Magic Sword

02 Dark Church

Ellie, who unconsciously leaned against the wall and fell asleep, unconsciously nodded, and suddenly there was a roaring footsteps in the corridor overhead. The maid was shocked and woke up. She just wanted to say something instinctively and found that her mouth had been covered by someone. Ellie immediately wanted to fight back, and a red eye stared at herself in a trance, "Quiet." The maid trembled with fear, and the instinct left in her blood made her subconsciously give in.

At this time, Ellie realized that she was still hiding in the debris room under the corridor, and one hand covered her mouth and pressed her head on the wall, which was Xius, who had stood opposite her before.

The maid struggled a little, and then Moses lightens the strength of his hand. He made a hiss gesture and pointed to the corridor above his head.

Ellie nodded and struggled to push away Seus' hand. After failure, she could only stare at Seus with her two-color pupils and knocked on Seus' arm vigorously, signaling him to let go quickly.

Seeing that she was awake, Susi withdrew his hand. At this time, there was a timely sound of pulling a knife from above his head.

"Who are you?" A middle-pitated man shouted loudly, and it seemed that he wanted to wake up his companions. It's just that when Sius heard this sound, the expression on his face was a little gloomy.

"Who are you?" The other side's voice sounds like a gray and low feeling, like an old man who died immediately, but it is obvious that there can't be such a role standing on it.

"We asked first, and you answer first." This time, a woman's voice sounded. Lucia and Hu Chiyo looked at Sius coincidentally. Xius nodded, and the three people thought together. This was Claudia's voice.

"Where are the four people who came up before? Answer me." But it is obvious that the other party has no face at all.

At this time, a clear footstep from far to near: "Who is it? Ah, it's so noisy in the middle of the night. Are you...the sanctuary of darkness?"

"Who are you?" Then came the sound of the sword coming out of its sheath, and the group of people behind seemed to kill people because they were recognized.

"The Dark Church can have such an aboveboard activity in Saprus. It seems that King Saprus should also be replaced." The woman who recognized the other party's identity did not feel nervous at all. Listening to the sound on the floor, she seemed to find a chair and sat down. "I know that you lost the assassination target by yourself and found the mourning family in a muddle. The mourning family is not in the mood to play with your group of little heads. Get out quickly."

This man's tone is quite strong, and everyone who will be present for a while will be scared. When Xiusi heard this voice, he looked at Hu Chiyo, who nodded and confirmed that it was the woman he had met on the road before.

"Excuse me, are you?" Later, this group of people were suddenly reported to their families, and they began to feel guilty and couldn't help talking carefully.

At this time, Claudia's voice sounded, "Your Highness's name is not something you can ask. Go back quickly, or you will be unforgivable."

"We are looking for a blaspioner with taboo power. Do you understand what this means? No one of you can stop our actions, otherwise, there will be no mercy.

There seemed to be a tough figure here, and the atmosphere on the corridor became tense for a while. Xiusi and his party, who hide on the other side to watch the fire, are looking forward to such a development. Anyway, both sides have no good intentions for themselves. It's better to let them break their own head and bleed.

At this moment of tension, a voice that sounded young came in, "Don't be impatient, don't be impatient, we don't mean anything."

Hearing this sound, Ellie couldn't help grinning. At this time, there were such people who came to do peace. But for some reason, Xius felt that the game was not good, and he waved to Lucia to her over.

The girl who didn't know what Xius wanted to do did not hesitate and carefully came to Xius' side. She was a little flustered and couldn't see Xius face clearly in the dark, so she was a little relieved.

At the same time, the above dialogue also continued.

"Then put away your swords first." Probably because she felt that she had the upper hand, and Claudia's tone sounded quite rude.

However, the other party didn't care about her rudeness, and still said in that slow tone, "I'll find out the person we are looking for, so that the matter can be solved perfectly?"

"Andre, why don't you do it quickly if you can find out!" Although the speaker sounded very angry, he could also feel his relief.

"Ah, well, it's still not urgent. Even if they hear it, they may not believe it, so we just need to wait for them to slowly walk into the trap." The slow voice said without any tension at all, as if he was not afraid to hear it at all.

And the group of people who are listening now are indeed surprised, and even Hu Chiyo, who has always been confident, frowned. The other party's words seem to lead himself out, but if there is, then staying here is tantamount to sitting and waiting for death.

Before Lucia and Ellie made a judgment in their hearts, Seus simply stuffed Lucia in front of him into Ellie's arms: "You take her first. I'll go out for the second time. Chiyo will find a way to escape after I go out."

"Alas? Why?" Lucia's eyes widened, and she didn't want to be lost by Sius again.

"No reason. If you don't meet them on the way, leave a mark by the door of Belsas College and then agree on the meeting place. Do you understand?" Sius, who has always disliked to explain, made a very decisive decision.

Ellie took a deep look at Xius and nodded. She didn't understand why Xiusi did this, but she decided to help her take care of Xius, so it was only her duty to carry out every order. Whether this decision was right or wrong, she didn't want to consider the result. Not because of complete belief, but lack of interest in understanding.

Hu Chiyo's expression was also a little confused at this time, but she still nodded. She was very good at analyzing, but Susi's decision was too fast to give him time to analyze the reason. Even so, the girl still believes in the judgment of Tius unconditionally, because such a Tius is the one she is familiar with.

After making a plan, she ignored what the group of people above were talking about. After Ellie kicked open the door of the storage room, she hugged Lucia and rushed out like an arrow from the string. Before the people outside could react, she rushed out directly from the main door.

"The mouse is out, chase!" The leader of the man in black roared and ordered his men to chase him out.

At this time, a young man who looked just an ordinary ranger swordsman suddenly appeared in front of them, and his black eyes stared at them without any divine light. "Bugg, noisy."

The man in black did not recognize him, but the knights behind them did. That piercing murderous look completely ignored any life, Claudia almost subconsciously pulled out her sword, and Barbado also protected Elizabeth in front of Elizabeth at the first time. They all knew that whether the other party was a civilian prisoner or the Oga royal family, the man in front of them would kill him on the spot without hesitation.

Magic Sword Sius is extremely dangerous and extremely high.

"Stay alive." It's not that people in black don't know who they are facing, but they subconsciously feel that it is impossible for them to stay behind, and even if they are, they will only be regarded as lucky at this moment.

After a second, no one will think so.

It's just a moment. Everyone found a black line in their sight.

This black line looks as if the scenery has been cut very delicately, and this opening is connected into a straight line in his sight.

It seems that the scene here was separated by a glass, and then someone cut the glass with something.

There was no sound at all, but the glass in front of him broke. With this black line, the crack expanded in an instant, and then the glass silently broke into countless pieces and dissipated in the air.

When the glass painting was broken and dissipated, it revealed the real scene in their respective eyes: some people saw the broken bodies and blood on the ground; some people saw that the unsculpable houses were about to collapse; others directly saw the endless darkness because they were dead.

The hotel that was good just now is as bloody as a slaughterhouse.

"True Words · Return to Death!" What he spoke was the slow voice before. At this time, there was no such leisure in this voice, and it was completely urgent to wait for the truth.

Then something even more strange happened.

Those shredded people in black floated out of thin air as if time went back, and then quickly reconnected together. A second later, these dead people miraculously came back to life. No, maybe the dead just now was just an illusion!

Just as everyone present thought so, the ceiling fell down with a bang.

Human life is important, and the hotel is not their business. The best hotel in this town broke directly from the middle in less than ten seconds, and the walls on both sides fell into the original store.

"Cough." Fortunately, there are not many ordinary people in the store at this time, but when such a group of people crawl out of the store in confusion, how can they see the shadow of Xius?