Magic World

Chapter 2 The Rest of Life

"Is everything really over..." Kong Xiaoyin woke up from a deep dream and overturned her to the ground by yesterday's storm. She has been lying on her floor and fainted all night. She struggled to get up from the floor and looked out from where it was originally a window.

The whole street is full of broken limbs and arms. However, there are still some survivors who have to slowly come out of their homes or buildings. Fang Xiumin and Qiao Yunting are the lucky two. They are walking on the wood with some other survivors, as if they have lost their souls.

"Wow..." Kong Xiaoyin squatted down under the window and sobbed in a low voice. Her dream of going abroad seems to be ruined, and this beautiful city looks like a hell between people. When her tears were hazy, she felt something fly and fall from her eyes. She opened her eyes, and a fiery red bird was stopping on the ground in front of her, looking at her with its crystal little eyes.

"Bird, don't you have a home?" She wiped her tears and asked gently. Then she stretched out her hand to the bird and said, "Do you want to come to me?" The bird seemed to understand her words and flew to her hand obediently. However, she didn't feel the weight of the bird. She looked carefully and found that the bird was just an illusion with exquisite red light all over her body. However, even so, she felt very happy. She held it in her hand and looked at it carefully, "Ha ha, you are so beautiful. Where is your home?

"Kong Xiaoyin! Are you still alive? Zhou Mengya came up from downstairs with a crying cry. She was shocked and excited to get up to greet Zhou Mengya. But at this time, the bird in her hand disappeared. However, a warm feeling flashed through her hand.

"Mengya! I'm here! I'm fine!" Kong Xiaoyin shouted happily.

"Oh! Great. Our friends are all dead. Wow, it's so good that you're alive!" Zhou Mengya said, moping the tears on her face.

"I'm going down to find you!" After saying that, Kong Xiaoyin quickly went down the broken stairs and ran to the street to find her friend.

The two of them followed the surviving crowd forward, and finally they gathered in a seemingly open open space. There are about five or six hundred people gathered here. Most people, like them, are full of fear and helplessness.

"What should we do?" An elderly woman cried, "My child, my family is gone. Why did God leave me?"

"Don't cry! I believe that our government will not give up on us. A middle-aged man stood up and said in a loud and firm voice. There is a girl beside him who is as confused as others. And the two of them are Zhang Zhentian and Li Sijia.

"Yes! Everyone should be confident!" A strong young man also stood up, "We need to be confident! The disaster is over, and we will definitely survive!" This person is the traffic policeman Jiang Dongfang.

"What the police comrade said is that everyone should have confidence! Just look at Wenchuan and you will know." Tan Le looked as if he didn't care, and he also said help.

Other people have no claims. Since someone is willing to stand up and speak, everyone is naturally willing to believe them. However, helplessness still spread among the crowd.

"But what should we do now?" Someone in the crowd asked uneasily.

"Yes! Now the whole city has been destroyed. It's completely gone. How can we live?" Another person said.

"I think so! We chose that middle-aged man as our leader. How about letting him lead our big guys? Some people in the crowd proposed this.


"I agree!" More people shouted loudly.

"Since everyone agrees that I will be the leader! Then, I won't refuse." Zhang Zhentian said loudly. He then looked around the crowd and asked loudly, "Are any of us doctors? Or do you know medical skills?

"We!" A middle-aged couple stood up and said, "We are both doctors in the municipal hospital. My name is Zhao Gangyi. This is my wife Liu Na."

"Okay. Dr. Zhao, Dr. Liu. You see, according to our current situation, what should we do? Zhang Zhentian held their hands tightly and asked.

"I think we can't stay here." Zhao Gangyi said, "We have to go outside the city. There are too many bodies here. Once it rots, we will all die."

"Good! Then let's go west together!" Zhang Zhentian commanded, "Going west is land. Let's pay attention to the shops along the way. If there is food or water that has not been destroyed, we will take it with us.

"Good! Listen to you. Let's go!" The crowd responded in unison.

The team of 500 or 600 people helped each other on the road again. When they often find the ruins of shops or supermarkets on the road, they really have to find some food or water necessary to sustain their lives.

"Kir-hist!" What sound is this? Xue Yang was awakened by this strange sound from a coma. He opened his eyes in a daze. Everything in front of him suddenly shocked him!

A group of huge lizards were lying not far from him, biting the body on the ground. One person who did not die was also bitten off his throat by one of the lizards. And the latter is sucking his blood. And there is also a lizard squatting beside Xue Yang. It's just that this one is obviously slightly smaller than those. It just guards itself like this without biting it.

" hiss!" The biggest lizard saw him wake up and spit out the core of his tongue angrily to the lizard beside him, "You! This coward. Why don't you keep talking?" Xue Yang was so scared that he almost fainted. This is a talking lizard...

The lizard in front of him spit out the core of his tongue and didn't know what to say to the big lizard. Then, the big lizard turned around and left the two of them alone to concentrate on its feast.

The slightly smaller lizard turned around and looked at him carefully. It spit out its tongue and gently added Xue Yang, "Can you... hear me?"

"Yes...Yes!" Xue Yang felt the blood rushing up in his body. He swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and then said, "I... can hear..." As he said, his body leaned back desperately.

"Great! Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." The little lizard said happily, "My name is Lizard Water. They are all my people. However, they have all been spiritual. And I didn't. You can hear my voice. I can go with you, so that you don't have to die."

"Spirit?" Xue Yang said in horror.

"Yes! After being possessed, I will become a part of your body. The little lizard said.

"Then... won't eat me..." Xue Yang asked. He is fighting fiercely in his heart, but the human instinct for survival will not make him give up the opportunity to live.

"Yes! It's just..." The little lizard said worriedly, "This process will be very painful. You have to put up with it... And if you fail, you will die."

"Good! Come on. I agree." Xue Yang's body trembled and agreed.

The little lizard crawled over to Xue Yang, licked his neck a few times, and then asked Xue Yang if he was ready with his eyes. Xue Yang nodded heavily. The little lizard bit it down!

Xue Yang immediately felt the pain in his heart. He wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound at all. He felt that his limbs were completely twitching; his whole body was like a convulsion, twitching fiercely. His eyes also turned up desperately. He felt that something strange was input into his body, and something directly pierced his heart and hit his heart again and again.

The whole process lasted about a quarter of an hour. After that, Xue Yang felt happiness, a kind of happiness that had never been seen before. He felt as if his whole body had run in heaven. Ah! This is really a wonderful feeling.

"All right! Xue Yang. I'm a part of your body now. I will settle down in your heart. Until you die, or other more powerful resident spirits take my place. A voice sounded in his heart. Xue Yang felt shocked and opened his eyes. The little lizard beside him is gone.

Those big lizards are looking at him in surprise. Haha! Lizard water, this boy actually succeeded. Haha."

"But, I..." Xue Yang still looked at them with great fear, "You...don't eat me?"

"Oh? It seems that the person who controls this body is the original person!" The leading lizard said in surprise, but it immediately laughed wildly, "Haha. Brother, we will be a family from now on. I am the lizard bully, the leader of this lizard tribe. From now on, you will be our family member. Haha."

"Welcome, brother!" Other lizards also said loudly. At this time, they have all changed their shape and transformed into human forms. It's just that they have obvious inhuman marks on their bodies. This is most serious on the tongue and head.

"I'm... a member of you now?" Xue Yang stood up and asked in surprise.

"Haha! Yes. Brother, you are already a powerful lizard family!" The lizard said happily, "And don't underestimate the stinky boy of lizard water. It is a water lizard. It is the most spiritual species of our lizard family.

"Yes! Brother. In the future, you may become the pride of our people. Haha!" Other lizards also said for help.

"Then I will eat... for a living like you in the future?" Xue Yang said with some embarrassment.

"Haha! We lizards don't live by eating corpses. It's just that these corpses or original people without spiritual talent will be eaten by other races even if they are not eaten by us. Liba came over and patted Xue Yang and said, "In this continent, only the originals with spiritual ability are qualified to survive!"

"Here..." Xue Yang looked at it in surprise.

"Haha! This is a strange world. Lizard laughed and said, "Time will teach you everything. Haha."