Magic World

Chapter 35 Mengya in distress

Outside the Su family, Tian Zheng, the guard of the ink city, has been waiting here with 500 soldiers. The soldiers guarding the gate of the city opened the gate under the order of Su Huade. Su Huaide and Sun Mingxuan came out with the main officials in the town.

"Haha! Brother Su, when did your Su family collection become so heavily guarded? Tian Zheng said with a big smile when he saw Su Huaide. He is a strong man who is more than 40 years old. The thick eyebrows and a big Chinese character face give people a sense of collapse at a glance.

"Ha ha, Lord Tian laughed." Su Huaide replied with a smile, "I've been restless here recently!"

"Hey! Don't be Lord Tian, Lord Tian! You still call me Brother Tian!" Tian Zheng waved his big hand and said casually, "Brother, I have received your letter. So, I rushed over overnight." Then, he pointed to the soldiers behind him, "I brought the army this time, and I don't believe that the wolf spirit dares not to return the trust to us!"

"Hehe! I'm afraid things have become more difficult than you think. Su Wade squeezed out a smile. He pointed to the town and made a gesture to invite in, "Please!" Tian...Brother, let's talk to the council chamber!"

"Good!" Tian Zheng agreed happily, and then he followed Su Huaide and his wife to the council chamber.

In the village of Huling, Zhou Mengya has been doing some work to take care of children and collect honey these days. She now likes her current life more and more, and the previous world has gradually become thin in her mind.

"I found so much honey today!" The honey bucket in Zhou Mengya's hand is now full. She stepped on the fallen leaves of the misty forest and walked back slowly, making a rustling sound where she passed. At this time, not far from her, several pairs of eyes were staring at her nervously.

"Sister! It's a fox spirit." Lang Feng whispered to Lang Qingqiu, "Shall we eat her?"

"Wait! Let's see if there are any other fox spirits nearby. Wolf Qingqiu answered in a low voice.

Zhou Mengya knew nothing about the dangers around her, and she still had a hard time moving the honey bucket in her hand to her village. At this time, the wolf Qingqiu, who was hiding in the dark, had confirmed that there was only Zhou Mengya a fox spirit on the road to the Huling Village. Wolf Qingqiu rushed out with a howling. She jumped in front of Zhou Mengya and blocked Zhou Mengya's way. And Wolf Peak, Wolf Creek and Wolf Spring also rushed out with Wolf Qingqiu. At this time, Tan Le was leaning against the hidden place and doting. He saw that several other wolves had been killed. He rubbed his eyes and stood up yawning, "Qingqiu, just a fox spirit. Are you making such a big move?" After saying that, he sat back.

"What do you want to do?" Zhou Mengya looked at Wolf Qingqiu, and her voice trembled and asked.

"Ha ha, little girl, we haven't eaten for days! Today, you can only blame us for your bad luck. The wolf had his teeth in Qingqiu and said coldly.

" want to eat me..." Zhou Mengya said as her body retreated. There is still some distance from the village of the fox spirit. Even if she shouts loudly, I'm afraid that if the other fox spirit hears it, she has already become the flesh in the mouth of the wolf spirit.

"Wow! Little fox, you're right!" Langfeng also opened his mouth at this time, "Let's eat it, and you didn't live for nothing!"

"But...but..." Zhou Mengya was so nervous that she didn't know what to say.

"Wow!" Seeing that she was unwilling to comply with ink and willing to escape, Wolf Qingqiu walked to Zhou Mengya with his teeth.

"You! You don't want it!" Zhou Mengya fell to the ground in fear, and the honey bucket in her hand also fell to the ground, and the honey in it splashed out. She put her hands on the ground, and her body retreated quickly. And the four wolves in front of her pressed her step by step.

Wolf Qingqiu walked at the front. She looked at Zhou Mengya's throat, ran up her body, and suddenly rushed to Zhou Mengya. However, at this time, a gust of wind blew, and it rolled Zhou Mengya's body and flashed aside. The wolf Qingqiu's attack naturally failed.

"Wow!" Wolf Qingqiu roared angrily, "Who is it? Bad thing for me!"

"Hehe! Our fox spirit and your wolf spirit have no resentment in the distant future and no hatred in recent days! Why did you attack my people?" At this time, a red-dressed fox protected Zhou Mengya. Although she was angry, she still had a charming smile on her face, "I think you'd better retreat!"

"Wow! Do you want us to retreat? It's okay! Then you will replace the little fox!" Wolf Qingqiu turned into a human figure while talking, holding a dark green long gun tightly in her hand. Behind her, Wolf Peak, Wolf Creek and Wolf Spring also turned into human forms, followed with weapons.

"How capable I think I am! It turned out to be a few wolves. The red fox looked at their appearance and said carelessly, "If you really want to die, I'm willing to fulfill you." After she finished speaking, her clothes floated, and her body floated in mid-air. Behind her, five fiery red tails appeared.

"Five-tailed Firefox!" Wolf Qingqiu looked at the other party in surprise. She reached out her hand to block the three wolf spirits behind her, "Everyone stand back!"

"Ha ha, you are quite eye-catching!" At this time, the fox spirit in red had risen all over his body. "However, I will still fulfill your good." After saying that, her hands formed a magic seal, and a huge fireball flew over to the four of them.

Seeing that the four wolf spirits were about to become firemen, "Wow!" A strong wind blew, and it was so strong that it resisted the attack of the red fox spirit.

"Wind wall?" The red-dressed fox spirit received her spell. She was so surprised that she looked behind the four wolf spirits, and another wolf spirit appeared there again, "Ha ha, how can you control the wind spell?"

"Wow!" There is no need to ask about the wolf spirit that appeared at the end. He still looked careless, "I said, sister! If you don't like us to eat your little fox, that's fine. Why set us on fire?

"What a big tone!" The red fox is about to attack. At this time, Zhou Mengya recognized Tan Le, and she shouted at Tan Le, "Tan Le!"

"Oh!" Tan Le answered in surprise, and then he looked behind the fox in red, "Zhou Mengya, why are you?"

"It's me! Are you still alive? Just..." Zhou Mengya rushed out from behind the red-dressed fox spirit. She stood opposite the wolf spirit and looked at Tan Le in surprise. Although Tan Le can still vaguely recognize the previous shape, his face has become half-human and half-wolf.

"I'm still alive! It's just that I'm a wolf now. Tan Le replied, "But you... why did you... become a fox?"

"Sister, do you know this wolf spirit?" The red-dressed fox spirit took the method and returned to the ground. She looked at Zhou Mengya and asked.

"Yes, sister!" Zhou Mengya nodded, "Thank you for your help."

"Nothing! Since we know each other, let's find a place to talk!" The fox in red replied with a smile, and her face turned back to a gentle smile.

"I was offended just now!" When Lang Qingqiu saw that Tan Le and Zhou Mengya were familiar, she stepped forward and apologized to Zhou Mengya and the red fox.

"Nothing! We are not of the same clan, and it is common to fight and kill each other. The fox in red replied with a smile.

Since he can't go out these days, Zhang Zhentian is happy to hide alone in the room for purification. He now completely covers the windows of his room with a thick curtain, and the door is firmly locked by him. Then he sat cross-legged on his ** and sat up like a monk.

Soon, two black and blue auras oozed from the symbols on his chest, which kept rotating around Zhang Zhentian's body. Soon, he was completely wrapped up by these two auras. And as the aura accelerated and overflowed from his body, his body seemed to become transparent. Soon, Zhang Zhentian entered a half-dream and half-awake state.

In the depths of his consciousness, he seemed to see two black and blue beads moving in his heart, and these two beads were trying to approach his soul in the movement. Soon, he felt that his three souls and seven souls had also turned into another bead and joined the ranks of the previous two beads. Three beads kept moving in his heart. The previous two beads, one black and one blue, have gradually merged with the one that represents themselves, and now the three beads have been completely glued together. Gradually, the two beads have gradually entered the beads representing themselves. Now, some of them have penetrated into their own beads.

For the outside world, Zhang Zhentian has completely lost his feelings. However, fortunately, the soldiers at the door were guarding his room without Su Huade's order. No one can get close to his room.

Now, in the council room of Su Jiaji, Su Huaide and Sun Mingxuan have recounted the recent events with Tian Zheng. It's just a legend about the life of Grandma Su and the Stone of Water, and the two of them never mentioned it.

"It seems that things are as strange as you said, much more than I thought." After listening to the words of the two of them, Tian Zheng pondered and whispered, "So is Zhang Zhentian all right now?"

"It's okay!" Su Huaide replied, "I have sent someone to protect him closely."

"Good!" Tian Zheng nodded after hearing this, "Do you need to send more people?"

"No!" Su Huaide shook his head, "There are many people, but it's easy to leak the wind. Besides, you bring all the outsiders, just in case..."

"Brother, that's right!" Tian Zheng listened to Su Huaide's words and nodded. Although Su Huaide's words were not finished, people who understood naturally knew what he wanted to remind him. If Tian Zheng's soldiers are mixed with spies and then send them to protect Zhang Zhentian, then Zhang Zhentian will be in danger.

"Brother, what do you think we should do now?" Tian Zheng raised his head, looked at Su Huaide, and asked seriously.

"I saw that things have come to this point, and it is difficult for us to find the wolf spirit to get a reply to the letter." Su Huaide brushed his beard and said to Tian Zheng, "In my opinion, we should inform the situation here to Lord Zhao Zhengfang, the national teacher. Let him send another master to us."

"What you said makes sense." Tian Zheng agreed and replied, "It's just that we are sending people to the national capital now. Even if everything goes well, the road will be delayed for three or five days. I'm afraid that during this period, the ruins have changed.

"Brother, you're right." Su Huaide replied, "I don't think it's good. You'd better recruit some folk strange people in Ink City first. Let's guard the position of the wind god pearl in your memory."

"It's okay!" After hearing this, Tian Zheng nodded, "Then I will send someone back to Ink City now and arrange for the city to send people to Su Jiaji. After that, we will guard the ruins together."