Magic Sword

07 Bloody Arrival

Knocking on a door, Susie and Ellie followed the old man into a side door of the casino. The man in the casino saw that he left without doing anything. He was still so noisy that they secretly sneered at him.

Of course, Sus didn't know.

If at the beginning, he felt dangerous because of murder, now, he feels curious. Who is this person and why do you know the Eight Swords? I guess he is the same old monster as that man!

But the fact didn't seem to be as he thought. When he opened the small dark door in the attic, he saw a simple and neat hut. It's not like a magician with a lot of books, nor is it a fanatical weapon or secret skill like a swordsman.

This is a completely ordinary old man's residence. The ground is throwing beer that may not have been drunk last night and the night before yesterday, and there is only half a cup on the knee-high table that has not been drunk. Seeing that this old man is also a good drinker, at least he should be at the level of Huchiyo.

The old man was not embarrassed to see that the bedroom was made like this. He sat down carelessly at his little ** that seemed to fall from it.

"The old room has no seats for others, so whether you are a murderer or an emperor, you have to stand and speak."

For this, Xius nodded casually, indicating that it didn't matter. He is a person who is easy to meet the situation, and he doesn't like to talk about bringing. The maid who followed couldn't help slapping her nose, as if she couldn't stand the wine in the room.

"Who are you?"

"You don't need to know the name. Just ask what you want to ask."

The old man casually picked up a cigarette bag, and the cigarette rod had been smoked so that he couldn't see what material it was. In fact, Xius did not plan to care more about who the other party was. He thought about it for a moment. He wanted to see how much this person knew first.

"Do you know this sword?"

The old man nodded, glanced at the sword on his waist with a little nostalgic eyes, and suddenly smiled:

"No one can ever use this eight-sword. What's the use of holding it?"

For this, Xius just shook his head slightly, and he did not intend to answer questions that could involve his unknown power. Seeing that he was unwilling to answer, the old man stopped asking more questions. After a moment, the old man stuffed the cigarette stick into his mouth and said vaguely:

"This sword turned out to be something from the demon world. Many people died on this sword during the divine war. After that, the church took away the sword and kept it as a forbidden object, so I tested it curiously. There is no malice for you to hold this sword."

"I know."

Of course, Xiusi knew that the old man would not care about anything about himself. If he was really an assassin, then Xius would completely and resolutely fight back before. The reason why he came up like this is to hope to get some unexpected gains. Now from the old man's words, it seems that he can learn something. Maybe the information he provided can solve the mystery in his heart.

"I came here to ask something about the divine war."

Sus said his intention directly, which made the old man look at him unexpectedly, but it was just such a glance. Hearing Susus's resolute voice, the old man just smiled:

"You can ask, it's been too long, and I can't remember many things clearly."

The meaning of this sentence is very clear, that is to say, what can tell you will naturally tell you. Although there is no hopeful result, it is also expected by Sius. After receiving a positive answer, Moses began to wonder where to start asking.

The first question in his heart is whether Betty is his mother, or whether he is the child of the night king, and secondly, what the composition of the world is like, and why people like Alina teach in Oga and don't look hostile. , why on earth? This is about what the role on the mainland looks like after the Magic Sword City.

If you ask directly, not to mention whether the other party knows, that is, you know that you will definitely be refused, so just ask around and ask.

"What is the result of the divine war? Is it true that the demon king was sealed as Legendary, and then blocked the demon clan after establishing the boundary gate?

Sius asked a very idiotic question, but the old man didn't laugh at all:

"You don't have to test. Looking at your expression, I know that the demon world is not just a simple thing, and the old man will not play with people's boring IQ in such a place."

"Because I know two statements, I want to ask for proof."

Sius replied faintly, and there was no loose expression on his face. He knew that the old man didn't see his expression at all. Like himself, he was also testing.

"Oh~~ What did you hear? I want to hear it."

"I'm asking you now."

There was no room for whirlwind in the tone of the young Sword Emperor. Hearing the coldness in it, the old man shook his head slightly:

"Young people nowadays! Forget it, just tell you. This is a long story."

"Actually, the current demon world does not exist, which you should know."

Sius nodded. According to Betty, the demon world was created. It seems that Betty did not lie to herself about this.

"The little girl next to you is a descendant of the dragon clan! The dragon clan is not a legend, but in the divine war, the whole dragon clan was destroyed by the demon king.

Ellie, standing next to her, showed a surprised expression, as if her lady did not tell her about it. The old man put the cigarette holder into his mouth and took two sips, and continued:

"The demon king is so strong that even the god can't beat him, or no one can stop him at all, and even the god will annihilate in front of him."

"Then why was the devil defeated? Is there any brave man?"

Ellie, who didn't know this history, couldn't help interrupting, but the old man didn't look at her but glanced at the motionless Xius:

"This is not a knight novel, and there can't be any brave. Everyone lives to block the devil's footsteps, and the devil doesn't want to destroy the world, so the gods found the devil's weakness and finally sealed him."

"What is the devil doing in this world?"

Ellie asked nervously:

The old man shrugged his shoulders as if to say that he didn't know, but at this time, he looked at Susus again. Naturally, there was still no expression on the cold face of Xius. I don't know what came to mind, the old man smiled gently:

"Come to save the world."

It was difficult for even Sius to stabilize his expression, showing a slightly stunned expression, which made the old man very satisfied. He knocked on his cigarette bag:

"The demon king is not a demon king. The demon king is actually a human being. He once ruled the world with his own power. However, if the winner is the king, the rule will be ruled, which is nothing. But the gods in heaven felt that this man was too strong and threatened the security of the world, so they wanted to seal him. Of course, the man would not let the gods seal like this. The two sides fought. Later, the gods used some small tricks to defeat the man and kill him, but they didn't expect him to recreate a world. It's just that the world seems to be quite unstable. In order to save his people, he launched a war against the gods..."

Sius listened silently that the demon king is not a bad person. The old monster of the church has already said, but in Betty's mouth, that person is the strongest and most evil existence. This can also be explained because that person destroyed the dragon clan and Betty hates him. The question is what's wrong with the emperor's blood? What is the Divine Gate?

"What is the Divine Gate?"

Seus cut straight into the old man's words and interrupted his talk. The old man was not angry. He replied to him with unexpected eyes:

"I didn't expect you to know this. In fact, no one knows what the divine gate is. Some people say that it is the source of the power of the demon king. Some people say that it is the shackles of the demon king. The power of the demon king is to create and erase anything, so if someone really gets the divine gate and knows how to use it, then the divine war will You don't need to fight for so many years."

Is it still a guess?

"Do you know what the emperor's blood is?"

At the moment when Sius said the emperor's blood, the cigarette bag in the old man's hand was cut off in an instant, and a tsunami-like murderous intention rushed over directly. He subconsciously came out of the sword and came to his senses. He only saw that the old man took out a dagger from somewhere and was holding it on the sharp blade of the eight swords.

"How do you know the emperor's blood?"

"I don't want to tell you."

Of course, Xiusi didn't bother to explain to him about the Eight Kings. At that moment, although he was scared by the old man's murderous intention, he could easily stop his attack because his murderous intention was too heavy.

"Hmm! I knew that this place in Magic Sword City is not clean. Sure enough, there is the power of the demon world in it. Whether you say it or not, you will say anything when you see the night watchman.

After saying that, the dagger in his hand suddenly stretched out and turned into a long sword.

Seeing the style of the sword, Xiusi was clear that this is indeed the case. This man is not an assassin-type warrior, but a magic swordsman. The fierce and murderous spirit is completely different from human beings.

The sword split directly into the door of Xius without fancy. Xius originally caught the dagger with one hand, but when the sword was split down, the force and speed were amazing, and Xius, who could not withstand the huge force, felt that his arm was about to be torn off by this blow.

Fortunately, he only felt that Xiusi, who quickly took the second hand, could finally stabilize his sword body. At this time, he raised his head and was stunned to find that the other party's eyes had turned red, but three lotus flowers exactly the same as himself!