Magic Sword

06 past

"If you don't want to fulfill my will in front of me, then try to kill me."

Xiusi put his sword to the ground and pulled the eight swords out of the scabbard with a sound. The reason why he was so active was that Xius did not feel that after he died, the demigod would argue with himself about who was wrong.

Ashby has heard of the bloodthirsty name of the Magic Sword Emperor. Even after listening to it, Ashby, who was also young, thought that there must be some exaggerated rumors here, but now he doesn't seem to care so much.

Since the other party has drawn its sword...

He was just about to take out his weapon when the door behind him was suddenly pushed open:

"Ashby, what do you want to do?"

The familiar voice made Xius involuntarily shift his eyes to the person. Unexpectedly, it was Alina who had just parted ways. In the same way, Ashby, who was called by his name, was even more surprised. He turned his head and saw the visitor's face clearly. His mouth was so big that he couldn't close at all:

"Alina, why are you here?"

After Erina returned to his white eyes angrily, she turned her face and looked at the surrounded dragon-eyed maid:

"What are you doing?! Hurry up and get out of here!"

The female magician shocked the whole audience. Those soldiers looked at Ashby's face stupidly and saw their master's aggrieved face with his head down, so they knew what was going on and quickly withdrew the team. With the subtle development of the situation, Xius was not in a hurry. He looked curiously at Elena with an angry face, but deliberately joked with plenty of room:

"Didn't you go to the Magic Guild just now?"

"Shut up, it's none of your business!"

It's natural to be caught to brush the tiger's whiskers, but Thucy is also happy to have a happy mouth. After roaring at Seus, Alina turned her head to grab Ashby's collar and dragged him out of the casino. People around were surprised why this seemingly prominent prince was taken away by a woman in a black robe. Of course, there were also good eyes to see the badge representing the Sky City Magic Tutor on Erina's collar.

Of course, Sius also saw it, but he was not surprised at all.

Previously, about the origin of Erina, Sus asked Tiger Chiyo, mainly about what Barrongan was. At this level, Sius also vaguely felt that there should be other order in the world besides the rule supported by the two empires. After that, both the largest bishop and their existence clearly proved that there were indeed some transcendents in the world.

In the imperial capital of Oga for thousands of years, there should be a power higher than the Imperial Dragon Legion, and in the same, there should be such a power in the Sky City of Parsa. But from Alina's existence, Xius realized that the two transcendental forces should not be completely opposite, because Alina is obviously from Parsa, but she can be a teacher in Belsasas brightly. This kind of thing is really appalling.

So the Barronganna mentioned earlier is actually a little-known existence like Imperial College. However, the scope of recruitment is very narrow. It is said that it is only recruited from the interior of various magic colleges, and there are also some upper classes of neutral forces.

Maybe they are a detached existence, but Susie believes that he is a layman and has no yearning interest in this superior upper class. He is only interested in their power.

The other party was pulled away like this. Xiusi showed a slightly disappointing look and casually took a sword flower. Xiusi put the sword back to his waist:

"Ellie, let's go."

After saying that, she didn't wait for the longan maid who hurriedly caught up with her and squeezed into the crowd alone.

In fact, it's not right to squeeze out. Although Xius himself didn't care, when he walked forward, the people around him unconsciously gave way. In Palsa, inferior people are not allowed to touch superiors, and this tradition makes them unconsciously avoid Sius.

There was no apparent reaction to this. He just casually walked to a table in the middle and sat down directly opposite the banker. As soon as he sat down, all the people on the table except the banker consciously left the table. In this way, it made Xius himself a little embarrassed. He had never tried to gamble.

Just when Xius was a little embarrassed, he suddenly found that not everyone on the table had left.

A man wrapped in a black robe sitting there quietly. Almost subconsciously, Sius immediately stood up and the eight swords that had just been taken back went straight out of the sheath. I haven't felt this real murderous intention for a long time, as if a trace of coldness gently licks the skin through the clothes, and at the same time, it is not only murderous, but also a sense of terror.

The other party is a strong man, and he is still very strong.

Seus suddenly became like this, which made the people around him overwhelmed. Everyone avoided back for fear that they would be affected by this fight. But to surprise the surroundings, the two did not fight, or just seus pulled out his sword unilaterally, and the black man sitting in that seat did not move.

The situation has been deadlocked for about a minute.

Sius looked at this person hesitantly and was a little uncertain about his feelings just now. As far as just now, the other party's feeling is quite dangerous, but now, this person doesn't seem to have any hostility to himself, not even at all. Did you make a mistake? No, it's definitely not wrong. I haven't missed my intuition once.

"Alas, it's my fault for meeting such a keen child in this place.

I think it's useless to continue the stalemate like this! The man in black made an old voice, and he stretched out his hand and waved gently to Xius:

"Don't be so nervous. Everyone is here to relax. Why do this?"

In this regard, Xiusi, who had always been highly vigilant, was naturally unmoved. The old man who felt helpless took off his hat and showed a smiling old face. I don't know, but this man's appearance reminded Xiusi of the biggest bishop. Recalling the strength of that man, Xius couldn't help holding the sword in his hand a little more tightly.

Huh? Is the sword in your hand eight?

Only then did he find that pointing to his own things, but the old man forgot his current state and began to measure the sword in his hand curiously.

"Yes, who are you?"

"Me? Just a boring person!"

The old man stood up and stretched out, and then casually stretched out his hand to flick the tip of Xiusi's sword. Xius did not fight back, but looked at him fixedly.

"Okay, that's good. My skills are solid enough. Looking at your eyes, I know that you are the kind of person who doesn't give up. It's not convenient to say here. If you want to know, come with me!"