Magic Sword

05 surging undercurrent

"Have you seen Lord Susi?"


"Have you seen Lord Sus?"

"I'm sorry, character, I don't think adults should be in the castle."

At this time, Greg, holding a large number of files in his arms, was looking for their lord in the castle of Berota. Although Xius's wandering temper has kept the security of Taross at a high level, it also tormented their subordinates. He always encounters this kind of need for him to make a decision, but he can't find anyone, so he can only ask everywhere.

"What can I do for you?" Suddenly, the voice of Sius came out from behind Greg.

He was so scared that his whole body shook unconsciously, and then took a breath: "Lord Xius, please don't always come out from behind in the future. I'm old and want to live a few more years.

"Oh, I know." Although the answer was insincere, it was impossible for Greg to care about such a thing with their lord.

"Your Excellency, those lords have communicated with each other, and they will not have any doubts about our reform for the time being." From the beginning, Greg knew that this change of the system would be madly opposed by the nobles, and all of them had been carefully covered up.

"Well, then we will start to attack Fort Jacob and deal with the Broken Golden Mountains as soon as possible."

"Your Excellency, I'm here for this matter." Greg pulled out a piece of paper from the file he was holding. "This is the news from the Chamber of Commerce. The Ogre army retreated too fast. I guess it's too late now."

"What happened?" Xius reached out and grabbed the paper and quickly scanned the text on it.

"The Rose Knights have fallen, and all four areas, including Jemro City, have fallen into the hands of the Parsa, and this is the news before winter."

ius frowned and stared at this paper: "Jhemro is next to Farsas, so now the Parsa people have at least attacked Xilin?"

"Yes, my lord, you see!" Greg put the file in his hand on the ground and pulled out a simple map from the middle. "Djemro has two roads, one to the west to Xilin and one to the north to Farsas. The merchants and mercenaries in the trading city of Xilin are most afraid of the predatory tactics of the Parsa people, so they will definitely fight to the end. Coupled with the Xilin Pass and some lords on the edge of the Duanjin Mountains, it is estimated that it is difficult for the Parsa people to sweep it quickly. On the contrary, Farsas further north is Oga's Banbo, and there is no barrier in the middle. According to the temperament of the Parsa people, they will definitely go to Banbo first, and even if they can't occupy it, they will destroy it.

Listening to Greg's analysis, Susi's eyebrows became tighter and tighter, "So what about their possibility of going eastward?"

"Basically not," Greg shook his head. "Going further east is Belsas, where there is only one way to enter, and the terrain of the Belsas Mountains is complex, and the dragoons are simply asking for trouble. If I were the king of Sa Pruss, the only thing I could count on was Belsus's natural danger, so the Parsa people should not go to gnaw this hard bone first.

"So, even if we invade with all our strength, we can't dare to fight Falsas in front of them?"

"Yes, so I think the plan needs to be discussed in the long-term." Greg said for a long time. In fact, he wanted to give up the plan of the expedition to Farsas, but he was afraid that Seus would be angry, so he said it very tactfully.

After three seconds of silence, he suddenly raised his head and stared into Greg's eyes. "Go and communicate with the group of nobles and say that I'm going to take them to Farsas and block me and destroy them."

"But my lord, how can we explain the reason for our long-distance expedition to Falsas to the soldiers!" Gregg looked bitter, although he had thought from the beginning that it might be the result.

"Tell them that Farsas is my hometown. If you want to follow me, go and stay if you don't want to." After saying that, Sius turned around and left.

The old jazz shook his head and looked at the departing back and sighed, "If Lord Xius can be less arbitrary, he will say the old ideal lord, alas." Even though he was disappointed, he decided to carry out the order of Xius, because this man was the soul of Tarosius.

Spring hangs high in the sky, shining at a warm 45-degree angle. Another year after winter and spring, the revived everything flourishes with branches and leaves, and the breath of life spreads all over the earth.

except for the pitiful room. It is not dark here, but the silence outside is not cold, but there is an atmosphere that life can't be close to.

Since he came to the city of Berota, Lian will not follow Xius all the time. People think that this is the city master bedroom that was supposed to be his, which was full of valuable works of art, jewelry and diamonds. A woman would be intoxicated by such a room! In fact, it was only because he noticed that Lian had been staring at the ceiling set with hundreds of gems after entering the room, so he gave the room to her.

Although I do like this room, that's not the reason why I can't follow Xius, because she still has others to wait for.

The door to the balcony opened, and the girl only wore a white nightdress. She stood on the balcony, looking at the sun, maintaining the posture of extending an arm to the sun, and standing quietly. This balcony overlooks the whole city of Bellota and is also the favorite place of every generation of city owners of Bellota.

After a burst of spring breeze and the unique bloody smell after the mixed war, mischievously lifted the girl's nightdress, and the spring light flashed by, but unfortunately no one dared to appreciate it.

At this time, in the corner where the sun could not shine, a dark shadow gradually formed, and he appeared there kneeling on one knee like a ghost servant.

"Your Majesty, the princes and adults left very little information, and the great master said that he could not confirm it for a while."

"Hmm." The girl muttered, even making the man in the corner not sure whether she heard it, but in the face of such a character, he did not dare to open his mouth to confirm.

Half-rate, the girl withdrew her jade arm and habitually stroked her long hair. The original black butterfly hair ornament suddenly came to life. It rose and fell, staying on a rose by the railing. In an in an eyes, the bright red roses became gray and lost the color of life. Seeing this scene, the man in the shadow turned pale, and he quickly lowered his head and didn't want to lift it again.

The nightdress on the girl's body was torn off, and every inch of her perfect body was exposed to the sun, allowing the warm sunlight to lick the girl's smooth body. The curve of the golden ratio, the fat-like red and white skin, like silky long hair, this scene is like the Virgin Mary in Genesis. But even so, no one dares to take a peek at this scenic spot.

"Your Majesty, do you have anything else that the villain needs to convey to the great master?"

"Tell the national division not to interfere in their war." The girl's slightly empty voice was with terrible majesty, and the people in the shadow trembled.

"However, the great master said that he was ready..."

"No hurry, tell the national teacher that it will take time."

"Yes, Your Majesty, the villain is going to convey it." After saying that, the man was relieved and melted in the shadows.

The sun shines and warms every corner of the balcony. However, the girl hugged herself with her hands, shrank into her arms, and her crystal lips slightly opened and closed: "Why is it still so cold?"

Also bathed in this sunshine, there is also Falsas under the city.

The calm of winter is gradually broken with the arrival of spring, and more and more people are fleeing from the surrounding villages in the city of Falsas, making Farsas, which is not very big, more crowded. The city is full of tents, ragged vagrants and orphans, hoping that their count can protect them through the war, but the reality is always cruel.

The passage of time has turned Count Dauberl's youthful heroism into rigid and stubbornness, and he vowed to defend this land handed down from his predecessors. It's not that he doesn't care about the life or death of others. Even if he is as dull as a count, he knows that a little Farsas can't stop the Parsa dragon riding. But don't people look forward to that little hope? When that hope turned into extravagant and finally despair, regret emerged.

In the huge count's family, there is no figure who can lead everyone to resist the enemy.

Anzak used all his talents to deal with his parents' shortcomings and dealing with the cunning chamber of commerce. Even if he had studied at Belsaas College, he returned to Falsas early without graduation. Naturally, he completely forgot the martial arts he was proud of in those years. Not to mention the command that has never been learned, commanding the army is just nonsense.

And a dil like Ruhr doesn't have to expect that all the meaning of his life is used to bully the weak and show off his superiority. When he learned that the Oga army had retreated to the ground, he immediately left Farzas, but it was too late. The Parsa dragons swept back and forth around Farzas, and attacking and looting the fleeing Oga was one of their main pleasures. In the end, the count, who was annoyed by him and had no choice, locked up his son directly, regardless of Mrs. Chell's beating, scolding and crying.

These days, the dining table of Dowver's house has been full every day except for Ruhr, who was locked up.

Because, like His Majesty the Emperor of Oga, the king of Sa Pruss knew that the time had come to use troops. The excellent students of Belsus College were forcibly recruited into the army, and those noble children were sent back to their hometown to make them live and destroy themselves. So Flora and Lilia were sent back, making the atmosphere of the lunch heavier now.

Mrs. Chel is obviously more sad than the sad countess. Her husband, who was obedient to her at the beginning, has also become strict. Her own son has been locked up and wants to go back to her mother's house but can't go back. She can only squat in this place where birds don't shit and wait to die. She can't help crying at the thought of the gap before and after.

"Cry and cry! Why are you crying? Go back to the house and cry!" The already irritable count was furious and stood up and grabbed the knife and threw it on the table.

But after doing this, Mrs. Chell cried even more fiercely, "You, you know how to be majestic. If you have the ability, you can send us all out! It's better to go anywhere than to wait here to die with this group of bitches!"

"Get out! Get out of here now! Let me see where you can get out of here!" The count's eyes were red, and his whole body was like an angry lion.

"Get out of here! Who cares about it!" After saying that, Mrs. Cher pushed the table and ran out of the door.

"Mom!" Lilia wanted to stand up, but when she saw the count's horrible eyes looking at her, the girl still didn't dare to stand up.

"Father, please calm down, this situation is inevitable." Anzak saw his sister trembling slightly under his father's sight and couldn't help comforting her.

"Well, I don't know that you are all afraid!" The count seemed to be dozens of years old in an instant. He slowly sat down and looked depressed. "Damn Parsa monkey."

"Do they really not accept surrender?" Even if he knew, Anzac confirmed it again and again.

"There is no chance at all. The Parsa people are determined to destroy Oga this time. Even the capital of Saprous is difficult to protect themselves. How can they want a dead nobleman?"

At this time, suddenly, Lilia said, "If only Sius was here."

The others present were silent. There was indeed a soldier in this family, and he was also the best soldier. Even Lilia knew that Xius defeated the god family and cut down the imperial emperor in Banbo, but this soldier was no longer a member of this family.

"I don't know how Sith is now." Seeing that her father was not angry, Flora followed her sister's words.

"I guess it's still fleeing! Anyway, he is also wanted by the empire now, and it must be difficult for him to protect himself. Farsas has been out of trade since winter, and Anzac and others don't know about Tarothea.

The count, who had been listening to the two women quietly, suddenly said something that stunned everyone: "If the boy knew, he would definitely come back."

"Father?!" With surprise, Flora opened her eyes wide and asked, "Since you knew that Xius would definitely come back, why did you drive him away in the first place?"

"I'm also good for him." The count shook his head helplessly, "I knew for a long time that his life was not affordable for ordinary people. I also hoped that he could hone outside and hone outside. I knew that there were still things in the world that he couldn't touch, and I didn't want him to make mistakes in Belsus again. But how did I think that he went to Banbo to meet the emperor, but still didn't play with his character and assassinated the emperor! Alas."

"The background of Seus?"

"I don't know, and this matter has nothing to do with you. Don't ask." As if thinking of something, the count stopped talking, "Eat quickly. There are still a lot of things to deal with."

Just when everyone was still interested, a soldier rushed in. Big, my lord, Oga has come to the army!"