Magic Sword

08 exchange conditions

Seeing that the fireball was about to fall from the sky, Xius decided to let go. I don't know what will happen if it is chopped off, but it's much better than falling on the ground!

Just as Tius was about to put his idea into practice, a sharp and long bird song penetrated the whole night sky of Belsus. A blue bird emitting a light that could not even hide from thunder and lightning rushed straight to the fireball. Before Erina could operate her technique and let the fireball avoid the bluebird, the blue bird swallowed the fireball in one bite.

Then, the thunder in the sky stopped abruptly, as if nothing had happened.

"It's that hateful bird again."

Alina's voice was quite unwilling. She seemed to have forgotten that Xius, who forced her to such a situation, and all her resentment turned to the bird who ate the fireball. In contrast, Xius was relieved. He looked at the shining blue bird getting smaller and fell on the shoulder of a middle-aged man who stood opposite Xius when it became the size of a pigeon.

"Elina, I told you not to use such dangerous moves. It's wartime, and the college doesn't have enough money."

"Shut up! You bastard, how long do you want to imprison me here!"

"Well, I can't disobey your father's instructions, and I have no choice but to tie you here. I thought you could get married and have children here, and a stable family could neutralizing your manic personality, but I didn't expect you to be like this now. Alas, blame me for not thinking well at the beginning."

Suddenly, he was left behind and didn't understand the current situation. Originally, these two people should have come to stop him from slaughtering students. Why did they become like this? It's just that the two people in front of them don't seem to care what Xius wants to do now, but continue to quarrel, as if Xius is invisible in their eyes.

"You bastard, hurry up and remove your disgusting spell! Otherwise, I will destroy all of this college now!"

"Well, why is that? How nice that gentle and amiable Erina is during the day. As long as you don't release your wildness everywhere, I don't have to tie you here all the time."

"What do you want me to do?"

"According to the original agreement, if you get married, find a man to marry and have children, I can let you go."

The two talked about themselves. Six knew that he had been ignored, but the middle-aged man did not look easy to mess with. For a while, he couldn't figure out how to deal with him. It's just that the other party hasn't done anything so far, which shows that this fight can't be fought. Xius put away his dragon teeth and coughed softly:

"Are you the dean?"

"Well, no, but I can represent the dean."

The middle-aged man was not surprised by Hughes's interruption, or he wanted Hughes to interrupt his conversation with the chattering woman. For this woman to stay here, it was just a commission many years ago, so she could delay. Xiusi didn't notice this. His thoughts are all about this man now. Since the other party said so, does it mean that he knows what he wants to ask? With a tentative mood, Xius asked directly:

"So you are here to answer my question?"

"Yes, the dean said that we don't need to blame others." The man casually glanced at the group of students who died by the lake, and there was not much emotion in his eyes. He just glanced casually and turned his eyes back to Xius. "The sisters in your family were asked by Count Dowell himself to send them back. But the people we sent to them were not sent to Farsas. The two sisters were picked up by the people sent by the count. When they came back, they felt that there should be someone inside, but it was too late.

Sius frowned. He knew that there was no need for the man to lie to himself at all, so if he ruled out the possibility of lies, the greatest possibility was that someone would deal with the Daw Verl family. So who is this family? Tius himself did not know what enemies Count Dowaire had among the nobles, so he probably had to ask the Marquis of Blinden about this matter.

After getting the news he wanted, Xius knew that he had nothing to stay here. He turned around and was about to leave. At this time, the man opened his mouth again.

"However, you killed so many of our students, aren't you going to compensate for anything?"

Hearing the other party's dangerous tone, Susi turned his face and gave him a malicious smile. He said in an indifferent and even sarcastic tone:

"If I had killed so many people a year ago, I don't think you would have sent me to death row, right!"

Men are silent. Yes, there is no absolute justice in this world. The so-called justice is not strong because of justice, but because strength is justice. His ability to clarify this matter shows that he already has the power to treat them equally. Originally, the absurd thing that a human being clarified to a monkey that he did not kill his family would never happen.

"But you must compensate for the loss of the college, otherwise, I can't let you out of this college." The man with a pale face stretched out his hand, and the blue bird on his shoulder stood up and flew around the man. As long as the man gave an order, it would immediately attack Seus.

"Ha, are you threatening me?"

Although Xiusi feels that his chance of winning is not great, it does not mean that this small college can make him bow his head, and how can he know if he doesn't try to fight this kind of thing? But unexpectedly, Erina, who had just beaten you with Sus, suddenly turned her spearhead and pointed her staff at the man:

"Ky, I'll help you."

"Hey, Erina, I'm also an elder watching you grow up. How can you be like this?"

The murder revealed just now was completely gone. The middle-aged man showed a very headache. The boy doesn't care, but Alina must not be hurt, otherwise her father didn't know how to settle accounts with himself when he heard it. Thinking of this, he felt that his head hurt more. Cute Lina didn't seem to be joking, so she opened her mouth and told his information:

"Note that the damn bird flying on this man's head is called disgust, not a god-like swallow, but to be rejected by the gods. This bird is not a creature, but a demigod arm. Everything swallowed by it, whether it is magic or sword, will disappear, but I don't know why it never swallows living things, so as long as you pester the damn bird, I can solve this bastard alone.

In fact, Xius feels that he has a better solution now. That is, it is proposed not to join hands with this crazy woman to deal with the middle-aged man in exchange and let him leave, which is more cost-effective for that man. After all, it is relatively heavier than the lives of the students who have died, whether it is his own or the crazy woman. Xius thinks this idea is quite good, but it seems that this proposal will be more secure if it is put forward by the other party.

Just as Sus was waiting for the middle-aged man to speak, he suddenly sighed.

"Oh, forget it, Professor Miskai has caused me enough trouble, especially your troublesome daughter. I'm not his son-in-law. Why do I have to worry so much for you? The imprisoning of Alina spell was done by the professor himself, so I can't untie it. What's the use of complaining about me?

After sighing again like a middle-aged uncle complaining about his work, the man suddenly raised his head. A trace of cunning flashed in his eyes:

"That's it! Boy, as compensation. This big trouble will be handed over to you. This bracelet is the center of the range of the operation. Alina can't leave the magic ten kilometers. As long as this thing is not in the hands of Alina, the professor will not receive a notice.

Sius was stunned and didn't expect the other party to say such a thing, but the middle-aged man didn't seem to care about Xius's opinion. He turned his face to the witch floating in the sky and said:

"Alina, I can't go out in college, so you can follow this boy. In this way, you can go out to play at will. Of course, if you have someone you like, ask him to give the bracelet to others. If the professor comes back, I will tell him that you have found a boyfriend and went out for a honeymoon with him.

"No! Whoever wants to go out with him, I will kill him when he goes out!"

"Alas, this must not work. If the bracelet falls to the ground, you can't pick it up by yourself, otherwise the professor will immediately notice and catch you back. It's better for you to go out than to be locked in the college all the time!"

The middle-aged man persuaded painstakingly. It seemed that he was really afraid of this job, and Xius himself was now in a weak state and seemed to have no choice. For this, Sius is very open-open. Since the bracelet is the center, as long as you find a horse and hang the bracelet on the horse's tail, you can always say goodbye to this crazy woman. He didn't care about the verbal dispute at this moment.

After comforting for a long time, the manic female magician gradually settled down. Seeing a smile on the middle-aged man's face, Sus knew that she should agree. Well, the man came to himself with a smile.

"Oh, boy, Alina is the strongest thunder magician in Oga, so I gave her to you. For so many years, you are the only young man I have seen who has the ability. You treat her well, not to mention that you provoked Emperor Oga, but even if you provoked the gods, there will be someone to help you.

The man patted Xius heavily on the shoulder and stuffed the golden bracelet in his hand to Xius, as if it was such a hot potato. For this, Xius could only blink and said nothing.