Magic World

Chapter 1 Catastrophe

This is an ordinary morning, and the sun shines its brilliance into the western Pacific Ocean. This is the blue sea, and under the sea is where the Mariana Trench is located. A small crustal activity is taking place here, followed by a slight earthquake. Similar earthquakes occur more than 15,000 times a day on Earth, so it is trivial. However, after the earthquake, a small vortex gradually formed. Perhaps it will develop into a new storm to blow to the Asian coast west of it.

Zhang Zhentian still walked into his work unit, Qingdao Meteorological Observatory, on time like an alarm clock. Today is also an ordinary day for him. Work is always carried out over and over again. Good morning, Xiao Li!" As he greeted his colleagues, he went to his desk and sat down. "What happened last night?"

"No, Zhang Gong." Li Sijia replied cheerfully, "Do you look very good today?" She immediately complimented Zhang Zhentian, who was sitting at her table. She is a college student who will graduate this year and is assigned to Taiwan for internship. And Zhang Zhentian happens to be her tutor.

"Ha ha, yes! If the weather is good, I will be in a good mood. Zhang Zhentian answered while opening the computer.

"Oh, by the way, Zhang Gong. According to the meteorological cloud map this morning, a new tropical cyclone formed on the ocean west of the Philippines. Li Sijia said calmly to Zhang Zhentian.

"Is that right? It's another typhoon." Zhang Zhentian nodded as an answer to her. It has just entered August, which is not the season when typhoons make landfall in Qingdao. Then, this cyclone will naturally not attract the attention of Zhang Zhentian.

For ordinary people living in this city, this is a more ordinary day. Xue Yang, a salesman of the freight forwarding company, is sitting on the bus with the rhythm of the bus starting and braking, beating the beat accurately with his head. Working overtime these days has cost him too much energy. Even at this time when he goes out to do business, he will sleep for a while.

"Yinyin, are you going to study abroad in a few days?" The two girls sat in the upper island cafe and chatted. The girl who speaks is called Zhou Mengya. And the girl opposite her is Kong Xiaoyin, and Yinyin is her nickname. Both of them are students studying marine biology at Ocean University.

"Yes! Mengya. My visa for the plane the day after tomorrow has been issued. Kong Xiaoyin talked to her friend happily while drinking coffee.

"Congratulations! Your dream can finally come true. Zhou Mengya raised the coffee in her hand and made a clinking glass with Kong Xiaoyin. Then, both of them took a sip of coffee and then happily talked about the recent entertainment lace.

At this time, Fang Xiumin and his newlywed wife Qiao Yunting were happily practicing tennis on the tennis training ground at Hongcheng Stadium. Both of them are ordinary employees of foreign trade companies. Yesterday, they just finished their wedding trip and flew back to Qingdao from Guilin, Guangxi.

However, when everyone is in a comfortable mood and busy with their own affairs, perhaps some people will not be in such a good mood.

"Hello! Sorry, please show me your driver's license. Jiang Dongfang, a traffic policeman, stopped a taxi driver who violated the regulations. "This road was changed to a few years ago. Don't you know?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Comrade police." Tan Le, the taxi driver, got out of the car, nodded and said, "I used to drive a bus, but I really don't know. Didn't you say that buses and taxis can walk in the city?

"Oh! Yes. Most of the roads are like this. However, the viaduct in front is under construction, so only buses are allowed to go on this road. Jiang Dongfang explained to Tan Le, "Well, according to the regulations, we need to..."

Life is like this, with joy and sadness. Today must be a bad day for Tan Le, a taxi driver. However, for many people, this may be the last happy time in their lives.

As she was about to get off work, Li Sijia hurried into the office and stopped Zhang Zhentian, who was about to get off work, "Zhang Gong! Look at the latest cloud map.

"Is this the cyclone you mentioned to me this morning?" Zhang Zhentian took Yuntu and looked at Li Sijia in surprise. He pointed to Yuntu and said to Li Sijia, "It moves very quickly!" You see, if it can't turn around here, it will definitely land in Qingdao.

"Yes. Zhang Gong!" Li Sijia nodded, "Just now, the message given to us by the National Meteorological Administration is the same as your judgment."

"Go and inform the director and let him communicate with the municipal government to do a good job in flood control and evacuation of fishermen in the city." After saying this, Zhang Zhentian held the cloud map in his hand and sat back in front of his computer again, and began to nervously calculate the trajectory of the storm.

Night still came as promised. Qingdao feels very cool this night. There was no feeling of sultry summer a few days ago. People can sleep quietly. When midnight comes, the whole city becomes silent. Now, the city has fallen asleep.

However, Zhang Zhentian is now sitting at his desk, staring at the computer. According to his calculation, this newly generated storm is forming a super tropical storm and is approaching Qingdao at an ultra-high speed. In front of his eyes, he seemed to have seen the huge waves set off when it landed.

"Huh? Zhang Gong. Didn't you come home tonight?" Li Sijia, who was on duty that night, walked into the office with a folder in her hand and happened to see Zhang Zhentian sitting in the dark.

"Hmm! This 'little boy' always makes me feel uneasy!" Zhang Zhentian stared at the screen and said to Li Sijia. At this time, a cool breeze blew in through the open window of the office, bringing a strong chill.

"This wind is so cold!" Li Sijia's body trembled with cold, and then turned around to close the window.

"How can there be such a cold wind when such a big storm is coming?" Zhang Zhentian said to himself, "Have you notified the citizens to prepare for the storm?"

"The city government has been notified. Moreover, in the news tonight, the municipal government also issued a notice to the whole city. Li Sijia stood in front of the window and said to Zhang Zhentian. At this time, Li Sijia felt that the wind squeezed in again along the cracks in the window. A chill attracted her to turn her head and look out of the window.

"Zhang Gong! You...come and have a look!" Li Sijia shouted tremblingly. Zhang Zhentian stood up and came to the window. The southeast sky was shining with strange light, as colorful as an aurora.

"It should be strong lightning." Zhang Zhentian said. However, when the lightning kept shining the sky, he seemed to see the sea like a black beast raising a huge wave wall dozens of meters high. Sijia, my eyes are a little dazzle. He patted the girl beside him and continued, "Do you see anything under the lightning?"

"None!" Li Sijia is enjoying the lightning in the distant sky. She looked at the distant sea according to Zhang Zhentian's instructions, "Zhang... Zhang Gong, waves... huge... huge waves..."

At this time, the glass of the window had begun to make a strange sound. Zhang Zhentian subconsciously seemed to feel something. He tried his best to push Li Sijia to the ground. " click!" With this loud noise, the windows of their office were blown down as a whole and fell directly to the wall opposite the room. The glass fragments splashed up. Before they could fall, they were ground into powder or smashed into the opposite wall by the wind. The wind outside rushed into the house angrily, and the door was closed vigorously by the wind, and then it was directly hit by the wall of the opposite corridor by the wind. The wooden door blown by the wind has been torn into fine wood chips by the wind before it slips to the ground feebly.

At this time, the huge waves have rushed along the coast to this beautiful coastal city. The huge waves caused by the storm were dozens of meters high. Hotels, villas, and other tourist facilities by the sea were completely empty after the first round of waves. The gorgeous lightning in the sky sprayed poison cores like fire snakes, splitting the skyscrapers into two, and they can be seen collapsing like building blocks everywhere. The raging wind hits what may move in the city, making a loud noise everywhere that blocks their attack. The earth kept trembling with fear under the heavy pressure of the sea. More and more buildings are collapsing in trembling, and the cries of millions of people are negligible in the attack of nature. The whole city was quickly submerged in the sea.

The second round of waves rumbled with the wreckage of seaside buildings and smashed deeper into the city. People who narrowly escaped from the building struggled to escape in the waist-deep water. However, the strong wind did not give them any chance to breathe. When people rushed to the street without buildings, it did not hesitate to roll up the adults and children on the passage it passed and patted them to the distant buildings. The oil tanker moored in the bay was also raised by huge waves, and then the wind was responsible for rolling it directly into the city. With the oil leakage in its huge body, the fire took advantage of the wind to ignite the area of the whole city that cannot be occupied by seawater. At this time, the heavy rain also fell from the sky. A waterfall-like column of water was formed under the canopy, which poured directly into the city. At this time, the lightning seemed to be a demonic elf and became more active. They cooperate with ground power supply facilities or gas and natural gas pipelines to continuously create large and small explosions. There are fire elves flying everywhere. Then, these elves fought with Tianshui again. In the fierce exchange of fire, it turned into poisonous smoke with a pungent smell.

Finally, near dawn, the storm had completely ruled the city. The whole city was immersed in the storm. However, Haitian's anger is far from over. In this heartbreaking roar, the tremor of the earth became more and more intense. The crust under the city finally gushed out orange hot blood under the heavy pressure of the sea. The magma sprayed thinly and sprayed freely into the sky, as if it were blending with the lightning in the air and tearing. Then, they were blown down to all parts of the city by the strong wind. A new fire point flashed again. The new battle between fire and water begins again. More seawater poured into the city, and they either extinguished the magma and turned them into stones; or they were turned into water mist by the hot magma and sent to heaven. The sun had risen slowly at this time. It was expected to bring a glimmer of light to here, but the dark clouds formed by the storm angrily embraced the land. Refuse it out of the battlefield rudely.

This kind of angry exchange of fire between nature and nature lasted for a day and a night. Finally, it gradually calmed down in the early morning of the third day. However, the whole city no longer exists, and the original area of the city is a vast ocean. Perhaps, after the storm completely subsides, people will come to this area to look for information about the city, but the millions of lives that once lived here will never return to this world...

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