Magic Sword

05 Human nature of the murderer

This result was only foreseen by Theus after dropping the sword.

According to the original idea, after killing the other party's people with one sword, they will be in a hurry to avenge their companions, so Chiyo will have a great chance to escape.

But he saw the scene where the other party resurrect his person again in an instant after he issued the sword, which became the most direct variable he expected. The killed and resurrected enemies must become timid after fright and dare not chase them immediately. At this time, it is easy to recall that only three people have gone out on their side, and there should be another person still left in the hotel.

Although he had foreseen this result at that time, Sus did not immediately save Chiyo. His intuition told him that it was too late. If he had gone at that time, no matter whether the knights would participate in the war or not, his grand appearance would put Chiyo in danger, so he simply left directly. Their goal was themselves. With Chiyo's wisdom, at least before she caught her. It's still safe.

In order to test his judgment, Suses deliberately went straight to find Lucia and the others as if there were no pursuers.

It actually proved that there were no pursuers, which showed that the enemy with hostages probably felt that there was no need to spend energy on chasing them, just waiting for themselves to throw themselves into the trap.

In this regard, Sus decided to lead the other party out, either exchanging hostages or killing the other party little by little and forcing them to hand over thousands of generations. However, Lucia's inadvertent mask gave him a more appropriate way.

Just erase the mark casually to find the people who are secretly monitoring. So after doing all this, Xius went straight to the campus. There are not many people at Belsas College, and it is easy to find it if someone follows it.

deliberately slowing down, and Susi quietly looked for people who might follow him with the corner of his eyes. The code was erased by a stranger, and it was impossible for the other party not to come to see what was going on.

The sheep intestine path on the campus is paved with square stone bricks. The trees on both sides are lush and lush, and the treetops are covered with roses that are about to open. It's just that Xiusi is not in the mood to appreciate this quiet, because soon this quiet will become weird due to death.

There are three people behind him, which is expected. If there is no spy, he will be so stupid that he will be the only one around and follow him.

Now these three people are: a female student in uniform, a man dressed as a civilian, and a guy who also looks like a deacon. Xius was thinking about which of the three people was the other's spy, or all three?

After just one thought, Xius no longer spends his brain thinking about this problem. If it is Lucia, she may be worried about which one is, and then make a bet; if it is Tiger Chiyo, she may set some scenarios to judge whether it is true or false through analysis. But if it's him, the above two options are impossible. He doesn't have Lucia's gambling nature or the wisdom of Chiyo. He is Xius, the ruthless and murderous Xius. Even if he becomes extremely weak when he loses his memory, he is still the authentic murderer and the murderer who can't turn back.

What about those who are irrelevant? Since it has been involved, it is fate. Yes! It's fate, just like myself at the beginning. The eyes of Xiusi, who kept talking in his heart, gradually became cold, and the dagger in his sleeve shook slightly and stopped shaking.

Then he suddenly turned around.

The murderous pavement came, and the three people behind them were stunned at the same time. Their expressions were confused but innocent, just like their classmates who died in their hands. Xius' face was like ice, sweeping his cold eyes over the three people. But he did not do it immediately. At this time, the mind of the dictator who waved his hand at will and deprived him of life was not as stable as on the surface, at least lost the reckless determination of the past.

It's like trying to save the sick old cat and abandon the kittens. Sius glanced back and forth again for two rounds, but still didn't do anything.

At this time, suddenly the female student shouted, "You! It's you!"

A light flashed in her mind, and the female student's face overlapped with someone in her memory. It's not that person, but it's very similar. The young magic swordsman who died at his hands in this college a year ago was the first person to push himself into the road to Shura and the first victim.

Thinking of this, Xius directly turned his eyes to the other two. Because there is almost no possibility of her. If she can recognize herself, she doesn't need to follow her at all, but let the master ambush here.

The housekeeper seemed to realize something and turned around and ran back.

Xius threw the dagger directly in his sleeve, and then the next second, the teenager patted his hand on the civilian who had not escaped. The dagger that had just flown out was now on the man's throat.

"Tell me where you hide people." The cold light of the dagger reflected the cold eyes of the teenager.

"What are you talking about?"

"At the moment he ran away just now, your frightened expression relaxed." The teenager's faint answer shattered his last fluke.

The man was silent, or should have acquiesced. He lowered his head without saying a word.

The female student who didn't run away just now stared at Susus with panic, doubt and hatred in her eyes. Just now, she subconsciously called out, but she didn't expect that she was not the person in her memory after seeing it clearly. Holding the book in her arms, the girl did not leave, because she was afraid that she would miss something as soon as she walked like this.

"Who are you?" With courage, she asked with a trembling voice.

Sius pulled down his eyelids and deliberately didn't look at her. He suppressed his voice and replied, "Get out, it's none of your business."

seemed to think of something, and the hand holding the knife trembled. Just between the relaxation of Xiusi's mind at this moment, the detective with his throat seemed to notice the gap and rushed his neck to the blade.

Of course, Xiusi didn't want to kill him now. When he came back, he subconsciously pulled back the knife in his hand and took this opportunity. The detective's mouth stomped, and a mouth of pus overflowed from his mouth.

Bastard, he committed suicide!

Sius was shocked and regretful. He reached out and pinched the man's mouth, and a smell of poisonous blood spewed out.

This is very ridiculous. According to Betty, his father should be a devil or something. What is stealing the power of God? Of course, there is also a preliminary explanation for this matter in their memory, that is, they think that Xius stole the eternal power of Alfilorenz, the god of time and space.