Magic Sword

09 Claudia's problem

Under the tree, the teenager was there silently, holding a sword and was at a loss.

Opposite him, Claudia bit her lip. In fact, she never knew how to face the boy who once had her fiance.

"That, that, hug, sorry." Hesitant and hesitant, Xius handed the sword to Claudia with both hands.

At this time, Claudia took the sword with her eyes flashing, "No, it doesn't matter. I, I don't pay attention either." Normally, it is a great shame for a swordsman to be robbed of his sword. Of course, this kind of thing still depends on who the other party is.


"Alas? Chiyo, why are you here!" I don't know when the young warrior who appeared behind Claudia stared at Ceus like a large cat.

"It's been here since you two started to get better." The girl samurai's slightly side face seemed to want to express her dissatisfaction, but she felt that it was too obvious.

"No, that's a misunderstanding!" Xius quickly waved his hand and just wanted to explain, but an inappropriate voice came in.

"...Who said it's a misunderstanding? This girl is good, so I still keep the love token..." If someone always says everything you don't want to tell others, ordinary people will say it first, but unfortunately, Xius can't do it.

"...ius, who was the one just now?" Claudia carefully peeked at Xius with a hazy face, and Hu Chiyo stared at the big eyes even more.

"I...that, just..." Hughes was thinking about what reason to explain, but it was obvious that Hughes would not make him prevaricate so easily.

"...It's just that the nobles don't have anything to say to you. Although I have no interest in imperial law, I have no interest in the imperial nobles..." Compared with Hughes, Hughes seems to be more independent and has clear likes and dislikes.

"Shut up!" Finally, Hughes' teenager broke out. Looking at the girl with a little frightened face, he lowered his head slightly, "I'm sorry, Miss Claudia, for some reason, there is something wrong with my mental state, I'm sorry..." After saying that, Hughes turned his head and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Seeing that Susis was about to turn her face and run away, the girl stepped forward to catch him. Xius was slightly stunned, and Claudia also felt that her movements were a little rash and quickly took it back. "I just want to say that if you need help, the Rollros family can help you because of that coat of arms, even if you are not a noble now. , which is also a guest of Rollros's family.

"A coat of arms?" The first thing that Sius thought of was the badge his mother gave him, and then he thought of the certificate that once represented his fiance.

"...It's just right. Let her help check the matter of the coat of arms! It's too troublesome to find the history of the Magic Sword Knights alone..." Hughes said a more practical question.

"No, it's my own business." Hys has always been very stubborn.

"If it's just checking things, it's not troublesome." Claudia offered her goodwill.

"Well, I'm really sorry to bother you." Xius, who has always been a person, is not used to asking for this kind of thing.

"It's just a small matter." Claudia smiled. Maybe now, the girl's psychology is just to help this talented but suffering teenager who has a bad relationship with her.

However, the two forgot something from the beginning.

"Seus! Big bad guy, big pervert, how dare he ignores others!" Hu Chiyo, who had been put aside, finally couldn't help breaking out.

"...That's right, this guy is a sultry man. In fact, what he wants is amazing, and he doesn't say anything..." Hughes, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, immediately took over.

"Shut up!!!!!" Xiusi can't wait to wipe his neck with a sword.

"..." Hu Chiyo suddenly stopped making trouble. She tilted her little head and said, "Sius, it's getting interesting!"

"..." Xiusi was silent and didn't know how to answer.

"Are you?" With the small head and the authentic, such a special combination of Claudia is naturally impressive. "Hu Chiyo classmate of our college?"

"Alas? How can you recognize me? The girl samurai raised her eyebrows and was full of surprises.

"Because Hu Chiyo was the first outstanding student to win the students of Imperial College in the previous competition." Coupled with such obvious characteristics, even if you don't wear the college uniform, you will be very impressed.

"Ah! I remember when you said you won!" Hu Chiyo pulled Zhengzong out on the spot, "Sius, you still owe me a duel!"

"Uh." Claudia, who also wanted to have a relationship with Hu Chiyo, retreated awkwardly and looked at the murderous girl. It seemed that she was going to sprinkle her anger and vitality on Xius.

"Well, Chiyo..." Xiusi still wants to refuse, but.

"... looking for her own way to die..., the little girl" seemed to be that the soul of battle began to burn. Hughes was grabbing control of his body little by little, and his originally slightly embarrassed face was uncoordinatedly murderous.

Plop, even if there is no weapon in his hand now, the hearts of the two people standing in front of him beat fiercely. This is definitely not a sign of heartbeat or love. Instead, people instinctively react to dangerous things, are nervous and very nervous. Although the right eye under the bangs is still so harmless, the left eye has reflected a flashing red light, and the murderousness emanating from the pupil is simply like a demon crawling out of hell.

"Bastard, what are you doing!" Xiusi roared, and his eyes returned to normal in an instant, but he didn't notice that the two girls in front of him had sweated coldly.

"...Is she going to fight? Leave the battle to me..." Hughes replied lazily and naturally.

"I can do the battle myself! Don't worry about it!" Xiusi gritted his teeth and didn't know where to vent his anger.

"...With your personality, how can they experience your real strength..." Hughes disdained it and probably felt boring. After this sentence, he left behind the sentence, "It's up to you!" I won't say more.

"Sorry, I may not be able to compare with you for the time being." Xius did not notice the situation of the two and apologized to himself.

"...No, it seems that I still lack practice!" The girl samurai forced the sun to put away the authentic.

"Hmm?" Xiusi hasn't realized what's wrong with Hu Qiandai for a while.

"Nothing! I will come back from my practice and compare with you!" After saying that, Hu Chiyo ran away without looking back.

Sius blinked inexplicably and didn't understand what he had done wrong. He looked at Claudia, and Claudia, one of the parties, just shook her head slightly. As a warrior, she couldn't admit that she was timid just now, and this kind of words could not replace Hu Qiandai. This is her body. For the dignity of a warrior.

In the end, Xius, who was confused, decided to go back to his hotel first and tidy himself up. Being imprisoned for a week was nothing to show off, and he was still very hungry.

"Why don't I arrange it for you!" On the carriage, Claudia, who wanted to get the favor from Sius first, offered to help Xius arrange a place to stay later.

"Well, I don't..." Xius still looked unwilling.

"Since you have decided to accept my kindness, isn't it the same to have more or less? Rollos' house welcomes guests." Interrupting Seus' hesitation, Claudia went straight in, "And this audition with Imperial College, as long as there are willing college students can participate. Why don't you also participate? Maybe you can get back your aristocratic status."

Sius opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it after all. If the others were silent like this, but, Susus' words... "... I don't care. Go back and kill tens of thousands of Parsa monkeys, and it's another count..."

The girl bit her lip, looked at the embarrassed Seus, and quietly waited for him to explain, "I'm sorry, I really, I've had a problem with myself recently. It's really not..."

"'s nothing... why explain our problem to others..." Hughes was righteous.

"Shut up!" But for Hughes, shut up and can't stop him from talking.

"Puff!" The two guys quarreled happily, and the girl opposite suddenly smiled. Seeing that Sheus was staring at her in a frenzy way, Claudia quickly waved her hand, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I've never met someone quarreling with me."

"..." Xiusi was ashamed to jump directly from the carriage, but now he can't do it.

"...I want you to take care of..." In this regard, the reaction of the two people is the same.

The carriage crossed half of the city and didn't reach the castle of Rollros's home until the early morning. It is said that this building does not have a strong defensive function. The walls are full of roses of various colors, with various curves, full of aristocratic-style glazed windows and gray copper walls, all of which tell about the castle owner. Human status, even if it is already early morning, someone still holds the lamp outside the door.

"Miss, you're back." Seeing the carriage with the logo of the Roroth family, the servant who had been waiting at the door had called the housekeeper. When Seus and the others came to the front door, the housekeeper was already waiting there.

"Well, this is my guest. I'll arrange a room for him." The calm and majestic expression may be a mask, but this is the proper posture of Claudia in front of everyone.

"Yes, miss." The housekeeper bowed slightly and then turned his eyes to the embarrassed Xius, "Sir, please follow me."

"Okay." Maintaining his self-cultivation at home, Moses followed the gray-haired old housekeeper to the depths of the castle.

"I don't know what to call you, sir." While leading the way, the old housekeeper seemed to ask inadvertently.

"Seus." Xiusi himself is very used to this kind of conversation with subordinates, so there is no discomfort.

"Sius..." The old housekeeper seemed to remember something, "Are you Miss's classmate?"

"Yes." Xius nodded.

"Oh." With a clear expression, the old housekeeper did not show any emotion that could be read on his face. He turned around and took Xius to a door. "This is the guest room. It has been cleaned. If there is anything, just ring the bell by the bed. I wish you a good dream."

"Hmm." Xiusi nodded and stepped into the room under the eyes of the old housekeeper.

"...the old man seems to have two things..." Hughes, who had not spoken since he arrived at Rollosberg, suddenly opened his mouth.

"It's not surprising that this big family has such a housekeeper. Although Rollros' parents are only one title higher than their father, I don't know how many times the difference." Taking off his dirty clothes, Xiusi replied indifferently.

" are no longer a father, and you are still so rigid... It's not difficult to have a title..."

"If killing is the only way, I would rather be a civilian all my life." After interrupting Hughes' words, the teenager took a deep breath. Recently, he has been under too much pressure.

"...You are right now. Now that black and white have separated, you are very upright. Ha ha, I'm looking forward to seeing you slowly swallowed up by the darkness..." Hughes was not angry. He knew that this was only temporary.

"Do you think I will be assimilated by you?" Xius, sitting in the bathtub, frowned.

"...not assimilation, which is inevitable. You and I are one. God, why did you abandon me? Don't you really understand the meaning of this sentence..." Smiling, Hughes sighed lightly.

"Of course you can't take down this ring?" Looking at the ring on his right index finger, Xius narrowed his eyes slightly.

"...Of course, just use dimensional chopping to break the magic layer around the ring, but this will only accelerate our fusion, won't it..."

"...You know I don't expect to be like that."

"...but I expect it! Instead of chasing a big puzzle left by the two irresponsible people, it's better to live happily, as long as you feel the joy of living..."

"If killing is joy, I would rather suffer for a lifetime."

"...This is the bloodline. I don't know which bloodline it is inherited. It can't be changed. Give it up! ......”

"Shut up!"

"...You will only end with this, hehe..." Hughes's laughter gradually laughed, and the teenager stared at the ceiling, not knowing what he was thinking.

The next day.

When the first ray of morning light was put into the girl's boudoir, Claudia got up early according to her usual habits, opened the window, let the turbid air deposited in the room last night, and stretched out a big stretch in the window. This shadow has always been one of the benefits of the guards every morning. However, this morning, the girl stayed on the window sill a little longer.

Is that Sius? The girl saw a teenager in black cloth waving his sword on the grass outside the castle. But Claudia has learned how terrible that ordinary swordsmanship is when it is hostile. Now that she has seen it, go and say hello! Thinking so, Claudia quickly changed her pajamas and ran downstairs.

"Good morning, Mr. Sus." Also dressed for morning exercise, Claudia smiled at Xius.

Sius immediately stopped the sword in his hand, "Good morning, Miss Claudia."

"How early did you get up!"

"It's okay. I've always been like this. It's a stupid bird flying first!"

"If Xiusi is also a stupid bird, I will be ashamed."

"Ha ha, it's good to be young." Just then, an old voice came.

"Father!" Seeing the middle-aged man coming from afar, Claudia immediately stood up straight, "Father, this is my classmate Xius." The comer is the Duke of Rollros.

"Seus? Is that the Sius?"

"Yes, that's the Sius."

The person concerned looked at the father and daughter in confusion and didn't know what riddle they were playing. However, when he saw the Duke, he had to salute. Suss quickly bent down and said, "Duke."

The Duke nodded slightly and said, "What do you think of my castle?"

"Well, it's the Rollros family that can have this castle." Xiusi gently flattered.

"Ha ha, that's good, interesting young man, Deya, treat Xius well. I'll leave everything to you about Imperial College." This is an order, not a solicitation. After saying that, the Duke turned around and left directly. This is the superior. In the face of people lower than himself, as long as he remains reserved, he is the greatest respect.

"Yes, father." Looking at the Duke's departure, Claudia's eyes were a little complicated.

Seus is not a complete wooden melon seed. Looking at Claudia's speechless appearance, the teenager blinked, "Miss Claudia, what's on your mind?"

"Well," the girl looked at Susi and immediately lowered her. She didn't seem to be very willing to say it, but finally sighed, "Although I'm very rash, I have something to ask Susi for help."

"Uh," the slightly unexpected Xiusi didn't know, so he nodded and decided to listen, "Please tell me."

"Actually, I have to win the Imperial College Trials."