradually lit up, and there were waves of noise outside. Kendall woke up from his troubled thoughts and walked out doubtfully. When he came to the square between the manor and the old castle, he saw a group of knights waiting neatly, and Avagli was also among them, and his father, the lord of Louburg, was wearing brightly maintained armor that had not been worn for a long time, seriously giving orders.

"Father, where are you going?" He stood uneasily in front of Count Kesane's horse. The count looked down at him, and his face showed love that he had never seen before: "Valley of May. No matter what the enemy is, I'm going to end all this.

"No," Kendal said eagerly, "we don't know what's in May Valley. We need the help of witches. Weye hasn't woken up yet. We must..."

"It's not 'we', kid." His father got off the horse, walked to him and reached out and hugged him tightly. "I know what your witch wants you to do, whether it's Schweny or the Dark Knight, their minds are the same. But child, what they want you to do is something I can never allow. Since all this comes from my sins, I should bear all the punishment alone.

Kendall's heart was full of panic. In his impression, his father had never held himself like this. However, this only time made him deeply afraid. He could hear that his father's tone was full of determination. It was a tone of wanting to protect something with death without hesitation, but he just wanted to get it. Death...

"Leave this continent," the count whispered in his ear. "This land has long been defiled. If you really fall in love with the witch, take her away with her."

After saying that, the count let go of his hand and boarded the horse again with the help of his servant.

"Father..." Kendall shouted in a trembling voice.

"There is one thing I have to tell you," the count looked down at him with tears in his eyes. "You have always made me proud, from childhood to age, always been..."

Kendal choked and couldn't speak, and his father had led the knights straight out of the city. The dust from the horse's hoofs flew, making all eyes looking at them blurred and uneasy.

On that day, there was only sadness left in Luburg.

When Wei Ye woke up, it was already late at night. An old woman sat by the bed and guarded her peacefully. Seeing her open her eyes, the old woman smiled with a wrinkled face.

"Is this...?"

"This is Kendall's home, child," said the old woman, "I'm his grandmother."

"I heard him say that you are one of the few people on this continent who can still contact the goddess," Wei Ye slowly sat up with a faint blue light in his eyes. "You saved me?"

"I can only use some healing techniques. In the past, many people could do it, but now the times have changed."

"Well, today that Luna has left this continent, it is not easy to get her response through prayer."

"I just believe that as long as there is still sadness and pain in the world, the goddess will never abandon it easily." The old woman gave Wei Ye a pile of documents in her hand. "This is given to you by Kendall. He is so tired that I have to force him to rest."

Wei Ye took over the document and turned it page by page. The old woman moved the kerosene lamp closer to her.

"Have you seen all these things?"

"No, I didn't look at anything," the old woman sighed. "It's just that I'm so old that I don't have to think about some things to guess what's going on. When Kendall's grandfather left, I was thinking about to be summoned by the goddess. However, it is obvious that she wants me to see the end.

"If there is an ending..." Wei Ye whispered. She quickly turned the pages in her hand, and after a while, she slowly said, "I have to see that woman, the woman named Arya Fuweimei. I need to ask her something."

"Well, I'll take you there." The old woman picked up the kerosene lamp and walked to the door. "She is also a poor person. For 20 years, she can only live in her shadow and dare not see anyone."

Weiye followed her and walked out of the room. Although the scars on her chest had healed, there was a dull pain between her skin. Interspersed in the night, they came to a courtyard in the corner of the manor, and a wooden staircase stretched down from the center of the courtyard. The old woman turned around and said, "I'll wait for you here... Don't hurt her."

"I won't hurt her." Wei Ye took over the kerosene lamp and walked down step by step. At the end of the stairs, she pushed open the wooden door, and a woman's voice trembled and asked, "Who is it?"

The woman curled up in the corner of the bed, her eyes were covered with blood, and the whole room was dirty. She looked at Wei Ye's face with nervous panic, and her hair looked paler than Kendall's grandmother.

"My name is Wei Ye, a witch in the night forest." Wei Ye's voice was erratic and strange, "I'm here to end your pain... if you really feel pain."

The woman covered her face and cried: "No one can end, no one can."

"There is only one person who can, and that person is Kendall. Only he can end everything."

"What can the child do?" The woman shouted almost hysterically, "He is a demon. He is cursed and has been cursed since birth."

"No, he is blessed!" Wei Ye squatted in front of the woman, "If you haven't been hiding here to escape for the past 20 years, but really treat him as your own child, you will find this."

"I don't want such a child. He is not my child. I've never had a baby. I'm clean and I haven't let any man touch me..."

"Well, your body is clean, but your soul is so dirty that even the devil doesn't want to devour it. Now, I just want to ask you one thing. Who painted the five-pointed array in Ruth's room?

"What's the difference?"

"This determines whether you and those who are swallowed up by darkness can be redeemed," Wei Ye replied coldly. "The curse that caused all disasters is the only terrible spell recognized by the goddess of light and the dark evil god at the same time, and the existence of the five-pointed array determines the object Ruth prayed to at that time. Is it Luna or Shastine, and whether there is extreme love or extreme hatred left in her heart.

Her lips trembled, and the woman suddenly screamed: "It's Ruth. That pattern was drawn by Ruth. I have said before that her body is not clean. She is the devil. How can that terrible spell come from the goddess? She has gone crazy. She just wants to revenge on me. She just wants to revenge on everyone..."

"If that's the case," Wei Ye stood up and slowly retreated. "No one will be able to get her forgiveness, and you will never rest in peace."

After retreating to the door, Wei Ye turned around and walked up step by step. Behind her came the woman's uncontrollable crying...

Early the next morning, when Kendall walked into the room, Wei Ye was sitting in front of the dresser, quietly combing his long hair with a comb. Her gray dress has been changed, and her beautiful face has been fully revealed for the first time due to the combing of her hair, and her eyes are as bright as stars. Kendall had to be surprised by her beauty. She was like a pearl covered by dust and finally bloomed.

Kendall walked over and half knelt at her feet, with confession in his eyes. He wanted to say something, but Wei Ye had touched his face gently, as if to brush away the guilt in his heart: "Don't say anything, Kendall, the past is a memory, and the memory will always become blurred. We still have a lot of things to do, and time is running out.

"Yes, I know," Kendall whispered, "but I still can't forgive myself for this."

"If I say that the injury I suffered is already doomed, and it is the fate that I have predicted long ago as a witch, can this make your heart feel better?"

"I can't deceive myself with such a lie."

"However, this is the truth," Viye said sadly, "the witch's heart is always full of pain, because she sees too much. I thought I could pull the line of fate, but it turned out that I couldn't do anything alone, so I had to hand over my thread to you, which aggravated my pain. Kendall, you will never understand how important you are to me. This importance has existed even since you didn't know me.

"I'm sorry, Viye..."

"Don't apologize to me, never. If you really understand where fate brings you, you will hate me. However, before you hate me, I can only try my best to get your love. Don't say anything anymore. Let's go to the Valley of May. Although my heart is shaking, I even want to pray for you not to go to the evil place, but I know it's just futile.

"...My father has gone to the Valley of May."

"I know," Wei Ye smiled desolably, "he wants to end all this with his own sacrifice, but it will only prove that his sacrifice is meaningless. He wants to stop you from going to the evil land, but it has become the reason why you have to go. This is fate. It is everywhere, but you can't see it. Let's go, let's go now, even if it can only produce bitter fruit.

The morning glow has not dissipated, but dark clouds are brewing in the sky. The pink glow and the bleak black are intertwined into a vortex, spinning the sky one circle after another. A steed out of the gate of Luwuburg and quickly galloped on the field. The young man on the horse and the witch leaning on his chest were quickly approaching the direction of the dark clouds. From time to time, some ghosts and monsters from the shadows floated out from time to time, looking at their fading backs. ......

The further south, the dark clouds become heavier and heavier, until even a trace of sunlight can't penetrate. Silent lightning interweaves the clouds, making the earth shake uneasy. May Valley is located at the southern end of Kesane County. Even a fast horse will take a whole day. When Kental and Viye came to May Valley, the stacked clouds could not even distinguish between day and night.

They tied the horse to a dead tree and walked into the valley. Between the ruins, there was an inexplicable strange arch, and the dripping mouths in the two corners of the arch were dripping with blood, and the deep tunnel extended from the door to the ground. Wei Ye leaned against Kendall, and the two walked into the arch together.

The authentic wall is inlaid with messy colorful prisms, each of which emits a dull and different color luster, giving people a sense of religious mystery. From time to time, some Carris rushed out of the dark, shook their red robes and disappeared. Kendall had to carefully protect Wei Ye to prevent these enchanted messengers from contacting the witches. And somehow, all ghosts approaching him will always turn into light smoke by themselves, so these transparent ghosts float towards him hesitantly, and then melt away in sighs until they completely lose their figures in the tunnel.

"What are they doing?" Kendall asked in shock.

"They were originally just cursed evil things," Wei Ye replied softly, "now they are freed by the blessings on you."

From time to time, you can see some bodies on the road. They are knights from Louburg who can't avoid Kares. The blood on their bodies has already been sucked dry, but their faces are frozen with dreamy happiness.

Through the tunnel, they came to a hall. Obviously, there had been a war, with gnawed knights and body-degraded warcraft corpses lying everywhere. After the hall, there is a crisscrossing maze. Kendall was calm and looked for a way forward in the maze. The bodies of knights and monsters were still everywhere, and some of them seemed to have died soon. A sad call came from a distance, which made Kendall's blood vessels tighten. He heard the call from his father, but the helplessness and grief in the voice made him unable to believe that it would come from his father, who had always been majestic and steady.

He wanted to run in the direction of the sound, but Wei Ye grabbed the corner of his clothes: "No, Kendal, we must continue to move forward. Only by reaching the altar and eliminating the source of evil can we save everyone, including your father."

Kendall wanted to follow the girl's advice, but his father's call continued, and it sounded even with the madness of imminent collapse. He shook his head at the girl, and her face was pale.

"I must find my father first and make sure he is safe." Kendall took the girl's hand and walked in that direction. The girl shook her head vigorously and shook her hair messy like resistance, but her feet followed Kendall paradoxically without any delay.

I can't know how long it took until a standing man stood in front of them. It was Avaglai. His body was scarred, and the long sword inserted into the ground with his hands did not fall. His angry eyes were empty and clearly dead. Kendall only felt that his whole heart trembled. He stood there and looked at Avagley quietly, as if the knight was still alive: "I'm sorry that I couldn't fight with you to death. Your duty is over. Please rest in peace with your dignity.

It seems that after listening to his words, the knight's soul pulled away from his body in an instant, and the body slowly fell down. Kendall sadly took the body, let the knight lie on his back, and put the sword flat on his chest.

stood up and continued to walk in the maze. His father's voice became clearer and clearer. He clearly heard that his father was calling " Ruth... Ruth..."

The involuted cold wind blew, scattered this sad call in every corner, and then rebounded a vague echo. Kendall ran anxiously. His footsteps were dull and thunderous in the intertwined tunnels, but the girl's was inaudible. Finally, he saw his father under a stone pillar.



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Time Travel:

This is a story of a modern Go youth who traveled to ancient times in order to find his sister, and can only go home with five female immortals as apprentices.