Magic Sword

06 Jungle

To the east of the Belsus Pass is the cascading Belsus Mountains. This mountain stretching hundreds of kilometers has always maintained resistance to foreign things, like an old otaku who has lived alone for millions of years. In addition to what he has adapted to, other people who may invade his life will inevitably experience his irritable temper.

There are no roads or people in the dense forest. Only by the space from the dense leaves overhead can you distinguish whether it is day or night. The ground is wet and muddy, with slippery and soft mud and rotten wood hidden under the leaves, and clusters of vines and messy crawling plants make the road more difficult. From time to time, you can also see groups of ants or snakes crawling on the trunks covered with all kinds of green moss, regardless of the expressions of fear or disgust.

She kicked under a thick tree with her hard and strong horse boots. After looking up for a long time, the little girl chose an angle and stretched out a hand to the black-haired teenager, "Give me the knife."

The teenager gave her the dragon teeth on his waist. Although others also had weapons, it was obvious that his hand was much harder.

The girl held a knife in one hand and chose a position and angle to cut it down fiercely. The tall tree was split two-thirds in response, and then she gently pushed it with her other hand, and the tree began to fall down. After breaking an unknown number of branches, it finally hung on the trunk of another tree. After shaking hard to make sure that the frame was strong enough, the girl returned the knife in her hand to the teenager.

"Okay, repair, I'll leave the rest to you!" The girl clapped her hands and looked very relaxed. Xius, who took over the dragon's teeth, nodded, and a tree trunk with a slope of about 30 degrees jumped on and began to transform the tree.

The only Lucia who has nothing to do can only stand aside. She has recently been used to all kinds of strange things done by this girl who looks like a loli but actually has a bear-like power. This kind of tree cutting happens every evening, because it is very dangerous to sleep on the ground in the jungle, and this way to break the wood into a bed is what the strange woman told her.

It has been six days since the departure from Ibiza Town. According to the strange woman's method, it directly enters the virgin forest of Belsus and goes east to the city of Belsus. Although Lucia felt that it was impossible to do at all, she had no idea at that time, so she had to do so.

After entering the forest, the situation was even worse than she expected at the beginning, not to mention the wind meal and sleeping. The lack of bathing for six consecutive days made Lucia feel quite uncomfortable. And what's more troublesome is that the period came at this time. In order not to let others notice, she always held on, and as a result, she couldn't do anything. Even the task of guiding the compass at the beginning was taken over by Seus, and she became a completely useless person.

"You wait here, I'll find something to make a fire. Repair, remember to sweep out a piece of ground after finishing it!"

"Oh!" Looking at the teenager busy in the tree responding loudly, Lucia always felt a little uncomfortable. Xiu's name was originally exclusive to her, but now the strange woman also called, and the person answered more frequently than answering her.

"Is there nothing I need to do?" Lucia stopped Hu Chiyo, who was walking out, and asked awkwardly.

The girl warrior put on a big smile, "I'm afraid you can't find it when you go out alone with Xiu, so you'd better stay where you are." After saying that, the two of her dodged into the dense jungle.

This can't help, and Lucia looks up again. The young man in hunting suit stood in the upper part of the broken tree with a long knife. He couldn't see the knife swinging, but the branches fell down. In a blink of an eye, the branches had been cleaned up. Then he skillfully cut the tree trunk out of three steps. At night, Xiusi slept at the bottom, Hu Chiyo slept at the top, and he was protected in the middle.

Before she was distracted, the dark-haired teenager gently fell to the ground and then began to clean up the dead grass leaves on the ground. The sword wind swept over, and the broken leaves were swept away. ** Out of the roots and the ground, he stepped on it with his boots, stepped on the ground tightly, and put the luggage on his back on it. " Lucy, come here and sit for a while! Chiyo should be back in a moment.


The two sat side by side against the stump. As soon as she sat down, Lucia had an impulse to sleep and shook her head to drive away the drowsiness. She decided to discuss her position in the team with Sheus.

"Nah, Xiu, I have something to tell you."


At this time, Lucia noticed that there was no movement when Susi had just leaned on the stump.

"Repair?" Lucia, who found that Sius was asleep, leaned over and poked his face with her fingertips. In this regard, the teenager just shook his head and did not wake up. He saw that he was sleeping quite heavily.

It's hard for him. The girl sighed. She looked at Xiusi carefully, took out her handkerchief and gently wiped the dust off his face. In order to speed up the way, he has always been in front of him. No one allows this job. Even if he loses his memory, he is still the stubborn guy. Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help smiling.

"Yo, I'm back..."


Hu Chiyo, who was about to say something when she came back, was interrupted by Lucia, and she pointed to the sleeping Teus. Hu Qiandai immediately nodded and crept to light the fire. Lucia saw this and took out a blanket from the burden to cover Xius, and also put her hands and feet to help.

The two girls squatted on the fire face to face, and Lucia, who thought of the previous problem again, began to talk to Chiyo.

"Nah, Chiyo."

"Hmm?" The samurai girl with her head down and busy building a fire in her hand and building it into a conical structure

"Can you arrange some work for me in the future? I will be very uncomfortable if I am always idle like this."

"Has your period passed?"

The samurai girl raised her head in surprise, and the noble girl who was asked was also stunned. She opened her mouth and then lowered her head, "You know!"

"Yes, it's Xiu's, so let me follow you and pay attention."


This made Lucia blush, "He, he, how did he know!"

Chiyo just shook his head about this, "Maybe he cares more about you. At first, he didn't say that I didn't notice." Chiyo didn't notice it herself. She unconsciously moved her eyes away when she said this.

"Ah, that's it." Lucia listened to this, but she lowered her head alone and didn't notice Chiyo's expression.

These days, Chiyo feels that this girl is actually not bad. Of course, she feels that she can only think so because of the psychology of her temporary partner. If it is emotional, such a guy is relatively dangerous. Since he opened the chat box, Hu Chiyo continued to talk, while busy taking out the dried meat in the package and heating it on the cooked fire, while continuing to talk casually.

"In fact, it was not so easy for us to walk all the way here, because Xiu had a strange smell, so we were not attacked by any dragon beasts along the way."

"I also wonder why I haven't seen a living animal after walking for so long."

"It's best if you didn't meet it," Hu Chiyo said here and looked at Xius with a slightly worried look. "According to our words, people with this kind of atmosphere are called murderers. They have killed too many people, and as a result, they become shuddering like ghosts. Now he has lost his memory and has no consciousness, but the beast is very keen. Invaders who feel incompetent will avoid their territory will be far away, but on the contrary, if they feel similar, they will be regarded as a challenge and will be counterattacked with all their strength.

"That is to say, the reason why you don't meet is because you dodge. If you meet a powerful dragon beast, right?"

Hu Chiyo nodded, blew the roasted dried meat, and handed it to Lucia. "In fact, it is very dangerous for us to make a fire here. Under normal circumstances, dragon beasts will soon come to us. The last time I walked through Belsas alone, I ate hard dried meat all the way. Dried meat still needs to be heated to taste good!"

Lucia was stunned and looked at Xius, who was still sleeping behind her. She didn't expect that this person had already supported a huge* here. Originally, as a person of interest, Lucia disdains those strong people. Businessmen believe that money and power are power. No matter how strong people are, they must respect the rules to do things for them to survive. But in this case, Lucia vaguely felt the true meaning of the word strong.

Lucia was still distracted, and Chiyo solved the dried meat on her hand. The samurai girl touched her mouth and said, "It's too easy to be thirsty to eat like this. I'll see if there is a place nearby where I can collect water or fruit."

After saying that, before Lucia agreed, Chiyo grabbed a kettle and a cloth bag beside him and got into the woods again.

She seems to be very familiar with forests. Looking at the girl who has disappeared, Lucia was a little curious about what kind of past made her have such a rich experience at such a young age, but casually speculate that it is impolite for others. Lucia also just wants to drive out the idea after thinking about it and starts to bite. It's not actually Very delicious cured meat.

Just as Lucia was thinking about it while nibbling the dried meat, suddenly there was a huge crash sound from the direction of Hu Chiyo's departure, followed by the sound of countless birds being shocked, and even the girl's cry for help was almost submerged in a crackling sound.