Magic World

Chapter 42 Wisdom

When the sun rose the next day, the original army, led by Yu Qun and Zhang Zhentian, crossed the hill and attacked the orc camp. From the camp of the orcs, the original army was densely filled with valleys, but they were well arranged and had to be organized.

At the front of the original army is a loose bow and arrow infantry, followed by a dense infantry phalanx. The arrangement of the phalanx is similar to that of the orcs, with swords and shields in the front row and spears in the back row; and then staggered settings to cooperate with each other. On the two wings of the original army are cavalry. Two thousand right battalion guard cavalry were placed on the left and right wings, led by Xue Jin and Tao Zhu respectively. In cooperation with them, there are 1,000 cavalry mobilized from other Zhou counties on the left and right wings.

Behind the middle infantry formation is the long-range equipment force led by Jiang Dongfang. In addition to 2,000 infantry, Zhou Peihu was also responsible for protecting 1,000 elite cavalry. The total number of infantry and bow infantry in front of the long-range equipment unit exceeded 6,000. In this way, coupled with the reserve behind the long-range equipment troops, Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun gathered a total of about 15,000 troops to launch an attack on the orc camp.

However, Huaiyi army and the remaining 3,000 Yanyun army did not go out with the army. Under the leadership of Song Wei, Liucong, Ziyi and Su Tianxing, they guarded the front line of the hill and the camp behind the hill respectively.

Naturally, he got the report of Heliankun. He came to the top of the camp wall of the orc camp to carefully check the way the original soldier on the opposite side. Heliankun, who was standing next to the Capricorn, saw that the Capricorn was tightly locked, and Heliankun reminded in a low voice, "General! I don't think they want to fight with us! According to their arrangement, it seems that the combat team has been discharged, but their focus is obviously on long-range equipment. They probably want to bombard our camp with equipment.

"No surprise!" The Capricorn replied gloomically, "These yellow monkeys are just good at using some equipment. Order down, as long as their infantry marches to the open area ahead, our cavalry will attack! I want their equipment not to reach the right place.

Yes! The last general will obey." After Heliankun answered, he looked at the Capricorn and asked, "General! The last general is willing to personally command the cavalry to attack the original infantry array! Finally, it will make their original remote equipment unable to advance to the appropriate boundary.

"Good! Be careful of everything. Go ahead!" He turned his head and looked at Heliankun and nodded. Then, he turned his eyes back to the original man outside the city, "General Helian! Ben will personally suppress the array for you! It's a success!"

"General Xie!" After saying that, Heliankun took the tomahawk from the hands of his own soldiers and went under the wall.

Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun in the original array naturally did not know what happened on the wall of the orc fortress. They still pressed their feet and moved forward slowly. When the guerrilla infantry in front approached an open area outside the orc camp, the door of the orc camp suddenly opened, and Heliankun led 3,000 orc cavalry to rush out of the camp.

"Stop moving forward!" When the group saw the orc cavalry rushing out of the camp, he immediately issued an order, "Shield Array!" At his order, the shield in their hands stood on the ground, while the spear soldiers behind them put their spears on the shield. The defense formation of the original infantry is similar to that of orcs, and they are all similar moves. At the same time, the archers scattered in front of the infantry phalanx were not idle. They saw the orc cavalry rushing out of the camp, put the arrows in their hands on the bowstrings, and then trot forward. When they approached 200 meters away from the orc cavalry, they stopped moving, and then stood still and shot arrows at the orc cavalry. After that, they retreated, and the other archers behind them went to the appropriate position to repeat the movements they had done.

Under the attack of the original archer's arrows, the charging orc cavalry was shot. However, this does not prevent the orc cavalry from charging forward. When the two armies are close, there are always slow-moving archers who are caught up by orc cavalry and directly killed to the ground. Other original archers had to retreat to the gap of the infantry array in sequence. The orc cavalry attacked the original infantry, and they also gave up the close attack. Instead, he took off the bow and arrow from the horse. Their horses kept hovering in front of the original infantry. Many retreating infantry were killed by feather arrows shot by orcs.

"Infantry advance!" Seeing this, the group issued a new order. Under his order, the original infantry marched forward in a neat queue, but the orc cavalry, under the command of Heliankun, did not fight with the original infantry. After the original infantry approached them, they rode their horses back for a while. Moreover, the orc cavalry had to shoot arrows back from time to time in the process of retreat.

"The cavalry attack!" The orc cavalry before the meeting had no intention of fighting with him at all. He had to order the cavalry on both wings of the infantry array to launch a charge to coerce the orc cavalry to retreat. Xue Jin and Tao Zhu saw the flag of the Chinese army, and they each led a thousand cavalry to pursue the retreating orc cavalry. But the orc cavalry ignored the charge of the original cavalry. They retreated for a while, and the original cavalry approached the orc's fortress wall. At this time, the orc archers guarding the wall shot the arrows in their hands at the original cavalry below. Xue Jin and Tao Zhu saw that their pursuit was blocked, and they naturally stopped the war horses, and then ordered their respective cavalry to retreat. The orc cavalry, under the command of Heliankun, took the opportunity to chase and kill the original cavalry.

When the original cavalry retreated to their own team, the orc cavalry divided into two ways, one of which chased the original cavalry on one side, while the other continued to harass in front of the central army. In this way, the original cavalry that has not been chased by the orcs can only be killed again to drive away the orc cavalry. After the original cavalry on the other side retreated to the main battle, the orc cavalry rushed up directly. The two armies formed a situation of short-term contact before the battle. However, when the infantry on the original flank went to support their cavalry, they retreated again. In this way, the cavalry on the original side is better to chase the orc cavalry.

In this way, Heliankun led his orc cavalry back and forth. Because the original infantry marched forward with a formation, their speed was much slower than normal. In addition, they were restrained by the orc cavalry in the process of marching, so they moved more slowly. In this way, it took more than half a day to get into place from the original soldiers from the position where the original soldiers were blocked to the location of their intended target. At this time, it was past noon and the sun was already west. Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun discussed for a while, and they felt that it was meaningless to continue moving forward. He ordered to stop moving forward, and then attracted the orc cavalry to attack for another round, and slowly retreated.

Returning to the camp, Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun immediately gathered their generals to the Chinese army's tent. They were naturally annoyed about today's battle situation. They didn't expect that the orc cavalry would use procrastinating tactics to deal with the original army. They must come up with a solution to this.

Similarly, after Heliankun led the orc cavalry to monitor the withdrawal of the original army, they also retreated to the camp. Heliankun's action today was greatly appreciated. Among the orc generals, there are indeed few people as strategic as Heliankun. However, for tomorrow's war situation, neither the Capricorn and Heliankun can hold it. After all, the originals will definitely come up with new ways to deal with the orcs.

The sky is getting dark. For the future of both sides, this will be another difficult night. Both sides understand that the tug-of-war outside the orc camp must be the mode of fighting between the two sides for some time in the future. However, this seemingly innovative seesaw war, who knows whether it will come up with some strange ways to break the deadlock first?

In this uneasy mood, the sun in the east will rise again!