Magic Sword

11 Boxing from the sky

Claudia, who was thrown out, didn't know how many heels she had turned in the air before landing with a very awkward ass.

Again, if it's not the words of the Valkyrie, I don't know how many times I have died. In this way, she felt that her calf bone had been broken, and the severe pain was stimulated like a needle.

"For good to say, I'm used to it these days..."

The girl gritted her teeth, and the white light came out of the bare foot of her left leg. The ankle, which had just swollen like a steamed bun, began to swell quickly and return to its original smooth and smooth appearance.

From the day she was pushed down the cliff, Claudia was used to this kind of injury. At this time, she really realized how powerful the Valkyrie was. The first time she fell from the mountain, even her spine was broken. Claudia was desperate to think that she was going to die here. As a result, she found that her body automatically healed the next day, and then slowly climbed up the mountain.

After that, under the predecessor's various training called teaching and destruction, the spoiled aristocratic girl gradually understood that what she used was just the tip of the iceberg of the power of the Valkyrie. It was a wasteful choice to release that long and lasting power as magic. How to use magic quickly and efficiently. It is the key to the battle of Valkyrie.

Super resilience can be easily completed without liberation at all.

The pain was healed in an instant, and others didn't notice that she had just been injured. Claudia staggered and stood up. Although the injury just now was cured, the soreness and numbness from her feet touching the ground after hanging in the air for a while made her unable to adapt for a while and unable to take a step forward.

It's just that the scene in front of her can't help her.

A huge pit, as if the city had just been smashed by a meteorite. The rolling magma around the pit is being used in the lowest place. Except for black smoke, it is hot.

But I just saw from afar that the night watchman just drilled into the hole. Nothing will happen to her!

The girl was subconsciously so worried, but the next second reality told her that her worries were completely superfluous.

The earth trembled, not the trembling of the earthquake, but the loud noise and trembling made by someone after patting the table called the earth, and a figure flew out of the pit.

Is it her?

I didn't wait for Claudia's idea to take shape in my mind,

Another shadow suddenly came up from the pit. No, that kind should not be called a run, but a teleportation. With Claudia's eyesight, she could only barely see a remnant image left in the air, and then the same loud sound as just now.

This time, Claudia saw clearly that it was the sound of the night watchman punching the sword of the man who flew up at the beginning. That man... seems to have seen him somewhere...


Crazy woman! Xiusi cursed in his heart.

Why is it scolding? Because he doesn't even have a chance to breathe now. A person can teleport, so how many people can compare with him? And a person can hit the person who can teleport so that he can't find the north. His next dodge position is completely calculated by the other party and punched down when he arrives at that place in advance. What kind of fighting ability is this?

What makes Xiusi most reluctant is that the other party only uses his fist, and he can fight against the eight swords with only his fist, which is too exaggerated! Even if the artificial sun is not activated, the sword can produce gravity and high heat. That's why it was able to absorb other people's before. Now what Xiusi can't understand is that this woman's fist hit hundreds of thousands of degrees of high-temperature sword, as if nothing had happened, and she punched it with one punch. I have no power to fight back.

Bastard! When Magic Sword Xiusi suffered this kind of dumb loss, at the moment of anger, the surrounding environment suddenly became quiet, and even the sound of the other party's fist wind disappeared.

The whole world quietly saw a fist swinging at itself in front of it. If it is blocked again, it will definitely be hit. Xiusi carefully observed the other party's face. This fierce woman actually has a beautiful face. Of course, no matter how powerful she is, she can't stand the impact of time. Years still leave traces on her face and looks bigger than Kuran.

If it comes to identity, Suses feels that her age is more like Claudia's mother.

Roros Sius has been there, and there is no hostess, and Sius also knows that there are not so many Valkyrie in Roroz's family. What's more, Xius looked at the fist with black gloves again with some heart palpitation.

...If the Rollros family has such a strong Valkyrie, then the Duke of Rollros is not just a duke.

This is the denial that immediately appeared in the mind of Moses. But why did the other party call as soon as they meet? Xiusi felt that there were too many things she couldn't figure out. Anyway, let's solve her first!

Thinking so, Sus pulled out his sword. He didn't know who the other party was, but if he attacked himself, then it was the enemy, the enemy...

Thesis sent the tip of the sword directly to stab the woman's throat.

But the unexpected resistance made the extremely sharp sword unable to pierce half of the woman's skin. Xiusi was shocked. He didn't expect that this woman was so strong that she was completely invulnerable.

The mind was shaken, and the time of stagnation was like when it stagnated, and suddenly recovered without warning.

At this time, Susi's sword was still fixed on the woman's throat. In less than 0.001 milliseconds, the woman suddenly turned around and missed the blade of Xius, narrowly avoiding the blade. It's just that she didn't dodge completely, and a clear scar on her white neck showed that she was injured.

Bo both of them found out what had happened after a brief shock.

It's just that Xius was stunned that when time and space were stranded, no object could be destroyed, and the opposite one was because of the knife that brushed the skin, or that she could still dodge with the blade against her throat.

"Ah, really, I haven't been injured for a long time. I'm so careless. Damn it."

I don't know who is scolding. The other party wipes the wound on his neck. Instead of fear, he showed a sadistic smile. "There are many people who can become a space system, but there is no space system that has grown into a time system. It seems that you are really like the legend, and you are not a fancy stand! "

"Who are you?"

Sius doesn't want to fight for no reason, especially now when it is obvious that he can't beat the other party.

"Night watchman," the woman rubbed her wound with her hand, and then took it away, and the wound completely disappeared. She looked happily with Xiusi with some straight eyes, "The gatekeeper of the demon world, I will eradicate all the power that has come here from the demon world, no matter who it is. Do you still need me to explain why I want to kill you?"

Is it an indisputable fact that the power of the Magic Sword City comes from the demon world?

Sius did not immediately deny that if there had been no pity at the beginning, the Magic Sword City would have fallen into a city and destroyed the country, and now it has encountered pressure from the world, which is actually within the expectation of Xius. It's just that it's coming too fast. I'm not ready and I haven't got enough strength...

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Hysi has always done things very simply. If he decides to lie, then he must also say very simply.

But will the other party believe it? The night watchman's fist represented her answer:


It's like the space movement of Theus, and the night watchman disappeared in an instant. The speed was so fast that Xiusi did not realize in what direction she disappeared from. Then, a chill rushed to his forehead. Xius felt that the murderous intention was poured down from the sky like a river, but he didn't know where the other party's next move was.


At the moment when the sound fell, Sus knew the answer. The punch fell from the sky. Unfortunately, the other party was too fast and didn't even have time to block. Susie was smashed down from the sky by her move, like a swallow hit by a war hammer.


Claudia was stunned to see the man being punched down from the sky after fighting a few moves with the night watchman and flying straight in her direction. The girl subconsciously lowered her head to avoid, and then the man fell heavily to the ground. The huge muffled sound is very painful. If it were an ordinary person, it would have fallen into a meat pie.

Claudia was stunned to find that she was gritting her teeth and stubbornly refused to spit out blood. Xius was struggling to lie down from the humanoid pit smashed by herself. But in Claudia's opinion, several bones have been broken, and it is not easy to get up.

The girl opened her mouth, but she didn't know what she was going to say, and at this moment, Sus had not found who was standing in front of her.

The fall did not cause him much damage. After being punched by the air, Xius forcibly shortened the distance from the ground to more than 100 meters. In fact, the distance was less than one meter, which basically offsets the damage caused by inertia to the body, and the real damage came. Since that punch.

xiu si never thought that a fist could cause so much damage. The sharp blade was cut, the blunt weapon was smashed, and the energy burned and exploded. These are all common sense killings. But when the fist hit his body, Xius felt that his whole body had been broken through, and the bones of his whole body trembled with the punch, as if it would completely break down the next second.

So instinctively, Suses made the decision to protect the car, tightening the muscles of the whole body and forcibly pressing the trembling bones. The direct result of this was that several key parts of the bones were directly crushed by the shock.