Magic Sword

12 Stranger's Love

Although the mother and son reunion was a happy thing, in the middle of the night after Betty arranged the room for the two girls, Betty's request to talk to Sis alone was rejected. Xiusi, who recovered his memory, said, "I'm tired." Then he found a room in the castle and locked himself in.

Hu Chiyo and Lucia knocked on the door twice, but Xius did not open it. In the end, Betty stopped the kindness of the two girls. She said that it should be that Xiusi has just recovered his memory, and it will probably take some time to sort out his memory!

In fact, at the moment of recovery, Xiusi's memory was very clear, and the clarity made him almost unable to accept it. It's just that Seus is no longer the dull and naive teenager. He has long been used to disasters and sufferings and has not tried to tell anyone how sad Flora's death was for him. Because that's what he said, the other party's understanding stopped at most: his sister died, and he was very sad.

No one can understand how painful the fire of revenge burning in his chest burned his heart. Lucia couldn't, Tiger Chiyo couldn't, and the mother who had abandoned her for 16 years couldn't. No matter what the reason for abandonment, it is impossible for a mother who has not been around for 16 years to understand her child, so Moses just forgives her. As for the others, she was not even in the mood to talk to her more than half a word, because when she didn't know, she carried too many teenagers on her back, and her heart was already cold.

The morning in the jungle is dangerous. However, this is only for the weak, and for Xius, the danger here is probably about the same as his own backyard.

In front of the seemingly abandoned castle, a teenager danced the sharp knife in his hand, and the shadow of his sword was like dust, waving all over the sky. Behind him were several knights who appeared in the hall yesterday. Xius did not pay attention to their thoughts, nothing else, just because they were not objects that could be used.

According to Betty, these people are inhumans she adopted when she traveled around the mainland. The so-called non-human is a person who has the blood of orcs or dragons and is therefore excluded by human society. Dragon bloodline generally does not interfere with intelligence. Most intelligent and powerful dragons are unwilling to stay in such a place, leaving behind some orc bloodlines who have brute force but do not know how to feed themselves. They communicate with simple body movements and strange voices, and only Betty can translate.

The idea of Susis is naturally the same as that of ordinary dragons. He is not interested in the resurrection of the dragon clan, and he is not interested in his father in the world of Shenmen. The only thing he is interested in is that Shenmen. If you can get the divine gate, you may be able to resurrect the Daofan family again, but that thing is now on the other side of the boundary gate, and even the gods have not grabbed it for more than a thousand years, and it is too impractical to want to get it now.

What the teenager is thinking about now is to avenge Flora, the Parsa army, and the Ogans who blocked him. But the question now is, how to do it? The teenager waved a sharp knife while thinking.

"Master Sus, the morning is ready."

The teenager who was shocked that he did not hear footsteps turned around and stood behind one of the two maids in Betty's bedroom yesterday. This girl should be called Ellie! After recalling the maid's name that made him hesitate a little, Susus nodded and followed her to the castle.

"Master Xius, this way."

followed the maid to a balcony on the fourth floor. Betty had already waited there early. The balcony seemed to be completely made of bluestone, so it didn't look like there were many years. In the stone pavilion on the balcony, Betty, who had been waiting there early, was still wearing the white dress.

"What about them?" Sius habitually saluted slightly and then sat down.

"I haven't got up yet. I guess I'm tired." Betty answered and handed Xius a plate of barbecue-like food.

Nodding his head and thanking him, he found that there was only his share on the table, "Don't you eat?"

"I seldom eat. Just eat it." Betty looked at her son with a smile, with a happy look on her face.

Isn't it human? Sius silently cut a small piece of barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth and chewed silently without making a sound.

"I have fantasized a long time ago that one day I can watch you eat with me normally, and now this makes me feel like a dream." Betty looked at Sius happily.

There is still the same expression on Seus' face, just a symbolic "hmm." With a sound.

Seus has always maintained this resistant attitude, and the expression on Betty's face gradually stiffened. Without any parent-child communication experience, she was a little confused about her son's indifference reaction. She opened her mouth several times to say anything, but she couldn't say anything.

And all this, Suss saw it, but also pretended not to see it.

At this time, the maid named Ellie, who had been standing aside since just now, came up. She reached out and grabbed the fork in Teus's hand. "Master Seus, Madam is talking to you."

As a party, there was no response on his face, but Betty was shocked and quickly scolded: "Ellie!"

Sius just looked at the maid silently. The maid with two-colored pupils knew at a glance that she was not human and seemed to have good strength. After giving an evaluation in his heart, Xius looked at Betty. He tilted his head and seemed to think about it carefully and then said, "I don't know what to say to you."


"Ellie!" As soon as the maid named Ellie was about to get angry, Betty stopped her. "It's not his fault, it's not his fault."

"However, if you want to say something," suddenly Susi said, "I will leave here today, and I still have a lot of things to do."

Betti and the maid were stunned when he said this, and then the maid got angry: "Madam, I haven't seen you for so many years. Are you leaving now that I see you? How ruthless are you!"

Facing the angry maid, Sus was indifferent and just turned his eyes to Betty. "So I'm here to resign. We'll go on our way when they wake up."

The black-haired beauty bit her lip and looked like she was about to cry. She opened her mouth to say something, but she couldn't say anything.

"You are too much!" Angry Ellie threw the fork she had just taken off directly on the plate in front of Seus. "Do you know how happy your wife was to see you last night? Do you know that what you eat today is made by your wife overnight? You are about to leave! Are you still human?"

"I have something to do." Ius answered faintly.

"Is there anything urgent for you to abandon your mother who hasn't seen you for many years?" The maid stared at Xiusi fiercely. In this regard, Xius just looked at her silently without arguing or explaining.

"Shut up, it's not your turn to teach you a lesson!" At this time, a voice inserted, and the three people present turned around and turned out to be the petite samurai girl.

When Susie saw Hu Chiyo coming, he stood up and said, "Is Lucy up? We can go."

"Wait!" At this time, a blade suddenly popped from the sleeve of the maid named Ellie, "You can't go!"

At this time, Hu Chiyo also pulled out the sword on his waist and rushed between the two to fly the maid's sword. The maid stretched out her other hand unhurriedly, and a blade popped out of the cuffs. The golden sound sounded, and she caught Hu Chiyo's sword.

"Ellie!" Betty shouted angrily, " Stop!"

"Madam!" Ellie refused to give up and became stubborn.

" Stop it!" Seeing this situation, Hu Qiandai smiled instead, and she leisurely withdrew her sword. "Stupid maid, do you think a stranger who has never seen suddenly tells her that she is your mother and then becomes an important part of your life? Is this kind of maternal love acceptable?"

"But at least try to get used to it! This is family affection! Has he considered his wife's feelings? Ellie retorted loudly.

Hearing what the other party said, Chiyo shook his head with a smile, "So have you ever considered the feeling of repairing? Do you know what happened to him in the past 16 years? Is there anything on his shoulder now? Do you know what is more important to him now? If you just impose what you think are important to the other party, don't talk to yourself there. It's so ugly that we can't stand it anymore.

"So what's the matter with you? Say it! How do you know if you don't tell your wife?

Hearing the maid's words, Chiyo continued to shake his head, and in the face of such questions, he still said indifferently, "Don't ask, I don't want to involve others."

"Excuse!" Ellie scolded angrily.

Sius didn't say anything back. He just looked at Betty quietly, and Betty lowered her head without saying a word.

In the end, Hu Chiyo couldn't stand it, "Give up! So what if you know? Do you want to help? We don't need to win sympathy? We haven't been pitiful to that extent; do you think it's necessary to tell you that there may be other uncontrollable variables?

"Chiyo." Xiusi rarely showed a trace of dissatisfaction. Seeing his expression, Chiyo, who knew that he had talked too much, spit out his tongue and turned his head to stop talking.

Ellie couldn't say Chiyo, but she felt that she couldn't continue. I'm sorry, madam. She took a few seconds to jump out, "You're sophistry!"

"Enough Ellie, put down the sword." Betty's voice came in time.


"Put down the sword!"

After the maid flattened her mouth and stared at Seus fiercely, the sword in her sleeve was taken back. She stood far away from Seus, as if she were hiding from some plague.