Magic Sword

16 Emperor's Blood

Of course, Sius couldn't think of anything. He just shook his head slightly.

I probably didn't expect myself to figure it out in a few words. I stretched out, and my whole body became lazy. I leaned on the saddle and continued:

"In fact, to be precise, there is no emperor. The so-called new emperor is just a tool to resurrect the emperor. For Shenmen, it is impossible to live without an emperor. If the new emperor really appears like this, I really hope to see the legendary peerless emperor who sweeps the wilderness and howls.

Seeing the real yearning in the teenager's eyes, Susi thought for a moment, and suddenly began to wonder what kind of person the emperor was. The conclusion from the perverted old man Bert is quite ambiguous, so what kind of person is their emperor in the legend of the demon world?

"What kind of person is the emperor?"

Sius asked bluntly, but this sentence stunned Kong, and the teenager tilted his head slightly:

"It should be a good person! But I'm just looking at the records. After all, as the key to the Resurrection Emperor, it is impossible for you or me to see the emperor. The only one among the eight kings who may have seen the emperor is pity, but she has always been like that, and we rarely talk. During the millennium divine war, the emperor always avoided the war with the lower world. At that time, we were in a weak state. After the creation of the divine world, the emperor's power has been quite weak, but basically the war was maintained in the upper world of the war against gods. He said that the people below are innocent, and they will not kill meaninglessly without being involved in them.

After listening to this sentence, Susus felt strange, because he heard a completely different version, but this did not prevent him from continuing to ask.

"What about the dragon clan?"

"Hmm?" Hearing that Moses mentioned the dragon clan, he turned his head slightly strangely, "Do you remember anything?"


"Don't you remember?"

He narrowed his eyes, and he seemed to feel that Xius was pretending to be stupid:

"The Eight Kings come from the Dragon Blood Project. If you don't remember anything, how can you ask the dragon clan as soon as you open your mouth?"

This stunned Susus's question. He really didn't know what the relationship between the Eight Kings and the Dragon Blood Plan was. In order not to let the other party misunderstand, he quickly explained:

"You said that the emperor maintained the war against God, but in fact, the dragon clan has perished. I'm just asking this."

"What, this~!"

Discovering that it was not a breakthrough, the blonde teenager turned his head with some regret. He resumed his lazy posture and continued to explain:

"The dragon clan is the servant of the gods, which is naturally regarded as the upper world. What's more, the emperor is the strongest dragon, but the dragon clan has defected to the gods, and the destruction of the clan is just more than death."

Sius didn't hear it very clearly, and there were many faults of information. He thought it was better to ask a little bit:

"Isn't the emperor human?"

"Yes, but when hell participated in the war, the king of hell finally died at the hands of the emperor, and then the emperor got the god of the strongest dragon. Later, when he asked the dragon clan to withdraw from the war, the dragon clan was unwilling. They wanted to die by themselves. No one else was to blame.

What the blonde teenager said was quite disdainful, which made Susis a little strange, but there were too many new nouns, and Xius felt a little unable to turn around:


Huh? Ah, yes, hell, but it has been completely destroyed by the emperor. Except for those who are relatively strong and can escape from the bloodline of the final emperor's dragon branch, everything else has been completely destroyed. After all, the emperor directly wiped out the hell.

Erase... The word was said many times in Betty's mouth at that time. From Betty's mouth, the emperor's real strength should be the treasure called Shenmen, and in the mouth of the eight kings of the demon world, all their worship was aimed at the emperor. Is there anything strange about it? Just asius lowered his head and thought, suddenly, an inspiration flashed from his mind:

"Wait, do you think there is an escape? The dragon clan did not perish?

"Well, no!"

I don't know why Xius was suddenly so excited. The blonde teenager was stunned for a moment and answered him:

"The divine servant side has basically been destroyed. Because the hell dragon clan is not one with the dragon clan, their god is the final emperor dragon, so the revenge has not been completely destroyed by the emperor."

"Oh, that's it."

It turns out that it is not one, so it can't be determined. Xiusi lowered his head and thought hard, making the empty next to him not know what he was struggling with.

"What, do you remember anything?"

"No, but there are some problems that I can't figure out."

Looking at him lowering his head and muttering, he felt that it was not easy to disturb him. However, Sus gave up thinking first and continued to ask:

"Then how do you think I will become a new emperor?"

"Because of blood, the eight kings have emperor's blood."

The blonde teenager lit up his golden eyes, and his eyes looked like the left eye of the dragon-eyed maid, but at the moment when he looked at him, Xius clearly saw that the dark golden pupils in his eyes opened into three petals and turned into a lotus-like demonic pupil. Almost instinctively, Xiusi's eyes also turned red, and the black pupils were divided into the same shape.

At this moment, all the horses in the whole team paused and then stopped. Everyone couldn't help looking back at the two murderous teenagers.

It seemed that he was aware of the strangeness around him, and Kong took the lead in returning to normal. He smiled.

"Okay, don't scare others. Let's keep going!"

Although he said so, the people around him have actually been scared. There were more doubts in Susi's mind, but he still nodded and let the team move on.

Why do you have emperor's blood? Are you really the illegitimate son of the Night King? But in this case, they should not casually regard people with imperial blood as their companions. According to their age, their grandchildren are older than themselves! Isn't the blood of the emperor's blood more and more? Xiusi hesitated to continue to ask. If he continued to ask, he would reveal the truth about the emperor he might not expect.

He doesn't want to offend any eight kings of the demon world now, but he knows that Lian can directly destroy so many troops, and Xiusi already knows that even all his own power can't fight against it.

If it is exposed at this time, Lian Zhen will turn over and she can still escape, and Lilia and the others will be really dangerous.

It seems that he saw the hesitation of Heus and said casually:

"Actually, God's blood is not valuable. Everyone in the hemolysis army has emperor's blood. I really don't know how much blood the old perverts drew from the emperor when he was sealed. Imagine it's miserable!"


Does the person with this blood have an army? What's the situation? Seeing that Xiusi was stunned, Kong couldn't help laughing:

"Hahaha, I had the same expression as you when I knew about this. There is no way. After the emperor's blood, it is not maintained by having children. Both the Eight Kings and the Hemolysis Legion are the same, but they are just a fore.

The blonde teenager's words were quite casual, but it set off a huge wave in Xius's heart...

"Isn't it born after the emperor's blood?"

When Sus asked this question, his face was quite terrible. He raised his eyebrows, as if he had realized something, and then laughed:

"Ah, I forgot that you haven't remembered who you are yet. It's nothing. The Eight Kings and the Blood Demon Legion are both made and created to resurrect the emperor, so they will not be counterattacked by the "people of the demon world" forbidden to pass. At the beginning, the group of old perverts of the French Academy did a lot of experiments. Emperor's blood is not affordable for ordinary creatures. Some are addicted to killing, some like to make phlegm human flesh, some become inhuman and non-dragons, and some are not like four at all. These kinds of counterfeits, counterfeits and failures were then thrown into the blood corps. The last successful work is the Eight Kings, so we are higher than ordinary creatures, not human beings.

What Seus is struggling with is not whether he is human or not, and his face is even more gloomy:

"So will the emperor's blood have children?"


Kong seemed to think of something that made him unhappy, and his voice suddenly became lazy:

"Is't this the surrender ceremony of the Eight Kings? Among them, the seven kings won the decisive victory and fought to the last one to combine with King Lian. The child born was the new emperor. The emperor's seal was originally used to seal the final emperor dragon, and the new emperor was born to deceive the seal with the bloodline closest to the emperor, instead of the emperor to bear the seal, so as to liberate the emperor. But those old guys can't come up with pure blood samples that can really succeed. In addition, the only one who responds positively among the eight of us is the pity that does not have to participate in the war. Until they found out that we were better than them, the plan was completely shelved.

ius didn't care about what he said about the surrender ceremony. Now he is thinking about whether what Betty said is true or not.

According to this boy, only people with imperial blood and people with imperial blood can give birth to offspring. Is Betty also one of the experiments? But this statement is refuted by He Betty's own statement.

In fact, that's what Hu Chiyo said to Susus that day. Chiyo said that Betty might have lied. But the information from beginning to end was learned from Betty's population. She couldn't determine her inference, so the idea of going to Sky City to figure it out.

Well, in that case...

Sius was no longer in the mood to care about anything. If he was the emperor in their mouth, he had to undertake the seal and other things. He fell into the haze and looked at the maid on the left who was leaning on the carriage.

Now she is the only clue she can catch directly...