Magic World

Chapter 65 KILLING 1

The businessman and the clerk drove back to the market in a carriage, and they naturally passed the news to Xiqi through reliable channels. He was both happy and worried when he got the news that his brother and brother were not dead. Naturally, he is happy that his relatives are not dead, still alive in the world, and there is a chance to reunite. He is worried that once his brother and brother come back, his father's throne may fall on his brother in the future. Whether it is orcs, primitive people, or humans, they will be more or less selfish in their personal interests.

After thinking about it all night, he still planned to inform his father of the news that the merchant had inquired back. Because he knew that he could find a way to get the news that he was not dead from the businessman, so he must be able to find out similar information through other channels in the future. Therefore, he believes that it is unnecessary not to report, and it is also the stupidest way.

"Father!" He walked into the big tent of the inspection. He respectfully saluted the inspection, and then said uncertainly, "Father! I found a piece of news! According to the detailed information I sent to the original camp, my brother Yuxiang and brother Yuxi did not die! They were just caught by the original people.

"Oh?" After listening to Yuqi's words, he looked up suspiciously, "Are they not dead?"

"Yes!" He answered, and then he presented the letter written by the merchant to the test. The examination received the letter from the examination. He read it carefully and said, "It seems that there is indeed a turning point in this matter." A smile hung on the face of the examination. At this time, he looked at the smile of the examination. He couldn't help but feel a little sad. It seemed that his father's succession to the throne in the future was still intended for his brother's.

"That's it! I'll send someone to inquire carefully again. He closed the merchant's letter, "Such an important situation can't be counted only by his news."

Yes! Father." Zhuoqi quickly agreed, "It's just that he heard that Yan Yun's army is going to decompress Xixiang and Zhuoqi to Yanzhou recently! Father, if we don't hurry up, I'm afraid my brother and brother will be more or less auspicious.

"Hmm! You have a point." He nodded, and his hand gently tapped on the table, but he was not in a hurry to answer his words. He thought for a while, and then said, "It's definitely not appropriate to rob the camp now!" This original man's army is more than ours! When we went, it was difficult to save people, and it was easy for us to catch up with ourselves. It seems that we can only find a way on the road. Speaking of this, the examination looked up, "Qi'er, you go first!" Rong Wei's father, I will think about it carefully."

Yes! Father." After saying that, he retreated from the tent of the examination. Standing outside the tent, he took a breath of fresh air outside the tent. He thought to himself that his father would not go to the camp! However, it is certain to send people to ambush the original escort team. However, will he send himself, or will he send him? If he went by himself, would he bring back the Xiongxiang and Xiong, or... Thinking of this, Xiongxiang shook his head. He thought that he could not do the things that made him directly hurt Xixiang and Xiongxiang. However, if he goes, he will give it to him... Thinking of this, he smiled on the corners of his mouth! All right! Brother! Don't blame me for being bad. This power and status are very attractive.

Besides, after he left, on the one hand, he arranged effective people to find a way to enter Yanyun camp to inquire about the news of Xiang and Xi. However, he also saw the thoughts of the warp. The reason why he was so hesitant to say his plan just now, he also knew that his four sons are now adults and they all have ambitions for the throne. A hundred years after him, they all wanted to inherit their throne. And he is indeed optimistic about Jiaoxiang. If he doesn't survive, his three younger brothers will not rebel with his ability and temperament.

However, now that there is an accident, there must be thoughts in the hearts of the two people. And the evil thoughts of shackling must be deeper than those of shackling. On the one side, he is not as scheming as tachment. On the other, he is the third oldest. Even if he dies, he still has a tachment on it. He should not think much about the life and death of tachment. Tuoqi still sat motionless in his seat, and he was thinking about how to save Tuoxiang and Tuoqi. At the same time, he is also trying to figure out who to send to save Yuxiang and Yuxiang. In the end, he made up his mind that this matter could only be done by himself. As for the hustachment, although he is very reliable in handling this matter! However, he has never been able to rest assured of his behavior, but he is really worried about his behavior. In the end, after the decision to wait for the news to be confirmed, he personally took people to rescue the Xiang and the news.

Yanyun Daying, after the businessman left, Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun naturally made another arrangement. First of all, the generals who participated in the mountain battle have unified their caliber, but they don't know the life or death of Xixiang and Xixi. They didn't see any orc princes. As for the soldiers, Zhang Zhentian and the concubine arranged some reliable soldiers to quietly spread the news of the soldiers and the seriously captured in the camp. After all, in the battle that day, many soldiers still saw the injury and fall of the horse. Of course, there will be much fewer people who have witnessed the killing of Xixiang and Xixi and finally transporting their two bodies. Because they were afraid of the revenge of the orcs, they finally collected the corpses for Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang. Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang were naturally arranged by their confidants. As for the ordinary soldiers, they naturally did not know.

On the other side, the concubine sent someone to send a secret letter to Yanzhou City. In the letter, he just said that a few days later, he would escort the two princes of the orc king of the southern land to return to Yanzhou. As for the life and death of Yuxiang and Yuxi, he didn't mention a word in the letter. Of course, according to the literal meaning, since it is escort, the two prisoners are naturally alive. Otherwise, they should be escorted or transported their bodies back to the city.

In a word, in all aspects, Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun both tested the mystery for the tweak. And these layouts of Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun have also played a role. Whether the people sent out for inspection, whether they quietly went to Yanyun Camp or secretly went to Yanzhou, they got the news that they might die. Moreover, the news that Yuxiang and Yuxi may have been escorted back to Yanzhou recently were reported to the examination.

After receiving the news, he was initially a little suspicious. However, later, as the news increased, he was no longer suspicious of the fact that he was not dead. In particular, neither the news of Yanyun Daying nor Yanzhou can explain the exact time when Zhuanxiang and Zhuanxi were escorted, which further aggravates the reliability of the news. After all, military secrets are not so easy to leak or be explored.

The test knows that the sky is gradually entering winter. If Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun of this Yanyun camp want to escort Xiuxiang and Xixi back to Yanzhou, it will be more than ten days. If it's too late, the road will freeze and it will be difficult for people and animals to travel, they will certainly not send people back. Moreover, according to the original general's eagerness to win and lose more in previous wars, he felt that Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun would inevitably escort him to Yanzhou in recent days. Everyone knows that the military situation on the front line is changing rapidly. If it is delayed for a long time, it is hard to say what will happen to the front line.

In this way, Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun will escort his two sons away in the near future. For this reason, he quietly concentrated the elite army in the camp, and then secretly left the orc camp at night. The detour lurked to the Yanyun army on the road that must pass back to Yanzhou, waiting for the escort of the di xiang and ben di龾.