Magic Sword

01 town

In hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains in Belsace, there are countless small towns like Ulan Town. Most of them evolved from the strongholds built by hunters who hunted for a living in Belsas. Whenever a stronghold is established, businessmen will inevitably come here to collect and sell a variety of materials and tools. Soon, the stronghold will become a fixed town or even a city under the promotion of trade.

However, Ulan Town should not have reached that level now. The mechanism in the town is not sound. At least in terms of public security, it is only maintained by the personal morality of hunters, and there is no clear official authority.

The sky has darkened. Xius and his party walked on the only street in the town. The first is the dragon-eye maid. When she goes out, she wears a maid costume and has a strange two-color pupil. She is too swaggering. People can't help but look at this beautiful maid. Lucia is also a beauty that meets the public taste and is frequently looked at along the way. In contrast, Hu Chiyo is just single. The pure costume is a little strange, but she is not easy to be noticed; and Xius is the most normal one, but the only strange thing is that this seemingly normal-looking guy actually walks with these three beauties.

Without caring about those curious or amazing eyes, the four people toured the clean town. Because it was evening, the town where there was no night market was ready to close early. The iron swordsman was busy sealing his charcoal stove, and the crossbow master was also packing up the arrows hanging at the door of the store. Occasionally, several naughty children played on the road and were also taken back to eat by their own adults. The dusk gradually came, and the town soon became quiet. Sius and his party quickly found a hotel to stay, but soon the problem arose: money.

"I don't have any money." When the boss asked for a deposit from Xius, Xiusi took it for granted.

Hu Chiyo also clapped his hands very simply, "We only have wine pots."

Lucia, who had a little common sense, took out the wedding ring given to her by the viscount. "I ran out of dried meat before. If I want to say something that can be more valuable, this is the only thing I have. Press here first. Can the money in the store make us owe it for one night first?"

The boss kept nodding in sweat. He lowered his head and looked very panicked, but he did not dare to accept the ring in Lucia's hand. The people next to him can see that the boss is afraid, and there is nothing they can do. Everyone can see that these people are not ordinary people. In the past, it was not strange for those who went out without money. No matter who comes out in this situation, they can only let people live for nothing. The other party is a knife and a sword. This kind of small shop is never dared. Offended.

Ellie swept the three guys back and forth two or three times with very contemptuous and resentful eyes, and reluctant to take out some silver coins from her pocket: "I only brought my own travel expenses. If it doesn't go on like this, it will run out." Anyone who pays four people with their own savings will be very unhappy, and one of them is nominally his own young master.

"It seems necessary to discuss how to earn some travel expenses." Looking at the three people in front of him, the poor young master, Moses, was not in a hurry at all. Of course, this provoked Ellie's more contemptuous look.

The boss doesn't care so much. Seeing that someone paid, he immediately smiled and hurriedly greeted others to send this group of uncles upstairs. The rest was not his business.

As soon as Sus and his party left, a man in black came out of the curtain behind the boss: "Are you sure the other party has moved?"

"Yes, I'm staying." The boss bowed slightly and turned his face with respect.

"Not bad." The man in black nodded slightly, took out a heavy black bag and gave it to the boss. " Empty all the residents on the second floor."

"Of course, I have arranged everything." The boss tightened the money bag in his arms with a smile, "For the glory of God."

"For the glory of God." Pulling up the hood behind him, he hid into the darkness again.

At this time, there was a noise outside the door. In the noisy horseshoe and shouting, a group of knights in the armor of the Oga army strode into the hotel.

"Boss! We have bought this store!" The leading girl shouted, and in an instant, the boss's face seemed to have changed and suffered directly.

"Well, military, military master, this, this is not good! There are already guests in the shop. His panic this time is not pretending. He just received other people's money!

"I'll pay double the money and ask them to go out to live." She didn't care so much and directly smashed a pile of golden marks on the counter.

Seeing the money, the boss's eyelids jumped fiercely, and then he began to regret taking over the matter in such a hurry. But those people are not good at it! If you change your mind, you may even put your life in it. After weighing back and forth, he still felt that his life was more important: "I'm really sorry that the shop really can't do anything against morality. The military master raised his hand!"

Claudia, who stood aside, couldn't stand it anymore. She sat next to Elizabeth and said, "Your Highness, this is a small place, so it's better not to argue with this group of civilians."

Although her voice is not loud, the boss facing Elizabeth can naturally hear it. Your Highness? The boss's face turned white in an instant when he thought of something. He also met some people on the market, and he still knows what kind of person he can be called His Royal Highness by a knight.

Before the boss came to his sense, Elizabeth, who felt that Claudia's words were quite reasonable, hesitated for a moment, "Then give us all the upper floor of your store."

"Ah!" The boss is dumbfounded. His small hotel only has two floors. I just wrapped the upper layer to that group of guys to do unclean things, and now it's retribution?

"Come on, go and invite all the guests above!" Without giving him time to figure it out, Elizabeth was one thing, and the three knights ran upstairs. They are armor and swords. How can a waiter dare to stop them? All of them can't be avoided.

Looking at these old men rushing up like this, the boss showed an expression of giving up: Forget it, it's up to you. Anyway, I don't care.

After listening to the heavy footsteps walking back and forth on the floor for two or three times, it came down quickly, "Report! There is no one on the upper floor!"

Alas? No one? The boss opened his eyes wide and sent the four people up before. Why was there no one there? Have their hands and feet been solved so quickly?

It didn't give him the right to choose at all. Elizabeth waved happily, "Well, since there is no one, we will wrap it up, so you won't complain!"

"Your Highness is wise." Claudia closed her eyes slightly and habitually bowed and flattered.

Princes Elizabeth, who felt that it was a good thing for the first time, happily took the lead and went upstairs. Now she understands why it is easy for those noble children to become dans. Compared with being a knight in the army, it is better to abide by various regulations and rules like asceticism. She swaggers to be her own highness, which is much more comfortable. She is tired of playing micro-service private interview games and still likes to go out for her greatest feeling.

Listening to the footsteps upstairs, Chiyo sat on the ground with his head on his hands, leaning against the door of the dark utility room under the corridor. The wine gourd beside him had been opened. Obviously, he had just drunk some. Lucia squatted beside her and pinched her nose. After being smoked by this dirty environment, she was going to be smoked by Chiyo's wine. She couldn't help whispering, "Can't you not drink it?"

"If we don't drink, we will be eaten by the wine worms in our stomachs. Hey hey, no, no!" The samurai girl took another sip with a smile.

"Chiyo, whisper." Xiusi, who leaned against the wall with dragon teeth in his arms, closed his eyes and reminded him.

Ellie, who was standing face to face with him, stared at her two-color pupils and looked back directly at these people, with an unhappy face, "Hey, haven't you explained why we hid in this place?"

Xius opened his eyes, and his black eyes did not shine as clearly in the dark as Ellie's pair of dragon pupils. "Someone should want to be against us."

Seus said, and the answer was indeed Chiyo, "Oh? Where did Xiu come from?"

"No, it's just a feeling." He closed his eyes after saying such irresponsible words.

"From the feeling!" Chiyo did not raise any objection. She seemed to think of something, slightly clicked, and then sent her gourd to her mouth.

Ellie has become more unhappy. Is it because he has to squat here all night by himself? The maid, who had always been straightforward, had not opened her mouth. Lucia opened her mouth first. Since Xius recovered her memory, she hasn't talked to him much, or she felt that she was a little afraid of Xius, but this time she still raised the courage to whisper: "Is there no basis?"

"No, probably." Xius gave an uncertain answer again.

Lucia was speechless. This explanation was difficult to accept, but she still did not dare to contradict Xius, so she could only lower her head silently.

Ellie was about to get angry when suddenly, Hu Chiyo said, "Actually, I also wanted to say that there was something wrong at the beginning. Didn't you find that the boss seemed to know Xiu?"

"Hmm?" The other two looked at Xiusi at the same time and confirmed Chiyo's words. For this, Xiusi shook his head slightly.

Chiyo smiled and said, "The one of us who looks most like the leader is Lucy, not Xiu, but the object he asked for the deposit at the beginning was Xiu. Don't you think it's strange?"