Magic World

Chapter 34 Old Things

Near noon, Zhang Zhentian woke up from his sleep. The battle last night was indeed beyond his current ability. Therefore, although he got up, he still felt a sore pain in his whole body. He tried his best to move his legs and feet in the room, and then he picked up the mirror on the table and looked at his face carefully. Fortunately, there was still nothing strange. In this way, he walked out of the room at ease.

"Mr. Zhang, are you awake?" A soldier standing guard in front of his door saw him and asked politely, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"It's okay! You are..." Zhang Zhentian looked at the soldiers puzzledly.

"Oh! Don't get me wrong." The soldier smiled at Zhang Zhentian, "It was specially arranged by the patriarch! He is afraid that you will make any mistakes. Therefore, we were specially arranged to guard here.

"That's it." Zhang Zhentian muttered and nodded in a low voice.

"Mr. Zhang, are you awake?" Su Yu came over from the entrance of the alley at this time, "The patriarch, please come over."

"Okay, I'll go." Zhang Zhentian nodded, then reached out and made an invitation posture, and then followed Su Yu to the council chamber with him.

When Zhang Zhentian walked into the council chamber, he found that Su Huaide and Sun Mingxuan had already been waiting here. Su Yu, you can go out! No one can disturb us without my call. Su Huaide waved his hand to Su Yu and motioned him to leave. Su Yu didn't say anything. He quietly withdrew from the council chamber, and then closed the door of the council chamber tightly.

"Earthquake, come and sit beside us." Su Huaide pointed to a chair beside him and called him affectionately, "Are you shocked last night?"

"Thank you, patriarch." Zhang Zhentian first said politely, and then said, "Last night, that man was very powerful. If it hadn't been for these days, I would have learned some spells from the patriarch. I'm afraid I won't be here for a long time."

"Ha ha, it's shocking." Su Huaide replied with a smile, "Even with those spells, you are lucky to get a life yesterday."

"Oh?" Zhang Zhentian pretended to be surprised, and then he asked him in a surprised tone, "Patricus, why do you say that? Is it..."

"There are some things we didn't want to tell you. However, I have discussed with Mingxuan for a long time, and we think it's better to tell you. Su Huaide said so, and he turned his head to look at Sun Mingxuan beside him. At this time, Zhang Zhentian noticed that their eyes were covered with blood and red. Obviously, the two stayed up all night, and so far, no one has slept.

"What's the important thing, patriarch?" Zhang Zhentian thought for a moment, and he still asked gently.

"This is it!" Su Huaide looked at Zhang Zhentian and said, "The person who died last night was Wu Tiankun. He is a martial artist in Huaiyi Kingdom, and his cultivation is quite good. Therefore, it is good luck that you can survive when you meet him.

"Well! Do you know who killed him, the patriarch? Zhang Zhentian asked a real question. In the previous world, Zhang Zhentian's main business was a meteorological engineer, but he also had a sideline, that is, an amateur actor of Qingdao Drama Troupe.

"This..." Su Huaide looked at his expression and did not doubt him at all. He turned his head and looked at Sun Mingxuan.

"In my experience, he should have been killed by a necromancer." Sun Mingxuan, who had never spoken, opened her mouth at this time, "From the incision, his injury seems to have been directly injured by a weapon such as a staff. Judging from the color and remnants of the wound, he seems to have been attacked by the death spell.

"Dead Mage..." Zhang Zhentian muttered on his mouth. This noun is both familiar and strange to him. Familiar with games in another world, this profession is often set as an important profession. The so-called strangeness is that there is no such profession in the reality of another world.

"Yes!" Su Huaide nodded and repeated, "This is a small and mysterious profession. They usually hide in the dark and rarely come out to provoke the world.

"So, I discussed with Wilder for a long time, but we have never come up with any reasonable explanation." Sun Mingxuan took over and said, "Jingtian, think about it, did Grandma Su mention any special person or something to you before she died?"

After listening to Sun Mingxuan's words, Zhang Zhentian shook his head mechanically. Mother-in-law Su's instructions were still echoing in his ears, so he decided to hide the matter of the blood sacrifice stone according to his mother-in-law's instructions.

"Actually, things are not as clueless as Mingxuan said." Su Huaide looked at Zhang Zhentian's expression and said lightly, "This was originally a legend, but I don't believe it!" Speaking of this, he paused. He looked at Zhang Zhentian for a while, hesitated to say, "You have to promise me not to tell anyone what I'm talking about."

Yes! The patriarch. Don't worry, I swear!" Zhang Zhentian raised one of his hands as he spoke.

"Alas! No need! No need!" Su Huaide waved his hand at him. At this time, Sun Mingxuan also smiled and said to him, "Jingtian, this matter is not so serious. As long as you remember not to spread it! Otherwise, it may cause unnecessary trouble to the town.

After listening to this, Zhang Zhentian had to point heavily.

"It has to start 50 years ago!" Su Huaide glanced at Zhang Zhentian and told a story, "At that time, I was still a four- or five-year-old child, and Mrs. Su's house was next door to my house at that time. She moved to Su Jiaji from the south with her husband, Grandpa Su, a few years ago. At that time, Grandma Su was already pregnant. One day, I was playing at Mrs. Su's house, but a group of warriors from Huaiyi suddenly came to her house. They said that they wanted Grandma Su to hand over a blood sacrifice stone called 'Water Stone', otherwise, they would kill Grandma Su. However, Grandma Su did not agree to their request, and as a result, they fought without saying a word. At this time, Grandpa Su came back from outside, and he naturally had to protect his wife and... me. Speaking of this, Su Huaide's face was covered with tears. Although he said it simply, it was obviously a sad memory for him.

"As a result, in the fight, Grandpa Su was defeated by one enemy! He was killed by the sword of the warriors of Huaiyi Kingdom! And Grandma Su, who was lying in **, went crazy at this time..." Su Wade said this, and his eyes looked very empty, as if he was not angry at all. "That's the most gorgeous magic I've ever seen in my life!" He muttered, "In just one moment, more than a dozen warriors of Huaiyi Kingdom died together." After saying this, he took a long breath, "Unfortunately, after that, Mother Su's body also lost her strength, and her child was gone."

"What do you mean that the people of Huaiyi have been looking for that stone for 50 years?" Zhang Zhentian deliberately blurred the concept of stone and looked at Su Huaide with an extremely surprised expression. Su Huaide wiped the tears on his face and nodded. Sun Mingxuan saw that he could not speak any more, so she took over the words, "After that, Grandpa Su's body was buried by people in the town under the old sandalwood trees outside the town. In order to avoid the pursuit of the enemy, Mother-in-law Su did not use any spells since then.

"Yes!" Su Huaide nodded, "Although our Su family has already practiced the magic of the water system. However, no one has the achievements of Grandma Su's class. However, I still got a lot of advice from her. It's just a pity that I'm stupid and never used to practice spells.

"But, then we..." Zhang Zhentian looked panicked, "That stone..."

"Grandma Su never mentioned that stone before her death. However, since then, the people of Huaiyi have come many times. However, Grandma Su has changed her name, and the people in the town also said that she is dead. Although the Huaiyi people never stopped, they couldn't find any evidence. In the end, they dragged it down. Su Huaide continued, "It's just that this time it's very different from the past. In the past, when they came to Sujiaji, they were also repelled by me several times. However, there were no casualties on both sides. And this time, they were not only killed, but also killed by undead spells. If a undead mage joins in this matter, it will become more and more complicated.

After listening to Su Huaide's words, Zhang Zhentian just no longer said anything. Su Wade looked at his expression and said calmly, "That's how it is. Therefore, I hope you'd better stay in your room and don't come out recently. I think Huaiyi people will definitely come again soon. And you are the survivor of last night's incident, and they will definitely come to trouble you.

After listening to this, Zhang Zhentian stood up. He lowered his head and said, "Thank you, patriarch reminded me."

"Okay! Go and have a rest! I have something else to say to Mingxuan. After Su Huaide finished speaking, he waved his hand to let Zhang Zhentian withdraw from the council chamber.

"Mingxuan, what do you think of this child Zhentian?" Seeing that Zhang Zhentian had withdrawn from the council chamber, Su Huaide lowered his voice and asked Sun Mingxuan, who was sitting next to him.

"It's hard to say!" Sun Mingxuan shook her head, "Look at his expression, he really doesn't know these things. However, I always feel as if he has something on his mind.

"Then you think he..." Su Huaide said this. He looked at Sun Mingxuan and didn't go on. Sun Mingxuan shook her head, "No way! He should not have collusion with Huaiyi and the Necromancer. Sun Mingxuan said affirmatively.

"That's good!" After listening to Sun Mingxuan's words, Su Huaide breathed a sigh of relief, "I think so too! As long as he is not their spy. Then, he has some knots that can definitely be opened in the future!"

"Bang! Bang! Pa!" Outside the council chamber, there was a knock on the door at this time. What's the matter?" Su Huaide asked loudly. Chief!" Su Yu's voice came from outside the door, "Lord Tian Zheng has rushed to the outside of the Su family!"