Magic World

Chapter 86 Late Reinforcement

Outside the cave, the wasps and mosquitoes began to retreat under the command of Qiao Yunting. In the cave, the subsequent wasps have passed on the news of the discovery of bats flying to them in Hunan Wangyue to the black bees fighting in the cave. Similarly, they also brought Qiao Yunting's retreat notice to the bees.

Although in the cave, under the leadership of the Xuanfeng, the situation on the battlefield has completely tilted towards the hornets; however, they know what the consequences would be if they did not encounter bats near their nest at night. Because after receiving the notice of retreat, the black bees in the cave did not hesitate at all. The four black bees retreated to the mouth of the cave and cast a large number of black bee needles into the cave to block the pursuit of the lizard spirits.

And the lizards in the cave were already exhausted, and now it is inevitable for the black bee to lead the wasp to retreat. They will continue to chase the hornets there. After taking Xue Yang, Litong and Tan Le to hold the mouth of the cave again with more than a dozen lizards, they stopped.

"Everyone check for casualties!" Xue Yang saw that the mouth of the cave returned to his hand. While gasping, he turned around and commanded the lizard spirit to check the casualties.

"Brother Xue, we suffered heavy casualties." A poisonous lizard ran back to Xue Yang's side. "Our brother was seriously injured and more than 20 people were killed in battle; the rest were also somewhat injured."

"Alas!" Xue Yang listened to his words and sighed helplessly, "It's okay! We can still hold the cave. Having said that, he also knows that most of his lizards have been injured. Without reinforcements, if they can't rush out of the cave, they will be destroyed sooner or later.

"They finally retreated!" Tan Le patted the body fluids splashed on his body and walked to Xue Yang's side, "Why did these guys retreat?"

"I guess it's dark?" Xue Yang glanced at Tan Le's uncertain answer.

"Brother Tan! Go and see Sister Qingqiu!" Li Tong ran back from the cave, "Sister Qingqiu, she is injured!"

"Is it?" After listening to Li Tong's words, Tan Le remembered that he hadn't seen Wolf Qingqiu for a long time. Is it serious?" He asked Litong anxiously and ran behind Yutong to the cave.

Xue Yang saw that Tan Le and Li Tong both went to the depths of the cave, and he did not dare to follow them again. Although the sky outside has darkened, it should not be the time for the bees to return to the cave. The hornets outside the cave are likely to launch new attacks.

However, through the entrance of the cave, he seemed to see the hornets retreating outside the cave. Not only that, but even the deafening hum of the giant mosquito is fading away. Did they retreat?" Xue Yang muttered in a low voice with doubt. He didn't have the courage to run straight out of the cave to see the situation outside. If the tricks of the wasps rush out of the cave, it is bound to be dangerous. Let's wait until dark! Thinking of this, Xue Yang looked at the water lizards and fire lizards gathered around him again, "Don't go out! Take a shift to rest and guard the entrance of the cave.

Yes! Brother Xue." The lizards answered respectfully together. Now, they have no doubt about Xue Yang's leadership. If two days ago, they were willing to obey Xue Yang, and a lot of it was because they listened to the order of the lizard and looked at the lizard's face, then now they are convinced. Although the cave they garrisoned had just been broken by the Xuanfeng, they knew that if Xue Yang had not been properly commanded and fought hard, they would have become the dinner of the hornets.

Wait for Xue Yang to arrange the defense of the cave, and Li Tong also returned from the cave. Tongtong, how is Sister Wolf's health? Xue Yang was a little uneasy when he saw Yutong and asked, "Is there any big problem?"

"It shouldn't be serious!" Seeing Xue Yang's nervous expression, Li Tong sat next to Xue Yang and comforted him, "Don't worry! She will be fine!" Although jealousy is a common problem of women, there is no need for Li Tong to eat a heterogeneous jealousy. She knows that Xue Yang's concern for Wolf Qingqiu is entirely out of friendship between friends.

"That's good!" Xue Yang listened to Yutong's words and nodded gently. Then, he looked left and right, and whispered, "Tongtong, you go and persuade Brother Tan to come back and take care of Sister Wolf and our brother!"

"Okay, but..." Litong wants to say that there is no war now, so let Tan Le and Wolf Qingqiu get together for a while. However, she saw Xue Yang wave his hand to her, "Go! Brother Tan is needed here at the entrance of the cave, and only he can use wind spells.

"Oh! OK." When Litong heard Xue Yang say this, she understood that Xue Yang did this for everyone's safety. She was reluctant to get up from Xue Yang's side, and then said to Xue Yang, "Be careful! Be safe."

"Good! Don't worry, I'll be fine!" After saying that, Xue Yang smiled at Li Tong and then motioned her to replace Tan Le.

A few minutes later, Tan Le returned to Xue Yang's side. Brother Tan, I'm sorry! I can't let you take care of Sister Wolf!" Xue Yang said apologetically when he saw Tan Le.

"Haha! They are all my own brothers. What are you talking about? Tan Le listened to Xue Yang's words and disapproved, "Qingqiu's injury is not serious! I got a few bee needles, just have a rest!"

"Oh? That's good!" Xue Yang saw that Tan Le said so easily, and his mood eased a little. "Brother Tan, I think it's strange that their wasps and giant mosquitoes retreated. I want to take someone out to explore after dark. Maybe our reinforcements came..." Xue Yang deliberately lowered his voice very low when he said the last sentence.

"Reinforcement?" Tan Le was a little surprised to hear this and looked at Xue Yang. Naturally, he knew that the reinforcement in Xue Yang's mouth should be the bat spirit, but he was still a little nervous. Because he understood that the bat spirit would appear here, entirely because the wolf spirit occupied the territory of the bat spirit.

"Yes!" Xue Yang nodded, "If the reinforcements hadn't arrived, how could they have suddenly evacuated from the cave?"

"It's reasonable! By the way, the brothers seem to have been killed and injured a lot, right? Tan Le also felt that Xue Yang's words were very reasonable, but he didn't want to talk too much about Batling, so he changed the topic.

"It's okay! More than 20 people died and more than 60 were seriously injured. Other than that, it's nothing. Xue Yang answered with some worry, "Wait a minute, I'll take four water lizards and ten fire lizards out. Other brothers, it's up to you to arrange the defense!"

Outside the cave, Qiao Yunting led the mosquito spirit and bee swarm to withdraw near the mosquito spirit's nest. More than a dozen wasps are gathered here. Today, the four ethnic groups attacking with Qiao Yunting, their temporary nest is naturally near the mosquito nest.

"Have a good rest tonight and pay attention to safety! Beware of bats coming and sneaking us. At the entrance of the nest, Qiao Yunting was worried and told the four black bees who followed her, "Don't let all the sisters rest. Be sure to keep someone to guard the nest."

"Don't worry! Sister." Four black bees said together, "We will definitely keep someone to take care of the camp!"

"That's good!" Qiao Yunting listened and turned her head to look at the mosquito spirit behind her, "Go! Go and inform other wasp families and let them be more vigilance! Take precautions!"

Yes! Queen. After listening to Qiao Yunting's words, the mosquitoes turned around and wanted to leave.

"And! Notify the hornets family stationed elsewhere!" Qiao Yunting finally added.

On the other side, the bats from Wangyue Hunan did not continue to go north after crossing Wangyue Lake. They also know that this is the territory of hornets. Although bats are like lizards, they are not afraid of wasps. However, they don't have to rush to poke the hornet's nest.

"Brother Lizard, shall we station here tonight?" Fu Chang, the king of bat spirits, fell from mid-air and said, "Go north again to the territory of the hornets!" When it's dark, I will send my men north to find out the whereabouts of your people.

"It's okay!" Liba nodded after listening to Fu Chang's words, "I will also take people to search during the day. It's really hard for you, brother Fu."

"Haha! You're welcome. They are all my own brothers!" Fu Chang listened to the lizard's words, waved his hand, and then turned around and ordered loudly, "All of you rest! Search north after midnight.

The night was getting darker. Xue Yang heard that it was still quiet outside the cave. He called the lizard spirit that followed him at night to come to his side, and then he went out of the cave first. Outside the cave, Xue Yang observed the environment for a long time and confirmed that it was safe nearby. He just called the lizard spirit in the cave to follow him out.

"Brother Xue! Be careful on the way. Tan Le followed the lizard spirit and also drilled out of the cave.

"Don't worry!" Xue Yang looked at Tan Le's worried expression and smiled casually, "That's right! Brother Tan, you can arrange a few brothers to come outside to guard the entrance. In addition, ask the brothers in the cave to come out and find some water and fruit.

"Good!" Tan Le listened to Xue Yang's words and readily agreed.

"Also, you ask them to pile up all the fallen rocks in the cave near the mouth of the cave!" Xue Yang pondered for a moment and said, "Let's wait for the mosquito spirit to come again, so that we can be prepared!"

"Good!" Tan Le walked to Xue Yang's side and patted Xue Yang on the shoulder, "Brother, don't worry! I will definitely take good care of my family, haha!"

"It's okay." Xue Yang laughed, and he also knew that he was too talkative.

The night is getting deeper and deeper. In the area near the mosquito's nest, a small swarm of wasps stayed outside the hive. They inspected the safety of the camp at night according to the requirements of the black bees. Xue Yang and the lizard spirit brought by him have been ambushed on the periphery of the mosquito spirit nest, where Xue Yang can see the entrance of the mosquito spirit nest, and also see the huge honeycombs outside the nest.

"What should we do?" The lizard spirit behind Xue Yang asked Xue Yang in a low voice.

"Wait!" Xue Yang waved his hand to the lizard spirit behind him, "Their defense is too tight!" We don't want to get close. Let's wait until the night is deeper.

In the mosquito's nest, Qiao Yunting calmly attached to the rock wall. A mosquito flew to her side, "Queen, we went out to inform the sisters of the swarm that they were back."

"Very good!" Qiao Yunting was too lazy to answer, "Are the bees outside our nest on guard?"

"Yes!" The mosquito spirit replied cheerfully, "They have all sent patrols and set up guards near the hive."

"Very good!" Hearing its words, Qiao Yunting vibrated her wings and flew up. "Tell the giant mosquitoes patrolling at night not to go far away from the cave tonight and find hidden places around the cave. Don't fly around, so as not to make a noise to let the bat spirit find out!"