Magic Sword

15 Eight Kings

Afield away from the encounter between Xius and Oga, a blonde boy was shaking his feet and looking at the clouds rolling away in the sky with great interest.

"It seems that there are still two things."

After making such a simple evaluation, the boy floated up from the tree. Yes, it's not flying, it's floating. It floats leisurely in a completely powerless state, like a feather. Or a little lighter than feathers, when he floated forward, he was not as slow as the floating technique of an ordinary mage, but suddenly accelerated in an irregular acceleration way, and then suddenly stopped in front of the Seus motorcade.

Appeared like a ghost and naturally shocked the guards who had become frightened birds, and then a broad sword came towards them.

Stop the convoy and kill, the samurai of the Order did nothing wrong.

The angle and timing of his sword were very decisive, so the sword cut on the teenager without any suspense.

But the skin and flesh flaw he expected did not appear. On the contrary, the blade seemed to have stabbed the imperial dragon armor, so the force of the stone sank into the sea, and the sharp blade could not pierce the white gorgeous suit anyway.

The golden teenager casually stretched out his hand and pushed the religious warrior. The warrior who was originally wearing the imperial dragon armor suddenly felt a soft sound, and then the imperial dragon armor, which he had hard to get and regarded as a treasure, instantly collapsed into countless pieces. Obviously, this set of imperial dragon armor has been completely destroyed, and even the best dwarves can no longer repair it.

The warrior looked at the teenager in front of him in astonishment and his extremely bright smile:

"You know, you are the first person in two hundred years to dare to do this to me who hasn't died yet! Thank you very well, master."

After saying that, he went straight to Xius' horse.

Xius, who has already rode on the horse, naturally saw this scene from afar. It's not that he doesn't feel sorry for the set of imperial dragon armor, but if it is a pity related person, it doesn't seem strange to destroy a set of imperial dragon armor casually. The young emperor waved his hand, and the warriors around him gave way one after another, allowing the blonde teenager to come to Xius.

"Good afternoon, you don't look very good!"

The teenager greeted very well. Xiusi only knew that the teenager was called Kong, and he didn't know any other information. It seemed that he was not here to fight. After obtaining the preliminary inference, Suss did not continue his words and asked:

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to accompany you to Palsa."

The teenager's words are amazing, but his face is still smiling, as if these have been discussed with Xius for a long time. If it had been before, Xius would have refused without hesitation, but although there was a certain guarantee for this trip to Parsa, he wanted to retreat completely. To be honest, Xius was not so naive. But to ensure the combat power of Magic Sword City, you can only bring such a few people out


He didn't refuse, but asked. The golden teenager still looks like that smiling:

"Actually, I'm not willing to come, but I also have something to do when I go to Palsa. If I follow you, I will save a lot of trouble."

The teenager said half-true and half-false, and to be honest, Sus couldn't be sure that some of his words were true or false. However, since it was the other party who took the initiative to ask for it, Xiusi felt that he could not let go of this opportunity:

"Yes, but as a condition, I want to know something."

"No problem, I can say it to you. Naturally, I will know everything and say everything."

The teenager used a relatively rare ancient phrase on the continent, which made Teus feel that there was something wrong with it, but when he thought about it carefully, it was difficult to detect what was, so he had to put this idea aside for the time being.

So, two black and white horses walked side by side in the center of the line. In the afterglow of the afternoon, the convoy drove slowly in the direction of 10 million Olsen Fortress.

"Who are you?"

Seus felt that he would start with this question, although he had already vaguely felt something. The teenager did not hide it. He pulled the reins and swayed casually as the horse walked:

"Me and Lian are both people of the Divine Gate. Well, according to your words, it should be called the demon world!"

The teenager pretended to squint inadvertently and glanced. He was not surprised to see Sus's expression, as if he had known it for a long time. Of course, Xiusi didn't know it for a long time, but Lian's identity was too different from her strength, coupled with the battle to kill the Ogadi Dragon Army. Anyone can guess three points, not to mention that there are people like Hu Qiandai around him.

So, does it really have anything to do with the demon world? According to Betty, he should be the illegitimate son of the Eight Kings, but... Thinking of something unpleasant, Susie shook his head subconsciously and continued to ask:

"Why do you want to help me?"

Hearing this sentence, I smiled blankly and brightly. Indeed, even if he denied that it was his own personal matter to accompany Xius this time, the pity words had been unreservedly used force. As a partner, Kong cannot deny this fact. But this answer, the teenager answered quite ambiguously:

"Because you may be our partner, I will help you."

What is possible? Can't he even tell me from the enemy? Xiusi was naturally dissatisfied with this answer. He lowered his head slightly and was slightly unhappy:

"What do you mean?"

"Hey, do you know the eight kings of the demon world? It's not the demon king you fooled with ordinary people, but the eight kings of the demon world, do you know?

Sius didn't understand why he suddenly changed the topic, but if he wanted to explain... Susie nodded. He heard the name of the Eight Kings from Betty, and one of them may be his biological father, which is what Betty said.

"Then you certainly don't know who the eight kings are."

The teenager shook his head and said, showing a sense of ridiculing. In response, Xius also nodded.

Like a magician who wants to solve the mystery, the blonde teenager showed a proud and playful smile:

"In that case, I will kindly tell you! The first is the King of Pity, the King of Mercy, who leads the throne and is also the regent, and is nominally the emperor's mother of the next generation; the second is the King of Hengquan, who is in charge of the order of Xingdou, but in fact, he is actually a nagging guy; three or four are the Night King, and the Star King, who is in charge of the ambush God and Tianzheng. Of course, because there is no war, they That is, it is just idle; in the future, it is dust, Xi, Ting and Kong, in the name of the king, respected by all the people. Well, in fact, it is also idle. Then one day, an old man named Guan Yan thought that this group of guys were too idle, so he thought of a reason and drove all the eight kings here, saying that it was possible to stimulate the emperor's blood and create a new emperor when passing through the boundary gate. So the king of pity, who had been keen on his mission, came first, and then successively, several others were also chased out, and you may be one of them. Do you understand?"

The teenager's words are quite humorous, and there are many complaints, but the amount of information contained therein is enough for Susi to digest for half a day.

Are the eight kings of the demon world? And the one in front of him is the same? How did they pass through the boundary gate?

But after thinking about it, Susi found that he did not know what the eight kings of the demon world were, but what he was most concerned about now was not this problem:

"Well, I want to know, does the Night King you mentioned have an illegitimate child?"

The topic suddenly turned to this kind of gossip, and the teenager couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He didn't understand why this guy suddenly cared about his private life at night, but this kind of thing that had nothing to do with the overall situation was not worth thinking about:

"That guy Ye is very romantic. What's wrong?"

Sius was silent. He knew that he was too impatient just now. Even if they are the same eight kings, it is impossible to know about each other's illegitimate children. It's a pity, but I have to change the topic:

"Nothing, so you can't even recognize your partner?"

"Yes, unless he becomes a new emperor," he looked at Sius slightly. "Xi's guy is a coquettish guy. To be honest, I think he has become an emperor and a coquettish guy. He can't be as rigid as you. Xing's words are not much like him. He is full of ideals and wishes every day, and you are obviously a guy who has no ideals and lacks wishes. If it's a little possible, it's not to stay overnight. If he really becomes an emperor, he will be really interesting.

It seemed that he thought of something funny. The blonde teenager put his hands behind his head and smiled at the sky. This makes Sius a little confused and opposes the resurrection of the emperor?

"Don't you want the emperor to be resurrected?"

Seus asked as a matter of course. In response, the teenager smiled gently:

"Do you want your god to come to this world?"

ius is speechless. Indeed, if God really comes to this world, it will be either war or people will lose a lot of freedom! Moreover, when the imperial system has been established, if the gods come, maybe human beings will fight with the gods themselves. At least Xiusi himself doesn't like to have something that looks down on him every day.

Without waiting for Sus to finish thinking, Kong continued:

"The relationship between the eight kings and the emperor is not so simple. To be honest, I have never seen the legendary emperor, but since I was born, someone has been saying that you must work hard to resurrect someone at all costs. How do you think you will feel? Needless to say, I feel great about that guy! Among the eight kings, only Lian was one who wanted to resurrect the emperor, but unfortunately she couldn't applaud. The surrender ceremony is a ceremony that can only be carried out by the eight kings, so those old guys can't and dare not do anything to us. Well, after saying so much, do you remember anything?