Magic World

Chapter 88 Beebat scuffle

On the ground, Xue Yang took his lizard spirit and ran away while set fire, and now they have gathered to the place where they were previously hidden together. Outside the mosquito nest, there are now seven bee beehives ignited by Xue Yang and Lizard Spirit. In addition to their original five targets, Xue Yang and the lizards ignited two other wasps' hives on the way back. The wasps are now surrounded by their beehives, and they are also thinking about various ways to put out the fire. But at night, these wereps have poor eyesight. Although they know that there is water in the direction of Wangyue Lake, according to their habits, they are unwilling to leave their nests easily. Therefore, another scene formed near the hive. On one side is a burning hive, and on the other side is a large group of bees at a loss.

In mid-air, about 300 giant mosquitoes have gathered around Qiao Yunting. These giant mosquitoes are mostly ordinary giant mosquitoes, and there are not many mosquito spirits. Under the leadership of Qiao Yunting, they fought against the bats that dived towards them. Although bats are natural enemies of mosquitoes. However, these giant mosquitoes are not as big as ordinary mosquitoes. Therefore, in the hand-to-hand battle in the air, a small number of bats and giant mosquitoes were torn together, and with the assistance of some wasps, the giant mosquitoes have not fallen behind for the time being.

"Brother Xue! Look, those bats are here to help us!" At this time, Xue Yang and his lizard spirits also found changes in the air. A large group of bats are struggling to fight giant mosquitoes and wasps.

"The three of you go back to the cave! Ask Tan Le to bring his uninjured brother to support!" Xue Yang looked at the situation in the air, and he estimated that the bats had also sent people back to ask for help. Because now bats in air combat obviously do not have the advantage, and some bats are injured and fall in the battle. However, the remaining bats did not retreat because of this. They have been fighting with giant mosquitoes and wasps in the air.

"The other lizards come with me!" After Xue Yang finished speaking, he took the lead in jumping out of the hiding place, "Conform a team!" The fire lizard is responsible for the fire, and the water lizard is responsible for covering. Everyone attack!" Under his command, his team rushed back into the fire. They began to look for new targets to set fire.

At this time, Fu Bo, who was in charge of delivering the letter, had returned to the temporary camp of Batling. Fu Chang, the king of bat spirits, received a message from Fu Bo. He directly launched all the bats to fly into the sky, and then followed Fu Bo's back to the area where the mosquito spirit was located. At the same time, Lizard also got the news. Naturally, he also led the lizard spirit around him to the mosquito area.

Similarly, Tan Le and Li Tong in the cave also found a fire in the area near the mosquito nest. They were not far from the mosquito's nest. Therefore, they can not only see the fire, but also see the battle between bats and giant mosquitoes in the sky. Although, in the night, these battles are like black dots of varying sizes fighting in the air.

"It seems that the bat spirit has joined the battle!" Li Tong turned around and looked at Tan Le, "Brother Tan, it seems that Xue Yang will not come back for the time being. I'll take someone to support him! Take someone to guard the cave!"

"No! I'll go with you!" Tan Le looked carefully at the situation on the battlefield for a while, "I think Xue Yang needs my support. I can use the wind to make the fire stronger."

"That's good! Let's go together." Litong listened to Tan Le's words, and she nod her head happily. Immediately, the two of them took more than 80 lizards who were not seriously injured in the cave and went down the mountain. In the cave, they left 20 lizards to guard and take care of other seriously injured companions.

The firelight in the mosquito spirit area not only attracted the attention of bat spirits and lizard spirits, but also found the abnormality here by the original people of Sujiaji. The soldiers guarding the wall immediately reported this situation to Su Huaide, Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang.

After receiving the soldiers' reports, the three of them appeared together on the wall southwest of Su Jiaji. Su Huaide looked at the firelight in the distance, and he looked thoughtfully for a while. Then, he turned around and looked at Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang beside him, "Is that the residence of wasps and mosquitoes?"

"Yes!" Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang answered together after listening to Su Huaide's words. Then, Zhang Zhentian looked at the place where the firelight rushed up, "Song Su, it doesn't look like a scene caused by a single spirit, is it?"

"Hehe! If I guessed correctly! There must be a war between them!" Su Huaide smiled at the two of them, "It's a pity! Now our original army has gone to the border of the empire, otherwise now is a good time for us to destroy them.

"What should we do?" Jiang Dongfang heard Su Huaide's words, and he immediately asked.

"Don't worry about him!" Su Huaide waved his hand, "I guess it's not far from the place where the fire started to our Su family. Tomorrow morning, send a team of cavalry to find out.

"Head Su, I would like to take people there!" When Zhang Zhentian heard that Su Huaide was going to send someone to Wangyue Lake tomorrow, he immediately took the initiative to ask for orders, "That's the terrain. I'm familiar with it. I just went there some time ago.

"It's okay!" Su Huaide listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and he agreed, "Zhetian, do things carefully and seriously; I can rest assured if you go." When he saw that Jiang Dongfang also wanted to open his mouth, he added, "Dongfang, don't go!" After the earthquake leaves tomorrow, you stay in the town to help me gather the army. Maybe we will fight with their monsters. Obviously, Su Huaide is not willing to watch on the wall. If there is a chance, he will not let go of attacking the spirit clan, that is, the monster in his mouth.

On the periphery of the mosquito spirit nest, the reinforcements of bat spirits and lizard spirits have now arrived. At this time, the sky gradually lit up. At present, if the seasons around Wangyue Lake are divided according to the seasons of the earth, it should be regarded as summer, so the dawn is relatively early. If estimated according to the time of the earth, it is now more than four o'clock in the morning, which should be regarded as early morning.

The sun rises completely from four o'clock to nine o'clock, and there is still about five hours left. Now, for lizards and bats, if they can't suppress the hornets in these five hours, the situation will be very unfavorable for them. On the other hand, as the sky gradually brightens, as long as they can hold on, after dawn, the hornets scattered elsewhere will definitely come to support the sisters near the mosquito lair. In this way, the balance of victory will definitely tilt towards the wasps and giant mosquitoes.

In any case, the hornets, who panicked in the dark, have gradually regained their combat effectiveness. Although most of these low-level creatures didn't sleep well last night, it doesn't affect their combat effectiveness. In the battle, they still move forward bravely. In the air, the wasp mixed with the bat. They are fighting to the death. And the giant mosquitoes around Qiao Yunting have been lost in the battle last night. At present, only a few mosquitoes are still following Qiao Yunting. However, it is also because of the sacrifice of giant mosquitoes that the night battle can continue until the early morning. Wasps and giant mosquitoes are likely to see the hope of victory.

"Your Majesty! It's dawn." Fu Jun flew to Fu Chang's side. Now his body has been injured, and the blood slowly flows down his fur. "What should we do?"

"Let the brothers hold on!" Fu Chang replied to him in a loud voice, but he also found the injury on Fu Jun's body. He immediately shouted behind him, "Fu Teng, Fu Chong, you two command the brothers in front of you instead of Fu Jun! Remember! Don't run away from those big mosquitoes."

Fu Teng and Fu Chong listened to Fu Chang's words, and the two of them answered and flew forward together. And behind them, the bats belonging to the same bat branch as them also rushed up behind them.

On the ground, Xue Yang, Tan Le and Li Tong have rejoined their troops. The three of them took the lizard team to a relatively secluded place. Now all the beehives around have been lit by Xue Yang and others, and there are swarms of bees flying everywhere.

"Xue Yang, what do you think we should do?" Litong stood beside Xue Yang. She looked at the hornets flying outside and said with some worry, "They are so numerous that we can't burn them all?"

"Yes! Brother Xue. Tan Le listened to Litong's words and nodded, "Brother Xue, we have to find a way. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid the bats won't be able to support it at dawn.

"Hehe! I have my own way." Xue Yang smiled when he heard their words, and then he turned his eyes to the distance. "You two ask your brothers to help me find where those mosquitoes have gone."

"Good!" Tan Le and Li Tong don't know what Xue Yang's plan is, but they both know that Xue Yang's mind is the best among these lizards. They are also willing to follow Xue Yang's words.

"There!" A sharp-eyed lizard was the first to find Qiao Yunting who was tearing up with the bats. Then he pointed to Qiao Yunting's direction and shouted, "Brother Xue! There!"

"Good! Brothers! Let's kill it." Xue Yang followed the direction of the lizard's fingers, and he also found Qiao Yunting, and then he gave an order to the lizards, "Don't care about those bees on the road! Our target is mosquitoes in the distance!"

Under the command of Xue Yang, the nearly 100 lizards and a wolf quickly approached in the direction of Qiao Yunting. On the road, although a swarm of bees blocked their actions, they saw that these lizards were not in the mood to fight with themselves and did not catch up. After all, there are still a large number of bats hovering in the sky. Those bats are the great enemies of the wasps.

"Who is in front of you?" On their way, Xue Yang found that the grass not far away was shaking. It seemed that there was something spiritual hiding in the grass.

"Xue Yang?" A familiar exclamation came from the grass, and then a lizard's face emerged from the grass. Behind him, seven or eight lizards are closely following him.

"Brother Lizard!" Xue Yang saw the lizard face and exclaimed with joy, "That's great! Big brother! Finally, I see you!" Hearing Xue Yang's shouts, the lizards who followed Xue Yang also rushed forward together. Then, the lizards wrestled together in the grass.

This kind of madness did not last long, and stopped in the scolding of the lizard. Why did you come in this direction? The lizard asked the leader Xue Yang.

"I took them around to attack the mosquito!" Xue Yang listened to the lizard's words and pointed to Qiao Yunting in the sky and answered respectfully.

"Well!" Liba listened to Xue Yang's words, and his eyes also glanced at Qiao Yunting. Suddenly, he seemed to understand something. He turned his head and laughed at Xue Yang and said, "Haha! Smart ghost. Such a good thing, why don't you go!"